

  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    So many new people all I am going to say is that you have came to the right place :) The ladies here are very welcoming and very informative and supportive :flowerforyou: They sure have helped me out more than once and have stuck with me when I slipped up and didn't log in for a month. Thanks ladies I might add :smile:

    There is no way my memory will allow me to remember what all was posted so don't think bad of me if I don't reply to all posts. I am lucky if I can remember what I just read right this minute and I am not exagerating one little bit either.

    Michele... I do remember you saying you were invited to a bd for ice cream. If you don't want any tell them you are lactose intolerate. I am really lactose intolerate and ice cream and milk tears my stomach up!! :grumble: :grumble:

    Speaking of milk, I bought some silk this evening and it is sooooooo good. I got the chocolate kind, yummy :happy: I also loaded up on my light yogurt. Haven't had the nerve to try the greek yogurt yet :laugh:

    Well I guess I'll end this post. Don't have much more to talk about unless I complain and I did enough of that this morning. No one wants to hear a cry baby :laugh: :laugh:

    See ya'll in the morning :smile:
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: As always, each of your posts are an encouragement and help. I actually recorded everything today and got more exercise than I have for a few days. I really need to get this weight off or I will have to start taking BP meds. I really don't want to get started on those!!:noway: I tried adding my goals as my signature, Mimi, I will find out if it worked when I post this. Have a good night all and keep on keeping on!!:flowerforyou:
  • chicletgirl
    Evening everyone!:flowerforyou:

    I feel for you girl regarding the boob crush! I went one year and I swear this woman must have been into S&M! She squished me so badly that she left bruises on my chest and I was crying all the way through it, not sobbing, but tears were flowing. I usually schedule it with my other favorite test....the pap test. I have to have the pedo spreader thingy because I am too small down below. I actually had a doctor tell me one time that my sex partner must like that!!:noway: This being said with the entire kitchen sink up in me!! I answered him saying, "That might be something I might be happy about IF I HAD A MAN IN MY LIFE RIGHT NOW!!" I wish.

    That is fantastic to be off your bp medicine! :drinker: I can't wait for that to happen to me. I take 2 different kinds, one for the morning and night. I also take an anti depressant that I would love to be off of. Don't know if losing weight will help that, but I can hope. You are such a role model!

    Well last night I stayed up late to make a strawberry cake for my son's birthday. I did really well and didn't sneak any licks from the bowl. Now if it had been a chocolate cake, don't know if I would be able to say that. Can't say the same for Boo though. She had a hard time with smelling the cakes cool on my table. She sat by the table and kept barking at me. I had to keep telling her NO! I ended up letting her have a tsp of peanut butter to quit the barking and promised her a very thin slice of cake today. She knows I don't bake that often and when I do its for birthdays. We celebrate our dogs birthdays also so she is used to getting a slice of cake. I know she is spoiled, but its just her and I now. Besides she usually snacks with me and has the same healthy things I eat so she looks trimmer, plus she is getting walked more often and is developing her figure again :wink: . Watch out all you Bad Dogs, Boo is coming back!!!:laugh:

    Night all
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,991 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    Just a quick hello to everyone :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :love: One of my first rules I made for myself was to say No to birthday cake (and that can be applied to anything that's not on my food plan).....I no longer feel guilty about declining any food that is offered to me by others:bigsmile:

    :love: we went to the movies tonight and successfully ignored the million calorie movie popcorn...we brought our own healthy snacks and bottles of water in my purse.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I just want to say a quick hello to everyone and welcome all our newbies!

    We are having internet problems and my son is now looking into alternatives to our current provider.

    It has been VERY frustrating not to get online to post but especially to log my food! I have been keeping track on paper but it is SO much easier to log it here on MFP.

    Well, I'd better post this before I lose my connection again. Take care, everyone.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    I saw something on another thread that I thought was cute and appropriate, given your description of your movie-going.


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Raynedancer
    Raynedancer Posts: 96 Member
    :smile: Hello, Ladies

    Sorry I have not been able to chat in the last two days. ( But, I keep peeking in to see how everyine is getting along and to see what info I can use to help me in my journey. ) I spent yesterday packing for 2 of my grandchildren so that I could take them home. They have been visiting with me for the past 2 weeks. I did get my exercise i and watched my calories. Since today was the trip...I spent 15 hr.s driving...I didn't do any exercise and I didn't do very well with my diet :sad:

    Well, I will get right back on track tomorrow and I will PLAN ahead of time what I will eat when it comes time for the drive home.

    I am probably going to be here for approx. 2 weeks, as I have 2 daughters, 7 grandchildren, 2 brothers and 2 sisters who live in this area and I miss them terribly at times.

    Well, I just wanted to drop in and say Hello and to let you know that I am still here.

    Take care :smile:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good morning everyone

    :flowerforyou: Another early start for me. I was hoping for a lie in today but I woke up with a headache and couldn’t get back to sleep, so thought I might as well get up, have a cuppa and a painkiller. (EDIT - been up a while now and heachace has thankfully gone)

    :flowerforyou: Barb good luck with the matchmaking I hope little Rosco will be taken in by the couple you know.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda Well done on losing 80lb I’m sure you will meet your Christmas goal.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome Newbies, you have come to the right place.

    :flowerforyou: I love to read all posts long and short, I like to hear what you have all been up to. (Probably because I don't do much! ) I sometimes think I lead a very boring life, most days are the same, get up walk dogs - go to work - come home walk dogs - go to bed.

    :smile: I had my hair cut on Friday and although it was only supposed to be a trim the girl did a good job, I really like it now, :bigsmile:she thinned it out and shaped it, (much better than it was originally) I will definitely go there again for my next trim. :bigsmile:

    :smile: Today it is raining:frown: so much for summer! I think I mentioned that I was visiting my aunt today but I have booked to get my eyebrows waxed :bigsmile: So at least I will feel good - nice hair and tidy eyebrows :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Hope I don't get too wet or I will look like a drowned rat :laugh: Not the look I want.

    :flowerforyou: Mimi I think it is you that has started exercising for the first time in a long while. What exercises do you do? I have just started low impact aerobics (again) and sort of enjoy it.

    Well I can't believe how time flies when on this site.:noway: :noway: It's 8:30 a.m. I have a lot to do today, so better make a start. Doesn't look as if the rain is going to stop any time soon, so I'll have to use the tumble drier, and where does all the CLUTTER come from? I blame the dogs :bigsmile: it must be them, I am far too tidy to leave things lying around :blushing: :noway:

    Better make a start - BFN and take care :heart: :heart:

    Viv :heart:
  • mynyddisamrs
    :flowerforyou: Good afternoon Everyone .....

    :ohwell: Where has this morning gone? The washing's done and actually out on the line!. Ominous black clouds overhead may well cut this post short as I run, hell for leather, out to rescue it all!! Where indeed has our summer gone Viv?

    :ohwell: The scales said the same ...again ...so I'm NOT going to eat anything other than the items I've logged. I'll try and get on the exercycle too......see if that will make the difference. "It will, it will" I hear you all shout...."I know, I know" but I don't do as I'm told!!!
    Never have!!

    :happy: Mum definitely had a good day yesterday. She didn't stop talking when she got home ...don't quite know what she was saying but she was excited to say the least!! :noway: The home left a message on the answer phone while we were out ...doesn't your heart just sink when you hear the words..."nothing to worry about ..but please ring"?
    We imagined all sorts ...she'd been so disruptive she had to come home...:blushing: she'd paired off with a male "guest" and was nowhere to be found!!! ...(I wouldn't put it past her)
    No, all it was,was that the hoist to lift her was unsuitable with leg supports (her little feet wouldn't touch the ground) and they just needed the green light to use a normal "Sling" with no legs!! Phew!!

    Nothing doing today but tomorrow we're shopping again to find #2GS's 1st Birthday present. We got out the toys that lived at ours for the other Grandkids ....quick wash in the dishwasher and they were like new. The little people, large bricks and plastic cars are still favourites. The baby played with them but the other two were kept busy for a few hours last weekend too ...:laugh: not that they'd admit to it!!! So I think a little playmobile garage is in order for Ewan to have at his house!

    :drinker: DH is creating a culinary masterpiece in the kitchen ...braised pork chop ......the washing's still happy on the line ....:yawn: mum's dozing
    and I really must get up and do a bit of the housework !

    :happy: Keep on with those lovely posts everyone ....my dip in to MFP keeps me sane!! not thin but sane!!!

    :heart: Jackie
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    :Good Morning ladies. I hope you all have a wonderful day as I am going to MAKE this a good stressless day for myself!!! :tongue: Hopefully the most stressful thing that I do today is try to address everyone elses posts:noway: :laugh: I have read and read, and took notes so I hope I get everyone in here. I hope I don't miss anyone, but if I do please don't hold it against me.

    Well to start, I just want to thank you ladies for being here for me. I really love this group:heart: Now, for the hard part, drum role please ............

    Amanda... Wow!!!! 80 lbs is amazing. I am going to be thinking of you everytime I complain about having to lose 30 lbs. What a
    wonderful job you are doing :flowerforyou:

    Viv...... Believe me, I have a very boring life also. My day consists of housework and this computer. I wake up make my coffee,
    and jump straight on here. :noway: I pretty much try to do stuff with my pictures that I have stored on my computer just to
    entertain myself. I live in a one bdrm apt so cleaning doesn't take up too much of my time. I can have the whole place
    done in 45 min tops. Even after I exercise, I still have the whole day to do nothing :grumble: I too had my hair cut, colored
    and highlighted :drinker: I had my eyebrows waxed also. That's always a treat, NOT!!! I am kind of allergic to the wax I
    think as my eyebrow area stays pink for a couple of days and itches like crazy :frown:

    Mimi...Congrats on your retirement :drinker: It sounds like you are really enjoying it, good for you. I know what you mean about
    picturing your grand mother sitting at the desk. I love good memories of my mom like that. It really makes me sick to
    think of all the stuff that I lost when I moved here from Chicago. We stored most of my stuff in the garage of a friend and
    she got her house repoed and didn't tell us that it was happening. I had things like my mom's old school books and
    her graded school papers, some really great stuff that she had given me before she passed. Plus I had furniture and
    name it in that garage. Strangers was rumaging through my things and it still to this day makes me sick.

    Cathy... Have a wonderful time with your family. Glad you are getting to visit for 2 wks :flowerforyou:

    Barb.... Your little do dad of the movie popcorn made my mouth water :laugh: and thanks for the birdcage kit idea. I have been
    racking my brain on where to get a card box without having to pay $70-$80 for it. :flowerforyou:

    ainslieglen... I have tried to quit smoking a number of times, not an easy task. I am getting ready to quit AGAIN next week. If you
    decide to quit there is a wonderful site to go to. It is called quitnet.com. It is very supportive and they have group forums
    an different clubs you can join. There is nothing but support there. Good luck if you decide :flowerforyou:

    Robin.. Glad the family reunion went well for you :smile: As for TOM, ugh!!!! I too thought it was long gone. After 8 mos of not
    having it, IT decided to pay me a visit a couple of weeks ago.:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: That gets 4
    grumbles LOL

    Kathy... I hope your computer gets fixed soon. I would absolutely go nuts without mine.

    Bec......Hopefully my dress will fit fine, I sure hope so. Thanks for the encouragement.

    Birdie..I had a bad virus once and they are not fun at all. Luckily my neighbor knows alot about computers and he cleaned my
    computer up for me free of charge. I am very very careful now. I lost somethings but was able to save things also
    because I had made discs of my pics and also had original discs that came with my programs. It wasn't a total loss so
    that was a good thing :smile:

    Peggy.. I am not going to write a book, I am going to make a drama series. There is so much drama with soon 2 b's family you
    wouldn't believe it. I end up in the mix cuz I am close with most of them and I hate being in or told about their drama. I
    guess it goes with the territory though.

    Well this is turning out to be one heck of a long post. Sorry, didn't realize it would be this long. My car problem isn't the back strut. I know that now that a new one is on it and it is still making that horrible rattling noise like something is broke. My son said tha it may be the sway bar, whatever that is. He said it's not expensive, maybe around $15 if Bill's friend knows how to put
    it on. :noway: :noway: :noway:

    Okay okay.... I am about to wrap this up. My exercise plans for today is getting in alittle zumba. I can't shake and move like they do, but I figure seeing I feel like I have been drug though hell and back and sweat like a pig, that it is helping to burn the calories :laugh: :laugh:

    Well everone have a good day, talk at cha later.
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,
    Yesterday was day 2 of "finding something else to do rather then exercise". I will have to buckle down tonight in order to reach my goal this week. Last night my cousin stopped by to visit. He lives about 200+ miles away so I spent the evening visiting before he left for home. While he was here I enlisted his help to get a loom into my basement. I bought it 3-4 weeks ago but couldn't move it alone and everyone says they will help but just can't seem to find the time. It's to bad I can't log that move in as exercise. It certainly took forever. The loom was just a smidgen larger then the door frame.
    Anyway it is in.
    I really love reading all the posts, I like being able to get to know you all, I am looking forward to being able to write long notes to all of you.
    Donna56 I like your idea of a stressless day, Good luck to you. I may start my days with that thought perhaps that will set the tone for my days. I also loved the idea of a drama series. Now who could I get to play me??? How about kathy Bates. She is so over the top sometimes and very flamboyant. Sort of the way I would like to see myself.
    Better run for now.
    Hope everyone has a lovely day.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Half a week over :wink:

    Elizabeth - so how are you doing with that quit smoking:smokin: hoping that's not you with the sunglasses hiding! Hope you are having a good day.

    Barb - I remember when my parents had to take the driving test (in a simulator) and they both failed, although my Mom said they told her she could come back in 6 mo and retake the test:huh: , which she never did thank goodness. What a sad story about those people base jumping, some people just have no sense. I too saw that news report abut the obese state of our nation, so sad for so many:cry: wish they all would find MFP and try to get healthy:wink:

    Mimi- you so inspire me 1 1/2 hrs and 2 hrs of exercise:noway: if I only could find the time and energy! Yep I hear you about those Butt & Gut exercises, I too had them on the computer and I finally printed them out and put them on my night stand where they remind me daily before I go to bed if I haven't done them...I finally started them on the 1st and am hoping they will make a difference for me:ohwell: In honor of the longest post you get all our love:love: for being a caring person:heart:

    Bec- :flowerforyou: I love your random things....whenever I pass a Dairy Queen, Starbucks or McDonald's and manage to pass up a frapacinno (sp?) or MooLate I think I've passed a real test:bigsmile:

    BirdieM-:drinker: Congrats on the new you that you have found in the past year on MFP! I know there are many of us that look forward to our anniversary date on MFP to celebrate what a change the past year has been. You are an inpiration to all of us, thank you:flowerforyou:

    Robin- sorry you are a bit under the weather:sick: but know it's only temporary, glad the reunion went well:wink:

    pbkfit70- Welcome:flowerforyou: this is a great place to come for encouragment and make new friends. How we have done it is one day at a time:wink:

    Michele- being invited to a b'day pty for someone and knowing there will be ice cream...yum....I hear your dilema...my Hubby is real good at telling people I'm doing the "diet thing" and so if I pass on a dessert they understand, but he will usually offer me one bite of his and know that I will be happy with that one bite of taste...then i grab a glass of water to keep my hands busy:wink:

    donna56- hope your evening went better...and if you can't complain to friends who can you complain to:huh:

    doobiedoo- looks like your goals in your signature worked...they look like good goals for the month too:flowerforyou:

    Chiclet - good for you turning away from licking the spoon/bowl while making the cake...not sure if I could have been that good:grumble:

    weaklink - cute cute popcorn guy:laugh:

    Cathy- at least you are logging it down...when I'm busy and traveling I just can't seem to get it together to do that at all:cry:

    Viv- I too lead a very boring life only mine is....get up get ready for work, work, go home, exercise, fix dinner, watch 1 hr of TV (sometimes) or read...then head to bed and start it all over again:ohwell:

    Jackie - I too cringe whenever I get a call from Mom's Foster Home...always wondering what when wrong today:huh:

    bkrbabe- a loom:huh: sounds like you have a fun hobby.

    I'd best get going on the papers around my desk. My audit yesterday went smoothly and since we were under the estimates I'm hoping that means a refund of somekind for the insurance.

    Peanut has been sleeping in his cave that I keep here at the office, my chair must be too hot for him...or my getting up and down so much keeps interrupting his sleep:huh:

    Everyone have a good day, the scale was kind to me today and I'm hoping it will continue to be over the next few days and especially for the weigh in on Saturday:wink:

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Just a quick post to say I EXERCISED FOR 2 HOURS TODAY! :happy: I know lots of you do that and more but it's a first for me. Thanks to all of you exercisers for the inspiration. :flowerforyou: It doesn't "feel" like it, but I have to think getting to like exercise will be similar to getting to like eating healthy food. And I love healthy food (fruits and veggies, especially) so I have high hopes for exercise.

    Mimi- That is awesome! Pretty soon you will be exercising 2 hours at a time on a regular basis. The first time is the hardest.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Welcome to all the newcomers! This is truly an exciting group to post with.

    I scanned the last 3 pages of posts since the last time I posted and I wish all of you the best weather, time and luck with weddings, outings, birthdays, summer camps and what ever else you do the next few days. I hope it is a good week ending with a good weekend for all of us.

    I updated my goals for August and realized I did better than I thought with July ones. I am interested in this DASH diet and what will become of me and it during the month. I have already noticed my shoes fit better and don't ache as much by the end of the day.

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :huh: Jeannie, DASH diet? What's that? I see it in your signature...just wondering.

  • RedHairedChiliPepper
    First pop-in for August for me. I don't always have access to a computer, so I get in when I can. I have been putting myself first when it comes to exercise. If family or committees need me, I tell them I will be available as soon as my session is done. It's not like they can't survive. When I take care of myself, I feel myself standing taller and more confident and sometimes I get a "Bring it on!" attitude!!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies.

    I didn't manage to post this morning as I had to rush off to my therapist appointment. First thing that happened when I got up was that the milk had gone off so I couldn't have my protein shake or even my muesli. Grr. I think the old milk got switched around with the new and they got used in the wrong order.

    After therapy, I collected my step-grandson and we went off to see Toy Story 3. I realised I'd forgotten my distance glasses which I need to see the screen, so ended up having to put a tissue over one eye, under the 3d glasses (I can see the screen ok if I close one eye, but I have glaucoma in the other). Honestly, I must have looked like a nutcase - it's a good job the lights were off! Bobby thought it was really funny though, that his 'Grand Panda' (it's what he chooses to call me and I don't complain!) was one-eyed like Mr Potato Head.

    I dropped him back home after the film and found out that my daughter had gone off to work and locked my son in law in the house! He couldn't open the front door because she'd taken both sets of keys with her. We had to get Bobby in through the kitchen window, much to his delight. At least my SIL saw the funny side and blamed it on DD#1's pregnancy hormones. Luckily he was working from home today.

    Mimi, my pregnant daughter is the one on the right of the photo with the three of us in it. DD#2 is the one on the left and she will have been married for ten years tomorrow - how is that possible? She's still a babe in arms!

    DH is working from home today and the first thing he said when I walked through the door was 'I'm starving!'. Hmm, the fridge door mechanism too difficult for you honey? I threw a quick sandwich together for him and went and had a stomp in my gym - I really missed not doing my exercise first thing this morning! That has got to be a sign that it's becoming a habit, don't you think?

    Better get some dreaded housework done before I go off to visit Mum-in-law at the nursing home.

    Have a good day everyone please.

    Amanda x
  • Lianne95519
    Lianne95519 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Posting to pick up thread and state my Aug goals. Barbiecat I think I will try the weighing myself twice a day this month to see if that keeps me more accountable. Good idea. I am hanging onto my 30 pounds lost but just by a thread. No progress towards my last fifteen but I just got an invitation to my 40th High School Reunion and am thinking of going. That could be a great extra push towards my finishline:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Some of you know I am getting a knee replacement in November so my exercise must be creative and careful but I still find a way because I need exercise as part of my mental and physical health. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Thanks to all of you for sharing and I'll participate more this month.

    FYI-My computer is in the shop for a week so I post at work and on my I pod Touch using the MFP App. So cool. It worked great.

    Lianne in Fieldbrook CA
  • mimi7grands
    A short post this time. Promise! :laugh: I’ve got to get going to the gym. I’m going to take Olivia while her mom puts things together for Kate’s birthday party this afternoon. Kate just turned 4. Such a cute age, although she can be a little ****ens sometimes. She’s learning about sarcasm lately. Lovely. Not. :wink:

    Bec, I love your story about quitting smoking. Good for you DH and even better for you!!! I like your random list. When I get down, it helps to count my blessings. Your GD is such a cutie!

    Birdie, you are such a good example and an inspiration. Thank you.

    Robin, no more periods is probably the very best thing about getting older. It’s the good news and the bad news all wrapped up into one. I hope they go away soon so you can enjoy your “youth” more. I’m glad things went well at the reunion. Phew.

    Welcome pbkfit70. All the support from this wonderful group of women is part of what does it for me. Weighing or measuring and logging food is tremendously helpful. Beyond that, eating wonderful, healthy foods has worked like magic for me. I worry about the people I see who are gritting their teeth and keeping their calories down with “diet” foods and abstinence. That never worked for me and clearly doesn’t work for a lot of people (as the US’s 65% overweight/obese rate tells you!) Hang in with this group and pick up good ideas as you go along. You’ll be amazed!

    Michelle, one thing to think about is that sorbet is not really that great a choice. It has a lot of sugar in it. The ice cream works better for some people because it doesn’t spike their blood sugar as much. I know what you mean about turning away from temptation. I like what Barbie says, “No thanks.” No regrets, no I’m sorries, just “No thanks!” Nice, clean, beautiful, powerful!!

    Chiclet, good for you resisting the licks. It’s funny. For the first time, I now find that I can have chocolate in the house. It’s not a problem as long as I weigh or measure before eating. Knowing I can have 100 calories worth (or whatever I choose) works for me. Unconscious nibbling (which you’ve happily avoided by resisting the licks!) doesn’t work.

    I liked some of what I PM’d to you enough to pass it along…

    I'm not too worried about natural sugars from fruit. The refined kind is a different story. I feel the same way about fat. If it comes from an avocado or salmon or some other good source, I'm not too worried about going over. I don't go crazy either though. I think I could eat a whole avocado easy, and once in a great while do!

    I don't think there's any way, any how you can eat too many veggies. One of the reasons this country and a good part of the world is in this fat fix we're in (in the US, more than 65% of the population is overweight or obese. 65%!) is that we don't eat enough veggies. We're used to piling up the meat and potatoes (topped with butter of course) and having a tiny serving of veggies. It should be exactly the other way around. We're overfed and malnourished at the same time.

    Oh boy, I could get going on this subject! Did you know the food manufacturers put out more than 17,000 new products a year? They're not in it for our health! Let's see, add a little sugar, how about a little more fat, hmm, need some more salt, now dump in a bunch of preservatives to make it last for the next generation.

    Aaaagggghhhhh. No wonder we're unhealthy. Humans are not built to resist those kinds of temptations. Going off the crap completely seems to be the only answer. I'm so rarely even tempted, where I used to be tempted many times a day. And I'm not good at resisting temptation!

    Hi Kathy. You are such a great success. Good for you for logging even when you don’t have a computer.

    Cathy, enjoy your visit. (15 hours of driving. No wonder you didn’t get in your exercise!) I have a much harder time with food when I’m away from home. If you can be sure there are healthy foods around (like fruit to much on), that helps. Most of all, have fun!

    Viv, so far I’m walking (outside or on the treadmill) and using the stationary bike with just a little bit of swimming thrown in. The treadmill and bike are a little boring but I’m doing it! The swimming is fun but it’s easy to just fool around in the water. I’d like to get into a yoga or zumba class but, so far, I’ve been too chicken. As I get into better shape that will be more appealing. Let us know how you do.

    Jackie, ramp up on the fruits and veggies and cut back on some of the “other” stuff. I bet you’ll like the results. And, yes, exercise too. I’m working on that one!

    Donna, I enjoy your perky posts. I’m sorry about the car though. Urgh, car problems are the pits. I’m even sorrier about you losing your mom’s stuff. That would hurt. It sounds like you have happy memories though, and that counts for much more.

    Bkrbabe57, I’m sure moving the loom burned a few calories. If you see a loss on the scale, you can say, “Thank you, loom.” I hope you’ll share some pics of the things you make with it.

    Laura, congrats on doing the Gut ‘n’ Butt’s and your success with the scale.

    Jeannie, I’m going to give the exercise a good try. I’m half way convinced already that the problem has been with starting and stopping so much. It was always torture. My son tells me not to overdo it! You are doing GREAT with your progress!

    RedHair, you have a great attitude. “Bring it On” indeed!!!!!!!

    Amanda, how did you like Toy Story 3. I loved it! The part my granddaughters thought was the funniest was, of course, Mr. Potato Head telling the peas to stay out of his butt. Of all the parts that were funny that was, to me, not! But at 4 and 6 years old, potty humor takes the day.

    I love your ticker. 81 pounds!!! Woo hoo.

    Lianne, Yay, another Californian! You’re way up north from me but if you’re ever down this way (Bay Area in general), let me know. Hang on tight to those 30 pounds lost. You worked hard for them. You have good goals for losing the next 15. You’ll look awesome at your reunion.


    I’m off to collect the munchkin and get her out of DD’s hair. And get myself to the gym too! This post wasn't short after all. But shortER! :laugh: Everyone have a great, healthy day!
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • chicletgirl
    I noticed that a couple of you say that you have the Gut and Butt exercises on your computer? Where did you go to get it? i would like to start trying them too. Right now I use a low impact DVD because of my knees (can't jog in place or anything stressful on my knees) Would really appreciate it if you could tell me where to go to upload it.
