when did boycotting cardio become the cool thing to do?



  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    Pca - whatascene didn't say 'its like religion - theres no proof for one over another' she said 'it's like religion - everyone thinks their way is right.'

    Her position is that is a team mentality - namely, that further information will not change the 'side' one is on. If that is not true for you or some other members on this side - kudos!

    However, team mentality (you might also think ingroup/outgroup) is incredibly prevalent in society - from what sports team you root for down to clothing or food brands you consume. This is part of why branding works, and also inter-relates with xenophobia. It's natural, even if its not good. And the interesting thing is that facts often do NOT change preconceived notions. Namely, we will believe what we believe regardless of the facts of the situation. This also comes from our tendency to seek information supporting our position rather than contrary to it. Humans do not like to admit we are wrong.

    Thus the argument between cardio and weight lifting isn't so much about who's right as it is about 'which team am I rooting for?'

    Yup, good points. Confirmation bias is definitely on display here as well as tribalism.

    But as long as people are interested in evidence, I'm still in.

    Unlike religion, I think this is worth discussing here. We have special groups for people who don't want to consider alternate points of view (good and bad reasons for that).
  • whatascene
    whatascene Posts: 119 Member
    People need to loosen up in this thread. It's only proving my point XD
  • CoachDreesTraining
    CoachDreesTraining Posts: 223 Member
    Sunday Funday bump!
  • gfroniewski
    gfroniewski Posts: 168
    Why don't we try to find something we can all agree on? I assert that a mix of HIIT and steady state cardio will yield the maximum benefit for a cardio regime. What say you?
  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    Everyone should lift or otherwise do some sort of resistance training as well as cardio...most people I know who are at all into fitness do both because they understand that having an all around good level of fitness requires both.

    ^ This.

    The cardio bashing on this site has gotten a bit ridiculous, IMO.

    I also don't judge others by what exercises they choose to do. Unless it's washing the dishes, cooking, or vacuuming. Sorry, but that ain't exercise.


    ^^^ YES! someone else that says washing dishes, cooking prep, and vacuuming isn't exercise!!!
  • LeahT84
    LeahT84 Posts: 202 Member
    Everyone should lift or otherwise do some sort of resistance training as well as cardio...most people I know who are at all into fitness do both because they understand that having an all around good level of fitness requires both.

    ^ This.

    The cardio bashing on this site has gotten a bit ridiculous, IMO.

    I also don't judge others by what exercises they choose to do. Unless it's washing the dishes, cooking, or vacuuming. Sorry, but that ain't exercise.

    I do backwards kicks and leg lifts while I wash dishes, squats while I cook, and dance while I vacuum... so those things to me ARE exercise :drinker:
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    It's really the age-old way of validating something: You have to negate the other thing, and by negating it, you bring up whatever your thing is to a point where it becomes viable.

    People do it with skinny people to validate larger sizes; they do it with vegetarians to validate meat; they do it with cardio to validate weight-lifting; they do it with whatever the hell they want, because it's the easiest, most obvious way to attempt to validate anything.

    Doesn't make it accurate or true. It's just easy, and doesn't require a lot of thought.
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    Look at OP's profile. Review previous threads.

    Observe people making a big deal out of the subject........priceless
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    Look at OP's profile. Review previous threads.

    Observe people making a big deal out of the subject........priceless

    Regardless of the OP's history, it's an interesting subject.

    Your condescension is unwarranted.
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    Look at OP's profile. Review previous threads.

    Observe people making a big deal out of the subject........priceless

    Regardless of the OP's history, it's an interesting subject.

    Your condescension is unwarranted.

    I would be much better to start a new subject with a better more focused goal. IMHO. The way the subject is framed, it causes the topic to dive all over the place. Hence the 350+ replies. etc..
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    Look at OP's profile. Review previous threads.

    Observe people making a big deal out of the subject........priceless

    Regardless of the OP's history, it's an interesting subject.

    Your condescension is unwarranted.

    I would be much better to start a new subject with a better more focused goal. IMHO. The way the subject is framed, it causes the topic to dive all over the place. Hence the 350+ replies. etc..

    And this... Displeases you in some way?
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    Look at OP's profile. Review previous threads.

    Observe people making a big deal out of the subject........priceless

    Regardless of the OP's history, it's an interesting subject.

    Your condescension is unwarranted.

    I would be much better to start a new subject with a better more focused goal. IMHO. The way the subject is framed, it causes the topic to dive all over the place. Hence the 350+ replies. etc..

    And this... Displeases you in some way?

    Yes it does. Notice how many replies the OP has into this thread.

    It upsets me that people create threads that are controversial and then sits back with a bowl of popcorn to watch the show.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Look at OP's profile. Review previous threads.

    Observe people making a big deal out of the subject........priceless

    Regardless of the OP's history, it's an interesting subject.

    Your condescension is unwarranted.
    That's what makes it funny.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Please go read back through this thread and then tell me what position I've taken.

    When you've completed that assignment, read your definition of plyometrics again and explain to me how using the stretch reflex in your calves isn't plyometric.

    You mean the exact same stretch reflex used in jogging? So jogging is plyometric too? It's not a very tough concept, so I'll have to assume you are now just toying with me by playing dumb.

    I think anyone following this understands your position and also your arrogant, uninformed tone as you commented on some of these responses.

    But I'm not one to force others to take any position, so why don't you clearly spell yours out instead of attempting social dominance by handing out assignments?

    Ignorant? Not really. Arrogant? Absolutely. But only because I know more than you.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Look at OP's profile. Review previous threads.

    Observe people making a big deal out of the subject........priceless

    Regardless of the OP's history, it's an interesting subject.

    Your condescension is unwarranted.

    Ironic. I've yet to find any of your input warranted. But congrats on your 3 mins of speed rope mastery. You're a true warrior
  • gfroniewski
    gfroniewski Posts: 168
    The funniest part about this thread is the fact that OP is a troll account.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    I love running on a treadmill-- is that strange? I do a thirty minute hills routine on a treadmill maybe four times a week... or jump rope when I don't feel like running. It's a relaxing workout for non-weights days or just after a weights routine.

    Anyway, I really enjoy both, personally, and I don't get the anti-cardio sentiment either.
  • When I realized I freakin' hated it. I still do cardio, but it's very brief, or very relaxed. No more jogging. Unless it's specifically being done to hang out with hot chicks. I am weak. I always make an exception for hot chicks.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    Look at OP's profile. Review previous threads.

    Observe people making a big deal out of the subject........priceless

    Regardless of the OP's history, it's an interesting subject.

    Your condescension is unwarranted.

    Ironic. I've yet to find any of your input warranted. But congrats on your 3 mins of speed rope mastery. You're a true warrior

    Do you mean my general point, that doing some cardio helps with resistance training, or the part where I contradicted your assertion that skipping rope is a form of resistance training?

    or are you just unclear on what "unwarranted" means?
  • happydaze71
    happydaze71 Posts: 339 Member
    I think people who crap on about people shouldn't be doing cardio should shut up.
    Cardio is awesome... when you find something you like.
    I lift weights, I run, I do classes, I love the way it makes me feel.
    Fitness is an all round deal, which includes flexibility, an also forgotten term.
    Whoever said you have to get on the treadmill and walk away like a moron for an hour? Use your imagination.... there are more you tube videos than you could poke a stick at..... tabata is all about short workouts that send your heart rate through the roof in intervals and train your muscles.
    Broaden your horizons, and the need to insult people who are just doing their thing just amazes me.
    Sitting behind a keyboard and hurling insults is just soooooo easy hey.