Early Risers here??



  • Power_Man77
    Power_Man77 Posts: 207
    So I'm up this morning getting ready to go to the gym. Somebody check on me later to make sure I'm not drooling on my keyboard later to day.
  • learninmama
    learninmama Posts: 49 Member
    Been getting up at 4am for work for ages.....started today moving the clock back so I could get a swim in before work :)
  • infamousdrew76
    infamousdrew76 Posts: 176 Member
    Up at 5am again, and off to the gym...For those of you that get up earlier than this, I really don't know how you do it? 5 kicks my *kitten* as it is. Enjoy the morning workouts all!
  • _Tara_R
    _Tara_R Posts: 688 Member
    Had an amazing workout today!!! Feeling good!!
  • capinoy
    capinoy Posts: 118 Member
    Good morning everyone!!! We made it to a week and the group is slowly growing strong. I love it.... Lets say bye to this month and welcome June with greater drive to reach our goals, however big or small they are. We got some great people here, from runners to gym buffs, mom's, and future mom's, and dads as well. Again lets tackle the next month with more drive.

    If you all do not mind just so that myself and some of the new ones here know I'd like to ask you all to list what kind of workout you do, if it is walking, running, gym (is it weights, zumba, stepper etc), Home workouts (like myself) lets share. What do you like about your workout? Who knows there maybe someone here that has hit a plateau and is looking to try something new but does not have anyone to ask. By posting it here we have a chance to pick YOUR brain on your routine.

    I'll start. I am doing Beachbody's Bodybeast workout Bulk Beast version. What I like about it is that it is more of traditional weightlifting program and I have all the equipment I need. I came from P90X, Insanity, P90X2, 10 minute trainer and now BodyBeast. Lets just say I love to Beachbody workouts (Duh I became a Coach) and to workout from home.

    Now for today, if you saw my post on my wall I started at 4:20 or so and finished by 5!! That was awesome beause I had plenty of time to cool down and get ready for work. It was Bulk Back today and trust me my back was hating me for putting them through it.

    Tara_R-Great job girl. Im telling you getting this stuff done early is the best thing, especially on a friday. More time to enjoy the coming weekend....

    infamousDrew-It just happens my friend. My alarm goes off and bam I am up and ready to go before I can rationalize that I need to stay in bed, and just an fyi I hit the sack last night around 11:30 pm. Crazy!!!

    Dealbarbie-Welcome aboard, so are you up earlier than 4?? I cant complain about that!!! You got this!!

    Power_mann77-Bro you awake??? Lol Can you hear me screaming with my mega phone!!! "GET UP POWER_MAN77!!!". What did you do in the gym today?

    cbeckl-3am for a run... Nice job. And what you put in on the weekend?? Wow, just wow.
  • SDkitty
    SDkitty Posts: 446 Member
    I wish I could work out first thing in the morning but since I'm already on the road to the office at 445 I'll stick with my afternoons :glasses:
  • _Tara_R
    _Tara_R Posts: 688 Member
    Hey everyone!! I'm currently doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. This is my 2nd round. I love how she kicks my butt!! She really motivates me!! I absolutely love her!!

    I do all my work-outs in my basement. I have my own mini gym! Love it!
  • learninmama
    learninmama Posts: 49 Member
    I always usually wake between 3:30 & 4....day 2 of getting up at 3 am so I can swim before I go to work....going to give this a week...if I am still dragging I may have to switch the swim to the evenings ;)
  • capinoy
    capinoy Posts: 118 Member
    Good morning all. I had an awesome weekend. Went to a filipino fiesta on Saturday, and Sunday spent time with the fam. Was great because my wife got called off from work (Stand by). Although she does not get paid it's still a plus to have family time.

    Today was early as always with some Beast Cardio. Getting close to the end of this round. I will definitely be ready by the time I get to Summit in a few weeks.

    SDkitty-welcome aboard. Hey no worries of not getting it done in the AM. As long as you get it done. What are you currently doing?

    _Tara_R-That is great I see a lot of people using that program. Does it come with a nutrition guide by chance? What are the equipment requirements?

    Dealbarbie-Wow, up at 3 am High 5 to you girl. Do you go to a gym or do you have an indoor pool where you live? 3 am for a swim the water would be really cold, but at least you would be wide awake.. lol.

    Have a great day all.

  • clairemarie1016
    clairemarie1016 Posts: 44 Member
    Wow! I thought I was getting up early just waking up at 6am. I need 8-9 hours of sleep each night so I go to bed super early (like 9pm-10pm) so that I can get in a full workout without sacrificing my sleep.
  • I have been doing my walks religiously but the intensity is not that much. I feel so tired all the time now that I am in 30th week of my pregnancy :( But still I am doing something at least.
  • Coquette6
    Coquette6 Posts: 158 Member
    I'm doing Stronglifts 5x5 three times a week, which are my early morning work-outs. Fewer people in the gym = less competition for the squat rack and bench press. I'm also doing the Bodybuilding.com 8 week HIIT plan on alternate days, but since I just do that on the track, I do that after work in the afternoons. So 3 days strength training, 3 days HIIT and one rest day a week.
  • capinoy
    capinoy Posts: 118 Member
    Clairemarie10-As long as you knock out the workouts that is the best part. It does take some getting use to for getting up early. For me I have noticed that if I sleep past 7 hours I am overly tired. I guess my body has really gotten use to getting up super early. Welcome aboard.

    Soontobemomma-I hear ya. When my wife was pregnant she too started to slow down and the best thing is to just listen to your body and do what you can do. There is plenty of time to come back and knock this stuff out. Do what you can.

    Coquette6-Nice with the stonglifts. I have seen the 8 week HIIT in the past. let us know how that is going. You sparked my interest.

    For me I was up and at em this morning. Had a bit of an issue getting started but made it through. Man I did Bulk Legs and even in the 2nd round of BodyBeast my legs still have the shakes after the workout. Dont know if it is a good thing but I used it to gauge how hard I worked out. Still feeling good.

    How is everyone doing? Hope you all are still crushing it....

  • _Tara_R
    _Tara_R Posts: 688 Member
    Good morning everyone!!! Hope everyone got their work out in today!! :) I had a hard time getting started but am so glad I did it! Feeling good!

    @Charlie-There isn't a nutrition guide with the 30 Day Shred but there is one with her Ripped in 30. I just downloaded it so I can get some ideas. The only thing you need is a set of handweights. I alternate between 6-8 pounds right now. My first round through it I used 3 pound.
  • capinoy
    capinoy Posts: 118 Member
    Good morning good morning. Happy Hump day. This is my usual day off from work but somehow managed to get my days switched for a move. Got my workout in and as you have seen it was Bulk Back. I went total Beast mode this morning including letting out a few grunts here and there. No one up that early and I was in the zone. Felt great to get the heavy lifts done. Now time to start the day. Hope everyone is doing great.

  • capinoy
    capinoy Posts: 118 Member
    Sorry for being MIA the last 1/2 of the week. I got busy at work and then over the weekend (yesterday) I got really sick. Not sure if it was food poisoning but it was bad. Back at it today. Started at 4:20 and knocked it out though. How about all of you? Hope you all are staying strong and COMMITTED.... Have a great day.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Wow I'm not the only one that gets up this early?

    Wake up at 3 am, down a cup of coffee, then start working out by 3:30

    10-15 miles on the bike
    30 Day Shred
    After that was 15 minutes of some weights

    Shower then more coffee!!
  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    5:30 am every morning for three years this week! My favorite time and it's MY TIME. Kids are still sleeping :)
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I am joining just for the motivation. It is SO hard for me to get up at 5:00 AM (normally get up at 6) Last week I vowed I would get up at 5:00 AM and do insanity and out of the 5 days I actually got up 1 time and did it. UGH. It was pretty amazing doing insanity in my driveway watching the sunrise and hearing the birds. I felt great all day too - a little bit tired once lunch time hit though. What time do you guys go to bed?
  • nicoledfinn
    nicoledfinn Posts: 40 Member
    My other half gets up at 4am to do his insanity workout, then wakes me at 5 so I can do mine! It is hard but my children 3 and 3 months are still sleeping, even after my shower! Best bit, I get to drink my morning coffee in peace (most days), it isn't easy but worth it! I end up asleep at 8.30pm lol