Looking to lose 10-15 pounds a month



  • envyme521
    envyme521 Posts: 35
    My issue is this: where in my post did I say I was starving myself? As I read through some responses, people are saying "this is starvation". What everybody keeps saying is aim for 1-2 lbs/wk which is up to 8 lbs/mo. So why is there such a big issue if I lose maybe 3 pounds a week. If me and someone else on here follow the same diet and exercise plan they are losing at a rate of 1.5 lbs/week and I might lose 3 lb/week. I just lost 12 pound in a month's time to their 6, why is that an issue when our bodies are different?????????? I eat the right amount of calories most days and exercise daily. So why does my goal bother everybody so much?
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Call me crazy, but if I were new to a weight loss site I'd listen to members who had been here longer and been successful.

    I'd feel like a real idiot if I acted like I knew more than they did.

    You can learn from people who have already done what you're trying to do, or you can be stubborn and pigheaded and insist you know what's right even though you haven't accomplished it yet.

    The choice is yours.

    Oh, she's been around longer than a lot of us... unfortunately success isn't based on how long someone has been here.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    The crazy up in here is REDONCULOUS!!!!!
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    I lost ten pounds this month. It was pretty easy. I eat at or under 1200 calories. I exercise about 1000 calories a day (that is total including housework, daily expendature, and exercise). I've never been a big eater, just ate the wrong foods. I'm new to exercising too so that is really shedding the pounds. For exercise, I walk my dogs two to three hours a day, I swim now and then (laps). I ride my bike now that it is summer. Sometimes I do cardio videos from youtube.

    A lot of people on here will tell you that you will go insane eating under 1200 calories a day or that you wont be able to keep it up for long. All I can say to that is that I have been doing it for six months now and it's working great for me. It's a plan I got from my doctor and a nutritionist who took into account all my personal needs. So it may not be right for you. I suggest you talk to your doctor before starting any diet and exercise program.

    What does confuse me is that you've lost 10 lbs this month, but 8 lbs total. But you've been eating this way for 6 months and it's working for you? Could you help me to understand?
    I've only been using this website for three weeks.

    So it's pro-rated?
  • MudRunLvr
    MudRunLvr Posts: 226 Member
    My issue is this: where in my post did I say I was starving myself? As I read through some responses, people are saying "this is starvation". What everybody keeps saying is aim for 1-2 lbs/wk which is up to 8 lbs/mo. So why is there such a big issue if I lose maybe 3 pounds a week. If me and someone else on here follow the same diet and exercise plan they are losing at a rate of 1.5 lbs/week and I might lose 3 lb/week. I just lost 12 pound in a month's time to their 6, why is that an issue when our bodies are different?????????? I eat the right amount of calories most days and exercise daily. So why does my goal bother everybody so much?

    Because they know..

    Some weeks it'll be 3lbs. Some weeks 1lbs. Some weeks 0 and some weeks you may even gain. Weight loss is like that and they don't want to see you get discouraged by setting up an arbitrary number for yourself.

    Don't be overly defensive when people are only trying to help.
  • envyme521
    envyme521 Posts: 35
    Call me crazy, but if I were new to a weight loss site I'd listen to members who had been here longer and been successful.

    I'd feel like a real idiot if I acted like I knew more than they did.

    You can learn from people who have already done what you're trying to do, or you can be stubborn and pigheaded and insist you know what's right even though you haven't accomplished it yet.

    The choice is yours.

    Judging by some of their pictures, they haven't accomplished it yet either.
  • BetterThanExpected
    BetterThanExpected Posts: 104 Member
    It's do-able. The higher your weight, the more calories it takes to maintain. To lose 10lbs a month you'd just have to lose 2.5lbs a week.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    My issue is this: where in my post did I say I was starving myself? As I read through some responses, people are saying "this is starvation". What everybody keeps saying is aim for 1-2 lbs/wk which is up to 8 lbs/mo. So why is there such a big issue if I lose maybe 3 pounds a week. If me and someone else on here follow the same diet and exercise plan they are losing at a rate of 1.5 lbs/week and I might lose 3 lb/week. I just lost 12 pound in a month's time to their 6, why is that an issue when our bodies are different?????????? I eat the right amount of calories most days and exercise daily. So why does my goal bother everybody so much?

    Because you come on the forum and asked. If you don't want opinions, don't post.

    CAN you do it? Of course you can.
    But most responses are responding to SHOULD you do it. Because even if some responses come across as snarky or combative, at the heart it's b/c people really are trying to help.

    Honestly, the best course of action in the forums is to post, read, read some more, assimilate all the info, look at who is posting (success or not) and form your OWN opinions. But being insulting and hard headed really isn't helping anyone, least of all you.
  • envyme521
    envyme521 Posts: 35
    My issue is this: where in my post did I say I was starving myself? As I read through some responses, people are saying "this is starvation". What everybody keeps saying is aim for 1-2 lbs/wk which is up to 8 lbs/mo. So why is there such a big issue if I lose maybe 3 pounds a week. If me and someone else on here follow the same diet and exercise plan they are losing at a rate of 1.5 lbs/week and I might lose 3 lb/week. I just lost 12 pound in a month's time to their 6, why is that an issue when our bodies are different?????????? I eat the right amount of calories most days and exercise daily. So why does my goal bother everybody so much?

    Because they know..

    Some weeks it'll be 3lbs. Some weeks 1lbs. Some weeks 0 and some weeks you may even gain. Weight loss is like that and they don't want to see you get discouraged by setting up an arbitrary number for yourself.

    Don't be overly defensive when people are only trying to help.

    I'm defensive because so many people on here act like they are experts. No one on here is an expert. And I'm far from getting discouraged no matter what my weight lose is for the week. It can be done and in a healthy way. Again, you all are entitled to your opinions and for everyone that thinks it is not possible. I will be happy to prove it to you. More motivation for me.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    I'm setting a goal for myself to lose 10-15 pounds every month. I know my weight loss will not be the same every month, but that's my goal and I'm sticking to it. Has anyone been able to do this? If so, how?

    Don't eat. The body can go a remarkably long time without food. Just make sure you are getting plenty of hydration. You look like you've got a LOT of bodyfat so I think you will be OK at this bigger deficit. Ignore the haters....they probably haven't even seen Castaway.


    QFT.....This.....totally this. Don't listen to the haters in here OP. People around here aren't very supportive.
  • BetterThanExpected
    BetterThanExpected Posts: 104 Member
    you know what really surprises me?

    as per your first and original post OP.....

    your very own doctor wants you to lose a pound a week...

    this is not doctor approved, this is starvation....and this is dangerous.

    envy you? not bloody likely.....

    see you on the flip side of your failure which is sure to come down the pipes.

    good luck.

    *edited to remove an extraneous letter

    Losing a pound a week is not starvation. That's a deficient of 500 calories a day, which is 1500 calories a day WITHOUT exercise if your body uses 2000 calories to maintain. In fact the recommended weight loss is 1-2 pounds a week. Hardly dangerous. Wow.
  • MudRunLvr
    MudRunLvr Posts: 226 Member
    Call me crazy, but if I were new to a weight loss site I'd listen to members who had been here longer and been successful.

    I'd feel like a real idiot if I acted like I knew more than they did.

    You can learn from people who have already done what you're trying to do, or you can be stubborn and pigheaded and insist you know what's right even though you haven't accomplished it yet.

    The choice is yours.

    Judging by some of their pictures, they haven't accomplished it yet either.

    Nevermind. You know everything. You don't need to ask for help anymore. Nor do you deserve any.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    Don't be overly defensive when people are only trying to help.

    We're a bit past that I'm afraid!
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    Call me crazy, but if I were new to a weight loss site I'd listen to members who had been here longer and been successful.

    I'd feel like a real idiot if I acted like I knew more than they did.

    You can learn from people who have already done what you're trying to do, or you can be stubborn and pigheaded and insist you know what's right even though you haven't accomplished it yet.

    The choice is yours.

    Judging by some of their pictures, they haven't accomplished it yet either.

    You clearly have everything figured out! Why even bother posting here? When does your book come out!? It's a wonder how you even got overweight in the first place!?
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    My issue is this: where in my post did I say I was starving myself? As I read through some responses, people are saying "this is starvation". What everybody keeps saying is aim for 1-2 lbs/wk which is up to 8 lbs/mo. So why is there such a big issue if I lose maybe 3 pounds a week. If me and someone else on here follow the same diet and exercise plan they are losing at a rate of 1.5 lbs/week and I might lose 3 lb/week. I just lost 12 pound in a month's time to their 6, why is that an issue when our bodies are different?????????? I eat the right amount of calories most days and exercise daily. So why does my goal bother everybody so much?

    because you are basically describing wanting to develop an eating disorder.
  • envyme521
    envyme521 Posts: 35
    My issue is this: where in my post did I say I was starving myself? As I read through some responses, people are saying "this is starvation". What everybody keeps saying is aim for 1-2 lbs/wk which is up to 8 lbs/mo. So why is there such a big issue if I lose maybe 3 pounds a week. If me and someone else on here follow the same diet and exercise plan they are losing at a rate of 1.5 lbs/week and I might lose 3 lb/week. I just lost 12 pound in a month's time to their 6, why is that an issue when our bodies are different?????????? I eat the right amount of calories most days and exercise daily. So why does my goal bother everybody so much?

    Because you come on the forum and asked. If you don't want opinions, don't post.

    CAN you do it? Of course you can.
    But most responses are responding to SHOULD you do it. Because even if some responses come across as snarky or combative, at the heart it's b/c people really are trying to help.

    Honestly, the best course of action in the forums is to post, read, read some more, assimilate all the info, look at who is posting (success or not) and form your OWN opinions. But being insulting and hard headed really isn't helping anyone, least of all you.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    My issue is this: where in my post did I say I was starving myself? As I read through some responses, people are saying "this is starvation". What everybody keeps saying is aim for 1-2 lbs/wk which is up to 8 lbs/mo. So why is there such a big issue if I lose maybe 3 pounds a week. If me and someone else on here follow the same diet and exercise plan they are losing at a rate of 1.5 lbs/week and I might lose 3 lb/week. I just lost 12 pound in a month's time to their 6, why is that an issue when our bodies are different?????????? I eat the right amount of calories most days and exercise daily. So why does my goal bother everybody so much?

    I think the real issue is you do not like hearing the truth. I also think you should probably listen to your doctor who has said to aim for 1 - 2 pounds a week.

    Why do you want to lose 10 - 15 a month? What is your hurry?
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    you know what really surprises me?

    as per your first and original post OP.....

    your very own doctor wants you to lose a pound a week...

    this is not doctor approved, this is starvation....and this is dangerous.

    envy you? not bloody likely.....

    see you on the flip side of your failure which is sure to come down the pipes.

    good luck.

    *edited to remove an extraneous letter

    Losing a pound a week is not starvation. That's a deficient of 500 calories a day, which is 1500 calories a day WITHOUT exercise if your body uses 2000 calories to maintain. In fact the recommended weight loss is 1-2 pounds a week. Hardly dangerous. Wow.

    reading comprehension > you........1lb a week is not dangerous.....OP wants to lose 2.5-4lb / week Thats a little more extreme.
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    I'm defensive because so many people on here act like they are experts. No one on here is an expert. And I'm far from getting discouraged no matter what my weight lose is for the week. It can be done and in a healthy way. Again, you all are entitled to your opinions and for everyone that thinks it is not possible. I will be happy to prove it to you. More motivation for me.

    Um, then why did you ask for advice from a bunch of people that you know are not experts.... ? Just ask the guy at the bus stop then. He knows as much as we do, no?
  • Renee4joy
    Renee4joy Posts: 36 Member
    Basically,I think people really care about your well being and don't want you to do the wrong thing in the names of "fitness". Yes, There is alot of sarcasm and anger being said but when you read in between the lines ..people are trying to help you. So we would love to see you reach your goals. Keep me posted..
    Be blessed!
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