40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • joanielynn65
    joanielynn65 Posts: 1 Member
    Lazy Sunday! You guys motivate me! I will walk in the morning!! I lost 30 lbs on here and thought I had things under control. I was wrong. Up 20 lbs since October. Today is a new day. I begin again!! Love to all!
  • maecrocker
    maecrocker Posts: 56
    Hi all, I am 48 and would love to join your group. Add me if you'd like. Lost about 30 lbs last year but when 15 of those came back after Christmas through the middle of April, I decided it was time to do something. Stumbled onto MFP. Have to say it is a lot easier to avoid the fridge when reading and posting! I have to lose the 15 again or else I have to buy new clothes (bigger). It was so expensive going down the size charts, I just can't bear to start spending on going up again. Been wearing the same jeans for a bit now!
  • Turned 40 in January so felt the need to post! Yahoooo!
  • larodriguez02
    larodriguez02 Posts: 106 Member
    Hi all, I"m 42 and would love to join your group! I have about 90 lbs to lose and am new here. would love some new friends. :) I am off to a great start and hoping to keep up my motivation. Loving this site so far!
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I didn't know this was here.
    I am a 44 year old mother of three girls, an ex smoker, and incredibly social online since I hold a desk jockey job.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Creeping for cougars.
  • CAS317
    CAS317 Posts: 267 Member
    Creeping for cougars.

  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Creeping for cougars.

    My cougar powers are based on the amount of liquor consumed.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Creeping for cougars.

    My cougar powers are based on the amount of liquor consumed.

    Night cap?
  • helpers1
    helpers1 Posts: 98 Member
    Happy Monday to all, and welcome to first-timers!

    I'm still pretty new on this board myself, but you'll find lots of motivation, laughs, and support - all are necessary to do what we are doing at this time of our lives!

    Congratulations to everyone who found time to get out and move this weekend - I'm jealous of the 5-hour hike!!!! I made it to the gym both Saturday and Sunday early to start off my days - gotta keep on keepin' on!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Welcome to all the new people!! Had a great weekend! I did get a walk in Friday evening but no gym on Saturday as I spent the day shopping with my mother. A lot of mall walking and carrying heavy items. I felt like I had been to the gym! I got to hang out with my grandson for a bit on Saturday evening too!

    I walked yesterday and hit the gym this morning! Life is good!

    Have a good Monday all!
  • newbeg1ning
    newbeg1ning Posts: 77 Member
    Monday Fun Day!

    spetermann - I hear you about the knees, I have the same problem!

    beeps, sdereski, mrsmark - thanks for the encouragement, new avatar pic indeed - showing off my new haircut as well :)

    helpers - 3XL to L in 13 weeks? you rock!!!!

    KellySue - love, love, love your new pic, you look lovely and HAPPY!

    Welcome to all the newbies, hope everyone had a great weekend. Took the weekend off after Friday's workout. Obstacle course = bad idea, fell twice during my 3 rounds but made it to the end in 19 min 56 sec (not the last one to finish either). Have some pretty incredible tire mark bruises to show for it, but will be back at CrossFit tonight :)

    Have a fantastic day Cool Kids!
  • helpers1
    helpers1 Posts: 98 Member
    newbeg - I "LOOOVEEEE" getting bruises while working out - I call them my "war wounds" and show them off! good job on the obstacle course!!!

    Knees? knees???!!! did someone say knees??!!! along with my elbows, hips, lower back.....etc, etc, etc.....I must admit, the workouts have helped many of these old aches and pains. Now - if only they would help keep my hair from turning gray.....hm.
    Someone needs to make some sort of genetic finding - the more you workout, the less gray you have to cover.....
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Whew! What a morning! My younger daughter has challenged me to do a 5k with her in the fall. Well, I'm not a runner as I have said before, but I can't pass up a good challenge! I started c25k this morining and it kicked my butt! I walk all the time but just adding in a bit of running was a "bit" more than I expected!-- BUT a challenge is a challenge so I will continue on!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    Had a busy weekend....and, because of yesterday's holiday, I'll only get to lift Tues/Thurs this week (instead of M/W/F)....but, i also have TRX Thursday night, so it'll still be a FULL week!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Welcome newcomers! Great to see all the new posts!

    Speaking of knees....I was playing hide n seek with my granddaughter and she kept saying 'crawl nonna, crawl". Oh man, my knees. :laugh:

    Other than play with my girl, didn't do much else. Had the family over for lunch and then it started to pour buckets outside, so we all had naps. :tongue: Playing with my granddaughter wore me out.

    Still pouiring out there today. Am supposed to run but won't be in this weather. May have to do a workout at home.
  • CTCMom2009
    CTCMom2009 Posts: 263 Member
    Hi there! New to this thread... going on 42 and I'm trying to get into better shape that I was at 32 and after a 10lb baby boy at 38ish.

    Looking forward to getting back to playing volleyball tonight after a week off! Great fun and an awesome calorie burn! And the weather is finally getting nice here in WI, so I can walk outside as well.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • CTCMom2009
    CTCMom2009 Posts: 263 Member
    Creeping for cougars.

    Yeah, I am one technically... my boyfriend is only 33! Dated some guys my age and got bored...
  • TheBaileyHunter
    TheBaileyHunter Posts: 641 Member
    Aside from the physical changes to my spine and knees, being in my 40's rocks. I have my life back in the sense that I am no longer at 24hr beck and call for my family as my kids are all mostly grown and life has become much more simplified. I'm back to spending all my money on hair and shoes again - just like I did when I was 20. heh heh

    It was an awesome weekend here with over indulgence on Saturday, but it was for a good cause. I had a meet n' greet with a friend I've known on-line for 12 years but never had the chance to meet in r/l before. We've seen each other's kids grown up, changes in the world around us and our worlds, so it was most excellent to finally get the chance to shake hands, hug and then talk our faces off.
  • theresaeva
    theresaeva Posts: 9
    49 plus...Is there a 50's clube somewhere?