21 day Challenge - JOIN IN



  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ etaylor - YOWZA!!! What a wonderful commitment and determination! Congratulations for making it, despite not wanting to!

    Round 3, day 13
    Wrestled with a strange weed eater - our carried one broke, so borrowed one of the "swisher" weed eaters. Took a worse pounding trying to roll it around than I ever have with the carried one!
    Got a tiny bit of biking in by test "driving" a couple of recumbent road trikes. (fun, but probably not smart, now I'm mopey because they are too blasted expensive!)
    A tiny bit of walking while LOOKING at all of the pretty road trikes.
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Day 19 -- did 30 min of c25k this morning. Drove to Utah and then went to a shopping area in Farmington with my dad for dinner and walked all around it for about 1 1/2 hours. I think I got my fitness in today for sure. Up early tomorrow to meet an old friend at the gym.
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Hi my friends!!

    The idea of this challenge (for me) was 21 straight days - and I accomplished that in my first 2 rounds. In Round 1 - I did about 40 days before missing a day. In Round 2 - I managed my challenge - with maybe one rest day in the 21 days.

    I believe that we could do one rest day in our week - and that should be okay!! Several of my MFP friends also mentioned that.... better to take a "rest day" rather than feel discouraged and feel you have to start over from the beginning.

    So - into Round 3 and some pressures over the past few days..... This time - I've got a shoulder / back issue going on again .... AND my project - which is due on 03 June. I don't think I'll "start over" with my challenge - but I won't add to my days until I add actual fitness in the day. I don't want to discourage myself by feeling that I have to start over and over - so this is my choice for this round.

    last reported day - was Day 5 on 22 May 13

    today Round 3 - Day 6 on 26 May 13

    35 min walking around @ approx. 2.5 pace.

    Hope you have all had a great weekend!!!

    Thanks for your continued participation - as it really does encourage me too!!

    & thanks for your support!

  • Hi Guys - I would like to start in the 21 day challenge. Today I did 45 min on my Precor Ellipitcal.

    Feel really good right now...I know I can do this challenge!!!
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Hi Guys - I would like to start in the 21 day challenge. Today I did 45 min on my Precor Ellipitcal.

    Feel really good right now...I know I can do this challenge!!!

    Hi Chrissy!

    Welcome to the challenge!!

    There are about 4 of us now checking in regularly (Jessie, etaylor, kcaffee and myself). Others have completed the challenge as well along the way!

    When I started this - it was to help me form a FITNESS habit! my back was giving me problems and my chiropractor advised I get some walking in if I could and away I went.

    You will receive support along the way from this group!

    Good luck and we look forward to your posts!!:flowerforyou:

  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Day 18 -- tough one, wasn't feeling it today but I did 25 mins of strength training and then 25 on the bike. Got it done.

    Congrats etaylor!

    You are very close to completing your first 21 days!!

    I hope you continue along with us in another round - as you are inspiring to the group!

  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Round 3, day 13
    Wrestled with a strange weed eater - our carried one broke, so borrowed one of the "swisher" weed eaters. Took a worse pounding trying to roll it around than I ever have with the carried one!
    Got a tiny bit of biking in by test "driving" a couple of recumbent road trikes. (fun, but probably not smart, now I'm mopey because they are too blasted expensive!)
    A tiny bit of walking while LOOKING at all of the pretty road trikes.

    Kcaffee2 -

    Great work on your Day 13 in your 3rd Round!! Wow!

    Keep up the great work... you are also inspiring to the group!

  • Thanks Trish!!!! I am definitely looking for support and I will definitely be checking in everyday to provide support and receive it as well.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    Welcome as well chrissyep! I know that reporting here has definitely helped kick me back into gear when I want to let things slide a day or twenty!

    @tazmac - I think you spoke too soon about me being an inspiration. I totally blew today. Not a planned rest day, I was actually supposed to hit the pool at school, and I didn't even manage to leave the house once! Not even to work on yard work. ::Grins:: So, I get bumped back to day one tomorrow. ::sighs:: Not sure if I'm glad that school is starting next week, or apprehensive. But, at least I'll be on campus with the gym almost every day again, so my excuse about inconvenience will be gone.
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Day 18 -- tough one, wasn't feeling it today but I did 25 mins of strength training and then 25 on the bike. Got it done.

    Congrats etaylor!

    You are very close to completing your first 21 days!!

    I hope you continue along with us in another round - as you are inspiring to the group!


    Of course I plan on continuing. Round 2 starting on Tuesday
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Day 20 -- for my rest/off day. I seemed fairly active. Got up and hit the gym for 1/2 hour bike ride and then after dinner a mile walk. Had to burn off some of what I ate. Hope everyone is having a great weekend
  • VixPal1
    VixPal1 Posts: 14
    Taking this 21 day challenge! Day 1 was 50 mins on the treadmill. Hoping this works. I usually can't stick to anything for more than one week so hopefully this will help!
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Taking this 21 day challenge! Day 1 was 50 mins on the treadmill. Hoping this works. I usually can't stick to anything for more than one week so hopefully this will help!

    Welcome VixPal!

    We are here to support you in your fitness challenge. You won't be hounded - but you will be cheered along the way!

    We are all in different stages of our journey - and at different levels of fitness.

    Life - work/family/school sometimes gets in the way - be we find our way back!

    Thanks for coming on board - it's helpful to all of us as well!

  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Day 20 -- for my rest/off day. I seemed fairly active. Got up and hit the gym for 1/2 hour bike ride and then after dinner a mile walk. Had to burn off some of what I ate. Hope everyone is having a great weekend

    hey etaylor!

    Am I understanding that this was a rest day? Good activity weaved in!! :wink:

    Glad to see you will continue with the challenge as well!

    have a great day!
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member

    @tazmac - I think you spoke too soon about me being an inspiration. I totally blew today. Not a planned rest day, I was actually supposed to hit the pool at school, and I didn't even manage to leave the house once! Not even to work on yard work. ::Grins:: So, I get bumped back to day one tomorrow. ::sighs:: Not sure if I'm glad that school is starting next week, or apprehensive. But, at least I'll be on campus with the gym almost every day again, so my excuse about inconvenience will be gone.

    Kcaffee.... you are inspiring - so you did not get done what you wanted to today! Look how far you have come and how much you have encouraged others along the way!

    Pull the silver out of the lining......

    I have chosen - for this round - and maybe from here out - to not count days I don't get fitness in - BUT - I'm not going to go back to zero at this time... It will take a bit longer for my next rounds of 21 days to be completed - but that's not horrible.

    I am choosing something positive in terms of continued motivation for me.

    Choose that if will help you stay positive and motivated..... I think that's an overarching goal for all of us with the challenge!

  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Day 21 -- dd 30 min of C25K and then it took me 7 mins to get back to my dads. Had a great is it, but its good to be home
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    Thanks tazmac for reminding me that slow times can still be profitable.

    @ etaylor - good job on hitting your 21! Keep on with the great habit!

    Hit the yard work today for an hour, and had about a 10 minute walk with the neighbor's dog (they were out of town, and I got to pet sit... )

    Hope everyone had a good Memorial Day!
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Day 21 -- dd 30 min of C25K and then it took me 7 mins to get back to my dads. Had a great is it, but its good to be home

    Congrats Etaylor on Day 21!!! Excellent accomplishment!

    See you in Round 2!

  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Thanks tazmac for reminding me that slow times can still be profitable.

    @ etaylor - good job on hitting your 21! Keep on with the great habit!

    Hit the yard work today for an hour, and had about a 10 minute walk with the neighbor's dog (they were out of town, and I got to pet sit... )

    Hope everyone had a good Memorial Day!

    Part of the challenge it to motivate ourselves and each other...... yes?

    good for you on the yardwork and walk today!

  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Round 3 - Day 7 - 28 May 13

    one hour out in the yard today

    30 min to mow my lawn (front & back) and 30 min or so in my garden (moving plants, weeding, raking)

    Finally a some sun today - first day in many!!!

