40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • helpers1
    helpers1 Posts: 98 Member
    newbeg - what a great idea for "Date Night"!!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    helpers - congrats on your last 2 weigh-ins....sounds like you're making EXCELLENT progress? What are your overall goals??

    newbeg1nning - TRX on thursday nights are our "date nights" just now....it's AWESOME! We only paid for 8 group sessions, and this week will be week 3....so, it's just a fun thing to do for the month of May/June. We'll be back to "restaurant-time" in no time. I bet you'll LOVE crossfit with hubby!

  • helpers1
    helpers1 Posts: 98 Member
    ya know, it's funny you ask me about goals. I started 12 weeks ago at 250 lbs, and I'm 5'2". At first, I felt I had so much to lose that it was hard for me to look at the long term goal of 150 lbs (at which time I promised myself I would get cosmetic skin surgery). So then I started setting smaller goals, and that really helped.

    Now I'm back to looking forward to that 150 lb goal, and wondering how much skin will be taken off with the surgery - dare I hope for 25 lbs? LOL!!!
  • mrsmark2010
    mrsmark2010 Posts: 220
    Hey all, I fell off the topic board for a week or two, life has kept me RUNNING crazy!!! I have kept on track with my eating (mostly) and working out. I am in week 4 (recovery) of my insanity/p90x hybrid. My weight has increased a couple of pounds, I hope it muscle mass. Everything still fits the same and I'm okay with the weight.

    Anyway, sorry for not being around much lately, hopefully I'll be around more. Glad you are all doing well and date night at cross fit sounds fun!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Today I lift!
  • bkknauer
    bkknauer Posts: 28
    Happy to report i had an awesome fit test today and beat my scores from 6 weeks ago by a lot. Not bad since i was worried that i would tank since i'm nursing a few minor injuries. Happy to see concrete proof that the gym hours are worth it even if i have not lost any weight...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    That's great news, bkknauer - nicely done!

    Tonight I have TRX....but, first, I have an appt at the hair salon! So, I'll get roots done, but won't have time for blowdry/style....guess I'll go dripping wet to TRX (like it matters....).
  • mrsmark2010
    mrsmark2010 Posts: 220
    I had a cut/color yesterday and asked the stylist not to take too much time drying it as I had hot power yoga 2 hours after my appointment, plus I was the last person in the salon and they were ready to go home.

    I had recovery this morning and was happy to have it.

    Great job improving your numbers on the fit test.
  • Kimbit9
    Kimbit9 Posts: 1 Member
    New kid on the block.... !
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Good Morning all,

    I love the date night ideas of going to the gym. We never do date night. We have a hard time even getting out for lunch together! :noway:

    Our staff retreat day was Wednesday, which I planned, so was busy Tuesday setting the room up and then was there early on Wednesday. It was a fun, full day. The feedback forms are slowly coming in, and so far, seems it was a hit.

    Yesterday, hosted bridge at my house, so Wednesday night, after the retreat, was busy baking and cleaning. I found a great recipe which is fat free and low sugar. It is a chocolate roll filled with cream and strawberries. The entire recipe has 1/2c flour, 1/3 c sugar.
    I've made it twice now and it has been a ht both times.

    I did manage to get some exercise in - except for yesterday. I had scheduled an hour of Zumba fun for our staff retreat day. Yup, I was sweating by the end of it.

    Today is a long run day. My half marathon is fast approaching and I have not been getting many miles in. I also have totally fallen off the P90X wagon. I got sick with a terrible cold and just never picked it back up once I started feeling better. Geesh! I had 4 weeks left. I really love those workouts, so am going to try and incorporate them into my workout schedule.

    It's our May long weekend this weekend, and the weather looks like it might be okay! :happy:
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hi all! Haven't posted in a few days. Work has been incredibly busy and I also took a day off on Wednesday to get a few things done around the house. I actually went through all of my clothes and got rid of all of the things that were too big 'cause I am not going back there! I gave them to good will and didn't shed a tear! I have been either walking or at the gym and sticking to my diet. I got on the scale and have lost 2lbs. Yeah! I will probably walk tonight as it was a "Jake" day today so I spent the morning with my grandson. Off to shop with my mom tomorrow. That will be fun!

    Happy Friday!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Hi 40+!

    I hope everyone (in Canada) has a great long weekend! My brother/his wife/their 2 kids (ages 3- and 1-) are coming to stay with us, so that should be fun!

    Today, I get to lift at the gym....I did my TRX class last night, but I really didn't give it any "oomph" - so, it ended up being more of a HARD stretch than a HARD-CORE work-out....although I did UBER-planks and I did 'em all with PERFECT FORM!

    Go get it this weekend, 40+!
  • newbeg1ning
    newbeg1ning Posts: 77 Member
    Happy Friday Cool Kids!

    Date night at CrossFit was great! Hubby decided not to do any lifting, but hung in there and did the rest of the workout (scaled). He informed me he will not return to the gym - not his scene - but enjoyed going with me and watching me workout/lift which by the way found my 1 rep max on back squats 165 lbs :)

    Back to the gym today, front squats and obstacle course (3 rounds for time), can't wait!

    On a NSV note - managed to fit into a size M adidas running shorts I stole from my daughter's dresser drawer today, made me feel quite happy!!!!:wink:

    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    new - I think you have a new avatar photo, too - NICE!

    Glad hubby supports you and REALLY glad to read you're dropping sizes and, lifting VERY HEAVY (nice 165 on the back squats - that's HEAVY, SISTER!)
  • helpers1
    helpers1 Posts: 98 Member
    new - CONGRATZ!!!! how stellar! wearing your daughter's clothes???!?!!?!?! a dream come true -

    I am going looking for a size "L" workout pants tonight - after needing a 3XL 13 weeks ago - yeah us!!!

    I have a question for those who have lost 75 lbs or more: I have lost 34 lbs, and have about 80 to go before I consider myself DONE DONE DONE - I am getting SIGNIFICANT comments on how great I look - but when I see myself in the mirror, I don't see the 217 lb person that is there - my mind is still seeing the 250 lb person who has a ton of weight to lose still.

    DOES THIS GO AWAY?????? I'm so frustrated with the mind games I play with myself -
  • mrsmark2010
    mrsmark2010 Posts: 220
    new, awesome date night and NSV!

    helpers, I only lost 30 pounds (in the last 1.5 yrs, but more very slowly, I was a size 14 about 7-8 years ago, down to an 8-10 before I really started going hard core, now down to a 2-4). I think I look good in photos but when I look at myself in the mirror, I have trouble seeing the "new me." I am thrilled with my body, its just slow not looking for the flaws.

    I had insanity sports training this morning, tomorrow is core and balance then off to hot vinyasa yoga. Will finish the morning donating time to a local animal shelter doing some painting. Date "night" tomorrow is Star Trek, woot.
  • helpers1
    helpers1 Posts: 98 Member
    mrsmark: thanks for the reply - by the way, you look AWESOME - It seems like a dream that I might ever get that small, but I'm really enjoying the workouts and healthy eating, soooooo who knows? Never say never -
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hey cool kids,

    Hope you are all having a great weekend. The weather has been nice here, so I headed out for a hike yesterday. Was on my own, so I was moving (was nervous about seeing a bear). Took me about an hour to do what normally takes me about 15-30 min longer.
    Today a group of us went out hiking. We did my favourite hike (takes me just under 3 hours). Well, today it took us almost 5 and half hours! :noway: We did lose the trail a couple of times, but we had some doddlers. I was starting to get annoyed. Did you really have to stop and look at the same type of flower 15 times? It was the first time I hiked with this group - I am used to going out and getting it done, whereas they pack a lunch. Literally.:laugh:
    Came home and grilled some steaks and made a couple of nice salads for dinner.
    My youngest son is home for the weekend, but he has been out fishing. He's out in the big lake tonight out our front door. Hoping we get some visiting time tonight.

    Helpers, I still see the same size gal in the mirror as I did 25lbs ago. For me, it has never gone away.

    new - congrats on your NSV! That is awesome!!:drinker:
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Some days I like having a few drinks. And yes, I log every oz. And, being over by 250 calories, I will still be under for the week.

    I have worked hard all week. Practiced hard for the band I am in. Done my parenting duties conscientiously and well. And enjoyed the weekend.
  • spetermann190
    spetermann190 Posts: 289 Member
    40 yrs young here! Now if I could just convince my knees of that .... Grrrr!