Tall girls...goal weight?



  • Hughesers
    Hughesers Posts: 22 Member
    I am 44 years old and 5ft 10 and I have lost 11 lbs so far and got another 5 to go. I weight 154lbs and want to be around the 150lbs. I am in the best shape and fitness I have been for a long time.
  • lafilleavectoi
    lafilleavectoi Posts: 125 Member
    5'7, medium frame. I'd like to weigh around 135lbs. I'm 163lbs.
  • 0colette0
    0colette0 Posts: 2
    im 5.9.5 and the most ive ever weighed was 165 in Feb. of 2012. By Feb. of 2013 I was 155 which was funny because I didn't really try to loose weight but somehow I lost 10 pounds over the year. I guess I just ate healthier in general. This 10 pound difference made my jeans fit better but I didn't need to go out and buy any new clothes. My goal is 140, maybe 135 if I don't look too skinny at 140; people tend to think I weigh less than I do and I wear a size 6 right now...ideally I want to be a size 2/4 (who doesn't) and for me being a size 2/4 means weighing around 135/140.
  • royvor
    royvor Posts: 271
    I am 5ft 8 and currently weigth 163 lbs. I am a size 11 in pants. I am looking to get to my goal weight of 150-155 lbs. I hope to feel happy their, but if not I might go further into the high or mid 140's. I have a large bone structrue and carry lots of weight on my lower body and stomach.
  • Roll_Tide_Meg
    Roll_Tide_Meg Posts: 255 Member
    I'm 5'8 with a large frame and my goal weight is 155. Still a ways to go. I remember getting down to about 168 and felt beautiful so 165 may be enough...we shall see. If I were you I would find out what your frame size is and go by that. Someone with a small frame size with all my same stats would have a goal weight of 126, for a medium frame it would be 140...so yeah everyone is different.
  • Pimpmonkey
    Pimpmonkey Posts: 566
    5'9" and 230 now. My skinniest was 174 and I looked like a crack head. My goal now is between 190-200 and then we'll see.
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    im 5'5" shorter and my goal is 140-150 . . .I would like to still have some cushion and curves
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    5'8, and the more I lose, the more unsure I am of what I want my goal to be. I'm 200lbs now, and I can't imagine losing more than 30lbs. from this point on, so I'm going to say a very tentative 170.
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    Not sure if I really replied to this or not but
    5'8" cw 142lbs
    Gw 128lbs to 132lbs.
    go bf % of < 18%
  • Momm22boys
    Momm22boys Posts: 48
    I' m almost 5'8" and I look best between 135 and 140. I'm at 146, in a size 8, right now and still have some tummy and upper thigh issues.
  • Good gods ladies! This idea of a general weight fitting all body types of a given height and age is ridiculous. First of all, when I was thin, my aunt and I who are the same height, however I am built more like a line backer with hips any Latina would be proud of, my aunt on the other hand is built like a swimmer... rail like with tapered hips. Her normal weight was 155 lbs, mine was 180 lbs. I should probably note that she has a 4.5 inch wrist where mine was 6.5 if that helps gauge bone frame. Our BMIs were similar... I think mine was at 21 while hers was just over 20.

    My point being is that you shouldn't worry about what other people are trying to lose. Worry over what you are comfortable losing and then maintaining to be healthy. Hell I am 5'11", yet if I tried to get to a 160 goal weight, I would probably end up hospitalized. 175 was the lowest healthy weight I ever got to and that was working out 7 days a week 3 hours a day. Please note I was competing nationally for TKD and then I entered the military and gained weight. I was 190 lbs when I got out of the military.
  • 5"10 cw 130lb
    Gw 115-120
    Bf % not sure??
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    < 5'8" (medium/small frame) currently 135lbs
    Goal 125lbs.
  • unnur16
    unnur16 Posts: 140 Member
    i am 5´10´´ and i´m aiming for 170 to begin with and see what happens then, i am at my lowest weight right now since i was 14 years old so i have no idea what is my ultimate goal weight is, but i m big frame also. But the number on my scale is JUST a number i prefer to look at my measurements =)
  • SarahJayRigdon
    SarahJayRigdon Posts: 113 Member
    I'm also 5'11" and my goal is 195. When I get there I'll see how I feel and go from there. But I've always felt that what the BMI chart suggests is unattainable for me; I'm a damn AMAZON! My hands and feet are huge, my legs are long, and my calves are like rocks! But I love being tall, wouldn't trade it for anything!
  • Habgirl
    Habgirl Posts: 13 Member
    I'm 5'10 and weigh 147. I want to be 140. You have to go with what makes you feel good within your healthy BMI. Frames matter and so does height. My lowest adult weight is 132 and I was a walking skeleton. Not good. 120 is for people who are much shorter than us.

  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    I have a question for the taller girls...5'7 and taller. I stand 5'8. I weigh 140. I have noticed a lot of women on here with goals or an actual weight of around 120 lbs. I feel good about my weight, but am questioning if I need to lose more? I have a healthy BMI, I feel good, and I am in a size 5 pants size. Should I lose MORE weight? I mean, it would definitely be a new challenge for me, but I'm not sure how I would look. I think I could lose more, but what makes you guys want to be 120? I mean, with how tall we are, I think that even at 150 we look fit. Is it for your health? BMI? Or is it looks? Just wondering!!

    I don't understand. You were fine until you started comparing yourself to other women? If everyone goes brunette, will you question whether you should get that next set of foil highlights, too? You lack self-confidence.
  • laurenhugs23
    laurenhugs23 Posts: 153 Member
    I think 120 is too skinny for 5'8. I am that height and when I was 120, I was too boney, and it wasn't natural for my body. I say eat the maintenance amount of calories for a while and see where your body ends up. My natural weight ended up being around 135.
  • LAW_714
    LAW_714 Posts: 258
    5'-10" and large frame (7" wrist). My goal weight is 175, primarily because when I weighed that I could easily wear a size 10 and maintained that weight for a very long time (whereas when I dropped to 165 I was constantly battling to stay there). Though, looking back, I'm rather saddened that in college I weighed 150 and in high school I weighed 135 and still thought I was "big" because I kept comparing myself to smaller girls. Considering that 135 is listed as actually being underweight for my frame size and height, I think I was being unfair to myself and didn't even know it.

    Currently I'm at 195 and am on the smaller side of a size 14 (I can get into a 12 but it's a little too tight to be comfortable).
  • nattie417
    nattie417 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'11 and I'd like to be around 150-60
    That's my "ideal" but that might just be weight lost, not much muscle gained.
    I've been eating clean and going to the gym 4x a week for the past month and have only lost around 3lbs.
    Clothes are fitting better but the scale hasn't moved much. I believe it depends on strictly fat/weight loss vs weight loss AND muscle gain.
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