
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    Dr Oz is a quack.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    OP and most of thread (and most of world) not actually correct (or at least mostly/partially wrong)

    read up on the minnesota starvation experiment to educate yourselves!

    tl;dr from FAQ:

    There is a maximum amount of fat loss your body can endure(, before it starts losing muscle. That amount is 31 calories/day/lb of fat (Note that the author revised this number from 31 to 22 cal an email exchange with Redditor, Chr0me). (

    Be aware, though, that this data comes from the Minnesota Starvation Experiment, and uses subjects under severe dietary restriction that did not strength train. This information should be taken with a grain of salt. See Lyle McDonald's take on this study for more.
    another one that he wrote up
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    Dr Oz is a quack.

    Dr Oz Is my homedog.
    How dare you insult my favorite comedian
  • Dewdropps
    Dewdropps Posts: 111
    I've always been told/instructed to eat at the calorie level for maintenance for the weight you are aiming for.

    For example, my goal is 130lbs, but I am 227 right now. Instead of eating what it tells me to for my current weight, I would eat at the allottment that I would at 130. You lose weight, because you are in a deficit, and once you reach your target, you don't have to do anything to change up how you were eating at that point.

    I always thought it was rather odd about the starvation mode warnings, because honestly... if you eat for your healthy weight range goal, you will obviously not starve, or it would still be a factor at your goal weight.

    That said, MFP has been the ONLY place I've seen such an emphasis on the starvation mode. Yes, there are studies, but everything I've seen, starvation mode really only applies to those only slightly overweight as obese people's bodies really have no fear of losing its stores of fat/energy for later. (Make sense?)
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I hear you bro, I'm so sick of people talking about starvation mode. It's all a load of B.S in my opinion, or the whole "Your body will start burning muscle instead of fat" LIESSSSS, your fat is there for when your body needs it, that's the whole point of fat people. Your body will only start breaking down your muscle tissue once it's fat reserves are gone.

  • jrutledge01
    jrutledge01 Posts: 213 Member
    There is a starvaton mode. It is not a myth. Your metabolism slows and you start to use muscle not fat to keep going and hello that means all muscle heart included is susetible to this. When it occurs is at times a mystery but it does occur and your grey matter in your brain shrinks until you have enough nutrients hence brain fog. many with ED can tell you it happens. If you want to play Russian rolette with your life go ahead. This site was started to share and help each other do it in a safe way. And for many it is not to loose but maintain and stay healthy . You will loose at first but at what cost you might need meds for heart or mess your brain or metabolism up to where it wont recover and for what a pretty body? Get over it and enjoy lfe what ever size and be healthy about it.
    please don't talk about science until you actually understand it. not trying to be rude, but you don't seem to know much about what you're talking about and shouldn't be giving advice on it
    I hear you bro, I'm so sick of people talking about starvation mode. It's all a load of B.S in my opinion, or the whole "Your body will start burning muscle instead of fat" LIESSSSS, your fat is there for when your body needs it, that's the whole point of fat people. Your body will only start breaking down your muscle tissue once it's fat reserves are gone.

    actually, not exactly. science disagrees - look at my previous post on this page for reference
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    What in the??
  • CassieLeigh86
    CassieLeigh86 Posts: 68 Member
    "Look at people in different countries starving, they are not going into starvation mode."

    Umm...huh? :huh:
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    I hear you bro, I'm so sick of people talking about starvation mode. It's all a load of B.S in my opinion, or the whole "Your body will start burning muscle instead of fat" LIESSSSS, your fat is there for when your body needs it, that's the whole point of fat people. Your body will only start breaking down your muscle tissue once it's fat reserves are gone.
    So I could eat 1200 calories a day (which is about 1800 below my TDEE, 900 below my BMR) until I was shredded at 5%-6% bodyfat and I wouldn't lose one single ounce of muscle mass because my body still had fat on it?

    Riiiiight. Got it.
  • Dewdropps
    Dewdropps Posts: 111
    "Look at people in different countries starving, they are not going into starvation mode."

    Umm...huh? :huh:

    My reaction to that sentence as well LOL
  • HoneySunrise
    HoneySunrise Posts: 29 Member
    I think what a lot of people are skipping over here is the amount of work you do. 1200-1500 calories a day is okay for weight loss if you SIT ON YOUR *kitten* all day. People who are burning major calories (think: runners, dancers, etc...) every day NEED to eat more because they need that "fuel."

    "Starvation mode" has been blown completely out of proportion because people don't understand what it means. All it really means is that your metabolism WILL slow down if you're suddenly eating at an insane deficit. Yeah, you'll probably still lose weight. But you will have also slowed your metabolism, which is why those Crash Diets never work. All the weight comes back as soon as people go back to a normal caloric intake.
  • philleah
    philleah Posts: 34 Member
    People say don't eat 1200 or even 1500 calories a day. They say eat more, to weigh less, but people you see on youtube eat 1200 and are losing over 80+ pounds. Can you explain that maybe it is better to eat more in the 1800s, but don't tell people that starvation will come up and get them because it's a flat out lie. Especially if your obese. Some guys did a study and that's the huge thing, that's why people think they're in starvation mode. How can you tell someone to eat more when that's what they have been doing all along, hence why they're overweight to begin with. Look at people in different countries starving, they are not going into starvation mode. No I don't think so. You need to look around you. People want you to fail in weight loss, they will make up anything to make sure you don't succeed. Why IDK. But its true weight loss and takes a long freaking time. You need to think of it in long terms, I mean like 3-5 years, it will need to be a lifestyle change. People think they are going into starvation mode because omg i hit a plateau. It happens with everyone. You're never going to get away from that. Sorry guys. JUST BECAUSE YOU HIT A PLATEAU DOES NOT MEAN YOUR IN STARVATION MODE. 1200 isn't starving yourself. What happens when you don't get enough food your body? It has to go into your fat stores, it's science people. End of story. Comments please thanks:) Oh fyi iv lost 40 pounds.

    Preach it!! Amen!! I have been wanting to say this for so long on these blogs!! I recently posted that I lost 23 lbs in about 2 and a half months. I'm 5'4 ....142 lbs starting weight to 119 currently. This is on a 1200 calorie diet sedentary and 1500 calories with exercise. Some people were congratulatory and some people were "worried" that I wasn't eating enough, and that once I start eating more again the weight will come on just as fast....but guess what! This is a lifestyle change. Before weight loss journey I was eating about 2600 calories a day (way too much for my small frame)...... Yes, to get the last 4 lbs off (goal weight 115) I will stick to my 1200-1500 calorie diet. Once I reach my goal I will up my calories to about 1600 -1700 to maintain! Thank you and good night.
  • Mlkmaid
    Mlkmaid Posts: 356 Member
    I think there is such a thing as losing weight too quickly; however, I think in order to really go into "starvation mode" you have to actually be starving. I'm only 5'2" and my BMR is just under 1200 calories.
  • watermillion
    watermillion Posts: 87 Member
    If you want to eat 1,200 calories a day...have fun. I'm eating more like 1,800 and still losing weight.

    Everyone's body is different. In my case, I wouldn't lose weight eating 1800 cals a day, I'd most likely stay the same weight. Which is great if I am at the weight I want to be, but if I want to get rid of the excess fat I have to eat 1200 cals or less a day.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    Dr Oz is a quack.

    Dr Oz Is my homedog.
    How dare you insult my favorite comedian

    Well played sir......well played.
  • Look up Alex Cubby. Impatient Diater. They all did it On 1200 Calories a day but they were overweight hence why you dont go into starvation mode when you big because your body has to use the fat stores. Alex cubby even said that she had to do 1200 because 1500 would Not work for her, Everyone is different. but still their is no starvation MODE.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    During times of severe caloric restriction, yes, you'll lose weight. However, a good portion of that lost weight is muscle. Muscle is metabolically active tissue, meaning that it burns a lot of calories at rest. When you lose muscle, your metabolism will slow down.

    What does that mean practically? If I lose weight at a slow and steady pace, reaching say, 125 pounds on a 1650 calorie diet and if someone else loses the weight quickly, getting down to 125 pounds on a 1200 calorie diet, I will be able to eat many more calories than the person on the lower calorie diet and maintain the same weight.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I hear you bro, I'm so sick of people talking about starvation mode. It's all a load of B.S in my opinion, or the whole "Your body will start burning muscle instead of fat" LIESSSSS, your fat is there for when your body needs it, that's the whole point of fat people. Your body will only start breaking down your muscle tissue once it's fat reserves are gone.


    If you understood basic physiology, you wouldn't be saying that. Doesn't matter if you are 300 pounds or 130 pounds, if you over restrict, you will lose muscle. It makes sense when you think about it-when you're not eating anything, by breaking down both muscle and fat, your body can supply your needs with fat and protein.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I hear you bro, I'm so sick of people talking about starvation mode. It's all a load of B.S in my opinion, or the whole "Your body will start burning muscle instead of fat" LIESSSSS, your fat is there for when your body needs it, that's the whole point of fat people. Your body will only start breaking down your muscle tissue once it's fat reserves are gone.

    100% true!!!

    Actually, not true. Your body will lose muscle if you are not getting enough nutrients and protein to keep what you have. It doesn't necessarily 'break it down' for energy, but you lost the amount of muscle mass and the strength that comes with it. Starvation mode is just misunderstood, but it is a real thing.

    I think I'm gonna go with my doctor on this one but thanks for playing.

    Notice I didn't say it will burn muscle. Muscle must be fed protein and some carbohydrate for repair and some excess for mass gain. When you do not get that, your performance will suffer, as will your muscle mass and strength. "Starvation Mode" is just a misunderstood and often misinterpreted term or concept (as I said in my longer post here). Furthermore, I am and I hope you are aware that you CAN burn muscle for energy, but it usually only happens in distance runners or people who have eating disorders and conditions. I hope that I'm clearing up any misunderstanding that my previous post may have brought on. On a side note, your standard Doctors may be educated in general health and diagnostics, but are not fitness experts nor nutritionalists - the two fields that deal with this issue specifically. Just something to consider. We're here to help each other, not belittle others or be so callous as to have a condescending attitude.

    When I called my doctor because I was concerned that I was losing more than 3 pounds a week (when I first started), all his nurse could suggest was a sample 1200 meal plan. I turned it down because I was already losing "too fast" on 2300 calories a day. She told me that was not uncommon. I adore that office and they are quite knowledgeable, but maybe not the best resource out there for the nuances of dieting.

    Doctors have very little training in nutrition compared to Registered Dietitians.
  • philleah
    philleah Posts: 34 Member
    I think there is such a thing as losing weight too quickly; however, I think in order to really go into "starvation mode" you have to actually be starving. I'm only 5'2" and my BMR is just under 1200 calories.

    Some people lose weight faster than others & everyone is different.