5'3 - 5'5 women Whats your goal?



  • elawoman72
    elawoman72 Posts: 76 Member
    My goal is not to jiggle.
  • jlwilcox5
    jlwilcox5 Posts: 2
    I'm 5'3 and my goal is 135. I am currently at 149 but I just feel better at 135 or even 130.
  • MelissaHopeG
    MelissaHopeG Posts: 56 Member
    I'm 5'3" and my goal is 130, and to keep it off! Currently at 138, haven't really even been at 135 since high school so its definitely a challenge. I was at about 145 and now at 138 people say I look so small and great, but I still feel very jiggly in some parts and want to have smaller thighs and a flatter belly. With toning and eating right, and using this site I will get there!
  • 5'5"
    started at 250lbs
    now i am at around 180lbs :)

    my goal weight is around 135, but i'm not sure entirely, wherever i feel most comfortable at.
  • CandiceLeeAnn
    CandiceLeeAnn Posts: 80 Member
    I'm 5'3.5" and my goal weight is 135 :)
  • fly_butterfly
    fly_butterfly Posts: 35 Member
    I'm 5'5 and my goal is 135.

    I too get the remarks... "you're too skinny", "you're just a shadow", "you'll gain it back when your done with your diet". These comments make me feel uncomfortable.

    But I feel great damn it! :drinker:
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    I am 5' 4" started at 198 last weigh in 158. 8 pounds from goal. But I have decided to look in the mirror more and scale less.
    Good idea. Body types vary. My 5'4" wife has always been around 110 pounds and it looks perfect on her but on others that might not look right at all.
  • wannabpiper
    wannabpiper Posts: 402 Member
    I'm 5'4" and started at 154 lbs. I'd like to get to around 125 lbs, but as the scale moves down, I'll see if that weight will actually be a happy weight for me. I'm not even sure how to decide on a goal weight.
  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    I'm 5'4" and my goal right now is 140, I look pretty good at that weight, but once I get there I'd like to try to get to 120. I have very broad shoulders and a hardier frame, so I think 120 might be a little thin (my boyfriend already voiced concern that would make me way too small, but I think he's just afraid I'll loose my boobs and booty, haha), but I'd like to try for it just to see what it looks like on me since I've really never been that thin.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    I'm 5ft 4.5in and started at 171lbs & 37.6% body fat the month I came back here (Dec 2012) and my goal weight is 131lbs & 13% body fat. I want to get into competition and modelling shape and not only that but I want to be a respectable role model for my daughter in terms of being healthy and making good lifestyle choices.

    Why I want to get in this shape is because my old trainer, who was at the most recent NPAA event in my area told me that I should do that when I first was losing weight since my daughter, he said I have the body for it and that I could definitely get there. He inspired me.
  • DVaughan1975
    DVaughan1975 Posts: 158 Member
    I am 5'3 and here are my stats

    SW 140.6
    CW 128
    GW 125
    BF 26.2
    BMI 23 (and some change)
    Waist 27"
    Bust 35.75
    Hips 38"

    My goal BF is 23%.

    Weight loss is extremely slow at this point. An ounce is a victory but I love food : ) Calories are set to 1769 and I try very hard not to eat my exercise calories back.
  • mandeenicoleb
    mandeenicoleb Posts: 479 Member
    I'm 5'4.5 and my goal MIGHT be 128. I'm starting to see with the addition of muscle I might just need to maintain my weight from last weigh in 133.6.

    I want lots more definition.
  • I'm 6'1" and I strarted at 264 lbs and I am currently 205 lbs. I want to get to a normal BMI, so I need to lose another 9 pounds. My Girlfriend doesn't like the me being boney but I feel a lot better. It also hasn't helped my rugby and discus.
  • im 5ft 4 ish and my goal weight is 130 lbs or whenever i feel good about my body :smile:
  • SkinnyMsFitness
    SkinnyMsFitness Posts: 389 Member
    Hi! Figured I'd add to it, although I'm 5'7". My goal weight is about 130-140 since ideal weight is 122-149 for my height.

    Credible Source:

  • 828tracy
    828tracy Posts: 1
    I'm 5'4. I've always been smaller. I used to do strength training before my mastectomy almost 4 yrs ago. I quit because of how I looked and just stuck with cardio that don't flex your chest muscles. I'm 42 now. I don't care anymore how my chest muscles look when I work out. I just want my muscles back!!!. I want to be stronger again.
  • tiburton777
    tiburton777 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'5", weigh 116, and my goal is to remain healthy at this weight.

    Less weight is not always the picture of health.

    Have had Grave's disease (now hypothyroid), osteoporosis, cholesterol of 182.

    My cholesterol goal is 150 without taking statins and this is not easy for me.

    At my age, less jiggle is always desirable and doing some strength training is necessary to keep the bones strong.
  • kmartinixx
    kmartinixx Posts: 197
    I'm 5'2''!

    SW: 190
    CW: 175
    GW: 130
  • mitziku
    mitziku Posts: 22 Member
    I'm 5'4". Doctor suggests goal of 147, I'd prefer goal of 135. I started at 273 and am now 188. I've been stuck there now for weeks (fluctuating a pound or two either way).
  • Kmsnomaha
    Kmsnomaha Posts: 167 Member
    Would like to lower BF% to 26% Currently around 29%.... Number on the scale is not as important as the BF% - However 130 would be great.. CW 139...