She just doesnt get it!



  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Ok so I hope im putting this in the right spot but... I get a call from home andthe convo went something like this...

    mom- are you going to the gym tonite?
    me- yea im not sure how long ill be. Whats for dinner?
    mom- Pasta with broccoli
    me- Im not having that, The pasta... and the oil. ugh
    mom- have a little
    me- you cant just have a little and think its ok, its not enough food and too many calories and carbs.
    mom- so just take a lot of broccoli
    me- ::click::

    She just doesnt get it.. im trying to lose weight here and eat my protein and clean food... "having a little" just isnt gonna cut it! I wish there was a way for her to understand but there really isnt. Being from a pretty hardcore italian family we have pasta 2-3 nights a week. Dad doesnt like whole wheat pasta and god forbid I dont eat whats cooked... Its so frustrating that even when I make my own food she still gets upset bc I didnt eat what she cooked. I wish someone would come in and scream at her at wtf shes cooking. Anyone know how I can get it thru her thick head?

    sorry about that!
    (rant over)

    I'm more bothered by the fact that you hung up on your mom. :angry:
  • Belinda658
    Belinda658 Posts: 181 Member
    He's 31. Post history
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    Unless they are following a diet they don't always get it. It doesn't click for them why you are doing what you are doing and why you have decided to do it this way. Sometimes sitting down with your food diary and showing them the in and outs with food and also talking to them about the differences between all the macros and why you choose higher protein rather than carb they will begin to understand and will probably not question why you eat the way you want to.

    I hope you find a good way to get through to them so they can respect your choices a little bit more.

    Your last sentence: .I think the OP hanging up on his mother is not a good way to get through to them. And maybe he can get them to respect his choices if he can learn to respect them.
  • MrsGriffin67
    MrsGriffin67 Posts: 485 Member
    She cooks for live with her...she pays all the bills...does she also do your laundry and pay your cell phone bill? I think she should kick your @$$ to the curb and make you learn what it is like to be an adult and live in the real world.
  • shannongoneau
    shannongoneau Posts: 246 Member
    depending on what else you've had today just have a cup of pasta and the rest broccoli. Maybe see if you can find out whats for dinner the day before so you can plan for it. Either that or follow what so many others have suggested and just buy your own groceries. O
  • shoshi68
    shoshi68 Posts: 407 Member
    My brother talked like that to my mom once. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


    Don't be rude to your mother.
    Learn to cook, and prepare your own food.
  • TheNewLorrain
    TheNewLorrain Posts: 138 Member
    after reading other posts I want to add and or agree with many MFP posters. You should be ashamed of yourself! OMG really? I thought at first you were a young woman who was having a caniption fit over her calories. Only to find out you are a spoiled rotten disrespectful manchild. You're mother loves you feeding you what she does is what she knows. You can and should cook you're own food if it bothers you that much and to hang up on her is surely no way to win her heart. In the blink of an eye life can change. We don't know what tomorrow brings. You hung up on her in anger. What if that was the last conversation you ever had? I don't have a perfect relationship with my parents. My mother is in ill health and I call her every morning and call her to say goodnight every night
    we are only five minutes away from each other but there are times it seems like miles away and that we can't seem to see each other much how odd. Cherish the times you have respect them..Ok rant over....
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    He's 31. Post history

    31 years old! Really?? And can't afford a place of his own. Jeez!
  • xinit0
    xinit0 Posts: 310 Member
    Long Island is the most expensive place to live in the country?

    I guess those people in Manhattan and pretty much every other large city should just quit their whining...

    If you can't have "just a little" then it's your problem to deal with. Yes, your mother should support your efforts to lose weight, but I question how much of an effort you're really making if you can't just avoid putting more food in your face than you should.
  • whooter
    whooter Posts: 47
    Seeing the Yankees logo on the hockey sweater told me everything I needed to know about the OP.
  • Mermerm
    Mermerm Posts: 5
    You will have to confront her, sit her down and tell her you really appreciate that she is cooking for you, but you are trying something new to see if it works for you. Every once in awhile it will be okay to eat pasta, it isn't something you have to completely cut out, and maybe if you want to eat whole wheat, ask your mother if she insists on cooking for you (or you can do it yourself) to make your portion with whole wheat pasta if she doesn't mind. Buy your own groceries and cook your own meals throughout the day, and if she wants to give you some food, just take a small portion. Make room for it in your food schedule every couple of days or so. There are plenty of ways to solve the problem, but you shouldn't have hung up on your mother. From what you typed, it doesn't seem like she was trying to be mean.

    EDIT: I had NO idea you were 31...sorry, but I find it a bit ridiculous you can't afford your own place. Maybe you should be focusing more on becoming independent and acting your age and less on what you're focusing on for awhile. I'm 22 and I live on my own, child and husband and all. Sure I don't live in Long Island, but you could certainly live somewhere else. Take my prior advice too, but definitely learn to stand on your own two feet.

  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    If this was me I'm pretty sure my father's zombie would rise and murder me slowly. But he wouldn't be able too cause I myself would have travelled back in time and shot myself in the face for being that ungrateful and rude.

  • Lowaann
    Lowaann Posts: 8 Member
    I am sorry that you are not getting the best support from your mom or some of the others on this topic. My mom I love dearly but we come from a long line of nurturers and there is much food volume that comes with that! I do not live at home.....I am 46....but I live out of town and stay there often for a visit. I have a hard time sticking to a healthy eating there because I don't want to be rude or ungrateful for what she prepares. I just try and make my breakfast myself......and go and get other bits from the store to fill out the meal times.

    Just get a few things from the store for you to eat.....things that will fill in an nutritionally lacking meal. Or....tell your mom that you will grab a bite out before coming home and pack a lunch sack for dinner!:happy:
  • Lowaann
    Lowaann Posts: 8 Member
    Oh!!! Totally misunderstood!!! You are a MAN!!! I thought you were a 20 year old girl!!! Now I do not feel bad for all these negative posts. I agree.....grow a set Mr!
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    You gonna pay my rent? Long Island in the most expensive place in the country to live. Im not paying 1300 a month for an apt to pay someone elses mortage... MY mom isnt a stick either and shes gained a substantial amount of weight in the last few years too, but you cant tell her that.

    LI is the most expensive?? Then I guess I'm not paying almost twice that in rent to live on my own in Manhattan. Btw, the year I did live at home during school, I bought my own groceries and made my own food. Don't disrespect your mom who is giving you a free ride.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    He's 31. Post history

    31 years old! Really?? And can't afford a place of his own. Jeez!

    WHAT?! I thought this was some teenager. I take back everything I said earlier. 31 - make your own damn dinner.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    I just had a child tell me ugh about dinner. She is 12. I told her she is more than welcome to do the cooking...but she's not allowed to feed us like we're 4. Guess who ate the dinner provided.

    i just want to say, this is how i was raised too (and trust me i was a VERY picky eater) and you know what? I grew up just fine. although i might have hated the liver and lima beans, i didnt die
  • robdel302
    robdel302 Posts: 292 Member
    If you ever move out, you'll be grateful everytime your mom cooks for you when you come home. Even if you learn to cook her meals it never tastes as good.
  • KnifeThrower89
    Sounds insanely cheap! Here a one bedroom will run you about $2,000+ in a BAD neighborhood -.- I've lived on my own since 17. Your mother doesn't understand because she isn't in this war.
  • rieann84
    rieann84 Posts: 511 Member
    LOL is this real life? This can't be a serious post.
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