

  • htecm
    htecm Posts: 41
    My LORD! You have lost 30 lbs. Dont let this one thing take you out. Fight it. You can start from now. start it over, you'll make it 31 or 32 days and fall, then you do it again and make it further each tyime. Youc an do this!!!! Never give up. Carbs are an OBJECT of destruction. Your too hard on yourself. Lighten up. One small bite aint going to fully throw you off. Just get back on that wagon of 30 lbs lost and launch forward. I am rooting for you. Never say can't cause CAN'T is CAN in diguise!!! You already HAVE done it for 30 lbs.... brush off those feet and walk walk walk it off.
  • I know the feeling, however, failure is a perfect opportunity to learn, access, and then start AGAIN, on the path you see is needed. Personally, I don't see a thing wrong with consuming carbs, it is all needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle, unless of course there is some medical reason as to why you shouldn't have carbs, it is needed as all the other food groups.

    The thing here is not to beat yourself up, wow, you must not have people around that are willing to do that already to you, whether knowing or unknowingly, but to internalize, hey, make a huge sign and display it, that, Grit=Success, PERIOD, so get failure out of your vocabulary, and push on, and utter, Grit=Success.

    Set yourself up for success by accepting the things you have chosen to do, and have a plan in place to now, do something different afterwards. So alright, you ate the pancake, pancakes are delicious! Now once those have digested, workout, simple. You need energy to workout anyway, and carbs are key to that equation.

    Here is a healthy pancake recipe, and enjoy!:

    Trader Joe's Multigrain Baking & Pancake Mix

    follow instructions, only make the following substitutions:

    for 1 cup of milk use 1/2c nonfat plain yogurt

    The yogurt also substitutes for the oil

    for 2 eggs use 2tsp ground (mill) flaxseed to 6T luke warm water

    The flax seed mixture congeals to mimic egg

    You can further add spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, or glove

    We use Maple syrup grade B

    You can further add for a topping once your pancakes are mixed and cooked, more yogurt with your favorite fruit topping. I tend to enjoy yogurt whether alone or on top of my pancakes with fresh mango, but it is also tasty with fresh blueberries or strawberries.

    So the next time you want to clean someone's plate, as to not waste food of course, Big Smile Here Now, and whether it is Trader Joe's mix or not, just patiently wipe off their topping, and add some yogurt and fruit.

    We don't have time, to beat ourselves up, just brush yourself off, and get up with your feet ready to hit the ground running again!

    Make choices, and have alternate plans, and live!

    I am here for you!


  • I absolutely enjoy samosas. Look, I would eat that samosa with much glee, and then once it digested, would workout, simple, right. Yum, samosas!!
  • Seasand07
    Seasand07 Posts: 4 Member
    omg...you've lost 30 lbs and you say you're a failure???? Hellno!! You are awesome! Keep going and may all those fat sugar laden pancakes never see the light of day in your presence again! Keep on keeping on...you're on your way and you WILL reach your goal. One day at a time that's all. :)
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member
    This is a direct quote from your profile page.

    "For me, this is not a diet. I am not trying to starve myself. I do not have a unhealthy relationship with food. I eat, i enjoy food and i will not stop. I want to be healthy. To me this means eating better forever, not just so i can lose weight. I eat whatever i want and i believe that is the key to my long term success."

    These are powerful words that you wrote ... so re-read them again and again and again ... believe them today as you believed them when you wrote them.

    One bite doesn't make you a failure. YOU now have cravings .. I am not saying to go over board in the craving; but if you are going to make it through this journey you have to stop depriving yourself of foods you enjoy and learn to measure out a portion, and be satisfied with a single portion. You can do this and you should never give up on yourself because you have children watching what you do and how you handle disappointments in life. What do you want to teach them?

    Like someone else said ... YOU CAN DO THIS!

    My favorite saying: I am not where I want to be; but I am not where I use to be. Moving on. :wink:
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Go ahead give up it is the easiest thing to do.