Day by Day Challenge

PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Hello everyone!

It has been such a long time. Work this summer was a killer. 13 hour days left no time for this. The good news is I was walking all day. I'll be weighing myself tomorrow to see if that did me any good... but after vacation last week probably not.

Past my blabbing... I have a new challenge. One that I'm thinking even I could do ... I have trouble remembering to log in here but once a day when I wake up can't be so bad. So here it is. Every morning before I run off to class or work or whatever it is I'm doing I post at least 3 goals on here for the day. They can be weight loss related or anything else. Just 3 goals. If you forget a day, it's not a huge deal because it was only the day... the next day you can start right back up again. Then the next morning you post how you did the day before and post 3 new (or the same) goals. Anyone want to join me? It would be great to have some others join! We can add a weigh in, too if you want. Just let me know.

So here are my three goals for today!

1. No soda.
2. Hit the gym for at least an hour.
3. Drink lots of water.

Hope to see some more people when I log in tomorrow!



  • I will join you sound like fun.
    here are my three goals
    drink 64 oz water
    walk for 30 min
    watch my portions
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I'd like to play:

    Today's 3 goals.

    1. Accurately log all my food.
    2. Complete level 2 of 30 day Shred
    3. Prepare meals in advance to prevent snacking in between.

    I guess adding on to that, maybe tomorrow morning we can review our previous goals to see if we accomplished them :) before adding the next day's goals.
  • I'm's my goals for today....

    1. Stay hydrated (gonna be a warm one today)
    2. Take a nap/stay well rested (was up early to get the kids back to school)
    3. Make this site a daily priority.

    Good luck to us all!
  • Okay...I have to ask...what's the 30 day shred? :)
  • kidakiwi04
    kidakiwi04 Posts: 238
    I'm game

    1. Do Laundry (been staring me in the face for about a week)
    2. Walk my nephew to the park instead of driving (its a 15 minute walk)
    3. Elliptical for at 15 mintues never dipping below 5 mph
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Okay...I have to ask...what's the 30 day shred? :)

    Jillian Michaels exercise dvd. It incorporates strength, cardio and core. Each level is only about 22 minutes, there are 3 levels on the dvd. Level 1 is available on exercisetv (on demand if your local cable provides it). I bought the dvd for 9 bucks at Wal-mart. I'm eager to move on to level 2.
  • This is definitely a group I'd like to be a part of. Any one wanting to friend me feel free. I'm very supportive

    Today's challenge
    Drink at least 64oz of water (or crystal light)
    Stay within my calorie range
    Go to gym and do at least 30 minutes of cardio

    I love this idea. Previously I'd commit to a weekly goal and then "LIFE" would happen and I wouldn't make my goal/commitment and then completely sabotage my goals.

    Day to day is perfect!! I hope this group continues.

    I admire all of you. Leelawatson, thanks for the 30 day shred info. I think I'll check that out too

  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Monday's 3 goals.

    1. Accurately log all my food.
    (yes, even went back and added the extra snack I had)

    2. Complete level 2 of 30 day Shred
    (absolutely yes, and I didn't pass out afterwards)

    3. Prepare meals in advance to prevent snacking in between.
    (sort of, didn't stick to it 100 percent)

    Tuesday's goals:

    1. Do not step on the scale.
    2. Complete level 2 of 30 day shred.
    3. Clean out car. (I keep putting it off).

    Hope everyone is still playing...Sharon, Kida and Drew's girl. Maybe once it gets bumped, we'll get a couple of newcomers.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Good morning everyone!! Thanks for joining me!

    Sharonsjetset-- I definitely agree. That's 100% why I made this group. Life is a pain in the butt sometimes when you are trying to lose weight.

    Leelawatson-- Good luck! The car is one of my least favorite places to clean.

    Reviewing our goals in the morning is a great idea! Here were mine.

    1. No soda-- boy that was a hard one. I went out to lunch and dinner (since we are back to school everyone likes to meet up and go out) and I always have soda when I go out. But I didn't!!

    2. Hit the gym. I did it! For an hour! It felt soooo good. Now if I can only remember how good it feels next time it's time to go...
    3. Drink lots of water. I drank a lot for me. (about 6-7 cups) But with hitting the gym and all the walking I do up here I doubt I drank enough. I'll have to keep working my way up.

    My 3 goals for today.

    1. Buy my books. ( I keep walking into the bookstore and turning right back around when I see the lines).
    2. No soda. Lots of water.
    3. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.

    Have a good day everyone.

  • Monday's challenge
    1) Drink at least 64oz of water (or crystal light)--actually drank over 100ounces
    2) Stay within my calorie range
    I closed my day under my calorie range
    3) Go to gym and do at least 30 minutes of cardio----I did 20 minutes on the stairmill and took a 60 minute spinning class


    Tuesday's challenges

    Stay under the recommended sugar level
    Do 30 minutes on the stairmill and 30 minutes on the treadmill
    Eat a vegetable or fruit at every meal including snacks

    This is so fun and I love the day to day focuses changing. I definitely don't get bored. I love my #1 for today. Every day I manage to go over the sugar levels on the journal. I also am not good at getting in enough fruit and veggies. I am not sure I could do that on a daily basis but definitely today I could meet that goal.

    I've been working so much lately I haven't seen my horse in 5 days :sad: I used to be able to count that as additional exercising. This is KILLING me not to be able to see him and spend time with him but I have to make money to support him LOL

    have a great day everyone

  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302

  • Tuesday's challenges

    Stay under the recommended sugar level
    Do 30 minutes on the stairmill and 30 minutes on the treadmill
    Eat a vegetable or fruit at every meal including snacks

    I DID IT!!! I did stay under my sugar level but that was REALLY hard. Its not that I'm eating a ton of sugar snacks its that my oatmeal has sugar in it, the fruits I eat have sugar in them and even some of the veggies. But what really helped was that I was fully aware of what I was eating and how much sugar was in it.

    I did 30 minutes on the stairmill - the fat burning program at level 5. EEEOUCH!! But I finished.
    I did 30 minutes on the treadmill switching from 4.0 fast walk to 4.5 slow jog. The first 5 minutes I didn't think I could do it because I was so exhausted from the stairmill but having this challenge really inspired me to keep going.
    I missed my fruit with breakfast. :blushing: I made a 1/2 cup of fruit cocktail, put it on the counter in a bowl, covered the remainder of the can with plastic and never ate it LOL However, I did eat the fruit when I got home from work.

    Wednesday Challenge
    30 minutes on the treadmill and spin class at 6:00p :noway: that's tough but I know it works to burn fat
    eat or exceed my fiber requirements
    respond and support all my friends on MFP to encourage them after all their status updates. :flowerforyou:
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302

    Tuesday's goals:

    1. Do not step on the scale.
    (I didn't Tuesday, but I did today!)

    2. Complete level 2 of 30 day shred.
    (I did it and survived!)

    3. Clean out car. (I keep putting it off).
    (Finally! I will need to go back over it again soon, I'm sure I missed a few spots)

    Wednesday's goal:

    1. Make it to the a.m. Zumba class.

    2. Do not drink any diet pop! (that one's for you ivygirl11)

    3. To eat 4-6 servings of fruits and veggies--Thx for the reminder Sharon!

    I like this site because I wanted to blow off cleaning the car. If I had only told myself I was going to do it, I probably would have (put it off again). But since I posted it and told other people, then I knew I had to get it done.

    See ya tomorrow.

    Oh, I mentioned this thread to my mfp friends. Maybe you guys can do the same. The more the merrier. We all need to help each other stay accountable on a day-to-day basis.
  • Leela OMG I'm exactly the same way. I so didn't want to do the 30 minutes of the treadmill after completing the 30 minutes of the stairmill but because I shared that with you all, I had to do it.

    Great job on completing your Tuesday Challenges!!

  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Congrats to both of you for meeting your goals. And I think this was a great idea because I"m the same way! Last night I got home from class and really wanted to just ride the elevator up... but I didn't! Because then I'd have to tell you guys that I didn't reach my goals.

    So goals from yesterday:
    1. I bought my books! Expensive stuff... ugh... but not as expensive as last year so I guess it's ok.
    2. I didn't drink any soda again! And I drank tons of water evidenced by the fact that I had to use the restroom every hour. I must have really been slacking because my body as been retaining water like crazy. Hopefully that ends soon because it's hard to pay attention in class.
    3. Take the stairs... I did this! Except for one time when my hands were full and I was afraid stuff was going to fall... but that's ok because I must have taken the stairs like 6 times. (And tripped up them twice... thank God no one was around. I was a bit of a clutz yesterday).

    Today's Goals:
    1. Finish my THON captain application. (If you guys could keep your fingers crossed for me they are due Friday and hopefully i will get an interview out of them).
    2. No soda. Lots of water. It's not quite a habit yet. I have to force myself to order water instead of soda still.
    3. Hit the gym.

    Have good day everyone!
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    O and I have to add one more. I had a bit of a problem with binging last night. (woops) I was filling out my app and eating goldfish... and ate way too many so ... 4. No mindless munching.
  • KelliP5
    KelliP5 Posts: 13 Member
    Oh what a great idea...the three goals. I really like your goals. Water is especially challenging for me...even with those nasty little "flavor" packets. I totally think that whoever coined those little packets as "flavor" should be fired. Hahahaha. Thanks for the idea. :)
  • MaureenH39
    MaureenH39 Posts: 315 Member
    Hi leela....since you posted about this I am here to check it out :happy:

    Goals for Wednesday

    Stay within my calories (which I did mon and tues but it has been TOUGH this hungry this week and tired???)
    Get my 2 miles of walking in with Leslie Sansone
    Drink at least 5 bottles of water
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Great goals Maureen. Thanks for stopping by to check us out. Its just a small group right now that Nicole created to help us stay focused on a daily basis. This was all her idea, she's just bringing us along for the right through her journey.
    I know you will be able to meet your daily goals. I look forward to checking back in with you tomorrow to see how it went. Drinking water can sometimes be a challenge for me too. I tried drinking 8 ounces every hour, but I always seem to forget. Hubbie downs a bottle first thing in the morning and last thing at night (well about 90 minutes before bed, so you're not running back and forth to the bathroom all night). If you were to try that, than you only have to account for 3 more bottles throughout the rest of the day. Just a thought.

    Kelli, the flavored packets are not so bad. Crystal light lemonade is really good. It doesn't have the fake sugar after taste and sometimes you just want something besides plain water. I like to squeeze a lemon slice in my water every morning, but I haven't been buying lemons lately :(
  • Like the proverb alot I keep falling off. I am really good for two weeks and then start eating again. I am so unfocused on losing the weight and I know I have too. I have not given up yet. I have to at least do the food tracker. And get back to walking, but working all the time I have no energy for it.
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