What made you fat and how are you overcoming it?



  • rainbows1994
    Eating whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted - and eating up to 4000 calories a day. I still have days where I do this but I am tracking calories now.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    No self control around food equaled too many calories for me. It didn't matter how much I worked out. I was the classic hamster-on-a-wheel.

    Now I track everything, stay under TDEE, and exercise. MAGIC!
  • GamerGirly
    GamerGirly Posts: 158 Member
    Who you calling fat?


    My mama says I'm big boned!! :P
  • Kristy7418
    Kristy7418 Posts: 85
    I grew up eating convenience foods and tons of junk on top of not exercising at all. I've done a complete diet change and still working on my exercising habits.
  • shimmer615
    shimmer615 Posts: 55
    We ALL know the reason: too many calories in, not enough out.

    I think the point of this post is to expose your demons (and not bash people about it).

    So my demons:

    1) Unhealthy eating habits taught to me when I was younger and not being willing to learn new habits because of my love of food.
    2) My love of food, loving food in social situations, and not controlling myself in those situations.
    3) Not wanting to exercise
    4) Lack of self confidence and feeling hopeless that I will never lose the weight, so why start now?
    5) Not taking the time to make myself important - and using food as a crutch.

    I have made the choice to get rid of those demons by trying to eat a healthier, more balanced diet and move more. For this one time in my life, I actually feel like I'm worthy enough for the effort.
  • purple_feet
    purple_feet Posts: 4 Member
    I keep re-getting fat as I don't adjust my eating when my activity level drops (due to pregnancy, house move meaning greater reliance on the car, more of a sedentary job than before, etc). My appetite is still the same so I gradually get bigger.

    To lose I count and track my calories. If I want to eat more I exercise more. It only works if I track it all.
  • pjsdj
    pjsdj Posts: 90 Member
    Exactly what I was asking lol
  • pjsdj
    pjsdj Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks for all the honest and amazing replies!!! I also have the lazy gene!! If I have extra time I like to watch tv and eat Doritos lol. I love going out to eat. Me and my hubby got in a really bad habit of eating out because it got us away from the house and kids and we found it was easier to talk cuz we weren't distracted by dogs, laundry tv things like that and I found I absolutely love not cooking hahah now trying to find foods I crave that aren't at a resteraunt!!!
  • Lepouxo
    Lepouxo Posts: 20 Member
    I was eating too much and not exercising at all.
  • TheNewLorrain
    TheNewLorrain Posts: 138 Member
    two c sections the wrong food not enough exercise emotional eating etc etc etc but there is no excuse for any of it and I am taking control back one day and one pound at a time if I can do it ANYONE CAN!!!
  • yyyy1313
    yyyy1313 Posts: 10 Member
    I use to be a wrestler in highschool but I was able to eat whatever I wanted since I use to workout so intensely. Highschool ended and I wasn't working out any longer so I started packing the pounds. Realized I needed to do something so I dropped the weight (by working out) I still wanted to eat like I did in highschool so I would gain it back, I did this for a ton of years. It finally got to the point where working out wasn't enough so finally started eating right. I exercise moderately now and I just am trying to adjust my life style. It's tough and I do have cheat meals, but it's worth it to see the results in the mirror.
  • doriharvey
    doriharvey Posts: 89 Member
    For me it was long hours of low physical activity work, frequent eating out, and not enough exercise..... which makes living with fibromyalgia muscle pain harder or so I have discovered. I discovered I also make healthy food choices, but still ate to much of the healthy stuff in addition to the little bit of unhealthy.

    To correct this I find the feedback from calorie counting using this app very helpful. Plus the fun part is not wanting to get "reported" for not exercising to my new found friends and i find that motivating.
  • karensdream
    karensdream Posts: 135 Member
    mindless eating, emotional/stress eating, too little exercise, consuming too many calories....I could go on and on, It's never just one thing. I had bariatric surgery and am now learning to live within the confines of my smaller stomach, making better choices, and increasing my awareness of what is really going on when I want to eat and I am not hungry,. Can't say I have mastered it yet, but I am a work in progress. Down about 75 lbs now.
  • wobbly1977
    I made me fat, eating tooooo much junk, I am at the beginning of my journey to try and get rid of it all, but am already finding it tough...

    I am determined to get there though

  • admegamo
    admegamo Posts: 175 Member
    When I was a kid not being fed the right things and shamed out of trying in P.E from teacher and students.
    When I was a teenager, it was not eating right. I was way more active than in middle school and below but eating the wrong things kept me at a steady weight rather than getting heavier or losing.
    When I became an adult because throughout school I never learned the things that I needed in regards to being healthy. So to me, was ignorance and I'm overcoming it because I've been learning more and more each day about what will make me healthy rather than thin and how each food I eat affects my body for good or bad.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Eating too much.
    Eating less.
    Seriously, that's the answer. I never ate garbage, just too much.
  • stellcorb
    stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
    Booze and babies.... laziness and gluttony...
    Now I'm to busy w/ babies to booze and I eat less and move more...:happy:
  • messpark36
    messpark36 Posts: 33
    Pregnancy made me fat. But no motivation, emotional eating, loneliness, has kept me this way. My baby is 15 months old now. I think it is time to loose the weight. I'm gettin there :)
  • jessilyn76
    jessilyn76 Posts: 532 Member
    Me and me.
  • Exoticbarbie
    Over indulging on fatty, sweet treats all the time felt right. Emotionally eating: somehow felt comforting, incredibly warm and good inside when eating. Yet, I realize these are temporary sensations. Plus I enjoy the taste of good food in general. It's a constant battle sometimes to be aware of what I put in my body each day. However, controlling my weight and diet speaks for itself I feel better physically and emotionally. These benefits allow me to fight cravings and live an active lifestyle.