The Side of Weight Loss No One Talks About



  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    everything, my obsession of counting calories, saying "I cant eat there, (even though I can, but my issue is it sets off issues with eating "bad" foods) obsessing now that I am skinny that I will wake up fat, exercising allllllllllllllllll the time! Afraid of gaining a pound, I believe I have created me somewhat of a food disorder. I am still learning how to cope with the new me, I have never been a size 3-4 my whole life, I walk 13-15 miles a day, I am addicted to my fitbit and competing on the leadership boards.......sagging skin is the worst, lost all this weight and no way I can rock a bikini or skimpy shorts..........I am not crazy although I may sound like it here :) it is truly a lifestyle change and by god it is hard, being surrounded by crap all the time. oh and I AM TIRED!

    ^^^ This. Most of what you said is exactly where I'm at.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    How much ongoing work and diligence it takes to maintain your weight loss.

    Everyone is always happy/excited to hit their goal weight. I was no exception. But, I had a hard time stopping the 'weight loss' mentality. It was scary to up my calories and eat at maintenance levels. And it's been very hard work over the past 16 months to keep my weight at 135 (+/- 5 lbs). Focusing on maintenance will probably be a lifelong commitment for me.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    The overwhelming fear of gaining the weight back.

    ^^^ This. A hundred times this. And the reality that I see the same old overweight Caren in the mirror even though I'm below goal weight.
  • Shetchncn1
    Shetchncn1 Posts: 260 Member
    I am "shrinking" into clothes I "grew out" of..
    Downside is, sometimes it's that inbetween size, too big for size X jeans, and too small for Y size jeans..

    I was thinking of raiding goodwill for inbeweeny stuff, because I dont plan on being at any size for long/

    Oh and the one thing I dont think anyones mentioned yet, my girls are shrinking :( Not that there was much before, now theres less..

    For me- shrinking down into old outdated UGLY stuff! Yeah it has been that long!!
  • henriettevanittersum
    henriettevanittersum Posts: 179 Member
    I am kinda old, but still I didn't think this would happen to me because I wasn't that fat-- This morning I notice that the slab of fat that was covering my abdonen is less, but now the skin is unpleasantly wrinkled and I don't think that will go away. So my bikini years are over, even if I get to my goal weight. :cry:

    I'm with you honey... I was bending forward in my bikini to pick something off the ground the other day and saw 4 sagging titties?! Had to do a double take... My belly was split into two by my navel, all hanging skin. It looked so bad I went and changed immediately. I still have some hope it will get better... :-D
  • fitandgeeky
    fitandgeeky Posts: 232 Member
    Feeling uncomfortable in a bikini because you're now the "skinny b*tch" among your friends. And dealing with backhanded compliments from said friends because of your weight loss.
  • denisemuill
    denisemuill Posts: 19 Member
    That is how I feel now....thinking of dropping 10 more LOL
  • littlemoonlight69
    littlemoonlight69 Posts: 3 Member
    I still see my belly as flabby even though my hubby says its smaller. The body issues I had are still there and I work hard on them but I don't think that will go away.
  • obrientp
    obrientp Posts: 546 Member
    I've discovered that you can get addicted to the feeling of success when you lose weight. So when you get to a weight where you shouldn't lose any more weight, it can be hard to stop wanting to do it. At first I felt skinny, but after a while I started feeling fat again, even though my measurements were all the same.

    ^^^^This, exactly.
  • tbodega
    tbodega Posts: 186
    It's hard to shave bony knees.
    It's hard to sleep on your side, because of bone on bone, bony knees!
    You really do NEED to buy news clothes because they look like bags on you.
    Some people will resent you.
    Some people will assume that your new lifestyle is temporary and that you will gain it all back and then some.
    Some people will tell you that you are 'thin enough' already.
    Some will say you are obsessed with exercise.
    Sex is better!
    You will get compliments, take them and say thank you!


    Coworkers and even family/friends will have the strangest backhanded compliments.
  • britzzie
    britzzie Posts: 338 Member
    everything, my obsession of counting calories, saying "I cant eat there, (even though I can, but my issue is it sets off issues with eating "bad" foods) obsessing now that I am skinny that I will wake up fat, exercising allllllllllllllllll the time! Afraid of gaining a pound, I believe I have created me somewhat of a food disorder. I am still learning how to cope with the new me, I have never been a size 3-4 my whole life, I walk 13-15 miles a day, I am addicted to my fitbit and competing on the leadership boards.......sagging skin is the worst, lost all this weight and no way I can rock a bikini or skimpy shorts..........I am not crazy although I may sound like it here :) it is truly a lifestyle change and by god it is hard, being surrounded by crap all the time. oh and I AM TIRED!

    You have done a great job, but if this is what maintenance is like, maybe I'll just keep my extra 30 and be reasonably happy!
  • dawningr
    dawningr Posts: 387 Member
    Realizing that the only reason you got fat in the first place was to disappear. Then as you lose the weight, you lose a great protective shield and have to deal with the many things you were hiding from.

    This, and when you lose weight you gain a lot of attention. I'm not comfortable with this, not sure I ever will be.
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    Fat girl issues. I still see myself as big in certain outfits or photos and anyone else thinks I'm absolutely crazy. Confidence doesn't come free with weight loss!

    This! When everyone's totally complimenting me on that strapless dress...all I can think of is how I need to work my triceps harder :S
  • bwright9752
    bwright9752 Posts: 125 Member
    Some styles of clothing stop working on you. Even in the right size I've found that some of my wrap dresses and A line skirts look awkward on me now.

    Since I started weight training, my bikini looks much better though, so I'm not complaining ;)

    Wrap dresses look HORRIBLE on me!

    Me too!!! But then again wrap dresses never really looked good on me no matter what i weighed.
    Actually after keeping 30 lbs off for 4 years I finally bought new jeans - 32s. I kept wearing my old 36s just cuz I wanted to remember how much I had lost. I'm still using the same belt, it's a little more than a 1/4 of the way around a 2nd time.
  • obrientp
    obrientp Posts: 546 Member
    How much ongoing work and diligence it takes to maintain your weight loss.

    Everyone is always happy/excited to hit their goal weight. I was no exception. But, I had a hard time stopping the 'weight loss' mentality. It was scary to up my calories and eat at maintenance levels. And it's been very hard work over the past 16 months to keep my weight at 135 (+/- 5 lbs). Focusing on maintenance will probably be a lifelong commitment for me.

    I totally agree. I know maintaining will be a lifelong commitment for me, and sometimes that thought is too much to bear. I have to get that thought out of my head as soon as possible, and just try to focus on one day at a time.
  • heytherelameman
    heytherelameman Posts: 76 Member
    That, unless your problems really are caused by weight, they'll still be there whether you're fat or thin.

    Also, having yo-yoed in the past, I'm f'king pissed that I didn't see myself as thin when I actually was.

    THIS 1000x!

    I was initially scared to lose my weight (for the second time in my life) because if I do, there will be nothing to blame my problems on! It was only recently that I decided it has to be done.

    ...and on the subject of being thin before. I did that and I was gorgeous, but I ONLY saw the SAME FAT GIRL. I was miserable. I look at pictures of "her" now and I only wish I knew what I had!
  • Mariakins
    Mariakins Posts: 6
    I takes a long time to think like a thinner person after losing weight. You are stuck on "fat thinking" mode.
  • Marley2310
    Marley2310 Posts: 304
    sleeping is hard
  • Meg_Shirley_86
    Meg_Shirley_86 Posts: 275 Member
    If I get to my goal weight, which is really more about lean body mass, my husband will probably leave me. He's an amazing guy, he's not a jealous, crazy control freak, but he preferred me chubby. I would like to be a bit muscular. It makes him sound terrible, but if I was fat when we got married (5'4", 230 lbs), and then I become lean and muscular, was it false advertising?
    I already weigh less than I did on our wedding day, and I'll be having a baby any day. I'm not giving up my healthy habits, not even for love.
    We shall see what happens....
  • morganginga
    morganginga Posts: 33 Member
    Who is complaining? I've got a great butt now, it can only improve from here. However, the shape of my body is the shape of my body, and I need to be realistic when setting goals. I can get fit, I can drop body fat %, but I can't change genetics.

    I'm with you there. The women in my family all have the "Buker Butt." I'm self conscience of it, but I found a man that really likes my shape, so I'm learning to love it. :-) I've just got to stick with it and be healthier all around.