Critical Husband



  • strflt
    strflt Posts: 29 Member
    Your husband is verbally abusing you, emotionally manipulating you, and isolating you from your support network. Please, find a therapist and someone you trust.

    Before he critiqued your weight, and emotionally manipulated you into having a costly, invasive surgery. Now he's criticizing you for the procedure (under the guise of it being YOUR fault!) for not working fast enough for him.

    He tells you not to discuss your issues with friends or family, as if he has the right. He has *no* such right when he does nothing but criticize you before and after a major surgery. He is *isolating* you to take away your support system and make you totally emotionally dependent upon him. Do not fall into his trap! Though this has probably gone on for some years already, please consider seeing a marriage counsellor at least. (Even by yourself!)

    I'm sorry, but you won't hear anything positive from this man regarding this issue. He doesn't care about you, he cares about tearing you down for his own reasons, and he doubtlessly knows you yearn for his praise. If he gives any at all, I'm willing to bet it will be just enough to keep you thinking positively about him.

    If you want to lose weight, do it for YOU. "Myself" is the best reason you can have for losing weight and being healthy. Nothing else should be the critical reason. Plenty of people are overweight while being happy, confident members of society. If you want to be healthy for yourself, then more power to you! But don't let yourself be forced on a path that others are pushing you on.
  • tbetts23
    tbetts23 Posts: 303 Member
    You're post saddens me. My hubby and I had a talk a while ago. I gave him *kitten* and asked him why he didn't tell me I looked like I did! I know I should have been able to see it in the mirror myself. He blankly looked at me and said, I see you the same as the day we met. Thirty years later he's a keeper. I have never heard your fat, lazy, whatever......and neither should you. Please get help:flowerforyou:
  • sj_1970
    sj_1970 Posts: 38
    You could always look into 'power and control' wheels. and if he is doing this in more than just your weight loss journey there are resources out there for you - you can message me if you need those resources. Also healthy relationships do exist, goodluck to you.
  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    You have already spoken the problem, dear. Focus on the important things to you. Your health is a priority and you are making it one. When the time comes, you will know what you need to do. Good luck!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Quick way to dump 150 lbs. Dump his loser *kitten*. You can do better and you deserve better.
  • Mario_Az
    Mario_Az Posts: 1,331 Member
    all relationships are different some men are more aggressive some men are more sensitive and you have to not compare your relationships to other peoples relationships. relationships are not easy they take a lot of work

    if you love your husband you will sit down with him and have a serious talk about the situation and lay it all on the table and then take it a day at a time and keep reminding him that you do not respond well to his harsh criticism because that only discourages you and you tell him if he really wants to help he can give you positive criticism without being harsh about it good luck.
  • tbetts23
    tbetts23 Posts: 303 Member
    all relationships are different some men are more aggressive some men are more sensitive and you have to not compare your relationships to other peoples relationships. relationships are not easy they take a lot of work

    if you love your husband you will sit down with him and have a serious talk about the situation and lay it all on the table and then take it a day at a time and keep reminding him that you do not respond well to his harsh criticism because that only discourages you and you tell him if he really wants to help he can give you positive criticism without being harsh about it good luck.
    Wow. Well put. We should all be able to do this!
  • lisawilsonpeever
    lisawilsonpeever Posts: 3 Member
    I also am sorry to hear you are not getting support from your husband. I think you could lose more weight literally and figuratively by starting with kicking his butt out the door. Everyone, deserves someone in their life who is going to support them through everything and be encouraging rather than discouraging. Love yourself enough to know you don't deserve his cruel and hurtful words. If you don't think your ready or want to end your marriage, you might want to start by just letting him know that his words are just going to hurt you and set you up for failure. Tell him if he wants you to be healthy and successful in your weight loss, words of encouragement would be much more helpful, and also let him know that if he cant be positive then he should keep his opinions and comments to himself:flowerforyou:
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    all relationships are different some men are more aggressive some men are more sensitive and you have to not compare your relationships to other peoples relationships. relationships are not easy they take a lot of work

    if you love your husband you will sit down with him and have a serious talk about the situation and lay it all on the table and then take it a day at a time and keep reminding him that you do not respond well to his harsh criticism because that only discourages you and you tell him if he really wants to help he can give you positive criticism without being harsh about it good luck.
    This 100%
    If he won't listen ... then.... well..
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member

    I have been a member of MFP for a while but I am trying to refocus and get back in line. I have been backsliding and I have reached a plateau for the last 2 months. I had weight loss surgery last August. I have lost almost 50 pounds. I have been teetering between 46 and 49 lbs lost. I am an emotional eater. I do walk 2 to 2.5 miles every morning, but I just started this three weeks ago.

    The problem is that my husband constantly critiques what I eat. Why I am or am not losing weight. He is always asking me questions like: is this it? have you gotten the good out of your surgery? That sure was a lot of money for such little progress? Do you feel good about how much you've lost? Before surgery, he was very verbal about my weight, telling me that he was not attracted to me. Asking me do I not care how I look or how other people see me? It seems like he has switched gears but that my results are not good enough for him. I get so frustrated. I'm beginning to think that I will never be good enough or measure up to what he expects from me. He constantly asks me how my weigh in I gaining weight? He also tells me that I should not wear certain things like sleeveless tops or things that are too tight..."that shows your rolls". I am just so tired. How would you handle this? without it sending me further back to old habits?

    This is the first relationship I have every been in with someone so critical of me. We have been married for going on 6 years. He doesn't seem to understand why I get so mad when he says the things that he does. He tells me that he is just trying to help me and be honest with me. But I always end up feeling like I am not good enough or that he is ashamed of me. I almost feel crazy just for venting this here but he actually tells me not to discuss our problems with other people and always name my best friend or mom in particular. I have always been a strong and independent person and I'm starting to let him get in my head.

    Thanks for listening.

    He has a boundary issue. He doesn't realize that his skin ends with him and doesn't extend to you. He might think he owns you. He sounds like a verbal abuser and talks to you without respect. I would not tolerate that for even five minutes in a relationship. If you can, read the book The Verbally Abusive Relationship by Patricia Evans. Your library probably has it so you could read it for free. I read it many years ago and it opened my eyes about why my mother pushed me around when I was a kid.
  • roxierachael
    roxierachael Posts: 81 Member
    Your husband is verbally abusing you, emotionally manipulating you, and isolating you from your support network. Please, find a therapist and someone you trust.

    Before he critiqued your weight, and emotionally manipulated you into having a costly, invasive surgery. Now he's criticizing you for the procedure (under the guise of it being YOUR fault!) for not working fast enough for him.

    He tells you not to discuss your issues with friends or family, as if he has the right. He has *no* such right when he does nothing but criticize you before and after a major surgery. He is *isolating* you to take away your support system and make you totally emotionally dependent upon him. Do not fall into his trap! Though this has probably gone on for some years already, please consider seeing a marriage counsellor at least. (Even by yourself!)

    I'm sorry, but you won't hear anything positive from this man regarding this issue. He doesn't care about you, he cares about tearing you down for his own reasons, and he doubtlessly knows you yearn for his praise. If he gives any at all, I'm willing to bet it will be just enough to keep you thinking positively about him.

    If you want to lose weight, do it for YOU. "Myself" is the best reason you can have for losing weight and being healthy. Nothing else should be the critical reason. Plenty of people are overweight while being happy, confident members of society. If you want to be healthy for yourself, then more power to you! But don't let yourself be forced on a path that others are pushing you on.


    Also, you're gorgeous!

    Tell EVERYONE the things he says to you. EVERYONE. Silence is your enemy. You have NO IDEA how convoluted your thoughts and feelings become until you say them aloud. He is a gaslighter and I guarantee he will stop saying these things when you do. Either out of humiliation or absence.

  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    I have been a member of MFP for a while but I am trying to refocus and get back in line. I have been backsliding and I have reached a plateau for the last 2 months. I had weight loss surgery last August. I have lost almost 50 pounds. I have been teetering between 46 and 49 lbs lost. I am an emotional eater.

    The problem is that my husband constantly critiques what I eat. Why I am or am not losing weight. He is always asking me questions like: is this it? have you gotten the good out of your surgery? That sure was a lot of money for such little progress? Do you feel good about how much you've lost?

    I hate to say it - but I'd probably be the food police too if my wife convinced me to pay for her to get this surgery and then started "backsliding". Even with insurance - I'm sure this was not cheap. But if you stick to the plan - then it was an investment in your future health.

    Have you considered going to a psychiatrist about the emotional eating? If you don't get that under control - is anything else (including your husband being nicer) really going to help?
    he actually tells me not to discuss our problems with other people and always name my best friend or mom in particular.

    I think it is _COMPLETELY_ inappropriate to vent about your husband and your marriage problems with people in your immediate social circle. You're putting your husband into a bad, one-sided, light with people that he will be socializing with. IMO, even venting to random Internet strangers is better than that. So I agree with him there.
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    I am so sorry to hear this. You are not crazy and no one can tell you what you talk to your mom or best friend about.
    You talk to them about whatever you want. They are YOUR confidants.

    How I would handle this:

    I would sit him down for a Big Talk explaining that while I understand he might be frustrated at how he perceives this journey is going, that I am hurt & frustrated too and his being critical is not helping.

    I would also want him to confirm he wanted to be with me and to join me in seeking counselling because obviously the communication system has gone wonky and needs readjusting.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    get a new husband.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    It would be beneficial to both of you for you to start pointing out his being critical. Unfortunately, if he does not get his sh-t straight, he will always be critical of you. It is wrong of him to assume you will live up to his standards, because his standards are unattainable.
  • cranium853
    cranium853 Posts: 138 Member
    Try saying, "That was abusive. I'm going to (take a walk, go downstairs, go upstairs, something OUT OF THE ROOM) for five minutes." Give him his time-out. If you realize you spend way too much time away and he doesn't change, let him share his wisdom with someone who wants it, because you don't.
  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member
    This marriage needs to be reinvented. It's not about weight! My advice is to get a copy of 'Love and Respect' and the accompanying DVD and start over with him. sadly what you do find is that there is stuff you may both need to change. but it has done wonders for me and my wife. get it on Amazon and initiate the change and stop worry about your weight for a while. your marriage and your sanity is more important and your weight issues will be much easier to resolve once you have addressed these issues.

    good luck and praying for you.
  • TakinSexyBack
    TakinSexyBack Posts: 300 Member
    You are not crazy hun. Please don't get upset with me for saying this (I have not read even 1 reply to your post, just read your post) and I can tell you 1. either your husband is a complete *kitten* and is a selfish jerk or 2. he is just very stupid and doesn't realize how bad his words are hurting you. From what you said, I tend to lean more towards 1.

    No human should ever demean or belittle anyone for trying to better themselves. I can relate some. I have not had surgery but I started on my "diet" about a year ago and my mother tells me and everyone else in my family constantly that what I am doing isn't working b/c I should have lost a LOT more than 30 lbs by now. Maybe shes right but she also isnt gone to work 12 hours a day 5 days a week like I am, she doesnt deal with a foreign (from another country I mean) husband who is like having a 3rd kid, she doesn't have an 11 year old HYPER son on meds and a 2 year old who gets into everything. And............she doesnt have to worry about how bills will get paid like I do b/c the hub can't find work where we live. I do it all. Sorry to go on a tangent about her comments to me. I just mean I can totally understand how his words about "how has this paid off", etc make you feel.

    He sounds like a complete *kitten*. Did he guilt you into having the surgery to make HIM happy?? If so, girl........I would leave him so fast, he wouldn't even know what happened. Don't EVER let another person make you feel bad about yourself for their own selfish reasons. If he is totally about your looks and not your heart, your brain, your character and how you are as a PERSON..........get the hell away from him before he tears you down completely. DONT let him do that!!!!!

    You are beautiful!!! You deserve better than that and he needs to come to a realization that he needs to love you for YOU and not expect you to kill yourself trying to look like a Playboy ho. If you need someone to talk to, add me!!! I hope you find the strength to confront him and tell him you are doing all you can do and back the F&$^ off or he will be finding himself alone!
  • indyducks
    indyducks Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks for all the advice. I think more than anything I needed confirmation that I'm not making it something that it is not. He has a way of trying to turn these 'issues' into me over reacting that he is on my side and just trying to "help" me. Not my idea of help.

    That is text book behavior for a controlling abusive person. That is the exact thing that most child rapists and pedophiles do. "But I am doing this for you".
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Couples counseling. If he won't go, go by yourself and figure out what's going on with you, and where to go from here.

    Best of luck.