She just doesnt get it!



  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I'm betting your mom cooks healthy foods and the problem is eating too much. Use portion control to solve the problem. Buy a food scale and dishers. You can get these on Amazon or at restaurant supply businesses. Dishers look like ice-cream scoops and are used in the restaurant industry to serve consistent portions. Calculate your calories and use the scales and dishers to put the correct portions of your mom's food onto your plate. Don't take seconds. You lose weight, and she sees the value in portion control. Maybe you can motivate her into losing right along with you. If you exercise and consume the right amount of healthy calories, you will lose weight and get healthier. Some people also use smaller plates so the plate looks fuller. :flowerforyou:
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    Um it's pasta.. It won't kill you.

    Plus there are no "clean" and "dirty" foods.. food is food.

    As long as you are under calories, you will lose... end of story.


    I could never give up a food I like (unless I had an allergy to it). Why eliminate things from your diet. You really should listen to your mother! A little won't hurt.
  • rowanwood
    rowanwood Posts: 510 Member
    I'm in, just to see if there's eventual butthurt to enjoy.

    Also, be nice to your mom. Mine is dying. Yours will too someday. I promise you'll regret every crappy thing you ever did to her.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    i love how this kid was probably going to himself "yeah, the people on MFP will understand me!!" and we're all like "nope."

    I for one agree.

    OP: Just break up.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    This can't be real. We've been punked.
  • alladream
    alladream Posts: 261 Member
    When I turned vegetarian, my mother stopped cooking for me and I have been feeding myself since. That was 1981, and sometimes I still lived there. *shrug* You gotta do what you gotta do, and I understand parents pushing the food, but yeah, fill up on salad and cook a huge thing of vegetables and protein and have that. Good luck: it can be hard.
  • o2bADyer
    o2bADyer Posts: 208
    So you're complaining about a free meal that your mom is cooking for you? Make your own! I get it that you want to eat healthier and I get it that you can't afford your own place, but listen to you. You sound truly ungrateful to me... :noway:
  • cindybowcut
    cindybowcut Posts: 250 Member
    Moderation in everything. Are you dieting or is this a lifestyle change? You don't have to give up anything you just need to make sure you are eating the portion size. Have some pasta add some protein to it and a large green salad. As a mom if my child talked to me like that I would tell them to make their own dinner. If you don't like what your mom makes set down with her and help plan the menu for a week.
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    Im not paying 1300 a month for an apt

    Wait, you can get an apartment for $1300 a month?
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Ok so I hope im putting this in the right spot but... I get a call from home andthe convo went something like this...

    mom- are you going to the gym tonite?
    me- yea im not sure how long ill be. Whats for dinner?
    mom- Pasta with broccoli
    me- Im not having that, The pasta... and the oil. ugh
    mom- have a little
    me- you cant just have a little and think its ok, its not enough food and too many calories and carbs.
    mom- so just take a lot of broccoli
    me- ::click::

    I wish someone would come in and scream at her at wtf shes cooking. Anyone know how I can get it thru her thick head?

    sorry about that!
    (rant over)

    Don't be so mean to your mum, she loves you, so she doesn't understand doesn't make her thick. Show your mum respect by not hanging up on her for such trivia.

    Maybe someone should scream at you "cook your own food and stop being mean to your mum".
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    LOL. This is what I tell my children when they complain about what I make for dinner:


    They are 6, 4, and 2. YOU sir, are an adult. You don't get to complain about what someone makes you for free in the home you most likely get to live for free.
  • UnwrappingCandy
    UnwrappingCandy Posts: 418 Member


    and the way you treated your mum is just effing ridiculous. How old are you?
  • futuremrsevers
    Sadly, the world does not stop when we decide to go on a diet. Either cook your own food or start working out to compensate for the delicious food your sweet mother is making for you.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Ok so I hope im putting this in the right spot but... I get a call from home andthe convo went something like this...

    mom- are you going to the gym tonite?
    me- yea im not sure how long ill be. Whats for dinner?
    mom- Pasta with broccoli
    me- Im not having that, The pasta... and the oil. ugh
    mom- have a little
    me- you cant just have a little and think its ok, its not enough food and too many calories and carbs.
    mom- so just take a lot of broccoli
    me- ::click::

    She just doesnt get it.. im trying to lose weight here and eat my protein and clean food... "having a little" just isnt gonna cut it! I wish there was a way for her to understand but there really isnt. Being from a pretty hardcore italian family we have pasta 2-3 nights a week. Dad doesnt like whole wheat pasta and god forbid I dont eat whats cooked... Its so frustrating that even when I make my own food she still gets upset bc I didnt eat what she cooked. I wish someone would come in and scream at her at wtf shes cooking. Anyone know how I can get it thru her thick head?

    sorry about that!
    (rant over)

    I completely understand. I used to be just like you. Ungrateful for what my mother did for me out of love. Now that she's dead, I'm free to cook my own meals.

    But now that my evil mother who fed me all the yummy, nutritious and filling foods (yet somehow I stayed thin with her cooking, magic I know) is dead, I now have this Satan's minion of a sister-in-law cooking for me daily. She just doesn't get it. She feed feeding me carbs and beans and lentils and veggies and meats and cheese and eggs and dairy. I am forced to tell her how much I will have to taste her yummy and nutritious foods and make my own salad to fill the rest of my calories and my belly like a grown up. I don't wanna be a grown up. If I wanted to be a grown up, I wouldn't have turned 29 years old...


    Wow, did you misplace your silver spoon?

    I live in Saudi Arabia. Silver spoons are beneath us. At least Gold or Platinum spoons.
  • Neryberry12
    Her house, her rules? Don't like it then leave? Can't afford to leave? Go earn some cash like everyone else on the planet?

    And as a PS go buy some flowers and apologise to your mum!!! How ill-mannered! :-(
  • anarjackson
    anarjackson Posts: 79 Member
    If you don't have time to cook, buy your groceries and tell your Mom what to cook for you. Then you can sit down as a family with them and eat together.
  • theerachele
    theerachele Posts: 21 Member
    Maybe you could find some healthier recipes and cook dinner together with your mom?
  • pamklass
    pamklass Posts: 17
    All the extra time you have from not having to prepare meals and grocery shopping allows you to get out and be more active to burn them off.
  • kkclif
    kkclif Posts: 155 Member
    Okay well since I completely understand where your coming from I'll try to be helpful instead of patronizing. My parents do not eat healthy by any means and I can't change their eating habits. You really have no option other than to do your own shopping and cook your own meals. Does it make your life more difficult? Yeah. It's the only way though. I usually try to incorporate what I can from what my parents make into my dinner and then make my substitutions when it's necessary. If they are making pasta and broccoli use the broccoli and make your own pasta when you get home. You just have to work with it. I don't know why she would get upset if you cook your own food, but if she does I suppose she will just try to come to terms with the fact that you are trying to eat healthy. My parents understand when I tell them what I choose to eat and what I don't and they actually try to work with me the best that they can to help me out. Just make it work. And for the record I don't think you are rude for being frustrated...
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,230 Member
    $1300 for an apartment?

    ... Is that it? Maybe I should move over there.
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