Lose 5 pounds a month AUGUST 2010 CHALLENGE



  • tres1967
    tres1967 Posts: 177
    I'm in!! : ) How does this work? I have never done a challenge before.....

    GW: 150

    I am not 100% sure of the day to weigh in, Sunday I think? Maybe someone in the know can answer. I do know the end goal is 5 pounds a month, with weekly weigh in mini goals, which I didn't post :blushing: Great to have you here!! I am also on other topics that help keep me accountable, "Fab Fours" and the "August Fitness Challenge"

  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member

    I can TESTIFY that logging in my calories and checking in on the site daily helps to keep me motivated and focused and being a healthy LADY. when I rely on my own "GOOD JUDGEMENT" things can get out of hand real fast. :embarassed: I found that out on my holiday this summer. OH MY GOODNESS, Luckily I jumped back in gear and I am back on track. I didn't lose a pound in July though, well that is not exactly true. I lost the few that I gained but what I mean is I didn't lose 5 extra pounds in July. :angry:

    I had guavas, red apples, bananas, and Fresh figs yesterday. I love the Fruit challenge.:wink: and I walked to school and back rather than taking the car. Also went back to school and worked ( and I count my cleaning up the classroom and setting up for the year, my housework) I also got up this morning at 6:30 and went to the classroom and worked and cleaned for 3 more hours. Tonight is the HENNA TATOO and BELLY DANCING PARTY at my house for my daughters wedding pre partys. :drinker: :drinker: :tongue: It is going to be wild!!! NO MEN OR CAMERAS ALLOWED. The house is all decorated outside with twinkling lights from the top of out apartment down to the bottom and we are on the 4th floor so there are a lot of lights. Plus all the trees in front are decorated. We will dance the night away and get henna tatoos.

    I need to finish my daughter veil too :heart: and we have a manicure and pedicure scheduled for today as well. Busy time of my life. :bigsmile:
  • krinio
    krinio Posts: 138 Member
    :explode: Pretty huge arguments went on in my house last night (& are ongoing as we speak) and I was really upset. BUT, instead of going and grabbing the nearest tub of ice cream I went swimming. It made me feel better...until I got home again:explode: But at least I got that 1.5hour away...
    Hope everyone is well! I've changed my weigh in day to sundays 'cause I always seem lighter on sundays:huh: and it keeps me motivated on saturdays!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Im defo in, that is exactly what I am hoping for this month :D

    My starting weight at the begining of the month was 172lb

    So my goal is 167lb

    Im will be excited to hit the 60's :)
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Morning everyone...canoeing off for today (rainy day here)..Have my fruit planned for today (watermelon, strawberries and some more yummy apples (in my applecrisp)....and maybe a plum too....going to get hopefully another 30 min. cleaning in before the family gets up....Have a GREAT day everyone!!!
  • sparis88
    sparis88 Posts: 30
    Im in too! Might give me some motivation seeing everyone else doing it! :love: :love: :love:
  • sparis88
    sparis88 Posts: 30
    My weigh in for August is 142.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    This group is pretty informal. We have weekly eating and workout challenges. THANKS BRU! We started with a weigh-in every Friday but found it works just as well to let everyone post their weight on their weigh-in day. Some of post a lot and some just post their weight weekly. It is totally up to you. If you are looking support this is a great place to ask for it. Have a great idea please share.


    "We can do anything we want to do if we stick to it long enough." -Helen Keller

    Have a stick to it day! HANG IN THERE!

  • cindybone
    cindybone Posts: 12 Member
    I lost 1 lb so far this month
  • bekylouisex3
    bekylouisex3 Posts: 242 Member
    :explode: Pretty huge arguments went on in my house last night (& are ongoing as we speak) and I was really upset. BUT, instead of going and grabbing the nearest tub of ice cream I went swimming. It made me feel better...until I got home again:explode: But at least I got that 1.5hour away...
    Hope everyone is well! I've changed my weigh in day to sundays 'cause I always seem lighter on sundays:huh: and it keeps me motivated on saturdays!

    I'm sorry to hear about your troubles :frown: I hope things get better soon! Anyway congrats on your willpower for going swimming instead of diving into your icecream :flowerforyou:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Happy Wednesday all and Happy 25th Birthday to me. No huge plans for the day, as my hubby and his friend are headed out of town today to go to the Ozarks :grumble: and a few family members forgot :frown: so, I plan on keeping a fairly low profile today. Still gonna log everything and walk and maybe do pilates or something, not quite sure. Yesterday was a high sodium day, so downing the water like crazy today. And it's gonna be a hot one..100 degress around 2pm..yuck! I was gonna see Pauly Shore Friday in my hometown but those plans fell through, not sure if I'm just gonna go by myself yet or not, no clue on how many tickets are left either. Hoping that my dinner at Applebees Saturday night doesn't fall through. Ok, enough about me!

    How is everyone doing in the challenge? I have completed two fruit daysand had a banana so far today. As for walking, I've got one day in, gonna head out today before the heat gets here and make day two. I've only got 30min left of cleaning and that's it! I hope you all are doing great and remember, I pick next week, and suggestions for exercises/food are always welcome!!

    Enjoy your day all!! :heart: Bru
  • rosef17
    rosef17 Posts: 89
    Count me in!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Well, my hubby suggests we try and miss the rain (supposed to have a gap today in the afternoon) so we are going canoeing....wish us luck because I HATE RAIN!!!!!!!! I am sugar you know, HA!!!!
    SUPERWOMEN Posts: 5 Member
    Hi :) I'm in!! my weigh-in was today and I lost 2lbs this week :)
  • saraegentry
    saraegentry Posts: 81 Member
    what exactly is a fruit day? :huh:
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    I did my C25k Week 4, Day 1 workout today. It didn't go as well as planned, as I skimmed 1 min off each of the last two run intervals... However, I am trying to stay positive and will try again on Saturday.

    I get a BMK checkmark today for having my 3-fruit day done. I've had a peach, some grapes, and some watermelon, and it's only mid-morning!

    :flowerforyou: HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRU!! :drinker: We love you!! :smooched:
  • maritzausa
    maritzausa Posts: 6 Member
    I'm In! 158 today...so that will 153 by 8/31!
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    HAPPY # 25 Birthday Bru!! :flowerforyou:

    Look at this thread FLY>>>>>>>>> :smile:
    SUPERWOMEN Posts: 5 Member
    Weigh-in today and lost 2 lbs this week :)
  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    Happy birthday Bru..What a great way to celebrate your birthday by being healthy :)
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