HCG progress and updates - for people on it or thinking abou



  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    wow. I had no idea it could be that sensitive. Congrats on the 14 dress! Isn't it great when you have to go down, rather than up when trying/buying clothes!
    Great job, Rob.
    I am still trying to decide between continuing with the homeopathic hcg or buying "the real thing" and going the 40 days with it.
    Keep up the good work guys. Stay strong on the weekend!
  • suthernbelle
    suthernbelle Posts: 566 Member
    Can someone send me the website for the drops?
  • YAYAYAYAYYYYYYYYY just now my boss said

    "Hey you look skinnier! You losin' weight"

    Why yes I am thanks very much!

    I cant believe how fast the pounds are dropping!!
  • I did great today- and then BAM~! I was driving my boss on some errands- and she offered me a mint. Without even blinking I popped it in my mouth, chewed it up and right as I swallowed it, I suddenly remembered that I am on a diet. Gulp!.

    I really did not intend to stray even a morsel from the protocol, but it happened. I skipped my last melba toast- in hopes to balance out the error.

    Also- I know according to Simeons protocol we can use vinegar, but is balsalmic vinegar acceptable? I hope so because I used it today on my lunch. I had green lettuce some diced onions with 3 oz of peeled shrimp and 6 strawberries. Is having onions on my salad cheating?

    Thanks for any input- I look forward to hearing about everyones progress on the HCG journey!
  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    Great job, don't worry about the mint. As far as Balsamic , that's kind of iffy. The real Balsamic from Modena - with the seal on the bottle proving it's been tested an found up to the confederation's standards - is okay in moderation. Other Balsamic vinegars are mainly sugar and caramel coloring. I only use Balsamic at home, so I know it's the real thing. When I'm out, I just squeeze lemon juice on my salad or ask for red wine vinegar.

    I've been mixing onions with a lot of veggies for flavor. I think it depends on how much onion you are using. If it's a lot, then the onion goes from being a seasoning to being an actual vegetable part of the meal. Just keep experimenting. As long as you are losing weight, then keep doing what is comfortable for you.

    I binged last night! My dinner - with wine - was 385 calories! That put me at a total of 573 calories for the day. But, I really needed to relax on the deck last night with my hubby and just de-stress.

    Luckily, I did not gain any weight, but didn't lose any either. I don't mind skipping a day of weight loss so that I can enjoy a "real" meal.

    Great job on your weight loss so far!
  • well know side effects of HCG in women is Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. It says the ricks increases with each cycle. I think it might be time for me to rethink this diet.

    Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome can be mild, moderate, or severe:
    • Mild hyperstimulation causes enlargement of the ovaries and discomfort and fluid buildup in the abdomen.
    • Moderate hyperstimulation causes additional symptoms including nausea, vomiting, and shortness of breath. This condition may require bed rest.
    • Severe hyperstimulation can cause life-threatening fluid buildup around the heart and lungs and in the abdomen, and a drop in blood fluid content. This condition requires urgent medical care and hospitalization to prevent liver failure, stroke, or heart damage.

    Those risks are for women that are using HCG for fertility treatments, NOT dieting................ For the diet part of it, we are using a very small amount compared to women that are actually pregnant or using HCG for fertility reasons.

    I called my Dr and asked her about it and she told me if those were the risks, then every pregnant woman would end up sick and we all know that is not the case.

    Thanks for the info. that is a relief. So any ideas what might be causing 2 TOMs a month and craping and spotting? I would really like to stick with it because I am losing but I hate have one a month much less two and I don't want damage my health by trying to get healthy.
  • Hey- thanks for your responses. I went with the group advice to switch to stevia and I love it~ I am thinking about making a smoothie with green tea, strawberrie, stevia and ice... yum~ maybe a squeeze of lemon too.

    I had my doctor appointment this morning and they gave me a shot of vitamins and enzymes, I have lost and inch around the waist and 6.5 pounds for the week~ ROCK ON!

    Lori :flowerforyou:
  • Gorgeous1
    Gorgeous1 Posts: 450 Member
    at the end of the diet you have three weeks (called phase 3) where you are no longer taking injections (or some people take liquid drops under the tongue). During that three week period you can eat anything you want EXCEPT sugars and starches. This is the first stabilization period.

    The diet is purported to normalize hypothalamus function so this stabilization is part of the process and cannot be ignored (I did this diet once before successfully but ignored the stabilization and hence I've gained it back).

    After three weeks of eating that way and NOT gaining more than 2 pounds, you go into phase 4 (another 3 week stabilizing phase) where you can reintroduce starches and sugar into your diet. Again, this phase you should not see weight gains. If you do there are corrective measures to take.

    If you haven't read the original document POUNDS AND INCHES by Dr. Simeon, you should. It will give you more information about how he discovered this program, how he developed it, the theory behind it, his practical experiences in treating thousands of patients, why 500 calories a day isn't really 500 calories a day and almost anything else clinically that you might want to know - at least at first.

  • Gorgeous1
    Gorgeous1 Posts: 450 Member
    so when it says "reply"we're not actually replying to that specific comment then?

    ok. well then. :tongue:
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    so when it says "reply"we're not actually replying to that specific comment then?

    ok. well then. :tongue:

    If you want to do that hit "quote" not "reply".
  • weird.
    so when it says "reply"we're not actually replying to that specific comment then?

    ok. well then. :tongue:

    If you want to do that hit "quote" not "reply".

    Oh so thats how you do it! :happy:
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    well know side effects of HCG in women is Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. It says the ricks increases with each cycle. I think it might be time for me to rethink this diet.

    Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome can be mild, moderate, or severe:
    • Mild hyperstimulation causes enlargement of the ovaries and discomfort and fluid buildup in the abdomen.
    • Moderate hyperstimulation causes additional symptoms including nausea, vomiting, and shortness of breath. This condition may require bed rest.
    • Severe hyperstimulation can cause life-threatening fluid buildup around the heart and lungs and in the abdomen, and a drop in blood fluid content. This condition requires urgent medical care and hospitalization to prevent liver failure, stroke, or heart damage.

    Those risks are for women that are using HCG for fertility treatments, NOT dieting................ For the diet part of it, we are using a very small amount compared to women that are actually pregnant or using HCG for fertility reasons.

    I called my Dr and asked her about it and she told me if those were the risks, then every pregnant woman would end up sick and we all know that is not the case.

    Thanks for the info. that is a relief. So any ideas what might be causing 2 TOMs a month and craping and spotting? I would really like to stick with it because I am losing but I hate have one a month much less two and I don't want damage my health by trying to get healthy.

    My doctor told me the wonky cycles come from your hormones lining out. Once your body normalizes, it will come as it is supposed to.

    This is one of those, "your gonna have to bear with it" things.
  • Good morning everyone!

    Steak day on Friday and got right back down to 161.2 - 2 lbs over 'hold weight'. (I even cheated a little and had some bacon my hubby made for BLTs at dinnertime - so maybe my numbers would have been even better . . .)

    yesterday we had a big birthday party for 7 family members with August birthdays. I ate 2 ears of corn, some cheeze puffs, cake, and a little ice cream. Needless to say I am up 3 lbs today. So I am doing another steak day today - no cheating this time.

    I read an earlier post that said to stay true to P3 - I haven't been and plan, for the next week or two, to be more obedient to the P3 phase.

    I am still running - had a great 4 mile run yesterday. I need to get to the gym to do my weight training and I need to start preparing for my half marathon in Sept. So some longer runs are in my future.

    Have a great Sunday everyone and God Bless!
  • So I've read all 14 pages of the forum because I have an appointment tomorrow at a medical weight loss clinic. I will be doing the Hcg shots every day myself, with doctor supervision every week. Their protocol is a little different from Simeon's, according to their recipes where they allow things like wraps instead of melba bread, (though the wraps have to be a certain weight and less than so many calories and fats, etc.). Also, I just took my last dose of Depo last tuesday, but I have read a few other sites who say that it is okay to use the Hcg while on Depo, you just lose a little slower than those on oral contraceptives.

    Not sure if that's true, but I'll find out tomorrow morning when I go in.

    I have to admit I was surprised to see such a forum here on MFP, because most of the people are so gung ho on doing it the "all natural" way with just low cal in moderation and exercise. It's nice knowing I still can get support from my fave website while doing something a little different. My doctor is the one who recommended the clinic to me, and of course they have a ton of success stories/pics. They are here in FL and in OK.

    I've struggled with weight all of my life, and there are psychological things behind the weight gain as well. So I'm excited to get some medical help while I'm getting mental help (in therapy, positive hypnosis and visualizations, etc), and I just moved out of my parents house for the first time ever (I'm 23) in with roommates who are a great support group. I've got someone who'll give me hugs, someone who will kick my *kitten* if I fall off, and someone who will just listen.

    I'm hoping all of my ducks are finally in a row... I need to lose 160 pounds so I'll be on this protocol for a while (and it's expensive), I know. but I'm encouraged by all the success stories here! More so than the ones on the clinic's website (though there are a LOT of pictures of people, having lost anywhere from 10 to 130 pounds!).

    I'm in my last year of college and going into internships to become a middle or high school English teacher. One of the things that really kicked me into gear about getting serious about losing was remembering how much kids made fun of over weight teachers and those with health problems. I had nightmares of kids repeating everything I've ever heard throughout my life, only now I was an adult and still couldn't do anything about it, and they didn't respect me and my classroom was insane with problems... etc.

    So cross your fingers for me and my appointment tomorrow! I'm really hoping the clinic doesn't have me wait 3 months until I'm off depo (switching to oral because of the other side effects of the shots which are bad like leeching vitamin D and Calcium from bones, hunger and weight gain. -_- I've gained 40 pounds since I've been on Depo.). But I figure even if they do make me wait, knowing it's coming will be good.
  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    Good luck tomorrow! Don't feel shy about sharing your protocol with us. I'm always on the look out for substitutes.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    So I've read all 14 pages of the forum because I have an appointment tomorrow at a medical weight loss clinic. I will be doing the Hcg shots every day myself, with doctor supervision every week. Their protocol is a little different from Simeon's, according to their recipes where they allow things like wraps instead of melba bread, (though the wraps have to be a certain weight and less than so many calories and fats, etc.). Also, I just took my last dose of Depo last tuesday, but I have read a few other sites who say that it is okay to use the Hcg while on Depo, you just lose a little slower than those on oral contraceptives.

    Not sure if that's true, but I'll find out tomorrow morning when I go in.

    I have to admit I was surprised to see such a forum here on MFP, because most of the people are so gung ho on doing it the "all natural" way with just low cal in moderation and exercise. It's nice knowing I still can get support from my fave website while doing something a little different. My doctor is the one who recommended the clinic to me, and of course they have a ton of success stories/pics. They are here in FL and in OK.

    I've struggled with weight all of my life, and there are psychological things behind the weight gain as well. So I'm excited to get some medical help while I'm getting mental help (in therapy, positive hypnosis and visualizations, etc), and I just moved out of my parents house for the first time ever (I'm 23) in with roommates who are a great support group. I've got someone who'll give me hugs, someone who will kick my *kitten* if I fall off, and someone who will just listen.

    I'm hoping all of my ducks are finally in a row... I need to lose 160 pounds so I'll be on this protocol for a while (and it's expensive), I know. but I'm encouraged by all the success stories here! More so than the ones on the clinic's website (though there are a LOT of pictures of people, having lost anywhere from 10 to 130 pounds!).

    I'm in my last year of college and going into internships to become a middle or high school English teacher. One of the things that really kicked me into gear about getting serious about losing was remembering how much kids made fun of over weight teachers and those with health problems. I had nightmares of kids repeating everything I've ever heard throughout my life, only now I was an adult and still couldn't do anything about it, and they didn't respect me and my classroom was insane with problems... etc.

    So cross your fingers for me and my appointment tomorrow! I'm really hoping the clinic doesn't have me wait 3 months until I'm off depo (switching to oral because of the other side effects of the shots which are bad like leeching vitamin D and Calcium from bones, hunger and weight gain. -_- I've gained 40 pounds since I've been on Depo.). But I figure even if they do make me wait, knowing it's coming will be good.

    Hi there!!! Good luck at the clinic...............

    There is a small group of us that support each other here, but there is a large group that will bash you into a mud slick on the street also. I just got harassed deeply.

    That is one of the things I like about this plan. You are eating all natural and very clean. So much so that when you finish the plan you won't want to eat the crap again.............
  • Lioness- whos harassing you? I will punch em in the nose! :smokin: People get all bent out of shape because WE have been lucky enough to gather our determinaion and lose weight at a remarkable pace. It is a very hard diet to follow and its expensive- but I am on DAY 7 of vlcd and have lost 7 pounds! AMAZING! I am learning how delicious raw and natural food can be!

    Amanda- welcome to your journey with HCG and I promise- if you follow closely what your doctor says you WILL BE AMAZED!! yay!

    So everyone- I experimented today and came up with great combos!
    I blended fresh chopped basil, a clove of garlic, lemon, salt and pepper with just enough water to make it pourable- and voila! Salad dressing within protocol limits!

    I am going to spoon it over my grilled chicken and sautee it with fresh dill herb and pair it with shredded lettuce! mmm.
  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    :happy: LOL Lioness - you must mean the calorie police. Everyone just really needs to do what is right for that individual person. Believe me, I've done some off protocol stuff that would make me persona non grata on some of the hcg boards, but those things work for me.
    Our best defense will be a year from now when we've met our goals and are maintaining - no longer slaves of the junk we thought we were consuming, but was actually consuming us.

    I found this great treat which seems to be within protocol guidelines. They are snack sticks made with ostrich and beef. Yes, I know ostrich is not in P&I, but it probably would have been if it had been readily available at that time. All protein, really tasty. They make a great lunch on the go - or a snack if you have less than your alotted protein at a meal.

    Stick with it guys.
  • Someone said (maybe here, I don't remember)

    IT'S SIMPLE, NOT EASY (I think it was lioness, actually)

    I think that's the best description. Also, it doesn't have to be expensive. My sis and I did oral drops on round 1 (spent $31 including shipping). She starts round two today and is doing the injections to see if it makes any differences. I am at/near my goal and if I do a second round it will be to knock off another 10-15 lbs before my cruise in November. I will do oral again if I do a second round.

    This is a very constructive and supportive thread - welcome Amanda!
  • I'm still nervous about my health on it so its the seeing a doctor everyweek that adds up. Maybe after the first round and I know what to expect I can move to mixing it myself or drops.

    Thanks for the support I'll post back later with more details. Now to see if I can sleep with all this excitement/nerves
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