Women Fit For Forties



  • debjunti
    debjunti Posts: 40 Member
    I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to get the weight loss bar under my post like most of you have....kinda confused. Other than that I've got a very active day planned I have to help my daughter pack, and load the truck I'm moving her back to college tomorrow. Eatting is going to be a challange this week, but I am commited to doing good! Exercise on the other hand will be plenty of that moving all her furniture and boxes. Wish me luck, hopefully I'll have time to check while I'm gone a few times.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to get the weight loss bar under my post like most of you have....kinda confused.

    Click on TOOLS then click on WEIGHT LOSS TICKERS. I think it tells you what to do from there. Good luck! :happy:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Evening ladies....glad to see we haven't died off yet....sorry I've been emotionally absent last couple days......going thru a ruff patch but going to get thru it.....exercise and eating pretty good was my one constant and I appreciate that.....will be much better in the upcoming days so...good night everyone

    P.S. welcome to the new guys, this really is a great group of ladies!!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    OK - weighed in this morning! Here's my stats:

    7-01-10 229.8
    7-05-10 229.4
    7-12-10 227.6
    7-19-10 225.4
    7-28-10 223.6
    7-31-10 220.6
    8-07-10 222.0 :grumble: (but it is Fair week & TOM)
    8-10-10 219.8

    Went dress shopping with the neices yesterday for our cruise. I ended up with 2 more dresses myself! One is a 12 and it FITS! YAHOO! :bigsmile: Also ran into a coworker when we went to dinner. Her hubby hasn't seen me for quite awhile & was instantly like WOW :smokin: - you look amazing - like drastic change & so great! :bigsmile: He was just full of compliments, yet practically speechless if that makes any sense! Really made my day - AGAIN! (after the size 12 dress!) :happy:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Good morning ladies.....physically under the weather today....going to take it easy....no SSC for me today....will talk to you all later!!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Good morning ladies.....physically under the weather today....going to take it easy....no SSC for me today....will talk to you all later!!

    Me too...have a summer cold coming on! UGH! :sick: :mad: I did a quick walk on my break - its SO HUMID & MISERABLE! Everyone be careful out there today if you are in this heatwave!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Still coughing a bit and have my sexy voice (so my husband says,..HA!!) but feeling a lot more energized today....Kelly hope you are feeling better and hope no one else gets if (not to bad buy just wipes you out)...heading off to the local farmers/flea market to get lots of (healthy) goodies and get a great walk in....talk to you all later......have a GREAT day everyone....:flowerforyou:
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Well I put the vicks vapor rub on last night & it seemed to help, however I'm sneezing a LOT today! My nose looks like Rudolph! :laugh: I hate colds! I'm hoping it goes away today....going to sit in the heat at the Cubs/Cards game in St Louis tomorrow & don't want to have a miserable cold on top of it! :angry:

    On a good note....I hopped on the scale this morning & YAHOO! I blew 30 lbs away! lost another 1.8 lbs so I'm currently sitting at 31 lbs lost in total! YAY!

    When I started this journey the end of April I had wanted to lose 30 lbs by my cruise in October. Well...now I'm shooting for 50! I know that will be hard, but hey we gotta have goals, right?

    My best friend called me last night & of course I was still sitting at 29 lbs lost & she said "that seems like so little from what you look like!" :happy: I truly can't believe the inches that are just burning away! She has been very supportive of me thru all of this & I'm hoping she will join us here soon. She did ask me what the website was. If she does join, I will make sure she jumps into this thread with us all. She is 41 & has a prosthetic hip that was replaced about 8 years ago so it will be hard for her to do activities, but I know she can at least start watching what she eats & moving a bit more. She is the reason I do the water aerobics classes thru the fall-winter-spring as its not hard on her hip (we start again next week!)

    Well gotta get some work done! Have a great weekend all & I'll check in when I get back from St Louis! GO CUBS! :bigsmile:
  • lifenow
    lifenow Posts: 7
    I am in!
  • lifenow
    lifenow Posts: 7
    I am so happy to be sharing with other women who have simular situations. I was a bit apprehensive about doing this because I haven't lost any weight or inches for that matte. But as i read the blogs i noticed it didnt necessarly only about weight loss; but life. I am a mother of 3 children one college aged and two still in secondary school. I work full time like most mothers now days and have little if no time for me. I am so tired and worn out most of the time and feel like my body doesnt love me anymore; but i asked my self how much do you love your body! So i am trying day by day to be selective of what i put in my body and trying to most of all stay positive. I lost my mother 2 years ago due to breast cancer; she was only 54. He birthday is 8/18 and i have so many emotions about this process that i think i have just eaten them and gain weight in the process. My journey starts now!
  • cdsledge09
    cdsledge09 Posts: 167 Member
    I am so happy to be sharing with other women who have simular situations. I was a bit apprehensive about doing this because I haven't lost any weight or inches for that matte. But as i read the blogs i noticed it didnt necessarly only about weight loss; but life. I am a mother of 3 children one college aged and two still in secondary school. I work full time like most mothers now days and have little if no time for me. I am so tired and worn out most of the time and feel like my body doesnt love me anymore; but i asked my self how much do you love your body! So i am trying day by day to be selective of what i put in my body and trying to most of all stay positive. I lost my mother 2 years ago due to breast cancer; she was only 54. He birthday is 8/18 and i have so many emotions about this process that i think i have just eaten them and gain weight in the process. My journey starts now!

    Lifenow- We're really glad you're here. A lot of us share your experiences, caring for everyone around us and not realizing how far we get from the task of caring for ourselves. It comes to light in our weight, our self esteem and so many other places. The wonderful thing is that you've found a great place to share. I haven't been a part of the community long, but I've found some really wonderful friends and distant supporters. I don't believe that I would have accomplished my goals without the great folks I've met on these boards. Whatever your goals, you can start slowly, or jump right in, its just getting the start that makes a difference. Again, glad you're here and please feel free to friend me if you like.

  • cdsledge09
    cdsledge09 Posts: 167 Member
    This week has been 7 days worth of ups and downs for me. I have struggled most of the week and questioned my efforts for a day or two, but thankfully I got through it with a decent loss, and a better attitude. For all of you, that sent encouraging words during my whiney week, THANKS. I hope that everyone has had a good week and that you all enjoy a happy and safe weekend.

    Chris :flowerforyou:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Feeling much more myself today....going to go full swing at the SSC today....I am on call for work today so hopefully they won't bug me all day.....have a bad feeling about that though so I will just go with the flow!!!!! Make the best of your SAT. ladies!!....:flowerforyou:
  • debjunti
    debjunti Posts: 40 Member
    good morning ladies, I've been gone for 4 days, brought my daughter back to school. Then went down to see my oldest son and sister and nephew. It was hot and humid and we work really hard to get ny daughters apartment set up. We got a lot of exercise and went shopping so we could eat in! That was the best thing to do, we ate lite and fairly health. All in all it was a great trip and I lost 2# this week so yay me!:happy: Glad to be back home and my vacation is truely over I go back to work tonight, after 3 weeks off that's gonna be hard! But I feel I have gotten into a better place with my eatting and exercise( well ok still working on the exercise part) but I am willing to commit to all of you that I will exercise 5 days this week!:smile: So looking forward to another great week of weight loss!!!!!!!!!!! P.S. still looking for more friends, friends = support!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Debjunti--see hard work pays off, great weight loss this week....keep it up...

    Morning one and all....rainy day here so any activity will have to be indoors....so I didn't get to meet up with Jillian yesturday so I guess I can't avoid her any longer......enyoy the rest of the weekend ladies.....:flowerforyou:
  • msnas
    msnas Posts: 5
    Hello ladies,

    I'm stuck. I'm logging what I eat when I can but I'm not losing anything. What do you do when you need inspiration? I saw a recent picture of myself and I realized that I'm way too big. I found out this weekend that I weigh more than my mother.
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Hello ladies,

    I'm stuck. I'm logging what I eat when I can but I'm not losing anything. What do you do when you need inspiration? I saw a recent picture of myself and I realized that I'm way too big. I found out this weekend that I weigh more than my mother.

    I know what you mean...I didn't realize how big I was until I went to do my before and current update pics....when I saw myself in my old black bathing suit--I thought, how did I get that big...but it is from all the yo-yo-dieting and just life.....This time I am all about getting healthy.....so pick yourself up....get some motivation and encouragement from this site....You ARE worth it and CAN do this....devote 30 min. a day to yourself, you deserve it...also looking at some of the other success stories helped encourage me, I thought, if they can do it....so can I........and so can YOU!!! good luck and keep checking in ....also there are many groups here that offer challanges for the week....they help keep me inspired and motivated.....maybe try one of those....
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    Hi Ladies...I made it ...my first full work week. My daughter started preschool, her birthday this week, and football continues for my twins. Next week, my boys start school...it will be crazy. I'm so happy I have been able to continue to log my food and get exercise in this week. I'm hoping to do more next week. The first few days I was so tired when I came home that I didn't do my video, but today I had more energy and did Biggest Loser Video and the Elliptical. I'm scared to weigh this week and don't know why. I might cheat and weigh tomorrow!!! I've stayed under my calories all week, but worried that I haven't done my normal exercise for the week. I want that loss ( as we all do) as long as I keep losing...I'm happy!!! I just want to continue this journey and make it to the end. My motivation comes from how far I've come...11 lbs in 9 weeks. It might seem pretty slow, but I don't care. I'm 11 lbs lighter than I was 9 weeks ago. I'm just going to continue to stay under calories, zig zag calories, get stronger, and make my workouts count. Hope everyone has a great Friday!!!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    As I mentioned earlier this week. I got more thrown on my plate last Saturday at work. I found out my rent is DOUBLING WITH MANDATORY EXTRA EXPENSES.. which means it is really going up about 65% noway

    So, after some serious thought... my husband and I decided I am moving my day spa to our home. At first I was so mad. No one in their right mind will pay what the lady is wanting for the rental of the room I rented in a local hair salon. For that matter, I could even go into FT Collins and pay less rent with a built in clientele.

    So, we have been moving rooms around
    Son moved to guest room
    daughter moved to workout room
    workout room moved to office space
    office space moved to sons room
    My new spa will be moving into my daughters old room next to the office next weekend.

    This will all be good! So, far everyone I have told is ecstatic and are looking forward to walking into a more tranquil setting. I am just going to have to keep the house pristine now. So, I still need to paint and get the new spa room in order which is what I will be doing this week in between clients at my soon to be old place.

    Well, sorry for the rant.. just wanted to let you guys know why I have not been around much and will continue to be busy over the next couple of weeks.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Hi everyone! Its been a busy week for me & I haven't had time to catch up much on the boards! Hope all are doing well!

    Yesterday I got off work early to go walk in the parade with my family for our Dad's business & pass out candy. Its a big parade & took about an hour & a half to go thru it. It was hot! However it was awesome that so many people saw me that haven't seen me since I started my whole new lifestyle! Wow did I get the comments! My mom said a few people told her they didn't even recognize me at first! :love:

    Tomorrow I'm doing another road race! This won't be as challenging as my last 7 miles of hills....this one is only 2 miles & flat ground! My brother, neice, 2 nephews, cousin & his son are all doing it with me! YAY! :bigsmile: Should be a fun one!

    After the race I have GOT to do my yard work! I've got tons (litterally) of dirt to move still! :laugh: PLUS....tomorrow is my weigh in day! Hopefully it will be in my favor!
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