Lose 5 Pounds in June - Open Group



  • fitjules35
    fitjules35 Posts: 30 Member
    SW: (Starting weight) 188.5
    CW: (Current weight) 180.5
    GW: (Goal weight for the month) 175

    Weigh in Dates:
    6/1 180.5
    6/7 176.5, 16 miles down
    End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use)

    Running Miles: (I'm going to push it this month) 80
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    SW: 242
    CW: 207.4
    GW: 202.0

    Weigh in Dates:
    6/1 207.4 A few days ago it was 204.0 and I was being good, so hopefully water weight.
    6/8 207.8 Bad week - after weigh in last week I wore the wrong shoes and blistered my foot. Tuesday, blistered the other one. Very low on movement while trying to heal them back up.
    End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use)

    Total weight lost: +0.4

    Just for fun: How many miles will you walk/run this month? Hoping for about 10 a week, so will set my goal to 50
    Week 1 - 1 mile

    NOTE: These posts reset at 500. If the thread locks, go to the last post and look for the link to get to the second installment.
  • symone40
    symone40 Posts: 1
    SW: 225
    CW: 198
    GW: 188

    Weight in:

    6/1. 207
    6/7. 198

    I walk 3 miles a day and strength train 30 minutes a day three days a week.
  • SW: 170
    CW: 155
    GW: 150

    6-1: 158
    6-8: 155
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    SW: 234
    CW: 161
    GW: 156
    I had a nearly 2lb loss this morning so I'm likely going to sit at 161 for a while. Not sure if 5lbs this month is going to happen but it doesn't hurt to try! If I can even hit the 150's in June I'll be happy.

    Weigh in Dates:
    6/1 161
    6/8 160.8 (-0.2)
    End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use)

    Total weight lost:

    Just for fun: How many miles will you walk/run this month? Keep a running tally and let us know!
    I've joined another challenge this month and aiming for 100 miles of running in June.

    I also have a goal for the end of June to do a 28km run.
  • QJ2013
    QJ2013 Posts: 45 Member
    Thrilled to see the scale moving. Last week I stayed the same, the week before only 1lb.

    SW: (Starting weight) 205
    CW: (Current weight) 200.2
    GW: (Goal weight for the month) 195

    Weigh in Dates:
    6/1 - 200.2
    6/8 - 198.2 - hooray to be under 200!
    End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use)

    Total weight lost:

    I've done over 20 miles of my 75 mile goal so far.
  • craftykat12
    craftykat12 Posts: 50 Member
    I'm in

    SW: 255 (Starting weight)
    CW: 182.7 (Current weight)
    GW: 178 (Goal weight for the month)

    Weigh in Dates:
    6/1- 181.6
    End of Month 6/30- (or whatever weigh in days you use)

    Total weight lost:

    Just for fun: How many miles will you walk/run this month? Keep a running tally and let us know!

    NOTE: These posts reset at 500. If the thread locks, go to the last post and look for the link to get to the second installment.
  • 280days_keto
    280days_keto Posts: 90 Member
    SW: (Starting weight) 165.2
    CW: (Current weight) 158.4
    GW: (Goal weight for the month) 153.4

    Weigh in Dates:
    6/1 158.4
    6/8 156.6 (down 1.8) yaaaaay!!!!
    End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use)

    Total weight lost:

    Just for fun: How many miles will you walk/run this month? Keep a running tally and let us know!
    6 miles- 3x a week
  • KLWelty
    KLWelty Posts: 103 Member
    Checking in with my 6/8 update:

    SW: 296
    CW: 290.2
    GW: 290* Updating my GW to: 284

    Weigh in Dates:
    6/1 296
    6/8 290.2
    End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use)

    Total Miles On Stationary Bike 35.3
    Total Miles On Foot 18.3
  • Hope I'm not to late :) Going to try anyway

    SW 183.8
    CW 183.8
    GW 178
  • vivele8
    vivele8 Posts: 17 Member
    SW: 215
    CW: 181
    GW: 176

    Weigh in dates:
    6/1 - 180.2
    6/8 - 178.8
    6/15 -
    6/28 -
    End of month -

    Total weight loss -
  • luis702702
    luis702702 Posts: 704 Member
    SW: 240
    GW :181

    June 1 - 186
    June 8 - 184.0
    June 15 -
    June 22 -
    June 28 -
    End of the Month -

    Oh, Honey Honey.
    You are my candy girl,
    and you got me wanting you. "BUT NOT FOR ANOTHER 3 WEEKS" :)

    Burning 400 calories with Super slow pace walk for an hour, after vigorous workouts. Counting and consuming calories only withing a window time frame :) .
  • BeccaBollons
    BeccaBollons Posts: 652 Member
    SW: 170
    CW: 148
    GW: 144

    Weigh in Dates:
    6/1 148
    6/8 150 (SERIOUSLY hoping water weight- ate lots lof salty food yesterday!)
    End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use)

    Total weight lost: +2lb

    Just for fun: How many miles will you walk/run this month? Keep a running tally and let us know!

    I am focusing on core strength, so will be doing squats and crunches every other day. I'm not allowed to run due to a spine condition, but I will hopefully be walking 2 miles 4 times a week.
  • PrajnaFaux
    PrajnaFaux Posts: 45
    SW: 198.0
    CW: 187.2
    GW: 178.2 (for June)

    Weigh in Dates:

    6/1: 187.2
    6/8: 181.6 (-5.6 lbs)
    End of Month:

    Run/Walk goal: 40 miles
    7 miles so far. Been walking in the pool and am unable to record distance for those workouts since my pedometer's not waterproof.
  • (Feel free to add me, just let me know in the request that youre doing this challenge :D )

    SW: 167
    CW: 149
    GW: 144

    Weigh in Dates:
    6/1: 149
    6/8 :148
    End of Month

    Total weight lost:
  • mfpseven
    mfpseven Posts: 421 Member
    SW: 195
    CW: 129
    GW: 125
    UGW: 100-110
    Height: 5'2

    Last month's Weigh in Dates:
    End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use) 130

    Total weight lost for May ---5lbs GOAL MET!!!

    JUNE!!! Weigh in Dates:
    End of Month---

    Total weight lost:
  • nicheven
    nicheven Posts: 77 Member
    I haven't done one of these in awhile :D

    SW: 263
    CW: 217.8
    GW: 213

    Weigh in Dates:
    6/1 - 219.2
    6/8 - 217.8
    End of Month:

    Total weight lost: 1.4 lbs
  • megrosse
    megrosse Posts: 7 Member
    Checking in with my 6/8 update:

    SW: 147
    CW: 144
    GW: 141

    Weigh in Dates:
    6/1 146
    6/8 144
  • topotw
    topotw Posts: 8 Member
    6/8 - So far, so good! 1.5 lbs. lost - I'll be amazed if I actually lose 5 lbs. this month. I never lose weight - I've been between 137 - 140 for years! Posting my weight each week doesn't seem like much, but I was excited to step on the scale this morning. I'm feeling motivated so I'm just going to roll with it and keep on giving it my all this week! Good Luck everyone!

    Me too! This is my first post here, seems like a great place to start. Nice to see so many people active on this forum!

    Good Luck everyone!

    SW: 140.7
    CW: 138.2
    GW: 120

    Weigh in Dates:

    6/1: 140.7
    6/8: 138.2
    End of Month:
    Total Weight Lost: 1.5
  • I am averaging a pound a week if not two, but I just had a procedure so my workouts haven't been as intense. But I am plugging right along. It is awesome to see people's progress :)

    SW: 309
    CW: 277
    GW: 175

    Weigh in Dates:
    6/8- 275
    End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use)

    Total weight lost:

    Mileage for June goal: My goal is 10,000 + steps per day, which has been averaging 6 miles a day. Let's see if I can reach it every day.