The Side of Weight Loss No One Talks About



  • geekette411
    geekette411 Posts: 154 Member
    Being afraid to buy new clothes that fit because in a few months they won't fit so nicely. I hate to waste money, but I also hate looking homeless when I wear my worn out, three-sizes-too-big clothes.

    I worry about this, but for a different reason. I worry that I'll fall off the weight-loss train and go back to being bigger again. And then the new skinny clothes will taunt me in my closet.
    Thrift stores are my new best friends. I give them my oversized clothes and I find nice 'in-between' clothes for now. When I get within 10 or 15 lbs of my goal, I'll go on a shopping spree at the mall.
  • Jayne19099
    Jayne19099 Posts: 149 Member
    losing weight, seeing the numbers go down... but thinking "oh, the tape and scale are fooling me. I actually didn't lose anything"

    ^this!^ I weight myself but want to add a a little to the scale reading because "it can't be right"!
  • toya316
    toya316 Posts: 137 Member
    Being afraid to buy new clothes that fit because in a few months they won't fit so nicely. I hate to waste money, but I also hate looking homeless when I wear my worn out, three-sizes-too-big clothes.

    ^^^^^^ THIS..... So true....
  • fbranch7
    fbranch7 Posts: 82 Member
    everything, my obsession of counting calories, saying "I cant eat there, (even though I can, but my issue is it sets off issues with eating "bad" foods) obsessing now that I am skinny that I will wake up fat, exercising allllllllllllllllll the time! Afraid of gaining a pound, I believe I have created me somewhat of a food disorder. I am still learning how to cope with the new me, I have never been a size 3-4 my whole life, I walk 13-15 miles a day, I am addicted to my fitbit and competing on the leadership boards.......sagging skin is the worst, lost all this weight and no way I can rock a bikini or skimpy shorts..........I am not crazy although I may sound like it here :) it is truly a lifestyle change and by god it is hard, being surrounded by crap all the time. oh and I AM TIRED!

    I feel the same way about eating out. I know where I can and can't eat...without setting off the "issues of eating bad foods".
  • 2jayjaysmom
    2jayjaysmom Posts: 248 Member
    Suddenly cuddles are not as easy as they used to be. Bones poking the other person, them squashing you.

    One of the things I hate at the moment is EVERYTHING CLICKS. You can hear me coming from a mile away (not in the rude sense).

    I thought the clicking was just me, gald to know i'm not the only click click
  • souzouchan
    souzouchan Posts: 80
    Someone mentioned losing a size in your shoe size, which threw me off entirely when it happened. I went from a size 8 to a size 7.5 and it was very surreal at first but it's cool now!
  • fbranch7
    fbranch7 Posts: 82 Member
    The overwhelming fear of gaining the weight back.


  • Curleycue0314
    Curleycue0314 Posts: 245 Member
    Te overwhelming fear that i'm not doing enough! I have a hard time losing to begin with and feel like i'm working hard to get every little pound off. Also the overwhelming fear that wha i'm doing wont matter in the long run for me anyway. Its so sef defeating, but i'm not stopping!
  • tplucker
    tplucker Posts: 3 Member
    The first time I did this I lost 80+ lbs. I have gained it all back and am just starting again on the program. For me I was so focused on cardio to lose the weight. I had completed the Couch to 5k program as well and was starting on Bridge to 10K. Then my knee started getting loose. I got depressed because I was afraid of injuring my knee, and stopped running. Then I stopped the diet. (I know I shouldn't have done either)

    After talking to a physical therapist after I injured it at work, she explained to me that when you lose weight you also lose the fat between the muscle strands, and unless you do resistance training as well to tighten the muscles that the knee isn't held tightly in place.

    This time around I am going to hit the gym, used resistance bands at home and make sure I keep my knees stable before I start running again.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    I am kinda old, but still I didn't think this would happen to me because I wasn't that fat-- This morning I notice that the slab of fat that was covering my abdonen is less, but now the skin is unpleasantly wrinkled and I don't think that will go away. So my bikini years are over, even if I get to my goal weight. :cry:

    This happened to me too. I've been told no amount of crunches is going to fix it. Surgery is the only option. Which isn't really an option.
  • Squirrelly714
    Squirrelly714 Posts: 4 Member
    When I've been on this journey before, at my halfway-to-goal point I went to the local thrift store and donated many of my "fat" clothes. I got a coupon for 10% off my next purchase there because of my donation and bought several outfits to wear until I was able to purchase new clothes. I then donated those interim clothes and since I'd celebrated a birthday and it was close to Christmas, I asked my family for gift cards to clothing and department stores where I shop.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    It's hard to shave bony knees.
    It's hard to sleep on your side, because of bone on bone, bony knees!
    You really do NEED to buy new clothes because they look like bags on you.
    Some people will resent you.
    Some people will assume that your new lifestyle is temporary and that you will gain it all back and then some.
    Some people will tell you that you are 'thin enough' already.
    Some will say you are obsessed with exercise.
    Sex is better!
    You will get compliments, take them and say thank you!
    Tailbone pain due to loss of my fat *kitten*. Now biking sucks..
    I can no longer set my coffee mug on my stomach that was right under my boobs, or I guess I mean where my boobs used to be.
    I go to bed aching every night, but it's kind of a good ache, most of the time.
    You will cringe when you see other people's grocery carts filled with utter crap. Yeah it's not your business but you still feel sorry for them.
    You will be shopping for food constantly because none of it is prepared, pre-packaged, frozen and already made. Fresh stuff goes bad quickly. Frozen fruits and veggies are ok though.
    You will savor every single bite of food and will discover that carrots actually taste sweet and seafood tastes salty without adding salt!
    You will be able to wear your seat belt on your LAP, where it belongs, instead of over your fat gut and internal organs. It's also safer and causes less injury in accidents. (former medic and FF here).
    Skin will sag and you may look older. Dislike.
    Some people drop a shoe size. I walked/jogged/ran/biked over 1,000 miles last year and my feet actually grew from a 7 to an 8. LOL
    You will discover that workout clothes, running shoes, etc. are expensive but soo worth it!
    You love to sweat.
    You get depressed if you can't exercise.
    You learn to plan before going out to dinner. You look up restaurants online to find a healthier choice and learn to ignore what other people think or say about your choices.
    You get LOTS of advice from other 'dieters' who have not yet discovered that it is a lifestyle, not a DIET. The latest one I heard was that you should shrink your stomach so you eat less.
    You will see a lot of strange things while you're out walking/running. I have had raccoons chase me, dogs, creepy people stare and yell stuff (please ignore them), I have found used condoms (yuck), peoples 'addiction' trash such as non-winning scratch off lottery tickets, Big Gulp or any fast food trash, empty liquor bottles, cigarette butts & empty packages, 'chew' in water bottles, etc. I think that road kill is the nastiest.
    You will also see a lot of wonderful things while you're out and about. Enjoy those.
    If someone sees you eating a 'treat' they will say that you're going to gain all of your weight back or ask if you're off your 'diet'.
    You will have tons of energy and will be asked if you have ADD.
    You will only get 'exercise' gifts for your birthday and Christmas. I'm loving all the under armour.
    You may experience skin yeast infections, blisters, callouses, thigh chafing, plantar fasciitis and knee pain.
    You'll take a LOT of showers.
    You'll gain self confidence. I always thought this was bs, but I did, I think because of the extra energy I had and knowing that I looked better.
    You find out that not everyone wants to hear about your weight loss, healthy foods, the 5k you signed up for, how excited you are about your HRM or new running shoes. Some people feel intimidated about it or just plain don't want to hear that from you ALL the time. Don't be offended. Remember to listen to other people. That's what friends do.
    Ok, I think I've added enough. lol
  • 2jayjaysmom
    2jayjaysmom Posts: 248 Member
    I'm dealing with that bad feeling when NOTHING between sizes, stuff I have looks a little big on me but the next size is to tight to wear in public--never want to be the big girl in tight clothes (just cause you can get in it doesent meant you should wear it) Then I feel like I look dumpy because my clothes don't fit correctly...
  • divacat80
    divacat80 Posts: 299 Member
    This year I got to wear my first bikini ever, and I learned that I look good in a bikini. I have some extra skin but it's well hidden in my bikini bottom...
    until I get into a pool/sea...

    because the extra skin/fat bits layer FLOATS!

    I'm glad because I don't have much extra skin (actually it's minimal, I'm lucky) but my stomach looks very wobbly in the water now. I have to be careful when I get out of the pool and re-accomodate my bikini to make sure everything stays in place.

    So if anyone reading this is in for a dramatic huge weightloss and is hoping to use a bikini while avoiding a costly tummy tuck... have this in mind before choosing a bikini model. Specially if the bikini is intended to be used in a public pool :P
  • carolose46
    carolose46 Posts: 199 Member
    Being afraid to buy new clothes that fit because in a few months they won't fit so nicely. I hate to waste money, but I also hate looking homeless when I wear my worn out, three-sizes-too-big clothes.

    did that just yesterday! don'know which size to shop for and would'nt try smaller sizes not to be disenchated!
  • I get that. It is difficult to stop old habits and force myself to deal with things differently.
  • tasharock
    tasharock Posts: 136 Member
    It's hard to shave bony knees.
    It's hard to sleep on your side, because of bone on bone, bony knees!
    You really do NEED to buy news clothes because they look like bags on you.
    Some people will resent you.
    Some people will assume that your new lifestyle is temporary and that you will gain it all back and then some.
    Some people will tell you that you are 'thin enough' already.
    Some will say you are obsessed with exercise.
    Sex is better!
    You will get compliments, take them and say thank you!

    I thought I was weird for the knee thing! Glad someone else is dealing with it too. :)
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Its pretty trivial but my online gaming friends are pi$$ed at me because I would rather exercise than stay up all night playing video games eating potato chips.
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    I got incredibly vain!

    I cannot be alone in a room with a mirror! I will always look at myself, turn around, lift my shirt a bit, flex my arms and think how well I have done and how good I will look in a couple of months!
    I sometimes hate myself for that :embarassed:

    But then I think: naaaaa you worked really hard for this!! You're awesome! :glasses:
  • I've lost 40 pounds total over a few years. One thing that really surprised me is that my body shape/proportion is exactly the same, pretty much no matter what weight. Another surprise is that I started indoor cycling as opposed to running, and I finally look forward to workouts. They're no longer painful or dreadful and time flies. I never thought I would say that. One thing that surprised me when I started eating healthy was what a huge volume of vegetables a person needs. I get so full from vegetables that I don't eat the gross stuff that I used to. Also, I was surprised how different I feel just from changing my diet. I eat paleo and feel great. Hemp seed is now a diet staple. I also have been really amazed at how much herbs and supplements can make a difference. Aloe, coconut, tea, ginger, and more have all been really helpful for me, because I developed some serious digestive issues from the weight gain. I roughly count calories, and I am surprised at how little I need. I always assumed 2000 calories was what I needed, but then I got a fancy BMR test at a weight loss clinic which said my BMR was 1300.