June = 30 Day Shred... who is with me?



  • aliann30
    aliann30 Posts: 291 Member
    Mel, that is AWESOME advice! Definitely encouraging! I think I need to get some dry erase markers too!!! :)

    L1D7 done! gonna push through this weekend to get L1 done and hopefully will be starting L2 Monday if I don't break and take a rest day.

    You all are doing amazing! :drinker:
  • Stlarenas
    Stlarenas Posts: 90 Member
    Mel, that is AWESOME advice! Definitely encouraging! I think I need to get some dry erase markers too!!! :)

    L1D7 done! gonna push through this weekend to get L1 done and hopefully will be starting L2 Monday if I don't break and take a rest day.

    You all are doing amazing! :drinker:

    I finished L1D9 last night. Definitely getting easier - I feel like I am moving harder and faster in most of the circuits. But I am getting bored. I WAS looking forward to L2 for the change of pace - but all you L2ers are scaring me :)

    I am alternating days with c25k - so I will finish L1 up tomorrow and start L2 on Sunday.

    Oh - and I am in for 30 revolution after this one...if anyone is on the same schedule I am (every other day)
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    Yay, Hey guys!

    I'm going to start this today and I'm nervous but ready. I had to put last years swim suit on yesterday for a pool party with the kids and wow....I was depressed. I've been reading about this program for a while now and I'm ready!

    Glad to see so many who have suvived!

    L1D2 tonight!!
  • MelClaire2000
    Mel, that is AWESOME advice! Definitely encouraging! I think I need to get some dry erase markers too!!! :)

    L1D7 done! gonna push through this weekend to get L1 done and hopefully will be starting L2 Monday if I don't break and take a rest day.

    You all are doing amazing! :drinker:

    I finished L1D9 last night. Definitely getting easier - I feel like I am moving harder and faster in most of the circuits. But I am getting bored. I WAS looking forward to L2 for the change of pace - but all you L2ers are scaring me :)

    I am alternating days with c25k - so I will finish L1 up tomorrow and start L2 on Sunday.

    Oh - and I am in for 30 revolution after this one...if anyone is on the same schedule I am (every other day)

    Don't be scared. It is a beast. But like Jillian says....those knots are fear leaving the body. Just 4 days into L2 and I am feeling good about it...I feel strong! (This is about the same number of days that it felt for me to feel strong from L1). Don't let Level 2 scare you....let it challenge you. Every day I get up now and I tell myself, I'm gonna BEAT this level!
  • blackeraser
    Did day 7 yesterday night just forgot to post.
  • shemyg06
    shemyg06 Posts: 84
    mayby im just crazy, but I had the idea to run ripped in 30 at the same time, lol
    just do one in the morning and one at night,
    although to be hinest I find it extra difficult to get motivated at night tho
  • brit_chick
    brit_chick Posts: 43 Member
    Took my first rest day yesterday, would have been day 9.... Had been irritated by the scale not moving so decided to not do any exercise yesterday and just eat under my calorie goal like normal... this morning I lost a pound and a half! I have no idea why haha So motivated again and did day 9 this morning! Woop woop!
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    Had no idea I could be in more pain than I was yesterday. I did day 2 yesterday and I'm even more sore today. I couldn't even do the pushups because my muscles hurt so bad. I got maybe 3 in. I read on here that someone said that by day 4 or so the pain went away. I hope so because I don't want my workout to be ineffective due to muscle fatigue.

    I have to say that as challenging as the workout is, I look forward to it (until maybe I am 30 mins away from doing it and start to dread it lol). Because it is so challenging I welcome it with open arms because I know the results will be worth it. When I was in the gym, I NEVER was this sore after lifting- EVER! And I did circuit training for about 30 minutes three times a week. Before I started this I asked someone how this workout be so effective when it is only 20-25 minutes...question answered. I definitely won't be exercising the way I used to anymore. After this challenge I am going to did the Ripped in 30.
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    mayby im just crazy, but I had the idea to run ripped in 30 at the same time, lol
    just do one in the morning and one at night,
    although to be hinest I find it extra difficult to get motivated at night tho

    Before I started this I was like hmmmm....I think I want to do this twice a day... or do this in conjunction with Ripped in 30. One program is just fine, thanks lol

    I have no problem doing it in the evening. I definitely prefer it. I cannot motivate myself to get up early to exercise. But tomorrow I will have no choice since I have plans in the evening.
  • shemyg06
    shemyg06 Posts: 84
    yeah guys, I try to only weigh in on sundays, unless I do something crazy one day, and I cant resist anoth weigh in, but mainly just once a week.
    and Ive been there too, where it was hard to put on deodorant because my arms were sore
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    Question: How is everyone eating? I've heard people still seeing results despite not eating healthy 100% of the time. I still watch what I eat but I have had no appetite this week and I don't get close to 1,200 calories. I am going to make some calories up tomorrow and make sure I eat enough going forward. I would hate to put in all this work only for my progress to be stalled because I am not fueling my body enough.
  • shemyg06
    shemyg06 Posts: 84
    well I mean I work from 330-12. so for me I work out at like 12am then get ready for work.
    to workout after midnight is a challenge for me. I keep telling myself I will, but always find an excuse
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    yeah guys, I try to only weigh in on sundays, unless I do something crazy one day, and I cant resist anoth weigh in, but mainly just once a week.
    and Ive been there too, where it was hard to put on deodorant because my arms were sore

    That's how my arms feel...and I dread using the restroom-OUCH! I'm not weighing myself. I don't really care about my weight but I will take my measurements today or tomorrow and I took a before pic and will take a pics after each level.
  • TheMiddlePath
    TheMiddlePath Posts: 230 Member
    SHREDDERS: Day 13 Complete. I am all kinds of upset. I spent 21 out of 24 hours in bed yesterday. I am beating myself up on so many accounts. It's not even funny. I have gained weight because I've been eating crazy amounts of carbs when I feel like eating at all. Level 2 is really hard for me because of my bum right shoulder. I feel like I've let myself down as well as all of you. Struggling. Oh and the heartbreaker called yesterday. I have him in my phone as "DO NOT ANSWER!" and I didn't. But I'm dying to call him back. Spiraling down after a great Saturday. :( HOW ABOUT YOU GUYS? UPS? DOWNS? INSPIRATIONS?
  • shemyg06
    shemyg06 Posts: 84
    you gotta keep going, don't worry too much about the weight, I know im bad at doing that too, but in reality, there is a lot of strength moves here, which build muscle, if you keep at it, youll build muscle which burn more calories throughout the day anyway. plus muscle tissue is smaller and more compressed than fat, so if your gaining weight from muscle, you can still end up looking a lot better

    and hey, my birthdat was 2 days ago, and my mom bought me a huge plastic container of a party mix, I counted the total calories in the box at over 3400, and I haven't eaten it all, but when ever I want a snack, I tend to smash on a few handfuls of those.
  • shemyg06
    shemyg06 Posts: 84
    and btw
    day 4 completed for me
    I have a few problems though, I still for the life of me cant do the pushups
    and in the first circuit the squat/should press kills my shoulder, I always take a break the second time
    and that move doesn't appear to burn my quads, or my mind is only focused on the shoulders, but when I get to the cardio, jumping jacks and jump rope, my quads begin to die out on me and I have to break to shake em out. but I used to be able to do them forever,

    other than that, im pretty solid till the very end, and those bicycle crunches, destroy me, so I stop half way through take a 5 sec break and finish with regular crunches
  • rhinosfan
    rhinosfan Posts: 29 Member
    Day 3 of level 2.-DONE!

    My upper body is jelly, but damn I forced myself to work really hard! I don't enjoy this level as much and don't look forward to working out out as much as I did the last level.

    Definitely seeing results on my stomach, its definitely flatter! And the fat I do have around there is starting to look 'lumpy' instead of a block of fat, read on here that that means its breaking down :happy:

    Even my wrists were sweating today and I had to not use the weights for the 2nd set of v squat things.

    Suits me better working out at night, too stiff in a morning and no motivation.

    One of the things keeping me going is this thread. I love that we are all in this together now I don't have a workout buddy(boyf given up) here there are people who know how much effort needs to be put in and we are all going through the same thing.
    Even those on level 1 still or just starting- we have al been there and know how it feels.

    Hopefully all my level 2 complaining doesn't put anybody off it, hey if we are all going through it you are doing it too :tongue:
  • rhinosfan
    rhinosfan Posts: 29 Member
    shemyg06- I couldn't do the proper push ups either until I hit day 5 and made myself follow Natalie. Even then the first few days I could hardly get down very far. I am on day 13 now and can now do them, slowly, Even when I did start to do them properly I could only do 10 each set.

    It will come eventually.
  • GallwayGrl
    GallwayGrl Posts: 60
    Okay so my lower back is killing me from the start of Level 2 today!! Anyone else going/gone through this? I think its those twisty things. Plus I'm thinking maybe a trip to the gym after work may loosen me up???!! If I have any motivation. We are going through the "Derecho" (wicked storm on the east coast) so Idk if I'll even be able to make it there
  • ALittleBitLess1
    ALittleBitLess1 Posts: 119 Member
    Doing shred for 2nd time this year, done day 6 of level one, trying to run every 2-3 days too, have signed up for 10 next sat! shred was easier today, still hate side lunge with arm raise though!!!
    Will be strait onto Ripped in 30 after 30 DS!