My Husband called me a fat @zz yesterday



  • monjacq1964
    monjacq1964 Posts: 291 Member
    and he's still breathing???? There is no excuse for abusive comments like that. Things said in anger are his true feelings, unmasked. Kick him to the f***ing curb, imho.
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    It sounds like he hit you where he knew it would hurt.... they were words spoken in anger...and when things cool down, address this.

    Promote communication/encouragement, but do not expect it to come on demand.

    Also: I think you are ready to lose the weight or you wouldn't be on here. Lose it for YOU. It is what I am doing.

    Add me if you want.

  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I did not read 15 pages so I don't know if this was addressed:
    but I am 36 and he is only 28 so he can get any young girl he wants so this also puts more pressure on me

    Has he ever said anything about finding someone younger, or is this your own insecurities talking? Really, age has not much to do with it.
  • squidgely
    squidgely Posts: 29 Member
    I just want to say, I looked at your profile pics and I think you look great and really pretty. Don't let any comments said in anger get you down. It sounds to me like he said those things because he knew how much it would hurt you and in that moment, that's what he wanted to do. Doesn't make it forgivable, but definitely don't let those comments hurt you. They don't mean a thing.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    I'm sorry... if my husband was that cruel and childish he wouldn't be around for long. Even in our worst argument my husband knows better and is a grown man and would never take such cheap shots.

    A husband (or wife) should be there to support you and love you regardless. Calling you names is abuse. I would allow my husband to say something like that once, but only once and than he'd be out on the street.

    Ultimately, do not lose weight for him. Lose weight for you and no one else.

    You need to speak with him and see why he thought it was ok to say those things to you. If HE doesn't want to correct the situation than you need to figure out what you will do.

    Don't not eat to fast and detox. You don't need to detox. Eat properly.
  • percom74
    percom74 Posts: 4
    It sounds like he hit you where he knew it would hurt.... they were words spoken in anger...and when things cool down, address this.

    Promote communication/encouragement, but do not expect it to come on demand.

    Also: I think you are ready to lose the weight or you wouldn't be on here. Lose it for YOU. It is what I am doing.

    Add me if you want.


    I concur with missdibs1, sometimes in the heat of an argument stupidity reigns supreme. Every needs a teaspoon of grace now and them, followed up with five pounds of mercy. Keep your chin up, you can be more than he ever expected.
  • Marigoldie
    Marigoldie Posts: 15 Member
    Regardless of how mad me and my husband may get at each other, we have never EVER called each other names. Not just names, but hurtful jabs at each other. That's just wrong.

    And I'm sorry but if HE'S not sorry for what he said, his *kitten* needs to go.

    Totally agree! I hope he has apologized by now or you have moved out!
  • laurieream
    laurieream Posts: 7 Member
    I am so sorry he called you names that must have been very hurtful to hear..... I know that would have made me feel awful. Make sure you are losing the weight for yourself and not him.... I would have hoped he married you not for the way you look but who you are on the inside....
  • LOVE yourself and love what you want to be.
    No one's opinion is more important than yours.
    If he was angry or not it does not matter cause he hurt you yet he motivated you.
    Be beautiful inside and outside.
    Talk with him about your relationship, your effort and your insecurities.
    It works out better that way believe me^^
  • mountaingirl1961
    mountaingirl1961 Posts: 75 Member
    I think you need to lose about 180-lbs worth of jerk husband and find somebody who knows how to treat a woman.

    Your value as a human being is not determined by your weight. Yeah, we all want to weigh less. That's why we're here. But so what? Just because there's a bit more of us all to love doesn't make us worthy of that kind of purposefully hurtful abuse.

    Go together to get some counseling. He needs to be supportive of what you're doing. If he's unwilling to be supportive and incapable of acting like a mature adult, why in the WORLD would you want to spend your years saddled with this guy?
  • EnviousDan
    EnviousDan Posts: 107 Member
    Maybe sit down and have a talk with him. Did you say any hurtful things back? Honestly just sitting him down and telling him how hurtful that was (when you are both calm) will help. Things said during fights cannot be taken back but they are also heat of the moment things and should be taken with a grain of salt.

    I don't know anyone who has had success with 24 hour "detox" periods. I've always understood that to be broscience. To lose weight and gain fitness/energy you need to have a healthy diet with a controlled amount of calories every day.
  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member
    That's tough!
    Might I suggest you and your husband both commit yourselves to reading 'Love and Respect'. It's a great book on married couples, Biblically based but some real great wisdom. My wife and I do it repeatedly. you might get the DVD as well.

    save your marriage and each other.

    Good luck
    Prayers for you.
  • I have experienced the same thing. Mine did this to me several years ago, and no - you never do forget those VERY hurtful words. But remember, they are just that - words. They are button pushers. He (and you) were in such a heated argument that he "went there". It's not right, it's not even justifiable, but it is forgiveable. The fourty punds (-/+) you have gained does not defy who you are today. You need to remind him of that- remind yourself of that. I have gained 80 pounds since I met my husband and in my situation he called me "disgusting" and I "made him sick". The humiliation is indescribable. You do feel sick, you don't want to eat and you do tend to let your mind wander into the "what-if's" and "what will happen when..." (he meets someone more attractive). Don't do that to yourself!
    I imagine he already feels the remorse of saying those things to you and is sorry for hurting you so deeply. Explain to him how much this hurts, but do not make yourself a victim. Meaning, don't ask why me, etc... Simply let him know name calling will not be tolerated on either of your parts because people who love eachother do not hurt one another like this! Remember, don't live your life in the rear view mirror - most of us used to be thinner, so pick yourself up - and move forward. :) and yes, we are still married (18 years this Thurs.) and he tells me daily how beautiful I am, regardless of the extra weight.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Everyone gets to decide what is acceptable in their relationship. From the outside, to me, your husband's comments sound not only incredibly immature, but emotionally abusive. For me, comments like that would never be acceptable in a relationship. It's your marriage though, so you get to decide it that is something you are willing to accept. I hope you realise that this isn't something you can "fix" simply by losing the weight. Maybe it's something you can work out together, maybe it's not, that's something between the two of you. Don't kid yourself that it's about the weight though.

    Regarding the 24 fast (and this is coming from an intermittent faster): stopping eating because someone has called you fat is a really bad idea. Don't let his comments dictate your eating patterns or how you take care of your health. You're justifying it by saying you're on a "detox" (which is completely unnecessary btw unless you're detoxing from drugs or something) but it was obviously a knee-jerk reaction to what he said and how that made you feel. Weight loss takes time, as you know, but your body still needs food and nourishment. Don't be afraid or ashamed of eating because of what he has said.
  • newdove
    newdove Posts: 2
    That is exactly right. I would never put up with name calling and abuse in a marriage, and that's what this man did. I lived in my childhood seeing this acted out. My father was horrible to everyone and he used words and fists to show his power! I would not put up with it. That isn't love calling your mate names, especially weight names. Oh, this was so hard to hear.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    You honestly shouldn't explain yourself to any of these ignorant women. You came on here for uplifting advice not to be questioned about your profile status. They should mind their own business! I hope everything is okay with you being that you posted this in January.

    Strong first post. :indifferent:
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    "we all say things that hurt"
    Ummm... no we don't. In 4 years, we have never said things that hurt to each other. Why do people think this is normal and okay? We have enough respect and love for each other that we would never want to sully our relationship with foul words or attitudes.

    I hope things get better for you. This is sad.
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    "we all say things that hurt"
    Ummm... no we don't. In 4 years, we have never said things that hurt to each other. Why do people think this is normal and okay? We have enough respect and love for each other that we would never want to sully our relationship with foul words or attitudes.

    I hope things get better for you. This is sad.

    Agreed. That was a low blow.

  • xDawnsgrace
    xDawnsgrace Posts: 436
    time for a new husband.
  • naturesgate
    naturesgate Posts: 45 Member
    time for a new husband.

    His mean @ss needs to go. Don't put up with that crap!