How did you meet your significant other?



  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member
    Introduced by family members. I was 17, a senior in HS, living in Arizona, he was 22 & living in Georgia. I was 6', him 5'3". 1 date, 1 year 2200 miles apart during a long distance relationship while I finished HS, upwards of $7000-$8000 in phone bills during that year (in early 90's we had no cell phones) and here we are 20+ years later bilssfully married with 2 amazing kids!
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    I took this train at midnight, and I didn't care where I went. When I got off the train I went into this smoky room and saw a signer, he kinda smelled like wine and cheap perfume. We were strangers, we started dancing, up and down the boulevard. There were streetlights, there were people hiding somewhere in the night. I haven't stopped believing that this night would end....

    i wouldn't stop believing either, if i were you. i'd advise you strongly to hold on to the feeling you have; you never know when it might return :)
  • solarpower03
    solarpower03 Posts: 12,160 Member
    Met at Uni and after years regretting! LOL
  • edge_dragoncaller
    edge_dragoncaller Posts: 826 Member
    Read my blog for this month :bigsmile:

    That's what I've been writing about lately.
  • pineappleroo
    pineappleroo Posts: 47 Member
    I was bored and went to the coffee shop 2 doors down from my apartment. Going to find a seat I tripped over nothing and spilled my coffee all over him. when I put my hands out to stop the fall one landed on his chest and the other on his groin. It seemed like a good time to introduce myself. We will have been married for 2 years in July.
  • BreakingUpWithObesity2013
    Online =)
  • sophiek1964
    sophiek1964 Posts: 79 Member
    Met in the pub at college when was 19 and he was 21. That was 29 years ago.
  • OptimisticlyOptimistic
    OptimisticlyOptimistic Posts: 162 Member
    I was bored and went to the coffee shop 2 doors down from my apartment. Going to find a seat I tripped over nothing and spilled my coffee all over him. when I put my hands out to stop the fall one landed on his chest and the other on his groin. It seemed like a good time to introduce myself. We will have been married for 2 years in July.

    THIS.IS.AWESOME! ♥ Horray for coffee and tripping over nothing!
  • choxmay
    choxmay Posts: 12
    Met my BF of six years in college. I was a fresh of the boat African foreign student and he was the generous, outgoing kid who thought I had a British accent- go figure!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    I was 15 and he was 17, my friend and his friend were friends and they decided we should meet each other. We met on a Friday night, my friend and I had to sneak out of her dads house to meet them (only time I ever snuck out of anywhere). So the next night we met up again and started dating. We were married when I was 19 and he was 21 and just celebrated our 7 year wedding anniversary. I'm now 26 and he is 28 and we have a beautiful 4 1/2yr old little princess. Life is great :)
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    We met on one of those Chat lines. Ironically, it was the last time either of us planned to call it because the "chat" part was ever decreasing. I loved his voice and we talked for hours. He lived near LA and I was in San Diego at the time so we had "phone dates" for a couple of months. The first time we met it was like an episode of Blind Date. He came down to SD and we took the Trolley downtown to my favorite martini bar. I was so nervous I had us get off on on the wrong stop and we walked hand in hand to the restaurant. He looked like a happy puppy the whole night and I knew he was the One. We got engaged on my 40th birthday. Due to a move cross country move we put off the wedding plans and he came with me. We married a few years later. We were together a total of 8 years when he passed at 44 in 2009. God, how I miss him.

    my heart is truly breaking for you :( i'm so, so sorry for your loss.
  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member
    We met on OKCupid. We friend zoned each right away because of the age difference (he's 5 years younger) but as soon as we met in person it was an entirely different story.
  • chsnelk03
    chsnelk03 Posts: 11 Member
    Airport ticket counter. She worked for United and I was flying out on a TDY. Got her # before I left. Called her when I got back. Married 15 years now with 4 wonderful kids.
  • weinbagel
    weinbagel Posts: 337 Member
    We went to middle/high school together. I wasn't interested in him because he was too skinny! 10 years after high school, he is buff and hot and messaged me on facebook!
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    We met at a bar around 12:30 am. I had been out at a different bar's 1 yr anniversary party earlier, and was with all my friends who were drunk. They went to Pita Pit for food, one wanted to go to a different bar to order her favorite bar food: fries with gravy.

    We went, ordered at the bar, the 2 guys next to us ordered whiskey and it was $30. She turned around and yelled, "You paid $30 for THAT?!!?" Conversation started, they followed us to the next bar, we hung out till 2:30 am, and then they left.
    They were in the Army and stationed about 2.5 hrs away.

    We all exchanged numbers and told them to text us if they were ever in town again and we would all hang out (it was their first time in the area). They came back the next weekend. :happy:

    My now hubby came back every available weekend he had. He was not interested in having a girlfriend and hadn't had one in the 8 yrs he was in the Army, but I knew I became his gf when he was repeating a conversation he had with someone else and he called me his gf.
    We never discussed our "status" with each other. It just happened. Which was perfect. We just let things flow. We didn't want to be with anyone else but each other.

    And then he was transfered to Hawaii in February. We kept things open because it's a LONG distance. We didn't think we would stay together. I have done long distance before and it never worked, and he didn't want to deal with it.

    About 3 weeks in, he called and said he had already decided that he didn't want to be with anyone but me and just didn't want to admit it to himself. Then he asked how soon I could move to Hawaii. We got married in May and I am moving in 1.5 months. :heart:
  • Chaosrose8
    Chaosrose8 Posts: 39
    We went to high school together and were friends for 10 years before we started dating. We dated for 5 years, were engaged for 1 and now we've been married for 7 months. :)
  • bakersduzin
    bakersduzin Posts: 60 Member
    We met at a reenactment called "Timeline" in Philadelphia back in 2009; it was one big event that had multiple time periods taking part (F & I War, Rev War, WWII, Civil War, etc). I was/am a Revolutionary War reenactor and my S.O. was "War of 1812 Guy" (-- his words, not mine lol). We've now been married a little over a year!
  • Vain_Witch
    Vain_Witch Posts: 476 Member
    I moved from NJ to GA about 10 years ago. Last summer an aquaintance of mine from my hometown (now a very good friend, but we had only been aquaintances before this) came to my town to visit some family and asked if I wanted to hang out while he was here...he brought his best friend (also from our hometown) that I had somehow never met in all my years living there (he's a few years younger than me). We hit it off instantly, have been together for almost a year now and he's moving here Labor Day weekend! :)

    And people say there's no such thing as fate...a random aquaintance just happens to have family in the same town I moved to 900 miles away...just happens to remember I live there and decides to see if I want to hang out...and just happens to bring the perfect person for me. I'm a believer! lol
  • BL_Coleman
    BL_Coleman Posts: 324 Member
    Key Club convention in HS. I was over achiever..he was required to be in a community service organization by his boarding school. :) That was 2003 ( Married 5 years- dated 4 for college ) We broke up a few times in the beginning.
  • ChristinaOrtiz23
    ChristinaOrtiz23 Posts: 1,546 Member
    ok, so i was walking to meet up with some friends and he was trying to stop me while i was walking (he was driving), i was ignoring him because i don't talk to people off the street, I'm not a prostitute lol. As i was walking away my friend's friend said she knew of him and that he's cool, and to talk to him so maybe i can introduce them to officially. I said ok, ill be the middle (wo)-Man. I gave him my number and he called 2 days later We got to talking and i brought up my friend's friend and he definitely wasn't interested he said lol, So we became just friends, never really hung out, just text and talk on the phone here and there through out the year. Nothing solid. I called him one day randomly and we started talking again and he told me the following week he was going to Florida, when he came back he kept talking about a relationship, Which we NEVER talk about before. I wasn't really into the idea, he really wasn't my type, (lol ) i was only 18 (he was 23). He kept asking and i finally said ok, lets see what happens, 6 years later and a 4 year old little boy, we still together ;)