What do you eat when you have chocolate cravings?



  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    Chocolate. I deprive myself of nothing. I eat within my calorie limit or I exercise to give me some wiggle room.

    Chocolate is a gift from the Gods, why refuse the gift?
  • serai93
    serai93 Posts: 11
    i let myself eat what i want. some days i go over my calories, other days i go under. last night i had breyers cookies and cream ice cream. the more i deprive myself, the more i tend to want it. its all about serving size...
  • Shr3dded
    Shr3dded Posts: 232
    2 scoops Double Chocolate Casien Protein
    1 package chocolate sugar-free jello pudding mix
    1 tsp dark cocoa powder
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    Darn it! I came here for food porn! Not a single decadent chocolate picture yet...
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    1. fruit
    2. popsicle
    3.100 cal. cookie packs
  • loren_jaylon
    loren_jaylon Posts: 26 Member
    If I'm nearly over Calorie count I just eat Italian Ice 90 Calories or fruit bars 58 calories both can be found at Sam's along with other low/no fat cold treats. :drinker:
  • balancedbrunette
    balancedbrunette Posts: 530 Member
    prob tired of hearing it but yea chocolate :P...moderation is key, if you're craving it buy a small bar and enjoy it, savour it...a lot of people eat chocolate mindlessly when craving, not saying you're one of those people I was last year when i used to just eat it every day with my lunch for 'snack' sakes :)...I know it sounds silly, but the less you eat it the less the craving, maybe giving it up at first will cause bigger cravings but over time this diminishes, don't look at it as giving up just eating smaller amounts til eventually not needing it all the time and if you do keep it within calorie goals! :)...if you're really looking for other foods....i know people say cereals aren't exactly healthy but when i cut down chocolate for lent i bought chocolate weetos, didnt take them every day but once a week even to get a bit of that chocolately taste...you'll find something that works for you, bananas even or other fruits on super good days :P....
  • jqh23
    jqh23 Posts: 311 Member
    1 or 2 squares of organic, fair trade dark chocolate
  • maxinecc
    maxinecc Posts: 38 Member
    pickled beetroot.............kills the craving for chocolate

  • lisarob66
    lisarob66 Posts: 1
    cocoa powdered almonds....soooo good! and they make snack packs so you don't eat too many
  • 2old2befat
    2old2befat Posts: 21
    I keep dark chocolate around and usually have one square every afternoon. It satisfies my craving and really isnt that high in cals!
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    The fudge pops made by Skinny Cow. I believe they are only 100 calories and they do the trick :)
  • teddabod
    teddabod Posts: 222 Member
    a couple of squares of dark chocolate. Really savoring each square. Making love to it... And then, I'm done.
  • Catlady87
    Catlady87 Posts: 302 Member
    Chocolate. I do not deny the chocolate. I may deny the tangfastics, the alcohol and even the bacon, but I will not deny the chocolate!
    Chocolate covered Katie is a great blog for healthy low cal desserts.
  • khoff170
    khoff170 Posts: 19
    Ghiradelli Dark Chocolate Chips - 60% Cacao Dark Chocolate Chips
  • GreenChile3
    GreenChile3 Posts: 65
    I have Lindt 85% cocoa extra dark when i get a craving
  • Every time a want to eat chocolate or something like that, I drink a bottle of water. Just drink it at once.....

  • offl1mits
    offl1mits Posts: 1
    I eat one Dove's dark chocolate. It's good for you and less in fat and sugar than your usual milk chocolate. Or I chew gum.
  • MummyMikaela
    MummyMikaela Posts: 130 Member
    A freddo! Yummy
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    I have a handfull of Emerald Dark Chocolate Cocoa Roast Almonds, or
    Fiber One Oats & Chocolate Chip Chewy Bars, or
    Nature Valley Oats & Dark Chocolate Crunchy Granola Bars