I am afraid to even post this...



  • ccshopsalot
    ccshopsalot Posts: 31
    First off.. you should see this as a HUGE accomplishment, NOTHING to be ashamed of, everyone on here has the same goal, so Congrats on your first accomplishment!!! Second, YOU Can do this, tell yourself this every minute of every day. Everyday is an opportunity to learn something new, realize what we can do better and taking the time to adjust it :)..

    There are SO many good ideas/advice on this website i'm sure w/ your consistency and the help of everyone/everything on MFP you will do fantastic!!

    Sending you lots of positive thoughts and encouragement!!
  • lynnderb123
    you can do it .. i just lost 103 lbs .. have you ever had your throiyd checked
  • lynnderb123
  • 260ToGo
    260ToGo Posts: 16 Member
    you can do it .. i just lost 103 lbs .. have you ever had your thyroid checked

    Yeah, I've had full blood work ups and the only thing that they informed me of is my body does not process, processed wheat and flour well, it can't break it down correctly.
  • nerding4ever
    Half the battle is just doing something about it, the hardest part is living with the changes. YOU CAN DO IT TOM!! AWWW YEAH!!
  • 260ToGo
    260ToGo Posts: 16 Member
    Half the battle is just doing something about it, the hardest part is living with the changes. YOU CAN DO IT TOM!! AWWW YEAH!!

    Thank you so very much for your support!
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member

    Go, Tom!
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I read somewhere in your responses that you hoped you didn't let anyone down......

    The only person you need to worry about is YOU! In reality, the only person who really benefits or loses from your actions is YOU.

    I'm excited for you that you have chosen to embark on this journey and share your progress with us. I can remember my "day 1" -- January 18, 2009 -- 399 pounds. It's hard. It sucks. It hurts - emotionally and physically. It'll build you up and tear you down - sometimes all in one day. And, when you look back on your journey someday, you will proudly say, "I did it. And, I'm better for the pain and struggles. I can be me now. Just me."

    You'll be amazed at who you are when you can finally be just you :smile:

    I am back at MFP after having my baby and I have about 20 pounds to lose, but I have done this and YOU CAN DO THIS. From 399 to 183........... The best thing I have ever done. I'm proud of you for starting. Feel free to add me if you want. Have a great day.
  • 260ToGo
    260ToGo Posts: 16 Member
    I read somewhere in your responses that you hoped you didn't let anyone down......

    The only person you need to worry about is YOU! In reality, the only person who really benefits or loses from your actions is YOU.

    I'm excited for you that you have chosen to embark on this journey and share your progress with us. I can remember my "day 1" -- January 18, 2009 -- 399 pounds. It's hard. It sucks. It hurts - emotionally and physically. It'll build you up and tear you down - sometimes all in one day. And, when you look back on your journey someday, you will proudly say, "I did it. And, I'm better for the pain and struggles. I can be me now. Just me."

    You'll be amazed at who you are when you can finally be just you :smile:

    I am back at MFP after having my baby and I have about 20 pounds to lose, but I have done this and YOU CAN DO THIS. From 399 to 183........... The best thing I have ever done. I'm proud of you for starting. Feel free to add me if you want. Have a great day.

    OMG! Congratulations on the weight lost already! You're an amazng inspiration, thank you for taking the time to tell me about yourself!
  • boredlimodriver
    boredlimodriver Posts: 264 Member
    Good luck buddy, we're here for you
  • The_New_Christina
    The_New_Christina Posts: 818 Member
    You can do it! It's taken me 11 long years to wake up and finally react to what I was doing to myself putting on all this weight! Finally in a moment of panic, I realized I can't continue on like this! I'm down from 254lbs to 194 currently! It just takes, dedication, motivation, perserverence and the real WANT to do it!

    Good Luck!
  • SStruthers13
    SStruthers13 Posts: 150 Member
    I think you found the right place to lose weight and keep it off. Losing weight is not about dieting, it's about doing what you need to stay a good weight. Notice I did not say skinny or perfect. Skinny and perfect is not the answer. A good, livable, healthy weight is what we all need. Send me a friend request if you like. I'll be happy to hang with you while you make this lifestyle change.
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    Tom - one foot in front of the other and you'll reach your goal in no time. I have been where you are (383lbs), and what you're trying to do is not impossible.

    Try starting today with one modification in your lifestyle. Walk around the block, do 5 sit-ups, drink one fewer soda, whatever. Tomorrow, make another small change. The key is to make it something you can stick with and live with (ie 800 calories and an hour of cardio just will not work). If you make small changes that you enjoy and look forward to every day, the weight will drop off in no time.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!! Let us know if you have questions and we're ready to help! HUGS.
  • lorig_2000
    lorig_2000 Posts: 106 Member
    You have taken the first step!! Never be afraid to ask for help. That is what these boards are all about. For me it's not only one day at a time it's one meal and one snack at a time. If you blow it on one meal, don't blow the rest of the day. Brush yourself off and get back on track for the next one!

    Since your food budget is limited, try frozen veggies. Usually cheaper than fresh and sometimes better nutritionally because they are flash frozen upon picking, unlike fresh which sometimes lose nutrition through days in transit. Make up a meal plan and grocery list ahead of time and stick to it! Don't go buy groceries on an empty stomach - too many temptations!!

    Drink lots of water!

    Pick an exercise YOU enjoy. Walking is always a great way to start out and you don't have to spend money on a gym membership that way! Just remember to stretch after to avoid injury!

    Just remember DIET is just DIE with a T. It's all about lifestyle.

    Good luck to you and I'm excited for you that you are taking this step to getting healthy!!!
  • BL_Mark
    BL_Mark Posts: 183 Member
    You can do this Tom... no sweat... lol... wait... yeah, you're probably gonna sweat...A LOT!!! But you know what I mean. I've never been the very active type either, been a desk-jocky for 12 years have managed to accumulate this pare shaped body which weighed 350lbs in February of this year. Since then, with watching what I'm eating, using this website and app, and moderate exercise, I've dropped nearly 50lbs in just 4 months. Hell... if I can do it, so can you! Look around... there are 100's of us rooting for you!! Good luck and please feel free to add me! Remember, you only fail if you quit.

  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello, and welcome to MFP!! You are embarking on a Lifestyle Change, NOT a Diet. This is for the rest of your Life. I hope that doesn't sound too Overwhelming, just remember to take it in Small Steps. Make small changes that you can adjust to and live with FOREVER. Your new Friends here on MFP will add Joy to your Journey as well as Boost you up on Bad Days, and keep you accountable to your Goals.
    :drinker: Good Luck!! You CAN Do This!!
  • tinytasha7
    tinytasha7 Posts: 86 Member
    Hi everyone;

    As the title says, I'm truly afraid to even be posting this. I am 459lbs, as per 2 weeks ago, and I want, no, I need help. I have never been in shape. I have never felt comfortable with my body and the closest I had ever been to success with a diet was my sophmore year of high school in which I lost 80lbs dropping from 360lbs to 280lbs in a little under 6 months. Then my uncle died who I was very close with and I ballooned back up to what I am now and it doesn't seem to ever stop. I am losing all hope for life and even went as far as attempting to end it last year, (for which I seeked professional help for and am now stable and never needed medication).

    This is my final recourse, I am willing to try changing my life style 1 final time, I've tried everything from atkins to juicing and from Insanity to Yoga nothing lasts for more than a month with me. I have no drive since I have never been fit so I don't know the gratification and vindication that lies at the finish line of a life style change. I have no moral support, and no emotional support. Finally my food budget, it's roughly $250 per month, I have a costco membership and live in North New Jersey. I'm not here looking for attention, and I'm not here to sit and talk about cats, I'm here to change and I need help. So please, HELP ME!

    If you choose to help, and need more specific information feel free to ask anything I'm an open book.

    Warm Regards,

    P.S. I'm looking to acheive a goal of being 299lbs by Christmas 2013 as the biggest Christmas gift ever to my family.
    I totally understand how you feel. I am currently 340 lbs, and while my food consumption is generally reasonable and healthy, I have not been able to drop weight even with a fitness component.
    I have few supports, and of those few, none are family except for my daughter.
    I would be more than happy to work with you on this journey because I DO understand what it feels like....

    I'll add you as a friend if you like and maybe we can figure it out together....I already have some ideas...
  • SchroederNJ
    SchroederNJ Posts: 208 Member
    Welcome and good luck.

    Sent you a friend request.
  • Race2the9
    Race2the9 Posts: 77
    congrats!!! you have overcome the 1st step. realizing that you cant do it on your own! I thought I could beat this myself too but on many occasions I have "given up" and at one point in my life I resigned to the fact that I'd ALWAYS be a big dude. I'm 5'7" and was at 360lbs at smy heaviest.... I am 288 now and loving the new me that is to come. I have a long way to go yet, I am please with my journey thus far.

    MFP has been an absolute blessing in my life! it'll be one for you as well! Keep moving forward! dont give up; If you fall, get back up and keep going! don't beat yourself up anymore about what could've been!

    and invest in some comfy shoes! :glasses:

    you'll do great and feel great in the process!!!
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    i think you've come to the right place, tom. when you strip away a lot of the jokey stuff on MFP, you're left with a very supportive community of people who all want to make positive, lasting changes in their lives. some of us have 20 lbs to lose, some of us 50, some 100, and some 200. some are here in recovery from eating disorders and want to gain weight. but we all have something in common and that's to strive for a healthy lifestyle.

    perhaps you'll want to meet with a nutritionist and personal trainer in addition to logging your food/exercise on MFP. just a thought.

    either way, i wish you so much luck. congratulations on starting--and well done for your bravery!