"I'm pretty into myself"



  • Neshmi
    Neshmi Posts: 42 Member
    I think it's great to love yourself. Ultimately that's where confidence springs from. But that doesn't mean you have to throw it in people's faces. Being hot and knowing it is great, but being hot AND humble is downright sexy.
  • FussyFruitbat
    FussyFruitbat Posts: 110 Member
    Loving yourself is important, and it's 100% okay to be vocal about it. It means you don't rely on others for validation, and that's the mark of a strong and well-grounded person.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I think it's acceptable to love yourself, but i also agree with the response you got. Just because I like myself doesn't mean I put it as my status or shout it from the rooftops, why would I? who am I trying to convince that I am happy? I can tell the people that are comfortable with themselves by looking at how they act, or talking to them - the ones that are like "I'm awesome, I would be my friend, I'm so great, I love what i"ve become" those ones to me look awkward and kind of......sad.
  • delfonzo2000
    delfonzo2000 Posts: 38 Member
    If you're that awesome you shouldn't have to tell everyone. They'd already know.
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    I think theres a huge difference between being VAIN and narcissistic .......

    and then just being secure and loving yourself and all of your accomplishments.

    If you know the person, you'll know which one they are. I LOVE my accomplishments and how i look now, but it doesnt mean im a vain B ***CH over it......
    Although some may find me to be vain, IF they dont know me.

    I think its just a matter of knowing the person is all, and understanding the difference. There really are some insecure folks out there that are loud and abnoxiously narcissistic but i dont think you come across as one of those types - and I dont even know you.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I'm not awesome enough to answer this question yet. Check back with me in a few months when I'm a size 4 and awesome enough to tell you how it feels to love my awesome self and how it's going with going around telling everyone "Hey I'm size 4 now, and I'm really really awesome. Wanna be my friend?"
  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I think it's great to love yourself. Ultimately that's where confidence springs from. But that doesn't mean you have to throw it in people's faces. Being hot and knowing it is great, but being hot AND humble is downright sexy.

    I agree!
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member

    i'm pretty into myself too! all my close friends know because i'm always saying how good i look and i compliment them as well. i would say i'm confident and am seriously thinking of getting "Beautiful" tattoed on my side. i think that we should all be able to say how good we feel and look. i've inspired my friends to do the same. i know i'm not the most gorgeous person and i sure as hell have some flaws but i embrace it because it is a part of what makes me beautiful. i think we should be our own biggest fan! good for you for thinking you're awesome :)
  • jinna86
    jinna86 Posts: 93
    I find it interesting that a number of people link the idea of loving oneself to vanity. Would people feel different if you had said "I cherish myself" instead of "I love myself"?
  • springs47
    springs47 Posts: 82 Member
    I think you're damned if you do and damned if you don't lol people get on you for having high self-esteem and people get on you for have low self-esteem. You basically can't win, so you just have to continue on with your awesomeness.
  • UnoDrea3732
    UnoDrea3732 Posts: 342 Member
    I find that most days, especially if I'm working out and losing, I feel pretty confident and I am not afraid to post something about it. My Mom has always told me that those who tend to "hate" on you are the ones that "hate" themselves. AKA your Sister just says/acts nasty to you because she is jealous. lol.
  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I'm not awesome enough to answer this question yet. Check back with me in a few months when I'm a size 4 and awesome enough to tell you how it feels to love my awesome self and how it's going with going around telling everyone "Hey I'm size 4 now, and I'm really really awesome. Wanna be my friend?"

    hahahaha You don't have to be a size 4 to be awesome babe! Size 18 here! I've got a LONG ways to go to reach my goal but that doesn't have anything to do with me liking myself :wink:
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    loving yourself is great. enjoy it. quietly.
    broadcasting it is meh. kinda reeks of attention whoring.
  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I find it interesting that a number of people link the idea of loving oneself to vanity. Would people feel different if you had said "I cherish myself" instead of "I love myself"?

    That is the exact point I'm trying to make. Its sad that anytime (even if its one time in my case) feels PROUD of themselves and wants to share it with other people....We automatically think they are either vain or insecure.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    I find that most days, especially if I'm working out and losing, I feel pretty confident and I am not afraid to post something about it. My Mom has always told me that those who tend to "hate" on you are the ones that "hate" themselves. AKA your Sister just says/acts nasty to you because she is jealous. lol.

    Yeah, they get mad at what they don't have themselves and you make them recognize it. Don't worry, move to Tampa!
  • LauritaS767
    LauritaS767 Posts: 71 Member
    I love this! I'm going to add you on the sheer awesomeness of this thread. I have spent years loathing myself for one reason or another, and I'm done with it.I have said it aloud numerous times. I'm not trying to say it in a rude I'm better than you way, but more like I have conquered those demons and love myself for who I am! God created me this way, and I'm going to love myself. It's also good to show younger girls that there's no shame in being proud of who you are.
  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    I wouldn't normally say it to anyone. Because I care too much what people thing of me and I don't want anyone thinking I'm "like that", you know, like you were saying, But because you asked, I may as well confess. I do think I'm pretty awesome. I'm nice to everyone, will do just about anything for you. I love to help out, I treat my hubby great. I'm not a jealous woman, I want him to have boys nights, and his guy friends can totally trust me with their guy secrets, and again I would do anything for him, within reason. lol I try my hardest. I love to have fun, have a great sense of humor, and never snap or get bi!chy with people. NEVER think of hurting someone else's feelings, even if I don't like then. At work you can always count on me to have things done, neatly, organized, on time, or faster than you expected. I like to make people happy. And that might actually be the down fall, because I put others first maybe to often. I would never actually say any of this stuff out loud though!! :noway: Maybe I just want and hope that others see me this way. I'm quite a catch! :wink:
  • There is nothing wrong with loving yourself, I think its very healthy. Its when people are inlove with themselves that it becomes a problem because that can lead to them believing they are better then others and look down on people. But I am pretty awesome myself as I am sure you are as well :)
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    To be honest, I think people who aren't so crazy about themselves are jealous and are trying to bring you down to where they are. Having a lot of confidence and self esteem is an enviable quality, I know that I used to really envy women who were vocally and openly happy with themselves (especially from a physical standpoint) but once I learned to love myself, I realized that isn't a quality to hold against someone, it's something to emulate and be inspired by.

    I was just telling a friend the other day how I wished I had the body confidence of this woman at a mud-run we did. She didn't have a perfect body or anything, was carrying a few extra pounds, but she was so obviously comfortable in her own skin and had taken her shirt off (she was walking around in her sports bra and some little spandex shorts) and you could just tell she was happy with herself. Old me would have immediately thought "she is obviously seeking attention" or "she really needs to put that shirt back on" but new me was like "damn, I wish I had that kinda confidence!"

    People who are confident and secure in themselves have no reason to bring others down. You keep on bein' you, girl! Having that kind of self-esteem is a GOOD thing!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    You are right... it is not socially acceptable to love oneself. I think that is probably why I'm not very good at taking compliments. It kind of embarasses me when someone pays me a compliment. Don't get me wrong... I like hearing them. But I don't always know how to respond or react to them.