You know you're fat when...



  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    When you go to a club and your friend says "WOW! You can really dance!" as if it's some kind of miracle. :grumble:
  • MrsG31
    MrsG31 Posts: 364 Member
    Your child comes home from school and calls you plump because saying fat is mean and would hurt mommy's feelings.

    Don't ya love that? My daughter said my belly was "squishy" more than once. And she has told me, in a restaraunt where we were at a table near another table that have several people who were on the heavier-side, that "sometimes fat people are funny looking." smh!

    You try and teach them that we are all unique, and we come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, but yet this stuff comes out of their mouths!
  • BrennLinn
    BrennLinn Posts: 178 Member
    When you crop yourself out of all your pictures with friends.

    When your uncle calls you chubby.

    When your 22 month old sees you in a black and white dress and says you look like a cow.

    When your mom constantly drops hints that you need to go to the gym.

    When you can't play with your kids for more than 5 minutes because you run out of breath.

    The list goes on but I am proud to say all of those are behind me now!
  • NoeHead
    NoeHead Posts: 516 Member
    When you go to a club and your friend says "WOW! You can really dance!" as if it's some kind of miracle. :grumble:

    I danced at my brother's wedding and my dad said "wow you dance real well and smooth despite how big you are and with those hips"....

    Did he think my fatness would affect my rythm?
  • saviarre
    saviarre Posts: 26 Member
    Agree completely...
    Would add
    1. When guys have stopped asking you out on dates/flirting and the guys you are around are usually friends, coworkers or your friends' boyfriends.
    2. When you don't even care about the reason above anymore because you feel invisible to the opposite sex.
    3. When you feel almost guilty being in a group picture with a bunch of your pretty girl friends because you will ruin the picture.
    4. When you no longer share clothes with your girlfriends.
    5. You're nervous to try new things because your weight may actually restrict you, or at the very least you'll look awful doing the activity.

    Oh my God, YES! Number three.... Holy crap...
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    ...when you can't paint your own toenails anymore

    This!!!.....Wait, what?
  • Cherie0622
    Cherie0622 Posts: 87 Member
    When you refer to yourself as "fluffy"
    When you have to adjust the steering wheel all the way up but your belly still touches it.
    When you joke about your fat to keep from crying
    When you swear the doctor claims you're healthy but you haven't been to the doctor in years.

    These are all things that I've noticed my mom does. It makes me sad but she won't do anything about it.

    Last one: You know you're fat when your kids collaborate with each other to make sure no one buys you candy for Mother's Day.
  • When you have back rolls. . .
  • adenium11
    adenium11 Posts: 173 Member
    I agree with the whole list and wish to add: when you hide in the back of all photographs & all your underwear are too tight

    OH undies so tight.. that was such a hard pill.. I now can fit in VS undies I bought years ago and never wore!
  • When you order a diet soda with your super-sized value meal lol.

    lolllll can totally relate to this!!! hahaha
  • Sheiges
    Sheiges Posts: 1 Member
    You avoid looking into any kind of mirror or reflection and then eventually stop looking at yourself all together.
  • ragan4bama
    ragan4bama Posts: 58 Member
    Honestly, reading this thread has reminded me of a lot of the things i have felt or is still feeling....this thread is surprisingly inspirational to has only inspired me to continue to push forward and LOSE this WEIGHT FOR GOOD!!!

    I felt the same way!
  • pnut456
    pnut456 Posts: 67 Member
    You have never worn a bikini in your life :sad:
    you have no confidence in yourself :grumble:

    my mom's favorite one when she was alive: "why can't you be like the cheerleaders or dancers on tv? Do you not want to be skinny and have guys flocking towards you?" :explode:

    My Mom's response to me telling her that I was going to change my eating habits and start exercising was "Great! You always lose weight so fast. You also gain weight fast though." Ouch:noway:

    Family members are always the harshest critics... besides ourselves. They always think they can get away with saying something painful because they are family and we should just.. accept it...
  • kdaxon
    kdaxon Posts: 340 Member
    When the size medium that you insist you are looks like your kids shirt on.
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    When you go to a club and your friend says "WOW! You can really dance!" as if it's some kind of miracle. :grumble:

    I danced at my brother's wedding and my dad said "wow you dance real well and smooth despite how big you are and with those hips"....

    Did he think my fatness would affect my rythm?


    One of the best bellydancers in the SCA was 300+ pounds. She was incredible. Her size did not hinder her one bit.
  • estherlion
    estherlion Posts: 86 Member
    When you are a girly girl but don't wear dresses or skirts because you look like a brick.

    When you notice your reflection in your computer screen and wonder who is starring back with the big double chin.

    When you avoid being naked in front of your husband since he's skinny and you feel like a beast.

    When camoflauging your fat can only go so far (spanks, wearing black, pillow in front of your tummy when sitting, etc).

    When you notice other people gaining weight and mention it to somebody, and they just look at you in silence like that person isn't the only one!

    When your kid innocently tells you your butt is flat and jiggly when you thought it wasn't that bad.
  • BL_Mark
    BL_Mark Posts: 183 Member
    When you can't keep with your two-year-old

    When you can't keep with your four-year-old

    When your 88-year-old grandmother can out dance you at a family wedding

    You'd rather climb Mt Everest than bend over and tie your shoes

    You collect other "fat friends" so you can make "fat friends jokes" and make skinny people uncomfortable at how jolly you are - True Story

    Total strangers call you "Big Guy" "Big Man" "Haus"

    I was the best man and a friend's wedding. My buddy was a big guy and so was most of the other guys, but me and the groom were the biggest. Anyway, the minister (who he thought himself a stand-up comedian) gets up there and says, "Wow... take a look at these guys!! I've got an entire defensive line up here, with me. Can you imagine the amount of fabric it took to make these suites for the guys!?!?!" Luckily, my back was to the crowd, because the crowd would've seen my face straining to suck in my back fat.....
  • estherlion
    estherlion Posts: 86 Member
    When you play with your fat stomach when sitting on the toilet making butts and faces.

    When you break a chair at a summer BBQ while holding a rib and having sauce all of your face while turning red in embarrassment.
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    When you are using your lunch break at work to walk and some stranger feels the need to stop you and tell you about some fabulous weight loss program.

    When you need the seatbelt extension on an airplane.

    When you won't fly for that same reason.

    When you only wear dresses and skirts because you can't wear jeans.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    When you cannot see your belly button without lifting your stomach roll up.