

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Another successful day, got my steps in and got to play golf. What a great day. Four of our DGKs are coming tomorrow night to stay for three days. They’re wondering what we’re going to do fun. Thank goodness the pool is open!
    Brooke – RAKs referred to your goal of random acts of kindness. I think that’s a great goal we all should adopt.
    Meg – I have a follow-up appointment on Thursday because dr took me off some meds. Guess he wants to see what’s going on. I feel find so hopefully blood work is ok. Last time I was in there he ask me what I was doing to lose weight. Told him old fashion way, counting calories and exercising.
    Joy – Wow – you look great in that wet suit! Your cruise sounds nice. We did a Baltic cruise so saw some of Norway. You’re righ
    it is beautiful.
    Sorry I didn’t take notes but did read all the posts and enjoy listening to the story of your lives. Thinks will get busy here tomorrow but my goal is to post everyday and so I will!

    Sue in TX

    “If it is to be, it’s up to me”.

    June resolutions:

    -get at least 5000 steps EVERY day
    -do weight routine 2 x a week (Have the book, the dumbbells and the ankle weights.) Now I’m ready
    Focus on water. It’s hot and humid so I need more water.
    Log and Post everyday.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Guess somebody didn't like my picture!
    Sue in TX
  • par57
    par57 Posts: 74
    Thank you everyone for the inspiration!
  • GaJavaGirl
    GaJavaGirl Posts: 25
    Okay, I've had a chance to read some posts and think about my June goals. (I'm new to this thread, so please bear with me.)

    Last week (in May) I hit two goals: I made it to One-derland and I started running with a neighbor. We ran 2 miles on Weds and Fri last week. We agreed to run Mon/Weds/Fri at 6am.

    For June, I'd like to increase my running distance to 4 miles per outing. This should be achievable if we increase by 0.5 mile each week. We increased to 2.5 yesterday and plan on it again tomorrow.

    My next goal will be to lose 5 lbs during the month.

    That's it for now! Have a good night.

    Leigh-Ann from Cumming, GA
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Hey, Leigh Ann -- we moved from Cumming in 2007. I'll be visiting a friend overnight this Friday and on Saturday. We lived there from 1995-2007.

    Gail, metro Atlanta (Canton)
  • bb55shawn
    bb55shawn Posts: 4
    Just reading the posts, great motivation! Bought a pedometer and will try to get my walking increased.
  • mightyold
    mightyold Posts: 12
    I AM SUPER WOMAN!! i am... really...

    I was invited this evening to join a garden club in my town. It seems to be very educational. It was fun. I even received a bluebird house for joining (they must be desperate for members) It was cool. Afterward, I was trying to meet some of the people and introduce myself...They were all eating the refreshments. Hummingbird cake and huge cookies with chunks of chocolate. Two of my favorites. The smell was wonderful. I told myself that the sugar in the icing would only make me crave more and that I would be angry with myself if I caved in. It was a good 20 minutes that I spoke with different people. Even the drinks were all sweetened with sugar. The longer I stood there, the stronger I got. I did not eat or drink anything. The next time I am faced with this, I will remember that I did it once...

    Mostly I was able to stay strong because I joined up with you all and did not want to report to you that I am a weakling. I did not want to type CAKE AND COOKIES into my food today
  • mightyold
    mightyold Posts: 12
    I wish there was a "LIKE" button on all of the posts because I would LIKE you all today. You are all doing so well.
  • inthedistrict
    inthedistrict Posts: 83 Member
    June Goals: Lose 2 lb per week
    Exercise 4x per week
    Eat healthy and stick to my calories
    Garden, go to movies, golf, distress!
    Enjoy this great summer weather...

    Thanks for this from a newbie, appreciate the support.
  • MzScarlet
    MzScarlet Posts: 8 Member
    I just found this post and it sounds like a great forum to read and reply. :)

    I will say that my goal for June is to workout for 1 hour three times a week and to check in on MyFitessPal once a day at least.
  • lmlmrn
    lmlmrn Posts: 787 Member
    Wish I had found this thread a long time ago!

    Since it is such an active thread I am going to just jump in and catch up with all of you from this point forward.

    my june goal is to lose 5 of the 15lb I gained since thanksgiving LOL...was a rough holiday dammit

    But am proud of my self today I took a long walk and in my area there is no such thing as flat land....I walked 7.06 miles! So tomorrow I am aiming for weights we will see how sore I am from the walk LOL xo

    Nancy Pacific Northwest, Washington
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :flowerforyou: between dog walking, getting ready for the four line dance classes I'm teaching in the next three days, visiting a friend, and spending time with Jake, there's not much time left.

    :flowerforyou: one of the first decisions I made in my weight loss journey was to plan my food ahead of time and not accept anything that wasn't on the plan no matter how benign the food or how kind or pushy the person offering it.

    :flowerforyou: Lucy, the resentment I feel sometimes at not being able to eat pizza, cheesecake, and a bunch of other stuff is nothing like the resentment I felt at myself when I my eating was out of control and I was the fattest one at most of the events I went to.

    :yawn: :yawn: :heart: :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

  • AlicesNirvanaHealthWellness
    Got my walk in for an hour today, but daughters 17the bday today and she picked Olive Garden for dinner,,yikes,,,I logged in all the food, no cheating,,,had water to drink instead of wine, would rather eat my calories right now than drink them,,

    Connie...good job on the squat challenge

    Grandmallie ... Hope the headaches ending,,,it certainly makes exercise/activity hard to keep up with

    Amanda x ...good luck with your dad,,, prayers for guidance and strength be with you

    Joy .. Good run

    Cityjane ... Hope the new noodles and dumbbells work out well

    Yanniejannie.,,, I love watching the birds and squirrels get their fill

    Liz..sorry to hear your fibro gives u so much difficulty,,,does what u eat affect that at all?

    Kathy in Illinois...hope you get good news from doc when u go about sleep,,,interrupted sleep makes life so difficult

    Lynn..good luck with the burpee challenge,,,that is a tough one

    Terewilliam......welcome, I'm new to this as well

    Nanmal.... Welcome to u too

    Jolene,,,great weight loss,,and goal for June are great as well ????

    Mightyold...you can do it,,make reasonable goals and stick with them,,,,little steps if need be,,just keep moving forward

    Alakaa...good luck,, keep focused and you will be great

    Debbie in Chicago,,welcome, I'm new too Alice in elmhurst

    Phoo513....our furry friends do bring us so much joy,,,

    Yanniejanie,,,love the grill picture,,springtime babies

    Suzy,,,nice climb

    Patceoh,,,welcome,,,small steps,,keep moving forward and you will be successful

    Jane,,sorry about the court issue,,,times are so difficult now for many,,,very stressful

    Lucy in de ,,,nice goals for the month,,and lucky girl winning the tickets

    Ok,,trying to keep up with the posts,,really enjoy the company,,helps me stay focused on my goals,,,but time for bed,,night ladies,,have a good night sleep
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Hello Friends and Welcome to all the Newcomers! I have finally caught up on the last 2 days of posts and just realized it’s past my bedtime. Some quick shout outs:

    Robin and Heather: Thanks for your tips on toning arms. It was on the top of my mind as I hit the fitness room early this morning. About 2 months ago I started doing upper body work, and have seen some results. However, your testimonials were just the inspiration I needed to add planks and triceps dips to my routine.

    Meg: Naked cat chasing story is hysterical. Thanks for sharing. Multiple migraines every week? Please take care.

    Sue in TX: I will check out the Nike fuel bracelet.

    Runningcats: I’m not training for any long distance runs, but do want to increase my stamina on the treadmill. Thanks for the Galloway link. Intervals it is!

    Vicki: My heart hurts for you on the loss of your fur baby.

    Barbie: Glitter graphics…oh my! What fun. Thanks for opening my eyes to this toy box.

    Liz in Halifax: I have had fibro for many years. I started swimming laps and found that cardio really helps with arresting the pain. Today, if I go too long between workouts, it comes back with a vengeance. I hope you feel better soon.

    Jb: Your garden flowers are just gorgeous.

    There have been some recent posts about bra fittings. Found myself checking out the current sale at Macy’s and in an unexpected NSV learned I’m fitting into a smaller size.

    Stay well and remember my new favorite affirmation: “It’s never too late to create a new body.” (thank you Louise Hay)

    Sleepy in the Colorado Foothills

    June Goals:
    80 oz of water per day
    3-5 servings of vegetables daily
    Log every day, even on the road
    Drop 2 pounds
    Nourish my mind and my faith with daily positive affirmations
  • runningcats
    runningcats Posts: 26 Member
    Evening all you wonderful women!

    Today was a good day - no crawling out of my skin. After the weekend and not being able to sleep because of too many things going through my brain plus the menopausal insomnia - last night's 7 hours seemed like heaven!

    mightyold: superwomen indeed! Well done!!

    Rori - running isn't about competing with anyone except yourself. And distance (to me, anyway) can be a block, a mile or 26 of them bad boys. It's the goals you set for yourself (and conquer!) that matter the most. =)

    Laurie: you can do this! small steps, one day at a time.

    JB: Omgosh! Beautiful flowers!!

    Lucy: I'm not sure whether to say "phew, I'm not alone" or "ugh, I'm so sorry you're going through it too".

    Liz_Mfp: I love the term: wogging! It's all about taking what steps you can, listen to your body. Wog away, woman! Thanks for posting the other links.

    Meg & Joy: thanks for the recommendations - both options that my doctor gave me last year, but also recommended against them as did my sister (med/pharma). The hormone replacement is out for me too because I had cancer. And its mostly for the emotional side of things that I'm looking for something. The hot flashes are mostly controllable with regular exercise - so when I wake up drenched, the sheets get washed. Annoyance, but tolerable. The mood swings bother me. I will ask my doc again about the anti-depressants.

    Joy: Yay on the walk/run! Whoo hoooo!

    Welcome Jolene: NorCal? I'm East Bay. Hi Neighbor! I love your comment "… and plan to be on this journey for the rest of my life…" because I believe the same. It's a lifestyle change. Everyday is part of that journey.

    MoJoPoe: Oh, do I know what you mean about the red wine! These days, I keep that for my weekly treat - and I dearly look forward to that glass.

    Going to try to get another solid 7 this evening. Hope everyone's day was fabulous!

    BTW - it's National Running Day tomorrow. If you run, run/walk, walk/run, wog, walk, wiggle, skip, or hop - have a blast with it tomorrow and know that you're not alone!

    Sue in Sunny CA.
  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member
    Good morning everyone! It’s another beautiful day here in Norway. We’re supposed to have a high of 15 today which is 59 F. Hubby got out the bikes last night and got them all ready and we went on a short bike ride. MAN! I don’t notice the hills when walking near as much as I do when I’m biking. I think I’ll try to do a longer bike ride this morning instead of the walking I’ve been doing, just to kind of switch things up. Then off to get groceries. Have a wonderful day everyone! :bigsmile:

    Heather – is your brother doing a Viking River Cruise? I’ve wanted to do one of those for quite a while.

    Yanniejannie – Congrats on the weight loss and being SOOOOO close to goal!

    Liz – feel better fast!

    Kathy – have you thought about taking Melatonin instead of Tylenol PM? I take one a night before bedtime and have an amazing night’s sleep. And a BIG congrats on the 50 lbs weight loss!

    Lynnyweb – WELCOME! :flowerforyou: I had to look up what a burpee was as I had never heard of them. And all I thought was WOW! Being such a klutz as I am, I could see me slamming my face into the ground. :embarassed: Good luck!

    Katla – when you make it, let me know how you liked it.

    Terewilliams – WELCOME! :flowerforyou:

    Nanmal – WELCOME! :flowerforyou:

    Jolene – WELCOME! :flowerforyou: 104 pound weightloss = WOW! Congrats!

    Lynnhope (or Phoebe) – WELCOME! :flowerforyou: What a GREAT friend! You are very blessed.

    Alakaa – WELCOME! :flowerforyou:

    Barbie – WELCOME! :flowerforyou: I thought the guy was drinking water …. But coffee sounds good! :drinker:

    Phoo513 – I’m glad you had a great food and exercise day! Way to go!

    Suzy_in_DE – WELCOME! :flowerforyou: I tried to talk hubby into hiking Kilimanjaro for our 50th last year but he wasn’t very interested. He turned 50 8 days before I did. Instead we went on a cruise ….. but that is still on my bucket list! Did you go with a company that set up camp for you every night or did you have to carry your gear yourself? Did you have a problem with the altitude?

    Robin – great job getting over 10,000 steps!!!

    PatceOh – WELCOME! :flowerforyou: I love your quote!

    Kdvrit – congrats on meeting all of your goals!

    Lucy – the generic form is called Venlafaxine. Let me know if you end up trying it! Are you in a double kayak in your ticker? I asked our instructor for a double but they only had singles. He said it’s better in the sea.

    Keatsgeckos – WELCOME! :flowerforyou:

    Molly – VERY cool “cool” :glasses: moment! Work it girl!

    jb_201 – BEAUTIFUL flowers!!

    Jodios528 – Gurnee …. Is that where 6 Flags is? We used to go there several times a year as a child. And then the next day we would hit a Cub’s game. Great memories!

    Kathy – I love Culver’s! Good for you for not caving in (as I would have done!)

    Laurie – WELCOME! :flowerforyou:

    TheNewLorrain – WELCOME! :flowerforyou:

    Mary9921 – WELCOME! :flowerforyou:

    Joyce – Your husband has his very own cardiac nurse? VERY NICE! Lucky man!

    Kathleen – WELCOME! :flowerforyou:

    Lynda – WELCOME! :flowerforyou:

    Meg – Congrats on not gaining more weight! And an every bigger congrats on getting back to healthy eating!

    Sue – Your profile picture looks like it was taken on a cruise ship! We’ve done 2 Baltic cruises and loved them!

    Inthedistrict – WELCOME! :flowerforyou:

    MzScarlet – WELCOME! :flowerforyou:

    Nancy – WELCOME! :flowerforyou: Great job with the walk! Especially on hilly land. That’s what we have here in Norway too and it can be exhausting at times!

    Nosoda0 – GREAT JOB at Olive Garden! Pasta is my downfall. And their breadsticks :love: …. YUM!

    Sue – I’m really surprised that your sister would recommend against Effexor. When we were on our last cruise during our knitting group I mentioned it to a pharmacist and she thought it was a wonderful idea. She said she was going to talk to her doctor about it too. I take the very lowest dosage available …. 37.5 mg and I only take it once a day.

    Joy (An American living the good life in Stavanger, Norway)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,299 Member
    Waaaargh, lost my long post last night. I know I can do the Word thing, but I am too confused on this tablet. I can do it on my laptop, but normally use my Galaxy as it is so much quicker to pick up and turn on. But Chrome seemed to have a funny moment and poof, everything gone! :sad:

    I was replying to Lucy about the heavy dumbbells. I don't do circuit training with them and if I am doing the kind of exercises they have on 30D shred I use the 2 kg ones. I use the 5 kg ones for weight lifting type exercises that I found on the web. Bicep curls with lunges, squats, tricep exercises, oh . . ..
    Just had to break off as heard a piece of paper being slipped through the letter box. Found the new dumb bells and my DSIL' s champagne had been left round the side of the house as they had 'attempted' delivery! !!!! We DO have a bell :explode:
    Don't you just hate it when they do that! And I had let DH take our car to the cricket as I did not want to leave the house because of the delivery. So I am without a car today. Vent.:mad:
    Thankyou for listening:heart:
    Anyway, that box is VERY heavy so I shall be approaching these 7 1/2 kg ones with caution. But it's still not as heavy as the weight I have lost! Boy, was I carrying something around!
    The weight lifting posters who hang around MFP are very evangelical and quite convincing, so that is why I decided to up the weights to as much as I can manage. I don' t want to go to a gym. We shall see. I must be careful with good form as my side is a bit sore this a.m..

    Joy, my DBIL is on a Rhine and Danube Cruise, at least he was, as the rivers are now raging torrents, with loss of life and terrible damage to property. The boats have been abandoned and they are now on coaches and being trundled between hotels. The one in Salzburg was scheisse. That' s what he said. I expect all the good ones were booked up long ago. Must be a terrible headache for the organisers. Can you imagine? He should have stayed with us in sunny, glorious Hampshire :laugh:

    Thank you for being here, ladies. Yesterday I felt really hungry, but resisted anything damaging and I believe it's all down to you, as a previous post said.:flowerforyou: :heart: I have never logged as I have been doing this for so long I can keep track in my head, but I still feel accountable to my Vit F friends.

    Heather, Hampshire UK
  • TheNewLorrain
    TheNewLorrain Posts: 138 Member
    For the month of June I hope to make it to 20 lbs loss
    For the month of June I will continue striving for a healthier me
    For the month of June I will work on my crafts to get ready for my show
    For the month of June I will learn to believe in myself
    For the month of June I will learn to take the word can't out of my vocabulary
    For the month of June I will begin decluttering my home to make it beautiful again
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: !

    I have lots of things to say:bigsmile: , no time to say it though:sad: ! By the time I finished reading all the posts, I`ve forgotten who said what:blushing: , add that on top of not having a lot of time:grumble: :ohwell: .

    I`m wishing you all well, have a wonderful day!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in cloudy:grumble: again NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,757 Member
    Morning ladies~ and welcome welcome to all the newbies
    well I got my butt out of bed and to the gym, did ok but not great, going to mow the lawn before I go to work today so that will help
    I am down a lb and a half from where I was but down to the ticker weight I am hoping by the end of the week
    gonna get some rain friday through the weekend so not much outside work..
    I did buy myself some new t-shirts and a couple of cute skirts,knee length in front and lower in the back, they are just pull on ones that you can wear with a t-shirt and sandals ..bought the xl- dont want to go down so they show my belly..
    does anyone have any exercises that are good to get rid of the belly fat? I have the fat pouch that hangs down and I dont know once I lose more weight if that will go away.. I sure cant afford to have a tummy tuck :noway: