Results with 1200 Calories



  • skivinspannah
    I'm sticking to 1200 and not eating back my excercise calories (about 300 per day). I have lost 9lbs in about 3 weeks. But I am worried because i used to have an eating disorder and don't want to encourage those demons back. I'm struggling to know whose advice to follow!! Is there a DEFINITE answer to how many calories you should eat to lost weight sensibly?? I'm 5'6" and weigh about 80kg.
  • arains89
    arains89 Posts: 442 Member
    I don't really understand all the drama. If you are only eating 1200 cals and exercising and not eating those cals back I would say that is probably a big problem. There is no magic formula in my eyes. I try to eat around 1600 cals a day and I work out 6 days a week. I generally burn about 400 cals or so on those days so I suppose on a lot of days I net 1200 but I never only eat 1200... This works fine for me. I never let myself be hungry though. In fact I eat like every 2 hours. I see people on here that say "I met my calories but am so hungry better brush my teeth and chug some water". I could never live like that. Listen to your body. You are the only one who knows what you need. I know that I am pleasing my body bc I have energy and no problem through my workouts. I am never hungry and am generally in a good mood. Also, I haven't lost drastically. I would say if you notice it falling off super super fast it probably isnt healthy. It has taken me about 3 months to lose 17 pounds and I am ok with that. That is about a pound and a half per week. Good luck!
  • Rissy3636
    Rissy3636 Posts: 11 Member
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    who are these so called experts? MFP set me at 1,200 calories to lose less than a pound a week. So you think you are more of an expert than the people who made this website?

    i think it's perfectly healthy and you're wrong. you can say it all you want, but until i gain the weight back which is highly unlikely, i'm not gonna believe you.
  • sarahz1442
    sarahz1442 Posts: 136 Member
    I don't really understand all the drama. If you are only eating 1200 cals and exercising and not eating those cals back I would say that is probably a big problem.

    The drama is due to posts like this. I lost 30 pounds on 1200 calories a day and haven't gained any of it back since even though I upped my calories. When you repeatedly tell people they are doing it wrong and claim to know better than them, when they know that they are doing just fine that's annoying.

    You can do what's right for you and I'll do what's right for me. I was never starving on 1,200 calories a day or felt deprived.
  • sarahz1442
    sarahz1442 Posts: 136 Member
    The mind boggles.
    Why would anyone CHOOSE to eat 1200 or less, when you can eat almost twice that and have better results (less saggy skin, not being skinny-fat at the finish line etc).
    Surely 'more food' sounds good to anyone?!?!

    ^^^This. This is what is going through my head while reading these posts. WHY? 1200 doesn't even give you room to eat a handful of nuts, avocado, and tons of other healthy things in a day. I just don't get it. That is all.

  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    The mind boggles.
    Why would anyone CHOOSE to eat 1200 or less, when you can eat almost twice that and have better results (less saggy skin, not being skinny-fat at the finish line etc).
    Surely 'more food' sounds good to anyone?!?!

    ^^^This. This is what is going through my head while reading these posts. WHY? 1200 doesn't even give you room to eat a handful of nuts, avocado, and tons of other healthy things in a day. I just don't get it. That is all.


    Did you read the link I posted?
  • Jess830409
    Jess830409 Posts: 285 Member
    People dont understand that everyone is different . Trial and error - what works for one doesn't work for all. If you are hungry EAT...if you are sitting around EXERCISE! Give things a chance and figure out what works for you. Use things like tape measures, food scales, HRM's...etc. Without knowing your own body there is no way you can just guess that 1,200 calories will be ok or 2,000 will be ok.

    This isn't a one right answer kinda question or discussion.
  • arains89
    arains89 Posts: 442 Member
    I don't really understand all the drama. If you are only eating 1200 cals and exercising and not eating those cals back I would say that is probably a big problem.

    The drama is due to posts like this. I lost 30 pounds on 1200 calories a day and haven't gained any of it back since even though I upped my calories. When you repeatedly tell people they are doing it wrong and claim to know better than them, when they know that they are doing just fine that's annoying.

    You can do what's right for you and I'll do what's right for me. I was never starving on 1,200 calories a day or felt deprived.

    Dude way to quote a half sentence of my post. I stated that everyone is different and you should listen to your body. I think the drama on both ends is stupid. I am not one of the people telling you you are doing it wrong. If you feel full and healthy then do you. I don't care..
  • Rissy3636
    Rissy3636 Posts: 11 Member
  • tinaslim
    tinaslim Posts: 48 Member
    Good answer!!!
  • mackemom
    mackemom Posts: 277 Member
    I'd say try the 1200, then, if you're dragging like I was, up it. It just wasn't enough for me doing P90X.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I don't really understand all the drama. If you are only eating 1200 cals and exercising and not eating those cals back I would say that is probably a big problem.

    The drama is due to posts like this. I lost 30 pounds on 1200 calories a day and haven't gained any of it back since even though I upped my calories. When you repeatedly tell people they are doing it wrong and claim to know better than them, when they know that they are doing just fine that's annoying.

    You can do what's right for you and I'll do what's right for me. I was never starving on 1,200 calories a day or felt deprived.

  • sarahz1442
    sarahz1442 Posts: 136 Member
    The mind boggles.
    Why would anyone CHOOSE to eat 1200 or less, when you can eat almost twice that and have better results (less saggy skin, not being skinny-fat at the finish line etc).
    Surely 'more food' sounds good to anyone?!?!

    ^^^This. This is what is going through my head while reading these posts. WHY? 1200 doesn't even give you room to eat a handful of nuts, avocado, and tons of other healthy things in a day. I just don't get it. That is all.


    Did you read the link I posted?

    not yet. will read later.
  • sarahz1442
    sarahz1442 Posts: 136 Member
    I don't really understand all the drama. If you are only eating 1200 cals and exercising and not eating those cals back I would say that is probably a big problem.

    The drama is due to posts like this. I lost 30 pounds on 1200 calories a day and haven't gained any of it back since even though I upped my calories. When you repeatedly tell people they are doing it wrong and claim to know better than them, when they know that they are doing just fine that's annoying.

    You can do what's right for you and I'll do what's right for me. I was never starving on 1,200 calories a day or felt deprived.

    Dude way to quote a half sentence of my post. I stated that everyone is different and you should listen to your body. I think the drama on both ends is stupid. I am not one of the people telling you you are doing it wrong. If you feel full and healthy then do you. I don't care..

    That was the only part of your post that I had an issue with. There is no way to bold parts of posts that I know of, so I just quoted that portion of it.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    Let me tell you my story...

    I started dieting after my son was born in 2003, I figured diet was simply "stop eating so much" and 1000 calories sounded like a good reasonable number to go by. I lost all of my baby weight, became weight fixated, and lost more weight. I went from the 1000 calories to anorexia (this doesn't happen to everyone, but let's face it eating 1200 calories is border line anorexia. :D After all 1000 calories is only 200 less!) I was super skinny, I had never been so skinny, 5'8" 115lbs. Eventually I ate normal again, because you know life is a good feeling, being alive and all that jazz.

    2006 I decided at 5'8" 150lbs I needed to get my eating habits under control. I set my goal at 1200, and lost to 129lbs in a few months. I was constantly crabby, I had no energy, I was so ravenous that if I didn't get to eat my scheduled meal I would start biting heads off. I was a real peach to be around. However, I was super skinny!!! YAY! Guess what? Eventually I got sick of starving and ate normal again, and balooned to 150lbs in about a month.

    2008 I started working out, still not eating enough but better 1400 calories with a good work out. I lost the weight pretty fast still, but always felt hungry! (I wonder why? I was burning all of my calories with daily calorie useage, and then I was working out and burning even more.) I eventually made my goal weight, and body fat, and I was very fit! However again, STARVING, again I ATE NORMAL again I GOT BACK TO 150lbs without blinking an eye.

    This time? I am eating normal, feeding my metabolism, making smarter choices, working out like a champion. I would reach my "goal weight" in a few months with 1200 calories, have the worst attitude ever, and be starving 24/7. This time? I am eating 1700 to 2200 calories, the weight is coming off slow, my muscles are beautiful. I am not a complete *kitten* to be around, and am enjoying my work outs. I can eat whatever I want and not have my butt go up three sizes.

    MY SUGGESTION? FEED YOUR BODY. WORK HARD. Or you can ruin your metabolism, and eat 1200 calories the rest of your life, or do it the other way. Oh yes, and lift heavy things up and down, you will not get bulky and your body will thank you for it.

    this times infinity.
  • sarahz1442
    sarahz1442 Posts: 136 Member
    The mind boggles.
    Why would anyone CHOOSE to eat 1200 or less, when you can eat almost twice that and have better results (less saggy skin, not being skinny-fat at the finish line etc).
    Surely 'more food' sounds good to anyone?!?!

    ^^^This. This is what is going through my head while reading these posts. WHY? 1200 doesn't even give you room to eat a handful of nuts, avocado, and tons of other healthy things in a day. I just don't get it. That is all.


    Good for you. I choose to fuel my body and build muscle. I'm also very tall and thankful I get to eat more than 1200 calories a day. I like to eat. That's how I got here in the first place, because I like to eat. Now I am learning to eat right and fuel my body.

    I fuel my body just fine.
  • chineyLuv
    chineyLuv Posts: 130 Member
    UUURRRGG here we go...'you're starving at 1200'. What a load of cr**. I have tons of energy, I'm losing weight, my periods haven't stopped, I've not suddenly gained weight and you know what, I enjoy not eating f*** loads of food.

    I'll see you at the finish line (I'll be there before you)!
    I actually didn't say you were going to lose your period, and you obviously have a bad relationship with food if you thinking eating what your body NEEDS to simply maintain it's functioning level is "loads of food." Also it is starving yourself, the average body needs at least 1700 calories to function every day, anything less than that is starving it.

    Do you expect your car to run without gas? Do you use your cell phone without charging it? Stop thinking of your body as a number on a scale, and start thinking of it as a machine that needs energy to function. The bottom line is losing weight at 1200 calories is not healthy because a) you aren't feeding it properly b) it's not ideal to live on 1200 calories for the rest of your life. The damage it does to your metabolism, and yes the potential harm it can do if your body goes into starvation mode and starts to consume it's own muscle. (Also your period doesn't need to stop for your body to be doing this, I was anorexic and my period never stopped not even when I was 115lbs :D so that's a mute point.) Also talking about muscle and starvation, guess what's a muscle in your body? YOUR HEART :D

    Oh my goodness, this! I love this person so much.

    ^^^THIS!! I agree!!!
  • Jennifer10723
    Jennifer10723 Posts: 374 Member
    I wish i had never started reading this its so confusing im just basically trying to eat so that im not starving or feeling to full and bloated and excersise to tone up after having my 3rd child now i dont know if im doing it all wrong or not !!! mfp has set me at 1200 cals a day sometimes i eat over that sometimes i dont, im 5ft 4 and currently 146 lbs trying to get to 133lbs and fit back into my pre pregnancy clothes :smile:

    Feel the same way!!! lol
  • jkelly1198
    jkelly1198 Posts: 5 Member
    Great thread. Thank you. I am also at 1200 calories. I have lost about ten pounds in six weeks. I feel good. I am not starving because I make the best choices with the calories I have. I eat high protien food that will stay with me throughout the day like eggs and chicken. I still enjoy carbs, but in small quantities. I usually have delicious soups for lunch which end up being under 300 calories and satisfying. I am not a big salad fan but I find that curbing the munchies with snap peas, edamame and other veggies costs me little to no calories and keep me from grabbing a cubcake. I enjoy sipping green tea to distract me from a sweet tea or soda fix. I like this diet because I am in control of it. I can have bacon and eggs for breakfast if I want. If I blow it and eat tortilla chips and a margarita (the big one) for dinner I just work it off. I have not been to the gym, I close my bedroom door, crank up my favorite dance music and do what I call the "get down melt down" aka dance like nobody is watching...because they aren't! I throw in some crunches, squats and jumping jacks to make the best of it. My husband loves his high calorie craft beer so if he wants it...and he does, he goes for a quick run. Its a win win. Your body gets fit and you get to treat yourself and not feel cheated. I kind of see it as "You play, you pay". That is how I got in this shape, that is how I will get out. Changing my habits and food choices 1200 calories and one day at a time.
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