Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • lmackbethl
    lmackbethl Posts: 156
    @helena - definitely see what the vet says, but my lily has the same issue and it's from nerves. she picks at it when i'm at work because she's anxious, even though she has ruckus to hang out with. for a brief while, she picked her face, but mostly, it's her bum... always the same spot, poor baby. i now give her one benadryl 25mg (otc, the same ones i take for allergies) before i leave for work and it has vastly improved. worth asking the vet about.
    @skinny - thanks for the website. the burn it suggests for swimming is about 100 calories lower per hour than MFP, which makes more sense to me.
    @karenleona - hope you're feeling better and out biking soon!
    @kaye - good luck with your surgery!
    @tracy - yep, all the places Tom suggested are great. I also like Bluff Point in Groton - free ocean park with a nice 3-ish mile loop trail with great views also good for digging for clams and crabs and such. not a good beachy area, but good for kayaking and walking.
    @robin - good that you talked it out and decided to keep going... whenever you've talked about it before, it seems that it works for both of you

    thanks to everyone who made suggestions about logging my exercise. i think i've decided that for now, i will log about 3/4 of the time i spend swimming or paddling, if it's over an hour and continue with 1/2 time if it's less. if that doesn't seem to be working, i will adjust later. wish i could buy a HRM you can swim with, but i'm about to be unemployed for the summer and need to invest in some backpacking gear... can't do both right now. wishing the scale would move a bit this week. seems as though i've been stuck in the 270s forever.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Thursday truth- I am starting to feel better as the days go on. Things have been really rough lately but the last few days after my workout I am feeling a little better. I am just going to keep going and pushing and I will get to where I want to be or at least where I feel better about myself.

    Sorry no personals today was a busy day.

    Hope everyone has/had a terrific Thursday!

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Options emotions did get to me after all, and I drove to the grocery store and picked up a package of semi home made iced sugar cookies. I ate 5 of them and threw the other 5 away. I ate a total of 900 calories in those dastardly little fat bombs, with my eyes wide open to what I was doing. I knew it was stress relief after the "talk" I had with the BF. I wish these things didn't occur, but frankly, its better I know they do, and that its cookies and not a vice like liquor, because I would have lost the rest of the day, and that would have been terrible. :smokin:

    I also haven't done my squats in the last 3 days. I have a pulled muscle in my knee w the replaced joint. Gotta take it easy. I'm hurting everywhere these days since the trip (back, shoulders, hips) and needing to take pain meds just to get along. When I walk I look like Hopalong Cassidy. :wink: .My prednisone should be kicking in by now, but its punishing me for forgettting it on the trip!
  • Beautyandthebeef
    Ugh! I been doing so well for the past 2 weeks and I am worried because tomorrow is my brother's engagement party! If I fall off the wagon it is always so hard for me to get back on. Any tips/words of wisdom would really be appreciated!!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Ugh! I been doing so well for the past 2 weeks and I am worried because tomorrow is my brother's engagement party! If I fall off the wagon it is always so hard for me to get back on. Any tips/words of wisdom would really be appreciated!!!

    If I have a special occasion, I find I'm better off just planning for it than trying to avoid temptation. I will try to cut calories a bit the days before and after to make up for an excess, I will schedule a big calorie burn earlier in the day so I have exercise calories to eat back, or worst case scenario, I will just try to make sure I don't go over maintenance. That way, even if I'm not in a calorie deficit for that day, at least I'm not gaining.
  • CathEsh
    CathEsh Posts: 135 Member
    @Kaye ~ We have some things in common. I have had two total knee replacements. I've not regretted either one. Hope yours goes as well as mine. Also, I was born and raised in Northern Idaho (God's best kept secret!).

    Thursday truth: I am doing OK but not great. We went to Oklahoma for a family reunion last week. This week we went to Omaha to be free from kids and dogs for a night to celebrate our anniversary. Didn't get much exercise in, and I'm up 4 pounds. Too much eating out. Ate out again today to celebrate my hubby's birthday. I've managed to avoid the sweets (no desserts), and that's a first for me. Plan to start exercising again tomorrow. I want to get in at least 30 minutes a day in addition to a daily dog walk (or two). So...I will just keep on keepin' on! ~ Cath
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    Note to self... when one graduates from capri-length plus-sized shorts to regular sized shorts that hit above the knee, it is advisable to resume applying sunscreen to one's inner thighs.

  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    HAPPY FRIDAY!! It has been a really long week at work...only 3.5 hours left!!! We work longer days and then each Friday we get to be done at 12:30. Love my 2.5 day weekends! :glasses:

    @Karen -- I like the idea of Michael taking them away for a full day. Not sure how we will make that happen since he works nights and weekends, but, we'll see what we can come up with. Ain't nobody happy if mama ain't happy. :laugh: Hope you are having a fun day by yourself and starting your purge.

    @beth -- I think that sounds like a good plan for your exercise calorie burns

    @Tina -- glad you are starting to feel better.

    @Robin -- Good for you for just throwing out those last 5 cookies. My son is in charge of "hiding" the treats around the house that I'm tempted by. When I'm in the mood for Doritos, I take the amount I want and give him the rest of the bag. Then if the next day, I want to fit them in my plan, I ask him to bring them out again. My husband one time (the last go around of a new diet) said, "Just have some self control." My response to him - "You show some self control with your smoking and we'll see how that goes." He's been much more supportive since then. :flowerforyou:

    @Beauty -- Fill up on salad and fruit and then don't worry too much about the rest. We still need to enjoy life and your brother's engagement is one that you should just enjoy guilt free. Tomorrow you can hit it again. Karen did have a good suggestion to work out extra in the morning. I burn lots of calories during Zumba so if I think I'm going to need it, I try to find a class for that.

    @Laura -- ouch -- I'm a ways away from "regular" shorts, but I'll try to keep that in mind.

    Friday Fitness. I actually had a pretty successful week:

    Friday - gym & Weights & 30DSFriday - 30DS == DONE
    Saturday - Zumba & 30DS == DONE ON SUNDAY
    Sunday - rest (suppose to be gorgeous out so maybe some basketball at the park with the kids) == DONE ON SATURDAY
    Monday - Aqua Fit & Weights & 30DS == MOSTLY DONE
    Tuesday - 30DS == DONE
    Wednesday - Aqua Power & Weights (30DS rest day -- I know I can't do Aqua Power and that on the same day) == CHANGED TO 30DS == DONE
    Thursday - 30DS ==DONE

    Game plan for next week:

    Friday - gym & weights & 30DS
    Saturday - Zumba & 30DS
    Sunday - gym & weights & 30DS
    Monday - Aqua Fit
    Tuesday - gym & weights & 30DS
    Wednesday - Aqua Power
    Thursday - 30DS (and maybe Zumba)
  • Beautyandthebeef
    YAY!! It's Friday! And I am on MFP at work hehe.
    Thanks for the support and tips!
    @ skinny-How do I know if I am at a deficit? my goal is 2 lbs a week so I am guessing it reduces my caloric intake a day by 1000? That's also a good way to look at it. It is very discouraging to find a gained lb or two but doesn't hit as hard if I just don't lose for a few days.

    @tlh Thanks for the perspective! I just find that I get into it well and once I "cheat" or fall off it's hard to get back on. Just maybe need to change the mindset about it.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Beauty--You can't think of it as cheating. Just plan for each day as the others have suggested. This is a way of life not a set regimen that you can cheat at. Just a thought. Kaye
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Friday Fitness- To keep going on the 30DS and doing anything else I can. Going for walks and swimming mainly is the other activities I get in just because I enjoy them.

    Today I completed Level 1 Day 8 of the 30DS. I'm thinking about possibly continuing with level one for maybe a few extra days. Not sure.

    NSV for me- so my niece stayed the night last night (she is 9) And usually when someone stays the night I do not workout. For a few reasons, one being I dont want to be embarassed and also they usually sleep in the 2nd living room. But I had her sleep in the front living room and got up and got my workout in! Now had it been a friend I maybe wouldn't have. But I did and I'm proud and happy!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday!!

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    How I post pictures.

    Go to and register for a free account. Register without your name in link to remain anonymous.

    Upload your picture.

    When it is uploaded there will be links to it under it or if you click it to the right Links to share this photo


    Click on the IMG link if you right click it you can copy it if you clicked on the picture and got the Links to share this photo you can left click it will turn yellow and say copied.
    Now paste it into your reply on MFP


    Now you just have to make the IMG img or they will not show up. There are two IMG. I do not know why the upper case IMG have to be lower case (it must be an MFP thing)

    picpost_zpse9c51104.jpg I left the last IMG upper case so it would show the link instead of the picture.

    That is how it is done. The first problem I had was the picture was too big and some of it got cut off in the width. You can edit pictures right in photobucket resize it to ~500 pixels. I always save it as a new name just so I have both up on there.
    The good news is if you want to back up your pictures online you can load your pictures there. I have had some there for more than ten years.

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Tina~Great job keeping up with 30DS, even with guests.
    @Beauty~You’re at a calorie deficit anytime your calories expended are more than your calories consumed. Like Skinny mentioned above, any time I have a special event or am meeting friends for dinner and/or drinks I try to plan for it – I make sure I get some exercise in that day to help offset the extra calories I may consume and I also try to keep calories consumed a little lower in the days preceding that event. Also, like Kaye suggested you can’t think of it as cheating – you learn to work special occasions into your plan. Remember that this is a lifestyle change and you want to be able to live with these changes, so the clue is to learn to work them in. Remember and tell yourself its one day – enjoy yourself and enjoy your friends/family, then get right back to your healthier choices the next meal or the next day.
    @Robin~Good for you for not eating the entire box of cookies. I know those cookies and have been there! I hope your predisone kicks in soon, so your pain goes away – I’m proud of you for keeping up with your squats though.
    @Tracy~Great activity this week!

    Friday Fitness~Well the best laid plans don’t always work out – my back has kept me away from the gym except for a couple of days this week. :grumble: I have a lot of pain today so glad to be returning to the chiro this afternoon for another treatment, hopefully that will carry me through the weekend so I can get a workout in on Saturday and see my trainer Sunday. Meeting friends at a new Tex-Mex place tonight, been planning for it all week so will enjoy my beer (hopefully just 2) and enchiladas!

    TGIF! Enjoy!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kelley--hope the chiro visit helps diminish your pain. Enjoy your texmex!

    @tina--great job continuing with 30DS!! Tracy and I are both posting in another thread called 30 day shred friends; if you're interested, you can find it through my posts. :flowerforyou:

    @beauty--First, yes you are correct that if your goal is 2 lbs/week loss, then MFP already has you at a 1000 cal/day deficit. THis means even if you go over your calorie allowance in your food diary, you are still in a deficit until that "red" number says 1000 or more. Also, when you close out your diary for the day, it says "if every day were like today, in 5 weeks you would weigh X lbs." As long as that number is lower than your current weight, you are in a deficit. And even if it's over, it gives good perspective. I've had really crazy days where I've eaten way over goal and it says I would gain 2 or 3 lbs in 5 weeks. I think--"well that's not so terrible b/c there's NO WAY I will be eating like this again any time soon." Oh, and kaye and kelley are wise women-- you can't think of this as a "diet" with "cheating." Think of it as eating healthy with the occasional unhealthy day. :wink:

    @tracy--you had an awesome week as far as activity goes!!! :drinker:

    @laura--oh, ouch!

    @cath--Travel is hard; eating out is hard; but you have the right attitude--just keep going!

    @robin--I agree with whomever said kudos for throwing out half the cookies (I think it was tracy). I'm sorry your emotions got to you--it happens to all of us from time to time. Between the BF issues and the pain, you are having a tough week. I think just put it behind you and move forward.:flowerforyou:

    Will come back soon to post Friday Fitness. :happy:

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym RAN outside instead
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE + 30 DS DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + 30 DS DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Fri--walk gunner + 30 DS DONE
    Sat--walk gunner+ run + 30 DS
    Sun--walk gunner + 30 DS
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    NSV at the Dr.'s office today. He took a new picture of me for the electronic file because "there was less of me to love". It did look quite different. I was down 30# since I was in the first part of January.
    Okay, am I totally lame or can I blame it on being old? I have some pictures I want to post and I can't remember how. Where do I go to do that?
    Cath--I agree that Northern ID is really beautiful. I was raised in SE ID near Island Park and Yellowstone. We lived in Orofino for a while. It is really beautiful there. The area we are in now is beautiful farm land because of irrigation. Left to its own, it is very much a desert.
    Have a good evening. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kaye--Tom gave detailed instructions (a few posts above your last one) if you want to post the photos in this thread. If you are just looking to post them in your MFP profile pics, go to your home page and click on "edit photos" and you can then upload photos you've saved to your laptop using the "browse" function.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thanks, Karen. If any of you are interested, I just posted 3 new pictures. The first is of the 2 darlings that occupy my days, the second is the afghan I made for my granddaughter, the third is the cross stitch phoenix that I did for my grandson.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Friday Fitness:
    This has been a really good week for me fitness-wise. I started 30 Day Shred last Saturday and managed 5/7 days which was the plan. I also ran outside 2 days and hit the gym 2 days which was my overall goal. The only day I didn't walk Gunner was today b/c he was at the vet for his teeth cleaning. and when he came home, he was still too groggy for a walk.

    Setting up the same plan for next week; the weekend will be tough b/c we have to visit my MIL tomorrow and then see my dad Sunday for Father's Day.

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner+ run + 30 DS
    Sun--walk gunner + 30 DS
    Mon--walk gunner + gym
    Tues--walk gunner + 30 DS
    Wed--walk gunner + run + 30 DS
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner + 30 DS
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    Friday Fitness - been out in the garden in 30-60 minute stretches all week. The strawberries are producing, finally. There are baby peppers on my hot pepper plants, and flower buds on my bell peppers. Salad coming up well wherever it was seeded... I need to get the next batch in tomorrow. My cilantro is going to flower, hopefully it will seed out and give me some nice coriander. I have one baaaaaaaaaby watermelon that I'm not entirely certain got fertilized, so we'll see if it decides to grow. The tomatoes are growing into their cages, and all the rest of the veggies look pretty happy. I finally got trellising up for the peas, but when I planted I forgot about the double-rows thing and so I"m having to give them little angled stakes to climb to get them to the trellis. About half done with that, another tick on tomorrow's list. Also need to get the bloody damn corn in the ground... though that's probably going to be a Monday thing.

    Really glad it was cool today, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to get out there at all... my burned bits required long pants and one of my husband's heavy tee shirts... I won't be wearing tanks for a while, they don't come high enough up my neck.

    Everyone is doing such a GREAT job!!!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Thanks, Karen. If any of you are interested, I just posted 3 new pictures. The first is of the 2 darlings that occupy my days, the second is the afghan I made for my granddaughter, the third is the cross stitch phoenix that I did for my grandson.

    Your grandbabies are adorable - or are they greats? The arphan is gorgeous and the phoenix is just hard to believe! Incredible work!