Significant other's thoughts on your weight loss



  • AlishaDTM
    AlishaDTM Posts: 12 Member
    Super supportive. He joined MFP after seeing how excited I was about logging and watching my caloric intake. At first his mindset was just "make better choices, eat this not that."

    I do understand your husband's POV though. 40 additional pounds would be a lot to lose if he thinks you look fine now. Some men just like curves and maybe he thinks an additional 40 pounds of weight loss will turn the curved paths he normally takes straight :-)
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    My wife started out with, "New Year's resolutions are stupid - no one ever sticks to them".

    Then she moved on to, "So, how far are you planning to go with this nonsense?"

    Then it was, "I think I'll eat a little healthier for a few weeks".

    Next, "Maybe I should run a bit - can I have new shoes?"

    Now, mostly we comically try to sabotage one another. "Would you like some cheesecake?", "No, would you like some carrot cake?" :)

    We usually settle on sharing a package of peanut butter m&m's and try to make the other one eat the last one.
  • Patriots96
    Patriots96 Posts: 96 Member
    My hubby has been supportive, especially as I get smaller. I lost about 13 pounds before joining MFP, so I am up to 20 lbs down so far. I am doing Curves workouts too, so am toning up. He keeps telling me I am sexy, but I don't feel it just yet. Got a ways to go, but is nice to have him supporting me. He is happy that I am happy. My kids cheer me on too. They are 11 and 16 yr old boys, so they eat everything. :tongue:
  • RomaBella910
    I honestly don't like to discuss it with my husband. He is naturally thin, can eat whatever he wants and not gain a pound. He doesn't understand how difficult the process can be because he's never had to go through it. So discussing my weight loss and the process with him, the ups and downs, can sometimes be frustrating. However, he completely supports my efforts, and always congratulates my successes, and that's really all I need from him.
  • SakuraRose13
    SakuraRose13 Posts: 621 Member
    My husband is supportive but he is getting annoyed because Im dropping sizes quicker than he is able to keep up with mind you its 2 sizes or so, so far I still don't have a swimsuit that fits I have one pair of jeans and a 1 pair of shorts I had no previous clothes in this size because I have never been this size ,I was a 12 in Jan of this year now a size 8 or 6 in skirts.

    I was a 6 before my first pregnancy in 2010 and a size 12 before and after my 2nd pregnancy 2012.

    Funny that's quiet a few sizes Id say, I gained 30 lbs first time around and 11 the next pregnancy.

    I'm 4ft 10 so that's probably has bearing on the size jump my children were average to large at birth.

    He is awesome though trying to motivate me but mostly doesn't say much in less I ask him about how I look. He is completely opposite than me he is slender 5ft 11 and doesn't eat enough with his 12 hr shift ,3 rd shift job ,60 hrs a week. So I have to make him different food from me and our small daughters. Its says on mfp he should be eating 2,500 to 3000 a day with his kind of work.

    That's crazy not sure how accurate that is anyways yes he is supportive .
  • Pnuke77
    Pnuke77 Posts: 23
    My wife is pregnant so she hates it! lol She joked the other day that every pound I lose she gains.
  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    My husband is super supportive. However, he thinks the proper way of rewarding me after ONE workout is a box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts. I'm not sure if he's testing me, prefers me chubby, a mean little *kitten*, or just stupid. LOL
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    My husband is supportive. He would be fine with whatever I decide to do so long as I don't do some crazy ana ****. He loved me heavier, he loved me slimmer, makes little difference to him. I said something the other day about " the hot 22-year-old you married 42 years ago" and he said "I still see her."
  • TriShamelessly
    TriShamelessly Posts: 905 Member
    She's right there next to me most of the time training for our first triathlon together. In fact, we've added our almost 5 year old twins into the active, fit family lifestyle. My wife and kids rock!!!

    Edited for spelling.
  • SkinnyMsFitness
    SkinnyMsFitness Posts: 389 Member
    Lol @ your husband! (No offense!) Let me ask - b/c I'm wondering - is he overweight? That could be why he likes you the way you are now - or the way you were... Or, does he feel more secure when you're a little overweight - maybe b/c guys won't pay as much attention to you? Just some of my thoughts.

    My boyfriend is actually really supportive! We've been together 10+ yrs, and I was about 80 lbs lighter when we got IS horrible!! However, he was a little heavier when we got together and lost (probably) about 30-50 lbs a few years ago...

    With that said, he knows the routine from his personal experience, and he's been helping me with mine...he's been walking with me...helps me to 'limit' what I'm eating (when I mindlessly think I need more food); he's just there for me, always! He's happy for me and doesn't care what I do or what I look like. He's the best!

    I'm sorry, I'm not trying to brag...I think I'm realizing I take mine for granted...unfortunately. But, if your husband is truly unhappy with your success...maybe you should try to determine why that is. Unless you're going overboard and becoming unhealthy by being too skinny, he should be happy that you're trying to reach total wellness.

    Good luck!
  • Kellbellftw
    Kellbellftw Posts: 89 Member
    My husband is very supportive! He goes for walks with me, makes sure I don't pig out on junk food, and calms me down when all I want to do is binge! He stopped helping me justify cheat days, and doesn't ask me to go eat anywhere that doesn't have healthier options. It took him a little while to learn "Oh it's okay it's just ONE ice cream cone" or "Burger King won't kill you today" are not rewards, but he eventual got it under control. Though, he does poke some fun and tell me 'If you lose those puppies it'll be a deal breaker' all the time haha
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    When my bf and I met just over 2 years ago, I was about 152lbs. I'm down almost 20lbs since then. From when we met, he's always loved the fact that I've been active. To him, I honestly don't think he cares. He encourages me to be happy and if this is making me happy, he's happy for me. He talks about weight loss all the time and he drives ME nuts because I tell him I can geer him in the right direction, but he thinks he needs to do it 'his way' which is looking "skinny" and not fit - I hate it! But whatever he chooses. He doesn't really lift but loves to run.
  • Shelby1582
    Shelby1582 Posts: 191 Member
    He's very supportive but says I don't need to lose anymore. I wish he wanted to lose weight with me, he's been gaining while I've been losing.
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    When I was married, my hubby used to sabatoge me... he did not like when I was smaller and fit because he did like the attention I got (all in his mind). Later I found that part of the reason was because he was afraid I would cheat on him because he had a guilty conscience.

    Now that I am happily single, my older children are my only issue because they LOVE pizza, and I cannot seem to turn down a piece of pizza if it's offered.... :wink:
  • FaerieCae
    FaerieCae Posts: 437 Member

    This! :laugh:
  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    My husband at first didn't think much of it, but now I am smaller than when we met and it's motivated him to lose some weight. He is a stone down so far and feeling better for it :D
  • BajaDreamin333
    BajaDreamin333 Posts: 267 Member
    I'm lucky, he loved me at 240 lbs and loves me at 159. But I can tell he likes the 159 a whole lot better :tongue:

    However, he says "What makes you happy makes me happy" and means it. I sometimes feel guilty when I work out, when before I would spend that time hanging out with him. But he means it when he says "GO, have fun!" I think he's impressed more than anything. I love to cook and I love to eat. He's seen me pig out! He could stand to lose 40 lbs, and I'm working on him next. Occasionally I hear a tad bit of jealousy when I announce my most recent loss. But overall, he considers this a much healthier use of my time than other hobbies or habits I could have. (Home Shopping Network, Bar Hopping, Online Gambling. It could be so much worse!)