She just doesnt get it!



  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    You hung up on your mother. You're completely ungrateful for her feeding you and providing you a roof over your head. You said she could stand to lose some weight.

    You get ZERO sympathy. Grow up and learn to treat your mother with some damn respect.


    I sincerely hope you make it up to your mother for your horrible treatment and massive disrespect.

    the whole point of changing your lifestyle to be healthier is about changing YOU, not everyone else changing around you to accommodate you.

    You have to learn how to live in this world and eat in this world in a healthy way when there are a lot of roadblocks

    YOU have to learn moderation, YOU have to learn control....nothing is really changed if YOU don't learn these things...

    not your mother learning them for you and handing the results to you on a silver platter.

    either eat her good food and learn to stop when you should stop, or make your own.

    and say you are sorry. that was a horrible thing to do to her, hanging up on her like that.
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    I have two children that say "ugh" at nearly every meal I serve. They're both under the age of 6. What does that tell you about your own behavior?

    How about you use the $1300 you're saving on rent, buy some groceries and cook dinner for your mother. She might appreciate it, since she lets you live at home and all...
  • Skratchie
    Skratchie Posts: 131 Member
    If my adult son spoke to me in that manner, or hung up on me, he'd be coming home to his clothing in the front yard.

    Did I say "in the front yard?" I meant all over the front yard.

    I never made my kids eat what I cooked - they were free to make themselves a sandwich, or a bowl of cereal, or a hot dog. As they've gotten older, they are more than welcome to buy their own food and cook for themselves (after I'm done cooking, or before, but not during) if they don't want what we're cooking. But the disrespect for me ... that crap wouldn't fly. They'd be finding their belongings in the front yard and the locks changed. And a note that said, "Good luck with the cooking lessons."
  • JBsCrazyGirl
    JBsCrazyGirl Posts: 337
    You gonna pay my rent? Long Island in the most expensive place in the country to live. Im not paying 1300 a month for an apt to pay someone elses mortage... MY mom isnt a stick either and shes gained a substantial amount of weight in the last few years too, but you cant tell her that.

    Woe is me. Welcome to being an adult.

    And if you're not in a position to move out, buy your own groceries and cook your own meals.
  • NadineSabbagh
    NadineSabbagh Posts: 142 Member
    I understand where you're coming from. I've recently moved back home from uni after living in my own place for 5 years and it really is a struggle to go from being independent to having someone dictate what you must eat for tea. You just need to remember that your mum isn't doing this to annoy you, or try to hinder your weightloss, even though it can be incredibly frustrating! Even if what she is cooking is healthy I understand that it can be frustrating not knowing exactly how much you are eating. I like to measure out everything to the T, so when my mum cooks for the family I worry because I can't be as precise with my calories. Mentally, it's quite tough because you're making such an effort with your diet and you don't want to inadvertently ruin it by eating something you haven't made yourself.

    If its possible to buy your own shopping then definitely do that. But if not, just speak to your mum... Let her know how hard you're trying and explain why you don't want to eat the food she cooks. Tell her in advance that you don't want something so that she doesn't make a portion for you and you then feel obliged to eat it. Or you could offer to cook for the family, that way you can control what you eat. I pretty much do all the cooking for my family now and that way it takes the stress off my mum and I get to decide what we eat :p

    You could even just ask your mum to weigh everything out, so that you at least know how much you're eating. At the end of the day, eating the pasta isn't going to be a problem for weight loss, provided you're eating at a deficit. My carbs are set pretty low, as my trainer recommended it, but I have plenty of days where I go over my 48g and it has not made the slightest bit of difference :) don't worry too much, if you have a serious one to one chat with your mum I'm sure she'll start to see things from your perspective :) good luck!
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Then why did you ask her what was for dinner? Grow up and make your own food.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Just realized the OP is male (won't say "man").

    Who raised you boy?
    Why didn't your daddy give you enough of an a$$kicking early in life to teach you respect for your mother?
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Portion it out a cup of pasta is more than enough and load up extra on the broccoli. Tell you Mama how much you love it and appreciate her cooking because one day she wont be there to cook for you.

    Whenever I see my Mama she makes me iced tea. I cherish those times.
  • triathlete5301
    triathlete5301 Posts: 182 Member
    I live on my own.

    My parents don't cook the healthiest food, but it is WONDERFUL. I love visiting because they always have leftovers.

    Wanna know the best part? I DON'T HAVE TO COOK IT! Although I have other family issues, I miss living at home just for that!

    The grass is greener on the other side. If you don't like it, leave. If you can't, it's not your house. Figure it out. Make a salad. Plan your meals on a daily basis. Ask your mom what she thinks you are going to have for dinner. Expect that *gasp* you are going to eat pasta, account for it in your diet, and eat around that. Then you can be nice to your mom, eat that wonderful meal that you didn't have to shop for, cook and watch everyone else eat away your hard work, your mom will feel happy that she was able to provide for you, and everyone wins.
  • thinnity
    thinnity Posts: 1
    So your mom offered to cook dinner for you, you didn't like what was offered, so "click" .. you hung up on her.

    I wish I could be supportive, but ... Nah.
  • Brownsbacker4evr
    Brownsbacker4evr Posts: 365 Member
    Afraid of carbs and fat, huh? Pasta and Broccoli sounds like a pretty healthy dinner to me. But to each their own, I suppose. Do what works for you.
  • krislyn84
    krislyn84 Posts: 337 Member
    Im not paying 1300 a month for an apt

    Wait, you can get an apartment for $1300 a month?

    This. Can someone send me the classifieds? I might be moving to Long Island soon.

    Oh and grow up. If my YOUNG children talked to me the way you talked to your mother, they would learn quickly what it felt like to go to bed hungry.
  • difyance
    difyance Posts: 18
    It's interesting that posting in the "Support" forum has garnered so much animosity. *shivers*

    While I never had to turn down my mother's cooking in fear of weight gain (she's always been a lazy cook and her meals aren't all that appetizing), my boyfriend/life partner likes to eat out a lot. He has a very physical job where he's moving, lifting, bending, etc. a lot. I have a sedentary programmer job where I sit at a desk 9-11 hours a day. I am tired when I get home and don't always want to cook, and he isn't good at cooking and will sooner order take-out than try to make a meal for us. It's hard to turn down the easy route, but it's also frustrating to be the only one trying to plan healthy meals.

    OP's choice has nothing to do with a lack of gratitude. If I have a bad week and end up baking three different desserts on the weekend, say cookies, cupcakes, and cinnamon rolls, my bf will eat them, but swear at me the entire time for "making him fat." It's a choice to put those things in your mouth, but we all know that you can't just have ONE bite of cake, or ONE cookie when the entire batch is sitting there with its delicious smell beckoning you. Italian mom's pasta is probably a bit less healthy than he makes it sound, and much more appealing than being able to have "just a little".

    My recommendation would be to compromise. Go food shopping with mom or sit down with her to plan out meals for the week. Become a part of the daily feeding rituals and introduce some healthy alternatives to her go-to dinners. Offer to cook a couple nights a week and ask her to try "just a little" of some options that YOU want to eat. You will be able to happily sit down to a meal with her, and also help the family eat healthier. On days when she makes something a bit more rich than you'd like, track your portion size and your calories from that meal, and make sure to burn it off that day or later in the week.

    One pitfall to weight loss is trying to ban yourself from eating everything that you previously enjoyed. If you continue to indulge from time to time, with moderation, and burn extra calories when you do, you will go far. Just remember that when things seem to reach an impasse, look for a compromise. It's better than stressing out and fighting about it, which can have a negative effect on your fitness goals.

    Good luck!
  • Lovdiamnd
    Lovdiamnd Posts: 624 Member
    I am the same way. I would rather have none than a little pasta or carbs type stuff.
  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    Not to be a jerk, but Long Island doesn't even make the list of top 10 most expensive places to live. I actually live in one of the most expensive places to live (coastal north county San Diego) and I'm not paying anywhere near 1300 to live in house a block from the beach. Regardless, I get not wanting a tiny portion of something unhealthy, so just make your own food. You can't expect your mom to make a separate meal for you or something.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    You know, the more I ponder your entitled attitude and disrespectful behavior toward your mother who has housed, clothed and fed you for apparently far too long, I hope you GAIN weight instead of losing it.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,618 Member
    It's not for your mom to get. It's for you to figure out how to not eat so much.

    And really, there's gonna be a day when mom's isn't there to cook and you're gonna wish you had some of her home cooking.

    I instruct my clients not to deprive, just moderate. It's easier to live a good life when you can eat what you actually want to.

    Buck up dude.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    Im gonna go call my mom and thank her for cooking me all those millions of meals for so many years!:heart::heart:
  • Lovdiamnd
    Lovdiamnd Posts: 624 Member
    Ok so I hope im putting this in the right spot but... I get a call from home andthe convo went something like this...

    mom- are you going to the gym tonite?
    me- yea im not sure how long ill be. Whats for dinner?
    mom- Pasta with broccoli
    me- Im not having that, The pasta... and the oil. ugh
    mom- have a little
    me- you cant just have a little and think its ok, its not enough food and too many calories and carbs.
    mom- so just take a lot of broccoli
    me- ::click::

    I wish someone would come in and scream at her at wtf shes cooking. Anyone know how I can get it thru her thick head?

    sorry about that!
    (rant over)

    Don't be so mean to your mum, she loves you, so she doesn't understand doesn't make her thick. Show your mum respect by not hanging up on her for such trivia.

    Maybe someone should scream at you "cook your own food and stop being mean to your mum".

    Yea that too!
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member

    If I have a bad week and end up baking three different desserts on the weekend, say cookies, cupcakes, and cinnamon rolls, my bf will eat them, but swear at me the entire time for "making him fat."

    This thread is depressing.
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