June = 30 Day Shred... who is with me?



  • Oh my goshh, Day 3 and my arms and stomach hurt like heck. I can barely raise my poor arms lol...if I feel like this so early
    I really, really do not want to imagine how I'm going to be come Level 2. I'll be a pile of noodles.

    On another note I've been watching what I eat, mostly having fish and shrimp :smile:
  • Oh my goshh, Day 3 and my arms and stomach hurt like heck. I can barely raise my poor arms lol...if I feel like this so early
    I really, really do not want to imagine how I'm going to be come Level 2. I'll be a pile of noodles.

    On another note I've been watching what I eat, mostly having fish and shrimp :smile:

    Day three is the worst IMO. I'm on Day 6 and feel so powerful going through the workout and on Day 1 I wanted to die and was so sore on days 2 and 3....hang in there it gets better...and quickly!
  • TheMiddlePath
    TheMiddlePath Posts: 230 Member
    WOW! So many new people! WELCOME! I've accepted so many friend requests. It feels great to help and get help from so many motivated ladies! You guys rock! You are inspiring me every day! Thank you!

    Day 3 Complete! Is it getting easier or harder? I felt good today. The shoulder raise/side lunge is the toughest part for me. How about you?

    Also did day 3 of the squat challenge right after, 60 squats today. I try to look in the mirror so I can 'activate' my hamstring and glute muscles as much as possible.

    I noticed that several of you have said that it's not necessarily meant to be an every day program. I'm for sure not an expert - just got the videos online. I'd like to do it everyday but I hear and understand what you are saying that rest days are important. All I can say is listen to your body :)

    3 down, 27 to go. 7 days til I take my progress pics.

    Happy Monday!
  • Lvelez30
    Lvelez30 Posts: 4
    I'm in ! :happy:
  • TheMiddlePath
    TheMiddlePath Posts: 230 Member
    Day 7 and both of my ankles are hurting really badly. I think I landed weird on a jumping jack or something. I really don't want to but I might have to take a rest day tomorrow. Sigh.

    Do what you can! Don't hurt yourself. Listen to your body!
  • TheMiddlePath
    TheMiddlePath Posts: 230 Member
    New to MFP, I have been trying to shed 40 pounds by myself and doing a Richard Simmons video with my sister about once a week, plus walking. I need more and accountability, so here I am. I will be 61 in August and need to do something NOW, not later:wink: . So, after reading lots of posts I decided to look up The Shred on YouTube. I just did Level 1...well, most of it, had to catch my breath on the second set of jumping jacks (which I didn't think I could do anymore..go me:happy: ). I may not be able to fit this in every day, but am willing to go for it! Would love to gain some friends on here, so feel free to add me if you would like.

    Debbie in NYS

    Inspirational!!!! Congrats on being so awesome!!!!
  • angelfish257
    angelfish257 Posts: 81 Member
    Completed day 2, the press ups kill me - i have no upper body strength :(

    28 days to go!!!
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I have done it for a month. I busted my *kitten*. I lost no weight and 2 inches. It has got to be me. I am still doing it.
  • geekgirl_2012
    geekgirl_2012 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm in! I actually decided to do the same thing. I'm getting the videos from YouTube. Today is 6/3 and so I've done level 1 3 days in a row. I'm rather sore! I don't know the entire program. Did you say 10 days at each level? Perhaps I will try that. I wasn't sure how I was going to proceed.
  • Ely0418
    Ely0418 Posts: 45 Member
    Im in. just bought the dvd.
  • geekgirl_2012
    geekgirl_2012 Posts: 40 Member
    I just read one of your posts... I up for going all 30 days. No rest days if I can!
  • I'm in, I wish I would've seen this on the first but it's okay, I'm starting today! I've done this workout before and it works as long as you stick with it. The shoulder raise/lunge part is the hardest for me as well. We can do this though...I always remind myself that it's only a 20 minute workout so it's definitely do-able!! :)
  • delleilah
    delleilah Posts: 4 Member
    I'M IN! I started on 1st June so today is day 3. I'm going to try for no rest days, but if I can't face Jillian I'll be kickboxing instead. Will be good to have some moral support, as it's really tough. How is everyone finding it after the first few days?
  • SmurphyKU
    SmurphyKU Posts: 62 Member
    I just finished day 1 today! Good luck to everyone else! Anyone is free to add me if they like :)
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    Just finished day 1.... some parts I found pretty easy, some were harder. Definitely a great work out though!!
  • shirocp
    shirocp Posts: 1 Member
    I'm definitely in. Summer is the best time for it. I'm already ahead of yall though. ;-) But, I added an extra 3 weeks. Today is week two. In total, this is week 8. Don't stop guys, keep going. 30 days is plenty to see and feel results. Best of luck to everyone!
  • zummerzet_lou
    zummerzet_lou Posts: 159 Member
    Me .. I started on the 1st June, and have done 3 workouts so far.

    My upper strength is already improving, and whereas I could only use the bigger weights for the first few reps, I can now get through at least the first set before resorting to baked bean cans.

    Question .. my knees are sore today - or rather just above my knees, on the inside. Do I continue with workout 4, or take a day off to prevent injury?
  • hawkeygal
    hawkeygal Posts: 133 Member
    Just finished Day 3. YAY! :-D
  • hawkeygal
    hawkeygal Posts: 133 Member
    Not gonna lie. I'm a little sore. Especially in my arms. WHOOO No pain, no gain, right? lol
  • demarii06
    demarii06 Posts: 340 Member
    Day 3 down! I'm not taking any rest days. I don't know where people are coming from that the program was designed to have rest days.