Couch to 5k Anyone?



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I log the exercise like shari mentioned, estimate of time and speed, in fact, I use the exact same speeds-3.5 for the walking and 5 for jogging. Now I am at 28 minutes of jogging and 10 minutes of walking (warm up and cool down).
  • rachel5576
    rachel5576 Posts: 429 Member
    I'm planning on doing day 3 friday hopefully first thing in the morning that is if i can get up before my kiddos. Seems when ever i want to get up earlier they do too. I'm excited week one is almost done! woohoo!
  • rachel5576
    rachel5576 Posts: 429 Member
    I did day 3! It felt really good!! yay I am glad the runs arent longer than a minute. Better check what week two is like so i can prepare myself.
    Go get em Shari!

    You guys are so inspiring keep it up!
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    YAY Rachel! Way to go! I also did W1D3 this morning. It felt great! Im really proud of myself too! On my running days I feel like I get off to such a good start the whole rest of the day goes well. I need to always make time to get my three runs in each week!
  • Shari, thanks for the inspiration! I'm a newbie and this is Day 6 for me! I'm going out for a 5K run at about 7 PM (EDT), after it gets a little cooler here in Washington DC. (It's a badly-kept secret that Washington was built on a swamp. The damp mugginess of the summer makes it hard to take time to exercise outdoors during the day!)

    I'll repost here on how the run went!
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Hi Butterfly! I'm a newbie too with under 2 weeks. We have a great thread of enthusiastic new people if you want to join us:

    Let us know how your run goes. Don't get jealous, but it's 73 degrees here in Tacoma WA, sunny with light breezes! Perfect perfect day!
  • Wow Shari, your weather sounds amazing! I used to live on the west coast and I just loved that crisp, fresh air.

    Sweat was pouring over me as I ran: It's 85 degrees here in Washington. But I actually just stayed in a positive mood and was able to run a full 5 miles!!! At 5 mph, it was just about one hour of running. I even sailed right past a big muscular guy who was sweating and panting, which surprised me :)

    Hope I can keep this up :) Are you running or working out this weekend?
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    My normal running days are M-W-F, but I'm looking forward to Monday so much I might do it Sunday and go to an every other day schedule.

    Good for you for running in that muggy heat! I am very impressed that you went 5 miles!
  • Hi everyone :) I am new to the thread -- just did Week 1, Day 1 this evening w no trouble whatsoever! :) I am a distance walker who is in training to WALK a half-marathon at the end of September, plus i do some hiking, so i my legs and lungs are somewhat used to the abuse. However, my knees are in terrible shape and i have never REALLY tried running (consistently) because of them. Instead i would run "2 telephone poles, walk 1" while going uphill and run, w only a few short walking breaks back downhill (about 1.5 miles). BUT while i was technically ABLE to do that, i was KILLING my knees and would only attempt running once a week. So anyhooooo, got a great C25K podcast to work with and my Nike+ to track my progress with and just decided "what the heck" and decided to jump on board. I hope the added structure will help me transition into being a RUNNER in addition to a distance walker :) My goal is to RUN a full 5k (no walking!) on January 1, 2011. Nice to know some other C25Kers... I am sure i will learn a lot from you all!
    Happy trails!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    I just completed Week 5, Day 2! I couldn't remember the length of the walk interval between the two 8 min runs, so I did 4 minutes. It was really 5, so I took 1 min less, and the runs went strangely well? I'm kinda in that 'huh?... did I just run 8 min straight?... twice?... without dying?' mode... pretty shell-shocked...

    Bru - how was your MS walk today?! Did you run it or walk it? I hope it was fun!

    Shari / Rachel, congrats to both of you on completing Week 1!! Way to go! When I got to week 2, I remember thinking 'how can 30 more seconds be so much longer' on the first day, but then by the end of the week, it didn't seem so bad. Keep at it!

    asjerven - I don't run outside, and that is one of my reasons: I can't imagine not having my water and don't want to carry any. Plus, I can't control my speed. That's really amazing that you ran farther than before in the same amount of time - shows you're improving your speed! that's GREAT!

    luvHim - my week 5 is going better than I figured too... Your 8 min runs are next - what did you think of them? I was expecting to be in pain / keeled over but it was no worse than any of my previous runs. I think it's the magic of my Saturday runs - they are always the best ones for me. Now, I am dreading the D3 '20 min' run?! What the ----?? Wish me luck.

    JulieSue - Great work on W2D2!! You're getting to the point that you've invested enough in this program that you won't not complete it! Don't worry - not all of the runs will feel good, but the ones that do are totally worth it.

    Earin, so sorry to hear you are still uncomfortable. I hope you're feeling back to yourself soon.

    Carleen, I run on a treadmill, so I just use the calorie count on the treadmill. Others use a Heart Rate Monitor. Or you can log the walk minutes and the jog minutes individually under cardio like Shari and asjerven.

    Welcome Butterfly! Sounds like you are already a seasoned runner! Great work on those 5 miles!

    Welcome adk - hope your knees can handle the runs! This program is very motivating. What a great goal to be walking a half-marathon!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Well, we did our MS walk this morning, it was actually a 3mile walk, no running :( I walked with my friend Molly, her 4yr old Sully, my aunt and 2 cousins (3 and 7). With strollers and a few pit stops, we managed to make it through in 52min and it was nice. Weather was great, no rain like they talked about and I won a chocolate chip cookie cake (which I had a small piece of and the 8 kids running my house ate the rest....) It was fun, just wished we could have ran it. Next month is a 5k run and I can't wait to register :D This morning, 3am to be exact, I woke up to horrible cramps....damn I'm kinda blah today. Hope you all have a great weekend. XoxoxoX Bru
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    i was the worst runner EVER and i did this and now i run 5 km on a regular (with effort of course). I am trying to get my time for the 5 km down now. i LOVE running
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    I am having a BLAH day!!! I did Week 3 Run 3 on Friday!!! It was hot but a good run!!! I work today but hopefully I will get the run in this evening!!! I begin week three today!!! ;)) wish me luck....the 3 minute runs sound scary to me right now!!! and thanks DMG I hope you are right!!!
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Yay! I just finished W2D1. It was not bad at all. I used the DJ Beatsmith podcast and I'm having trouble telling the difference in the beats per minute to discern which segments are walking and which are running. Anyone else having that problem? I wish a voice would say either "run" or "walk" when you hear the chime.

    What are your favorite podcasts to train with?
  • jrkingery
    jrkingery Posts: 107 Member
    Yay! I just finished W2D1. It was not bad at all. I used the DJ Beatsmith podcast and I'm having trouble telling the difference in the beats per minute to discern which segments are walking and which are running. Anyone else having that problem? I wish a voice would say either "run" or "walk" when you hear the chime.

    What are your favorite podcasts to train with?

    I used the podcasts from Robert Ullreys. You can find his podcasts here:
    He made his own music mixes, not really my taste in music but the voice prompts were very helpful.
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Thanks, I will try it. DJ Beatsmith isn't really my taste in music either. It's very techno. But I love the concept of some kind of background music and the prompts to tell me when to transition so i don't have to time myself. that would be a chore!
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    well last night I was sooooo pleased with myself (well actually yesterday afternoon) I started Week 3 Workout 1 and I DID IT!!!! I actually ran 3 minutes straight and didnt stop!!! and I did it twice!!! I was really nervous about it and I KNOW I KNOW I have much more longer runs coming up in the future....but I got over that step soo I am soo excited and nervous about what is to come!!!!

    Thanks everyone for being there for me!!! This is an amazing thread and I cant wait to see what the rest of you have in store and how your runs helps me so much to be able to see how ya'll feel for your runs....I love it!!! :))

    ** at first I used the PODCASTS and I liked the prompts but I hated the music too...I just got an iphone sooo I use the app and it lets me use my own the only music I have on my phone is my workout music...i didnt want to put any music on my phone but I have that on there just for working out purposes so its going a lot better!!!! :0)
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    I checked out the Robert Ullreys podcasts and I do like the voice prompts. But I'm having trouble getting it on to my ipod. I will look at the help section at itunes to see what I'm doing wrong. I'm rather a newbie at using my ipod.
  • rachel5576
    rachel5576 Posts: 429 Member
    Started week two and it went great! Still cant possibly imagine myself running for 30 mins straight.! i just keep telling myself baby steps.....

    Way to go Shari! And Yay Julie for bustin out week 3. You go girls!

    Keep it up everybody!!! And congrats to those who have finished! kudos to you!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Well, I did week 8 day 3 on Saturday, on the treadmill at the gym and it went well. I can't believe I will start week 9-the final week!
    Since week 7 started I haven't been using the podcasts, it's pretty easy to time myself for 25 minutes, then 28 minutes, but I agree, DJ beatsmith was very techno and doesn't keep me running the way my own mix of music does.
    Still, I think running on the treadmill is boring.
    This week I am in West Virginia for some training near Shepherdstown. It is pretty nice out here, I think I will run outside Tues and Thurs and make my final day at home Saturday. Assuming I can jog 30 minutes straight.
    The 28 minutes at 5 mph does not get me to 5k so I will have to keep working on speed.
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