This will probably start a firestorm.



  • seventwenty
    seventwenty Posts: 565 Member
    This thread was not about Game of Thrones. Disapoint.
  • Markguns
    Markguns Posts: 554 Member
    Turn off Fox News?

    You are a twit... Why would you turn off FOX news? Do you even know what reports were made. Megyn Kelly attack these twits. So if you want to turn it off, I gues you agree with them? Like I said, you're a twit. Go get em Megyn... :bigsmile:
  • betterthanbefpre
    betterthanbefpre Posts: 168 Member
    I am a stay at home mom and I used to be an Operations Manager before we decided for me to stay at home. Honest to God, it's freakin' easier to be an Operations Manager than to take care of kids full-time. I love my life, but by no means is this the easier choice. It is however fulfilling for me.

    I say, to each their own! Honestly, it makes no never mind to me what other people "think" I should or should not be doing.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,523 Member
    I will entirely wife makes the money in the house. And we're all good.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • casy84
    casy84 Posts: 290 Member
    I know a guy who said that he couldn't be with a woman that earns more than him. Time proved that she also has to be dumber than him. I guess some men still live in the stone age :D
    My dad always said that he would be happy if my mom earned more than him because our family whould have more money. This is the best way of seeing the problem: as a family, not as an individual.
  • genchan
    genchan Posts: 28
    WTF? They got it all wrong. It is someone like Britney Spears, Paris Hilton and Lindsey Lohan is what causes American families to be broken. Don't forget to add someone like Nicki Minaj into it and Justin Beiber too!
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    I will weigh in on this and make you all hate me. I am not sure the woman's movement did society as many favors as its participates would like to believe. Sure I can work now and get paid well but I cannot stay home with my kids because our society now depends on 2 incomes to make ends meet in most markets. I can have a career but it cost me the most important job. There is not an option now for those of us who want to raise our children ourselves. I can either save towards retirement and own a home or I can be a mom to my little ones while they are little ones. I have to pay someone else to do the most important job in the world so I can go give my time to some corporation doing something that will matter to no one when I am gone. Its not a very good trade if you ask me. Plus since we are all free love and independence men treat us like a disposable napkin. There is always another girl willing to put out and why should he have to support us or our kids since we can do it ourselves. We are taken more seriously in our professional lives at the expense of our personal lives. Yes the movement has degraded the values of our society because we cannot be there to instil those values in our children now and the schools and day cares are not going to do the job for us. As women tell me you do not feel the pain of guilt everytime you drop your babies off for someone else to raise. That is what we traded for. I am very smart and fairly good at my job but what I do each day there is not worth what I am missing out on doing.
  • LMT2012
    LMT2012 Posts: 697 Member
    Didn't the divorce rates begin to skyrocket with no fault divorce? I can imagine why women would initiate divorce more as there are more rewards for it than a man initiating one.

    I think men have always had the burden of being protector and provider of his wife and family. A man's self-worth is tied to his ability to provide, it's been instilled in him from time immemorial (e.g. "deadbeat dad" in the absence of paying child support when he can't find a job in a bad economy). I don't see many women attracted to men who do not offer the ability to provide, i.e. with their wealth, potential for wealth, good job, education, etc....

    I imagine in a marriage where the male is the house husband the wife would go for the jugular every argument they have and emasculate him further by pointing out that he isn't providing and therefore less of a man.

    If a woman is main bread winner in a marriage, assets are still divided and she may have to pay monthly maintenance to him. I've seen it happen to two of my friends very recently. I will admit to thinking it was VERY unmanly for him to take payments. But of course, it was fair.
    Girls, there's a downside to absolutely everything. Like that whole heart attack risk thing too...
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    I will weigh in on this and make you all hate me. I am not sure the woman's movement did society as many favors as its participates would like to believe. Sure I can work now and get paid well but I cannot stay home with my kids because our society now depends on 2 incomes to make ends meet in most markets. I can have a career but it cost me the most important job. There is not an option now for those of us who want to raise our children ourselves. I can either save towards retirement and own a home or I can be a mom to my little ones while they are little ones. I have to pay someone else to do the most important job in the world so I can go give my time to some corporation doing something that will matter to no one when I am gone. Its not a very good trade if you ask me. Plus since we are all free love and independence men treat us like a disposable napkin. There is always another girl willing to put out and why should he have to support us or our kids since we can do it ourselves. We are taken more seriously in our professional lives at the expense of our personal lives. Yes the movement has degraded the values of our society because we cannot be there to instil those values in our children now and the schools and day cares are not going to do the job for us. As women tell me you do not feel the pain of guilt everytime you drop your babies off for someone else to raise. That is what we traded for. I am very smart and fairly good at my job but what I do each day there is not worth what I am missing out on doing.
    I actually agree with you for the most part. Sum it up two incomes required everyone is working no time for family and kids are raised in day care by the system :) I would go into greater detail but I would rather not get into it. Plus typing on cell and actually have to start working at work momentarily.

    To all that assume this was purely a "FOX news commentary" perhaps you are the ones that need to just turn off your TV if you think FOX is the only probable issue for this nonsense. As if CNN wouldn't post the same dribble, also the irony is it has already been clarified that FOX was the one to disagree. Personally TV news is horrible, talk radio is all eight, best thing watch and listen and come to your own conclusions :) not assumptions.
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    If a woman is main bread winner in a marriage, assets are still divided and she may have to pay monthly maintenance to him. I've seen it happen to two of my friends very recently. I will admit to thinking it was VERY unmanly for him to take payments. But of course, it was fair.
    Girls, there's a downside to absolutely everything. Like that whole heart attack risk thing too...

    "Girls?" Ha. I started referring to myself as a woman when I began supporting myself in my first job out of college. That was 38 years ago.

    Yeah, my Ex tried to get support from me after being unemployed the last 5 years of the marriage and spending most of that time on the couch drinking. The judge didn't award it. I'll take the extra risks in return for having had a fantastic career, seeing wonderful places in the world on business, having a good stash for my retirement in 5 years or so, and having my own identity instead of getting second-hand glory as Mrs. Doctor, Mrs. Lawyer or whatever. I was raised by a traditional mother and that's what my wonderful DIL wants to be. It's just not for me.
  • lovemydogjake
    lovemydogjake Posts: 26 Member
    Couldn't agree more - turn it all off. You only hear part of any story that is "chosen" for you to hear. Very hard to tell what is real and what is hype.
  • PaleoChocolateBear
    PaleoChocolateBear Posts: 2,844 Member
    Why let the thoughts of just a few insecure people bother you, I think most rational people don't believe working women destroy marriage. You probably just have some men out there who think they want independent women but really they want a maid and when they do work, they blame them working on their failed marriage. You've done a great job it seems as a mother and a wife so why let a news report like that really get under your skin.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    I agree with many of the other posts. Please stop watching FOX news.
    I don't watch any cable news at all and in fact, this bit of fiction has been around so long it pre-dates Fox News.
  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    Turn off Fox News?


  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    It's simple. A guy who thinks he can get by just because he's a source of income, regardless of what else he does (or doesn't do) is probably going to have a hard time staying married. That's not a bad thing. A good husband is a lot more than an ATM.
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    I imagine in a marriage where the male is the house husband the wife would go for the jugular every argument they have and emasculate him further by pointing out that he isn't providing and therefore less of a man.

    Because husbands haven't been using their financial clout to keep their wives quiet and in the kitchen since time immemorial...

    But the house-husband scenario is rare. The vast majority of marriages where the woman works, the man works too. The question is whether working women are destroying the fabric of society by not marrying at all, and/or by initiating divorce more often, and/or by emasculating men. I'm gonna say that working women are in fact *changing* the fabric of society, not destroying it. And change is hard for some people, especially those that have benefited most from the old ways.

    You should read Warren Farrell's "The Myth of Male Power." It would change your perspective on this issue entirely. We call your perspective the gynocentric feminist perspective, it's an ideological perspective, not a perspective supported by history.

    I don't think men are that happy about marrying either in these times, and It would be in their best interest to opt out of marriage entirely and not get roped in with common-law marriage laws. There is very good book on the topic called 'Men on Strike: Why Men Are Boycotting Marriage, Fatherhood, and the American Dream - and Why It Matters" by Dr. Helen Smith.
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    You should read Warren Farrell's "The Myth of Male Power." It would change your perspective on this issue entirely. We call your perspective the gynocentric feminist perspective, it's an ideological perspective, not a perspective supported by history.

    I don't think men are that happy about marrying either in these times, and It would be in their best interest to opt out of marriage entirely and not get roped in with common-law marriage laws. There is very good book on the topic called 'Men on Strike: Why Men Are Boycotting Marriage, Fatherhood, and the American Dream - and Why It Matters" by Dr. Helen Smith.

    I will check out The Myth of Male Power and Men on Strike, as I'm always interested in differing viewpoints. My personal theory is that men have ruled the world since the beginning of history, and have always created social constructs that benefit them first and foremost which would include marriage. Put simply, it gave them a way to own and control women. Statistics have shown, even now, that married men report a higher level of overall happiness than single men (not the case with married versus single women), and men remarry more often and more quickly after divorce or widowhood than women do. Despite false protests to the contrary, marriage is a male invention - not a trap that women set to ensnare men against their will. And if modern men are becoming disillusioned with marriage, it's most likely because the old ways of the subservient wife are being challenged and rejected by today's educated, wage-earning woman who no longer sees her life goal as being the caretaker of a man.

    Case in point: You don't see mail-order husband businesses, yet thousands of men in the Western world essentially purchase a desperate, third-world woman out of a catalog - often a woman that they cannot even effectively communicate with due to language barriers. These men most often explain their motivation as being that they can't find a "traditional" woman in their own countries. So who benefits most from this kind of arrangement? The woman gets to trade her surroundings for one of more comparative luxury, but she is just a servant - a cook, maid, sex worker and brood mare. Maybe a life of less struggle than the one she left, but still not the life that most women would, or at least should, choose for themselves.
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    I think your personal theory coincides with gender studies theory which is misandric.

    Marriage is a pretty universal concept, I would think there is something more to it than keeping the womenz down, probably to provide a stable environment to raise offspring and a reflection of monogamous and tribal tendencies amongst humans.

    I would say lonely involuntarily celibate men who can not find a woman in their own native country seek out mail order brides, I don't think their intention is to buy a slave unless you see men and their intentions as something inherently nefarious which is a tad bit sexist.

    I don't think there is such a thing as mail order girlfriends, but I don't think the women who seek out Western men are looking for a casual relationship, but a strong commitment like marriage. I've seen quite a few men scammed, and manipulated by mail order brides, which is why I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot stick.

    Victim feminism is strong in you.
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    there are enough of us now. we don't have to go off and natter to ourselves in an uppity tone about this bs anymore. we can just turn right around and tell these f***s (provided they r talking to us in person rather than at us from a cathode ray) to shove it. or better yet, don't even give them the time of day. just go on raising your kids/working your job/living your life/shooting your gun/driving your truck/running your business/whatever it is you do and let THEM natter about us. i repeat, THERE ARE ENOUGH OF US NOW. it is OUR world--don't act like you don't belong. it's the stone-age brains who don't belong here anymore. let them stew. they will be out-competed and die off eventually.

    me, i'm going to buck the trend by not having kids or getting married (shocking!). i don't care what anyone says about me. not listening.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I always worked, first at my husband's business and then as a postal carrier. I wanted to have my own income if needed and not have to rely on one paycheck. When hubby lost his job I was the breadwinner for 11 years, then I retired. I liked knowing that I didn't have to justify any money that I spent on myself as opposed to the home, farm, and us as a couple. Staying home to raise kids was never an option; I decided before I began dating that I was not going to have children ( best decision I ever made). We're still happily married, 42 years now.