30 Day Shred...yes another one



  • snowboardandasuitcase
    snowboardandasuitcase Posts: 222 Member
    Took a rest day yesterday, and did Day 4, Level 1 today. I've heard about a ton of injuries from 30DS, and having recovery days is the best way to avoid that (aside from doing the moves properly, of course).

    My shoulders are still the weakest things ever and my whole face scrunches when I do presses or lifts, haha, but I haven't taken any breaks during the workout yet!!

    I'm not feeling it in the abs though, during the workout I get the knot in the stomach, but post workout, nothing! Apparently there are planks in lv 2 so I'm sure that'll sort that right out! haha. Anyone else lacking the feel-good abs burn?

    Keep it up girls (and guys?), and don't get discouraged if you're just starting; we're all on diff levels/days, and there will surely be people finishing after you!! :bigsmile:
  • CherylP67
    CherylP67 Posts: 772 Member
    I did D4 L1 today. I took a 2 day break because I worked (12 hour shifts). I'll use my work days as rest days. Today I was able to focus on form more.

    I know it's ideal to go 30 days straight, but even with my breaks, I'm doing way more exercise and getting fitter than when I was doing nothing.

  • rizmaeram
    rizmaeram Posts: 17 Member
    I'm on day 4 level 1 but I don't feel any soreness post workout is that a normal thing?.. prior to doing this workout I did some body weight moves especially leg exercises I was sore for a few days then I stopped for a week then I started the 30 day shred workout. going to resume day 5 on monday and I'm going to push myself more and do the form right.. my fitness level in day 1 compared to day 4 has improved significantly. I'm worried my fitness level would go back to day 1. anyways let's all help and motivate each other.
  • jen6278
    jen6278 Posts: 7 Member
    I love this workout and am glad to have found this forum. I just completed Day 6 of Level 2 today, I can feel a lot of improvement since I started! I am a runner and thought I was in really good shape... then I started working out with Jillian and I know I wasn't! I like how you can see improvement within each Level. I think there is a big increase in difficulty from Level 1 to Level 2, so when I began Level 2 I was doing some of the modiifcations. Now, 6 days in I am not using any modifications. I've been doing it every day, with 1 rest day in between levels and some "forced rest" for when I have work travel scheduled and do not plan to put hand weights in my suitcase!

    My only criticism is that by now I know all the words by heart! Anyone else tired of "Don't phone it in?" :smile:
  • CherylP67
    CherylP67 Posts: 772 Member

    My only criticism is that by now I know all the words by heart! Anyone else tired of "Don't phone it in?" :smile:

    I think we all know why we work small muscles with big muscles, she explains it 3 times in L1.
  • misshell8
    misshell8 Posts: 5
    I'm planning on giving this a try next week and curious if this program should be done in addition to my normal workout schedule?
  • heather4949
    heather4949 Posts: 80 Member
    Hi Guys.....D7L2.....just love it at the finish when you cool down and do those stretches. Feel alive when you finish, that's the best part of this program.....see you all tomorrow...
  • jen6278
    jen6278 Posts: 7 Member
    And let's not forget why we don't get a break when we're only working out for 20 minutes!
  • Mom2my3girls
    Mom2my3girls Posts: 93 Member
    L1D4 done! I agree with the poster about being excited for cool down time. I am about 100lbs overweight and this is hard. I have to say that I don't like doing it, and am tired of hearing Jillian already, but I am doing it! We Can do this together! I am down 6lbs this week already and I know 30DS has a lot to do with it.
  • DoxieLove10612
    DoxieLove10612 Posts: 145 Member
    Hey guys! Happy Sunday! Well I needed to do 30DS but no one interrupts Criminal Minds time not even Jillian. So I took the advice of a MFP friend and did the routine on my own with some modifications and got a 150 calorie burn! I think ill just learn a routine and do it this way! Makes it much more enjoyable! Happy shredding!
  • sandra_r
    sandra_r Posts: 1
    I just started today, but I found it incredibly easy and not difficult at all. Everyone that I've spoken to who has done it before said they were dying after day 1 but I feel fine. I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong? I feel like I did all the exercises properly...
    Prior to this I did however do just a little bit over a week of insanity, which was INSANE and I felt like my fitness level wasn't high enough for it/ I dreaded it every day. Anyway do you think that would be the reason for me finding 30DS not as difficult as others that I know?
  • DoxieLove10612
    DoxieLove10612 Posts: 145 Member
    I just started today, but I found it incredibly easy and not difficult at all. Everyone that I've spoken to who has done it before said they were dying after day 1 but I feel fine. I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong? I feel like I did all the exercises properly...
    Prior to this I did however do just a little bit over a week of insanity, which was INSANE and I felt like my fitness level wasn't high enough for it/ I dreaded it every day. Anyway do you think that would be the reason for me finding 30DS not as difficult as others that I know?

    See how you feel tomorrow. The workout isn't hard. In fact, it's quite simplistic and easy. The next day is where I die. Sore muscles and doing shred with said sore muscles is the b---h. But perhaps it's simply not enough for your exercise level. We are all different so who knows!
  • heather4949
    heather4949 Posts: 80 Member
    D8 L2......If I do this 1st thing in the morning, so I can enjoy the rest of the day happy knowing that I have reached one of my goals for the day....next is housework, washing etc etc......
  • Mom2my3girls
    Mom2my3girls Posts: 93 Member
    L1D5, I only managed 10 minutes today and I was dying, I don't know if its because I did it first thing this morning after doing it before bed last night or what. I guess 10 min is still better than nothing. I am taking tomorrow off and going for a walk instead. I dropped a Slim Fast on my big toe from chest high tonight so I know I couldn't do the Shred tomorrow anyway. My toe has been throbbing for over an hour now with no sign of relief. Anyways, Ill try again on Tuesday!
  • marisssa13
    marisssa13 Posts: 2
    I'm on day 7, level 1. I weigh myself this morning but I did not lost any weight by the scale. Is it possible to feel more tight and toned in my tummy area after 7 days? For me, the biggest problem is eating right. When I go to work and get hungry, I eat whatever comes in my hands (we have kitchen @work)... peanuts, cookies, sandwich, pasta...

    How so you deal with work hunger games ?:)
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    Doing L3D3 tonight! I haven't lost any weight, but I feel better! I My legs are tighter too! I do this along with the 6week/6pack Abs, so it's a good burn. I am on week 2 of the Abs workout.
  • I'm on day 7, level 1. I weigh myself this morning but I did not lost any weight by the scale. Is it possible to feel more tight and toned in my tummy area after 7 days? For me, the biggest problem is eating right. When I go to work and get hungry, I eat whatever comes in my hands (we have kitchen @work)... peanuts, cookies, sandwich, pasta...

    How so you deal with work hunger games ?:)

    i always have healthy snacks, fruits, peanuts, cottage cheese, yogurt
  • heather4949
    heather4949 Posts: 80 Member
    Day 9 - Level 2 It is getting harder to do it each day....but the power you feel after you finish is all worth it......I too have not lost any weight as well, if I am honest in fact I have gain weight by the scales.....but I feel so slim and alive and look really tone and good at the moment.....so I am getting pleasure from how I feel......we will see after 2 weeks what the story is.......but only for now, one day at a time. see you guys tomorrow...
  • Mom2my3girls
    Mom2my3girls Posts: 93 Member
    Anyone done the Shred with a broken toe? I am nervous for tomorrow (today was a rest day) because I hurt my big toe badly last night. I have done 5 days so far and I do not want to stop but I am so nervous for the pain I am about to potentially be in. I know there are other things I can do but I really want to do the Shred. Any advice?
  • DoxieLove10612
    DoxieLove10612 Posts: 145 Member
    IDK about anyone else but I am NOT moving on to level 2. Not yet. Level 1 is still killing me-well my modified shred that I am doing; regardless I am waiting until I am comfortable to move on. Anyone else doing this or have done this before? I suppose there is no rule written in stone stating you can only do each level 10 days....