Lose 5 pounds a month AUGUST 2010 CHALLENGE



  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Weigh-in time...

    August 1st- 183.5
    August 6th- 182.5

    1 LB!! A pound is a pound the world around!! I thought I had gained this week but WOW I'm down a pound, looking forward to making that goal by the end of the month!!! I'm a little worried about the coming weekend...family camping reunion, but have already packed lots of fruits and vegetables.

    Keep up the great work everyone- you are all such an inspiration!! Have a beautiful weekend.
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    On my friends 4G iPhone boy is it nice. But I am kinda clueless. But boy this could be addictive!!!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hello everyone, and congrats for those who lost.

    Last night after the kids went to bed I felt like having a snack so started to go to bed early when my honey said "don't go to bed come watch tv with me and cuddle" well I should have gone to bed because I ended up eating a few little snacks. Not that bad health wise (apple and 2 string cheeses) but it put me over my calories all the same. I was happy to see that the scale was still nice to me though. I might have burned some extra calories at work because I am filling uniform orders for the students and was on my feet carrying boxes and moving clothes around all day. Hope this weekend I can get in some real exercise and stay on track with the food I eat.

    My numbers...


    I really don't think I lost 5 lbs in a week. When I weighed in on Monday I must have been holding lots of water. My daycare lady said that she can see every pound I gain or lose and that I am looking bloated in my tummy. :cry: True but still, don't tell me that! She said it in a nice way not to make me feel bad, we have been both trying to lose and she had not seen me for a few weeks because of my vaca. I did eat very badly while away. I love that she can tell me and not sugar coat things but if I don't ask I must not want to know, right! :laugh: After that I went home and tried on my dress for my sisters wedding, still a bit tight but I can zip it up again so I am getting there.

    Veggies are the key for me. I am one who always eats so when I have the right stuff around I can do well. 3 fruits and 6 veggies yesterday.

    Have a great weekend! :heart:
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    Good day everyone, your posts are so motivational. Congrats to those that lost this week.

    I am doing Chalean Extreme right now and it is seriously kicking my butt. Also doing the treadmill and some 30D shred.Boy that 30D never gets old. It still chakkenges me after I have done it 30 days the first time. Any way am hoping for favorable weigh in. BTW, will be weighin in on Mondays every 2wks.

    jesse14472 I looked at your before and in progress pic and I think you look good. Good job working so hard and thanks for sharing.

    Robin sorry for the death of your mom, and happy birthday to you, mom:flowerforyou:
  • LTLB
    LTLB Posts: 9
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Just opened a new YMCA a block down from where I work ...they had an open house....and they are giving our hospital a discount (Our hospital has something --I think joint in opening it up or something) so I went, I saw, I signed up.....Look out Kelly a new Zumba girl is going to be in the house, HA!!!!! :tongue: Hope eveyone is doing ok with this weeks BMK challange...I am going to have to hustle to get my walks in by SUN. but I am up for the challange...the rest of the stuff is in the bag......:bigsmile:

    Yay for Zumba! My class is done for the summer right now. The gym is on their yearly 2 week shutdown right now & I'm waiting for the new classes schedule to come out (it was supposed to be out 3 weeks ago, but not yet!) hopefully when it does come out I will be able to fit Zumba into my schedule somewhere! I will be restarting my water aerobics class as well.
  • I am in! :)

    August 6th- 223.2lbs
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    first weigh in of the month and my strategy of lowering my cals by 200 seems to have worked.

    august 1 148
    August 6 146.2

    I am very very happy.

    On another note, today would have been my mom's 86 birthday. she has been gone for 3 and a half years. I miss her sooooooooo much. Happy birthday Mommy!:drinker:

    I hope you all do great this week.

    My dad passed away this past New Years Eve and I miss him terribly...so I know how you feel..
  • Chrissun
    Chrissun Posts: 148
    I weighed in this morning... 2.5 # are gone!
  • saraegentry
    saraegentry Posts: 81 Member
    I weighed in this morning and lost, but my official weigh in day is Sunday, so I'll wait to post the final lose tomorrow! :)

    I'm going to a baby shower tomorrow after church... hoping to have some self control when the sweets come out!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Evening ladies...just wanted to let you all know that I went to the track where my son goes to school.....haven't been there for a good 4 weeks....I always run the stadium stairs during one of the laps....there are 144 steps (9 sections of 16 steps each), before...I would start giving out about the 4th section --and dread making it thru the other 5.......but not today I was easily at section 7 and 8 before I started to slow down......thats 144 steps up, 144 steps down....and I do 3 sets of those......I can't believe how great I feel....and then I thought how did I function carrying the extra 46lbs (that I've lost since April) around with me???? That would be like me running up the steps now but carrying my daughter with me and she only weighs 28lbs....I would never be able to do it.....anyway....just maybe try and do something you couldn't do before and see how you do now....it may remotivate you again....just a thought.....:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :love: :love:
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,445 Member
    Im in alittle late though. I need alot of help. Struggling righ tnow. My goal is to be fit and healthy by my 43 bday 1-1-11

    Currrent weight 146 Goal 135 and holding 170 secs in a pull up
  • suckitup
    suckitup Posts: 95 Member
    I said that I was in but I have not even weighed in yet. After returning from a vacation, I am scared to death to know the damage. I'll post the shocking results when I finally suck it up! I saw my eating mentality go right back to 6 months ago during this trip. Started with a little light snacking and ended with snacking, drinking, and snacking some more. Being back has gotten me away from all of it, but I still have the urge to be eating something! I forgot how much I hate that feeling! :explode:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Morning one and all....going out for my 3rd 1hr walk as soon as my daughter gets up (taking her in the stroller to burn more calories--my son is at BaBa's (my mom's) soo just some girl time.....hope to finish my cleaning quota and get the car washed today...(?maybe a bike ride but depends when my son comes home)...and for fruit today......apple, watermelon and hopefully my peaches will be ready or I am going to have to settle for grapes.....have a GREAT day everyone.........:flowerforyou:
  • saraegentry
    saraegentry Posts: 81 Member
    so yesterday I really thought it was Saturday all day! I'm throwing a baby shower on Sunday and last night I finished all the prep work, made chicken salad, put stuff in my car.... and I wake up this morning, get online and realize it's Saturday TODAY! duh

    anyway, I think I'm going to make Saturday my official weigh in day because Sundays are usually pretty busy for me. So.... as of this morning 2lbs lost! woohoo!
  • krinio
    krinio Posts: 138 Member
    Pretty sure I haven't lost a thing this week. I've doubled my goal exercise, so that's great and I've stayed within my calories, it's just that the food I've eaten hasn't been great. Stressful week, lots of family arguments so some nights were a bit iffy. :grumble: Had a peek at the scale today and yesterday and it's not looking good! I don't mind that much, next week will be better, guaranteed! I see everyone is doing very well! Congrats on all your losses! :flowerforyou:
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    The wedding is history now and oh it was a lot of fun.:heart: My daughter and her husband seemed so happy and that is what is important.
    We got to bed at 3 am so I have slept much longer than I usually do.Tomorrow I go back to work.WHAT HAPPENED to the summer.
    Memories memories memories. At least I have some good ones. We had a lovely buffet served to the wedding guests but they didn't even open it up until midnight. A crazy time to eat but after waiting for hours and hours it was sure good.
    What is the challenge this week? :wink:
    Hope everyone is doing wonderful. I am cheering you all on. I am so proud of you and your ability to keep motivating each of us on a daily basis.
  • ok, im in and see how it goes. :)
  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    First week down.
    I weighted today and thus far i am down 1.7 pounds Wohoo..:smile:

    SW ==> 130
    CW ==> 128.3
    G W ==> 125

    Cheers everyone
  • JABehler
    JABehler Posts: 82 Member
    okay back in the swing of things afters being gone for a couple of weeks. Didn't stay on track as well as I wanted but only seemed to have gained back half a pound. Today is a new day and a new challenge. Looking forward to the weekly challenge too.
    Welcome back, Phyllis.
    Congrats to all who are losing....I'll be there soon too.

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