Significant other's thoughts on your weight loss



  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I'm lucky to have a super supportive husband. He loved me younger & smaller, pregnant, at my heaviest, and now still loving me throughout my weight loss. He just loves me smiling. :happy:

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    This for me too, I am one of the lucky ones...
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    my husband has been my biggest supporter :)
  • demonlullaby
    demonlullaby Posts: 499 Member
    my boyfriend could care less! i feel like he's annoyed when i talk about anything weight loss related!
  • Rosytakesoff
    Rosytakesoff Posts: 321
    He's pretty damn happy but not as happy as me:-)
  • innocenceportrayed
    innocenceportrayed Posts: 569 Member
    My boyfriend is the one that pushed me to start losing weight, he said that my health was at risk. Psh, like he's a doctor (although he was right) but now it's more about just getting healthy than "losing weight" really.
  • XX_Miss_RoseMary_XX
    XX_Miss_RoseMary_XX Posts: 274 Member
    My Fiance loves it.

    He tells me I have a "glow" when I work out... I tell him he's delirious, its SWEAT. :)

    He tells me he loves me just how I am anyways.. But he knows its important to me, so if I start binging on something he'll take it away, and save me from myself.

    He has lost 20lbs too though, without hardly trying!! UGHHH.
  • TheBeerRunner
    TheBeerRunner Posts: 2,777 Member
    My wife is supportive, she's a bit jealous that I have the drive and motivation to go through with it finally. I think she's worried I'm going to leave her, but that's not going to happen. Love her too much, not to mention I'm beyond socially awkward.
  • thistimesucess
    thistimesucess Posts: 169 Member
    My boyfriend thinks I should stop where I am but still tone up a little. I want to loose at least another 3kg (7lb) and tone up. On the flip side - when we are out and people comment on my weight loss he always makes it known about how proud of me he is and makes sure they all know just how hard I've worked. He's my biggest fan club.
  • DenverGirl93
    DenverGirl93 Posts: 32 Member
    Its interesting, he says that he is proud of me as he has been wanting me to lose but now that I have, he thinks its enough. And btw..he is very fit and has always been.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I think a lot of SOs say things that they think are supportive or nice and are taken the wrong way.

    My wife is very supportive, and has told me I look great at all ranges on the scale. I know she thinks I look better when I look better though to be honest. It's not hard to figure it out.
  • slepygrl
    slepygrl Posts: 249 Member
    Honestly my husband is very supportive about it as long as I'm doing it the way he thinks I should be doing it. NO treats EVER! NO going light on a workout, no matter how you feel. Eating perfect. We went out for dinner the other night. I had a mountain dew. I got dirty looks, I'm down 62 lbs. He likes to say crap like "Just b/c you've lost a little bit of weight doesn't mean you need all new clothes! I should buy a belt." I was in a 20 now I'm in a 12.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    My husband has exactly zero interest in listening to any conversations relating to food or exercise. But he finds many ways to let me know that he appreciates my new look. It's taking both of us a bit to get used to the idea that other people (men types) also appreciate my new look.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    My bf's happy with whatever I choose to aim for/what make me happy. He doesn't really say much about it tbh, but if I need his support then he is there which is nice :)
  • ttiiggzz
    ttiiggzz Posts: 154 Member
    My hubby likes me on the heavier side and has no problem telling me that. For a while he was seriously trying to sabotage my healthy eating but he's stopped realizing it wasn't working.
  • chelley_79
    chelley_79 Posts: 102 Member
    He fell in love with me when I was almost 400lbs, through my gastric bypass and through regaining a bit and now trying to smooth it all out again... he supports me no matter what. I have the best hubby!! <3
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I'm very fortunate my husband is incredibly supportive of pretty much anything I do.
  • emjaycazz
    emjaycazz Posts: 330 Member
    Initially, my husband said he was annoyed with my new-found fitness "thing" because: 1.) I was not eating enough and was cranky, and 2.) I would constantly talk about my workouts. And frankly, I probably was talking a little bit TOO much about it. However, for Mother's Day he got me a power tower, dumbell racks, and a roman that to me says he is supportive. He is generally a fit/active person too, but we can never lift together because we would be fighting over the oly bar.
  • ruth3698
    ruth3698 Posts: 305 Member
    He doesn't really say much about it.It's kinda irritating sometimes because I would like some encouragement from him.He's actually gaining weight because I'm not helping him eat all of the junk he likes to eat lol.
  • beautifulctb
    beautifulctb Posts: 100
    My boyfriend loves me just as I am and was, but he is very supportive of me trying to reach my weight loss goals. He even offers to go to the gym with me and be my trainer. He makes sure to let me know how beautiful he thinks I am with every pound I have loss/gained through this process. :heart:
  • alglenn2013
    alglenn2013 Posts: 97 Member
    My hubby doesn't say a whole lot about what I am doing. He smirks a little when I dish up my plate and he catches me measuring out the salad dressing with a measuring spoon, but that doesn't bother me. He's told me he has noticed, since I have been working out, that I am in a better mood and have more energy (and drive :devil: ). I honestly didn't think he really even cared, but the other day a friend came up to me to ask about this "fabulous new diet" my husband had told her I was following! I had a good laugh at that later, because I still eat all the same foods, I am just more careful about portions, and snacking!