40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • TheBaileyHunter
    TheBaileyHunter Posts: 641 Member
    Aside from the physical changes to my spine and knees, being in my 40's rocks. I have my life back in the sense that I am no longer at 24hr beck and call for my family as my kids are all mostly grown and life has become much more simplified. I'm back to spending all my money on hair and shoes again - just like I did when I was 20. heh heh

    It was an awesome weekend here with over indulgence on Saturday, but it was for a good cause. I had a meet n' greet with a friend I've known on-line for 12 years but never had the chance to meet in r/l before. We've seen each other's kids grown up, changes in the world around us and our worlds, so it was most excellent to finally get the chance to shake hands, hug and then talk our faces off.
  • theresaeva
    theresaeva Posts: 9
    49 plus...Is there a 50's clube somewhere?
  • helpers1
    helpers1 Posts: 98 Member
    . I'm back to spending all my money on hair and shoes again - just like I did when I was 20. heh heh

    I've recently joined these ranks - and it's FAHBUHLOUS.....

    (not sure I have this "quote" thing figured out yet)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    sdereski - had my 3-year old and 1-year old nephews come visit for the weekend (with their dad - my brother, and his wife...) - and it WAS SUPER-BUSY!

    It really doesn't feel like THAT long ago my kids were that "age" - but, heck, I guess it was and I am WAY outta practice!

    they are good little kids....but, I am COMPLETELY WORN OUT from the weekend - and it was a L-O-N-G weekend here!


    anyway, got my lifting in-and-done and have to go write my report on it!
  • jlaplount
    jlaplount Posts: 14 Member
    Newbie here as well. Just joined a few weeks ago and really like reading the posts and seeing the support out there. I'm 43, and when I get asked what I do for a living, I tell them "sit on my *kitten*" since that's pretty much what the job entails. It's caught up with me and when I saw 195 on the scale (I'm 5'8") I figured enough was enough. Goal #1...find 175 asap. Then I'd like to find 165.

    I've hit 185 with some basic tracking of what I'm eating and riding my bike to the office (15 miles round trip). Went to the YMCA last week with a buddy to do "Boot Camp" which seriously kicked by butt...sore for 4 days. But glad to report that we are going back this week to do it again. :smile:

    I'm looking forward to following this group!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    49 plus...Is there a 50's clube somewhere?

    Not sure, but this is where I hang and I am 50+ :tongue:
  • Idarodriguez
    Idarodriguez Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a newbie here, but I am 40, i'll 41 on July 4th, so I hope that means I qualify to be here.

    I am looking for any advice dealing with post menopausal weight loss, cuz yes.. I am POST menopausal. I had cancer a few years back and it put me in early menopause and according to my doc I have now been in Post meno for over a year now. I was basically told that weight loss is near impossible at this point and i refuse to believe that.

    Thanks in advance :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    Yeah, the 40+ club doesn't end at 49....it could easily be the "aged 40 - 140 club"!!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    I ate TOO much at supper last night....even though I was within my calories - I did NOT feel very good doing that.

    Weird but true!

    No work-out, today....but, on the up-side, not nearly as much DOMs as I had predicted. Whew!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    No work out for me today. Feeling the effects from adding even a little running into my exercise regime. I am sore in places I would not have thought I would be! :ohwell: Will be back at it tomorrow though.

    Have a good day all!
  • beachboy12
    beachboy12 Posts: 14 Member
    Physically 51...mentally...18:wink:
  • jlaplount
    jlaplount Posts: 14 Member
    Lousy weather, rain and more rain. Haven't been able to ride my bike to work for over a week now. Very disappointed...and dropping 2 lbs a week has come to a halt. With the holiday weekend coming, i'm afraid all of the cookouts, hamburgers, brats, beer...will cause me to take a step backwards. Here's to will power!
  • Skratchie
    Skratchie Posts: 131 Member
    I could use a "home" on MFP that includes folks who understand I'm not trying to look like a nubile child ... ;-)

    Is there room for one more??
  • khoff170
    khoff170 Posts: 19
    47 chronologically... A very tall child in reality. :wink:
  • TheDoctorDana
    TheDoctorDana Posts: 595 Member
    I'm 43 it's good to be here. I officially start a 30 day challenge June first but I have started early because I have wasted too much time already ;) Drinking at least 12 glasses of water a day and doing some sort of moving. I started weight lifting today in little increments. Does anyone know how to log sets and reps in the exercise diary?
  • helpers1
    helpers1 Posts: 98 Member
    welcome to new-posters!

    Speaking of the holiday weekend, I, too, am pretty apprehensive about it. I won't have my trainers until next Wednesday, and after 13 weeks, you'd think I would know what to do in their absence! Alas, they have more faith in me than I do myself - we will see what happens. I'm heading cross-country for the weekend to see family and celebrate graduations - hoping not to fall too far off the wagon, and to strut some of those crazy moves they've been making me do in the gym.....

    How is everyone else going to cope with the holiday?
  • newbeg1ning
    newbeg1ning Posts: 77 Member
    Afternoon Cool Kids :)

    helpers - looking forward to the weekend, weather is supposed to be nice so I'm thinking we'll hit the beach at some point. Attending a special CrossFit workout "al fresco" on Saturday morning - not sure what it will entail but looking forward to it nevertheless. Thinking of grilling and eating a bunch of meat this weekend :smile: I'm sure you'll do alright, but if you don't, start again!

    Bit off topic...only asking 'cause I know I won't get berated for my ignorance on this chat.

    Here goes, how the heck do you upload pictures to our posts? Can't figure out for the life of me :mad:
  • helpers1
    helpers1 Posts: 98 Member
    newbeg - dummy me.....when you said "al fresco", I was thinking "neked as a jaybird", and was going to give you huge kudos for being that brave!!!! ROFL!!!!!
  • newbeg1ning
    newbeg1ning Posts: 77 Member
    newbeg - dummy me.....when you said "al fresco", I was thinking "neked as a jaybird", and was going to give you huge kudos for being that brave!!!! ROFL!!!!!

    Ha! That's what I get for trying to sound fancy :)
  • Skratchie
    Skratchie Posts: 131 Member
    welcome to new-posters!

    Speaking of the holiday weekend, I, too, am pretty apprehensive about it. I won't have my trainers until next Wednesday, and after 13 weeks, you'd think I would know what to do in their absence! Alas, they have more faith in me than I do myself - we will see what happens. I'm heading cross-country for the weekend to see family and celebrate graduations - hoping not to fall too far off the wagon, and to strut some of those crazy moves they've been making me do in the gym.....

    How is everyone else going to cope with the holiday?

    Honestly, I'm not going to worry about it too much. For me, it's just one meal, maybe two, so I'll enjoy it and be sure to hit the gym. :-)

    Now, if anyone can give me advice on not going crazy when my youngest graduates high school in a couple of weeks, I'll take it. I'm pretty sure it's going to be a little depressing (yet wonderful) to see him walk across the stage and get that diploma. So hard to believe he's graduating! It makes me just a little bit sad.