Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    wow! 100# gone. That is terrific. Congratulations.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Karen--Thanks for the advice on the knee. I hadn't thought of that, but I'm sure its something I need to be careful about.
    A big "thank you" to those who have given their lives to protect our freedom.
    Looking forward to the day. I'm wearing one of my new shirts and feeling "slim", well by comparison to 6 months ago. The weight is coming off much slower now, but I feel so much better. I'll just have to be patient. I bought some fresh veggies and fruits to make kebabs for our BBQ this afternoon. If I eat lots of those, and skip the buns for the hamburger, I should be able to indulge in a cupcake. My daughter loves to make cupcakes and is always experimenting with new recipes and new combinations. They made an offer on a house this weekend. I'm so excited for them.
    Have a great day. If you have the day off enjoy it.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    i would like to join the june challenge to lose 4 pounds..... that may keep my eating in check after my left knee replacement on june 10 as i will not be able to do much exercise or cardio. Had my right knee replaced in november '12 and gained 35 pounds!!! i was alone, broke and a bit psychotic about being alone. This time my daughter is home from ireland and my youngesst son will be staying with me for the summer as he attends a course so it should be better. Will certainly miss being able to ride my bike :cry: This will be the last of 3 surgeries in one year and i am done!!! Currently doing a challenge that ends in a week:sad: :sad: It ahs been helpful to get me moving every day and be mindful of what i eat. I lost a bit of weight but more inches. Need to get back to losing pounds. Hanging out in northern alberta for 2 more weeks visiting my son, DIL and 5 year old grandson before surgery and hoping she has her next baby early, like the first one so i can see him/her. Miles and miles of long flat roads to ride and mostly sunny. Thunderstorms roll in but then roll out within the hour so much better than home where it has been raining for the past 10 days- my daughter has been loving it as she can't cut the lawn :laugh: :laugh:
    bit of housework planned for today then taking liam swimming
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning have a great Memorial Day!



    Quotes of the day: - “Progress is impossible without change and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” ~George Bernard Shaw
    “Memorial Day this year is especially important as we are reminded almost daily of the great sacrifices that the men and women of the Armed Services make to defend our way of life.”

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Karen - I'm glad to hear you're going to have much more support for your surgery this time! What a relief. You really struggled after your last surgery but ultimately you did well. You're a strong woman, glad you're going to have family to lean upon this time! :flowerforyou:

    Kaye - great idea to be walking gently again and good advice from Skinny to slow down right before your surgery. Too bad you and KarenLeona couldn't share a hospital room to buoy each other's spirits during recovery.

    I want to thank all the Veterans and their familys for their sacrifices given up for this wonderful country.

    We had a tornado warning at 2 am last night and torrential rains - it was quite exciting. It did not touch down and all was well.
  • susanbrown96
    My husband has us all trying to do Insanity. All that most of us can do is what is supposed to be the 'recovery' day and it's super brutal. i think it's kind of crazy, dare i say insanity? but he really wants to do it.

    Toots: Nook is charging! Looking forward to a good read. Thanks.
    Toots I looked up the book on amazon and it sounds really good. I will probably buy it on my nook. Sounds right up my alley.

    yay! hope you guys enjoy
  • susanbrown96
    How is your Insanity Challenge going? My husband is doing it right now also. That program is brutal. I can't do it since I had back surgery about 6 mos ago. I'm doing a program called Les Mills Combat instead. Anyway I seen that someone on here was doing some beachbody products and I wanted to say hey and see how you like it.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @susanbrown--I don't think any of the regulars on this thread are using beachbody, but if you use the search function, you're sure to find a bunch of other threads with info--both positive and negative.

    @robin--glad the tornado didn't touch down! We've been lucky so far this spring as we've had no tornadic producing storm systems.

    @karenleaona--I was telling Kaye that I've heard the second knee replacement is usually a quicker recovery, so you have that to look forward to in addition to the extra support at home. On a completely different topic, did you hear that we may have a hurricane named after us this season? If they get to the K's, it will be Hurricane Karen. I certainly hope we don't have that many, and if we do that Hurricane Karen is a benevolent seafaring type.

    @kaye--love the kabobs idea to avoid all the buns!

    AFM--went shopping and found some very cute red capri pants at TJ Maxx. Now I'm at starbucks grading those journals before visiting with family. Probably won't check back until later tonight. Hope everyone has a wonderful afternoon. :flowerforyou:

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/16 Diction analyses
    2. 10/57 TTTC Journals
    3. x/16 ACT essays

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner
    Tues--walk gunner + gym
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--rest (I have a retirement party after school)
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + doing relay for life in the evening
    Sun--walk gunner + gym
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Tom, thanks for the flags and the message.

    Yes! Happy Memorial Day! Thank you, DEFENDERS OF LIBERTY, for giving YOUR LIVES for OUR COUNTRY and for US. :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Robin: A belated but HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Happy that tornado didn't blow out your candles, also!

    Toots: Downloaded both books. Love them! Especially Peering into Darkness! :glasses: <That's me after staying up all night reading. Please tell me there is a sequel! Please, please?
  • lmackbethl
    lmackbethl Posts: 156
    Well, I was hoping that after several days of unseasonably cold and rainy weather, today would be nice enough for an outdoor swim. Predicted high of 69 is not quite warm enough, even for a fish like me, so I will have to wait a few more days until it reaches the high 70s or 80s. Today, I will have to settle for some sort of a kayak/hike/bike combo, plus some lawn mowing.

    I spent Memorial Day Morning doing some archival research (newsletters from the 1960s and 70s) for a peace activist group, putting together a topical index. I very much appreciate the countless sacrifices our military men and women have made and continue to make (thanks to Toot's husband, plus others, I'm sure, on here), but I mostly wish for an end to war and other forms of violence as a solution to our conflicts. Memorial Day is a good reminder to me that too many people have suffered and died and it was good to spend part of the day thinking about ways to create peace (even if just in our own relationships).

    @Robin and Kaye -- Happy Belated Birthdays!!
    @Karen - glad you're finally feeling better! That sinus thing was nasty, eh? It had me out of commission for about a week. Good luck with the grading - you're in the home stretch now!

    I will catch more of you next time around... for now, I'm itching to get outside! :smile:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    Hello friends - my Internet service continues to be a source of frustration. It just goes off for no apparent reason and never know how long it will be out! And a Trojan on my laptop. It's been fun!!:mad: :mad: :mad:

    Wishing everyone well.:flowerforyou:

    Skinny - I'm in Illinois on the Virtual Walk Across America. I'm at Goreville, IL. That's about 1,140 miles.

    And I don't do Beach Body but I do Shaun T.'s Rockin' Body workouts (along with others). I like his style!!:glasses:

    Flash flooding and more rain expected. What a spring season!!!:sad:

    Time to roll along.......


  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @lin--awesome job getting to the great state of Illinois!!! I don't have a pedometer, so I'm not counting daily steps; just what I run, cycle, or log on my walks with gunner. Hope your internet problems get resolved quickly--they can be so frustrating. :mad:

    @beth--Yeah, this sinus thing has been pretty rough, but I think I'm past the worst of it. <knocks on wood>

    AFM--Spent the afternoon with my adorable niece--we chased bubbles in the backyard and also spent a lot of time practicing jumping. It's a new skill for her, but she really enjoys it. Got to visit a bit with my aunts and uncle as we prepped for my mom's garage sale this weekend. My mom isn't quite Hoarders-worthy, but she has a rough time letting go of stuff. Really glad she doing this spring cleaning.

    I tried on my capri pants when I got home and haven't decided if I will keep them. They are cute, but look better from the front than from the back. I'll probably end up keeping them, but I'm not ready to take the tags off just yet.

    Only got a few journals done--maybe will do some more tonight.

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/16 Diction analyses
    2. 17/57 TTTC Journals
    3. x/16 ACT essays

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner + gym
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--rest (I have a retirement party after school)
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + doing relay for life in the evening
    Sun--walk gunner + gym
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Today was a busy day. Between making food for a picnic today, going for a bike ride, putting in the AC, then attending a party. I am home now but very tired. I had to call it a night early due to work tomorrow and the fact that I am tired. I am so happy that I went for a bike ride today- 9 miles in 51 minutes, it was busy on the trail but overall not bad. The only major problem is my bottom still hurts from being saddle sore. To top my day off you know what came for a visit so that is making me tired as well. Hopefully, I will regain my energy this week.

    I still have a lot of grading to do but I am just not motivated to get it done tonight. I need to get my act in gear and get those papers done. Hopefully, tomorrow during school I will make the time to at least put a dent in them.

    Have a great week.
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Quiet day here at my house.... hubby chose to work (makes dealing with Memorial Day much easier if you are 1200 ft,. underground it seems!!!), the girls are off enjoying the day. I chose to take a down day where I could since I had a long week last week and a yucky day yesterday and am looking at a busy week again this week. We don't tend to do much on Memorial Day anyway.... the weekend always seems to fill up though!!! One of the things scheduled for this week is another consult with a VA orthopedic Dr. for Hubby. Hurt his shoulder in Iraq and had surgery FINALLY 2 1/2 years ago..... now we are nearing pre surgery pain levels again!!! It never ends!!!! So, prayers please that we can find some kind of help for him....

    Everyone seems to be having active and healthy celebrations today.... I AM SO PROUD OF YOU AL!!!!!
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    @beth - I am constantly in awe of your willingness to swim in the great outdoors. Gimme a chlorinated pool any day of the week... I dun do slimies between da toes.

    @linder - heyhey, virtual walker! I live in the Chicagoland area, you should "stop by"! ;) And booooooo hiiiisssss for internet issues!

    @skinnyjeanz - Bubbles... yeah, I officially have to go buy that bubble-mower for my son now. He's 18m and the perfect age for one.

    Official Monday check - in... Oooof, I'm sore. After much nagging, hubby came out to the garden with me this afternoon, and we ruthlessly de-vined and weeded the fence line. Then I put in the hostas that a wonderfully generous freecycler gave me on Saturday, while DH dug the rows that will be seeded with corn tomorrow. After that I got all of my herb pots into the ground (FINALLY) and my peppers moved away from the tomatoes (companion planting FAIL). Came inside, grabbed a quick shower, and then spent the next hour persuading my toddler to go to sleep. Now dinner. *flop* Sore, tired Laura... but it was a productive day, so it's a good kinda sore.

    SO ... officially, the garden now contains:

    Shed - side Bed

    2 red chili peppers
    4 ever-bearing strawberries
    2 green bell peppers

    Shed - front bed

    2 Bee Balm
    2 Mexican Tarragon
    2 Curly Parsley
    2 Cilantro

    Main Garden

    4 hills watermelon (3 plants per hill)
    3 plants each Early Girl, Better Boy, Lemon Boy, and Beefsteak Tomatoes
    2 Sweet Basil
    2 Thai Basil
    2 Greek Columnar Basil
    2 Chives (clumps)
    2 Broadleaf Sage
    2 Fernleaf Dill
    2 Greek Oregano
    2 Lemon Thyme
    2 Greek Thyme
    2 Lavender
    ( plus a few other herbs I can't remember off the top of my head)
    2 cauliflower
    2 brussel sprouts
    12 celery
    10 rows yellow onion
    6 Eggplant
    3 rows seeded bush beans
    6 rows seeded sugar snap peas


    5 Original peonies (planted by hubby's grandmother and therefore sacred)
    2 clumps elephant ferns (I planted 3 last year, only 2 survived the winter)
    6 wild Elephant Ear plants (Hubs thinks they're weeds... I think they keep down the dandelions)
    Approximately 20 green & white hosta plants

    To Be Seeded

    3 varieties of Radish
    2 varieties of spinach
    2 varieties mixed baby salad greens

    Yup... it's official... I am crazy. Absolutely bat**** effing crazy.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    Hello, everyone! Just coming by to give an update, then I'll go back and try to catch up on everyone's lives.

    I've had a very hectic couple of weeks, going out of town 3 times in two weeks for work! Talk about an eating struggle. I did really well the first two times, but the last one, I was just tired of the effort of eating well when all the food is provided for you and there aren't a lot of healthy choices. So for 4 days, I just gave in and ate whatever I wanted. And gained 10 pounds!

    Ok, I know not all of that 10 was real gain, but it was a wake up call. Careful eating since then has me down 8 of those 10, and the other two might be actual gain. But the point is, I got myself immediately back on track and didn't let that mistep derail me for too long.

    I have really gotten lazy on my food journaling and I know my doctor will scold me for it when I go back next week. So my goal is for the next week, I will record EVERYTHING!

    Now off to catch up on you all!
  • Helenavee42
    Helenavee42 Posts: 175
    I know I have been MIA for a bit but I am just trying to cope with everything that is going on. Final prognosis is that my mom has stage 4 breast cancer that has spread. She has 2 forms of breast cancer. It is not curable but thankfully treatable. She starts chemo on Thursday. She can live for years with this but she will always be on one form of treatment or another. We are just taking things one day at a time now.

    Tuesday goal: 1) Get moving. Now that Deputy is going to be living with me permanently I need to stop slacking on walking him. It is nice that we have a back yard that he can go run around freely but I don't want him to lose his leash training. 2) Weigh/measure everything that I plan to eat. 3) Log all of my food and beverages. 4) Not to forget to take care of myself too.

    I am so very very sore and tired today. My uncle scheduled for someone to come out today and inspect the house so that he could refinance. He couldn't have picked a worse time. We relaxed Saturday and Sunday but come Monday we had a lot of work to do. My sister and I cleaned the entire house. My mom helped where she could. I scrubbed about 2/3 of the houses grout lines and my sister did the other 1/3. We cleaned that animal cages (2 guinea pigs and a chinchilla). Cleaned bathrooms, rooms, the kitchen, etc. We were up until about midnight cleaning so my 5:30 am alarm was not appreciated.

    I will try to catch up on posts in a bit. Have a great day.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    Kaye and Robin - Happy belated birthdays!

    Tom - I added you on Fitbit! For anyone else interested, my profile is at

    Toots - I'm going to play devil's advocate just a little bit because of my own experience. Sometimes, the gentle touch doesn't do it. How many times have I been told I need to lose weight. Yeah, yeah, I know. But when I was told that if I didn't lose a significant amount of weight immediately, I was going to become diabetic withing the next year, that kicked my butt into gear. Granted, diabetes isn't the same as dying, but sometimes it takes tough love. It would have been better coming from a doctor who you had a history with and who had tried the gentle approach first and saw that it wasn't working, but is a drastic option, but if you have other health issues that make the weight a huge risk (no pun intended), then it is an option.

    I would recommend seeing a bariatrician, if you can find one in your area. I see Dr. Julie Swindler (look her up on YouTube) who I am lucky to live near enough to see. She's a national leader in bariatric medicine. "Bariatric" does not mean surgery, it just means "weight specialist". She only advocates surgery as a last resort. I am on medication and a prescribed diet, but it's really not hard to live with. I have drastically reduced the threat of diabetes, and lost over 50 pounds since the beginning of December.

    I guess what I'm suggesting is that you see a doctor who specializes in weight loss and get some help if you can. It's really hard to lose on your own, especially when there are other medical issues. And you might need someone who can help you devise a plan that takes into account those issues. Just using MFP or Weight Watchers or whatever else wouldn't have told me that because of my insulin resistance that I needed to severely cut back on carbs and start on meds to address it. My plan may not work for others, but other plans don't work for me, because they're not personalized to my biochemical needs. I've tried every diet on the planet, it seems, but I never lost weight like this until I went low carb. It's almost magic. Not because low carb is magic in and of itself, but because it's what my body needed.

    Sorry for rambling on, this is really for everyone, not just you, Toots! I guess I'm just so grateful to have found Dr. Swindler and her peeps, that I have to praise them once in a while!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    helena- that is a lot of cleaning but i bet the house looks great now

    did something to my knee yesterday and now it does not bend so well. Might have a bit of loose cartilage caught somewhere so just have to grind it out. Was going to go for a bike ride last evening but thunderstorms rolled in so thought better of it. Perhaps tonight after grandson's soccer practise.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member

    did something to my knee yesterday and now it does not bend so well. Might have a bit of loose cartilage caught somewhere so just have to grind it out.

    Is this normal? I've never heard of that... ouch...