"You're really pretty, but...



  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    a guy should like you at any size u are.


    As an individual, I believe I should be allowed to find a person who has those qualities I find attractive. If there is something about you that I don't like, I have every right not to like it. If you aren't happy with my lack of attraction to you, then move on to someone else. It doesn't make me a bad person, just because I want to be with someone that I find to be attractive. If your appearance bothers me so much, I will move on to someone else.

    I'm not judging your worth as a person, I'm being a discerning human being. I'm pursuing my highest ideal, and if you don't fit that ideal, that is not your problem, it's mine.

    Your problem is a problem of choices. Do you a) find a man who will accept you as you are, or b) change yourself to find the man you want to be with. Again, this isn't about worth, it's about attraction. I'm here, making my changes, because I want to be attractive to members of the opposite sex.

    As garber6th keeps pointing out, pretty =/= worth. I counter that with pretty = attraction.

    On a fundamental level, we are animals, and animals want to procreate, and we want to do so with someone who will give us the children we are looking for, and be able to provide for them. The animal world uses "pretty" as viability in procreation. Yes, we are more advanced, but we are still animals. Don't believe me, check out the Friday Eye Candy thread on this site.

    So the next time someone gives you a backhanded compliment, think of it as them trying to get you laid. They really do have your best interest at heart, and are not judging your worth as a person.

  • Belgie_t3
    Belgie_t3 Posts: 28 Member
    People who are offended by comments like "you're prettier now" or "you're pretty but you'll be prettier if you go to the gym" needs to get over themselves. Your love ones/friends are trying to be nice, but apparently they can never win.
    They offend you if they say that.
    They offend you if they don't say anything (boohoo, why does anybody care about my weight loss?)
    They offend you if they say "you'll be prettier if you lose a few pounds" (boohoo, why does he wants me to lose weight? He thinks I'm fat and not pretty enough?)
    They offend you if they say "you're pretty like you are, don't change" (and then, the same people starts thread on MFP saying "my boyfriend isn't supportive! He doesn't want me to lose weight. Boohoo! ")


    Hasnt EVERYONE TOLD THEMSELVES THIS when they started their journey?! Im not trying to be sarcastic or ride a high horse or anything but isn't a big reason a lot of us want to lose weight is to LOOK better? I think more people do it for that rather then health benefits haha! Honestly I'm flattered and very accomplished when people tell me Ive lost weight. It inspires others and it definitely inspires me to keep going! It would honestly be worse if my hard work wasnt noticed (just like I kick myself when standing in front of a mirror for not noticing major differences) I'd take the compliment as it was meant to be
  • Belgie_t3
    Belgie_t3 Posts: 28 Member
    a guy should like you at any size u are.


    As an individual, I believe I should be allowed to find a person who has those qualities I find attractive. If there is something about you that I don't like, I have every right not to like it. If you aren't happy with my lack of attraction to you, then move on to someone else. It doesn't make me a bad person, just because I want to be with someone that I find to be attractive. If your appearance bothers me so much, I will move on to someone else.

    I'm not judging your worth as a person, I'm being a discerning human being. I'm pursuing my highest ideal, and if you don't fit that ideal, that is not your problem, it's mine.

    Your problem is a problem of choices. Do you a) find a man who will accept you as you are, or b) change yourself to find the man you want to be with. Again, this isn't about worth, it's about attraction. I'm here, making my changes, because I want to be attractive to members of the opposite sex.

    As garber6th keeps pointing out, pretty =/= worth. I counter that with pretty = attraction.

    On a fundamental level, we are animals, and animals want to procreate, and we want to do so with someone who will give us the children we are looking for, and be able to provide for them. The animal world uses "pretty" as viability in procreation. Yes, we are more advanced, but we are still animals. Don't believe me, check out the Friday Eye Candy thread on this site.

    So the next time someone gives you a backhanded compliment, think of it as them trying to get you laid. They really do have your best interest at heart, and are not judging your worth as a person.


  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    That's certainly a way to make a compliment into something no one wants to hear.
  • ????????

    ^^ What's this?
    People who are offended by comments like "you're prettier now" or "you're pretty but you'll be prettier if you go to the gym" needs to get over themselves. Your love ones/friends are trying to be nice, but apparently they can never win.
    They offend you if they say that.
    They offend you if they don't say anything (boohoo, why does anybody care about my weight loss?)
    They offend you if they say "you'll be prettier if you lose a few pounds" (boohoo, why does he wants me to lose weight? He thinks I'm fat and not pretty enough?)
    They offend you if they say "you're pretty like you are, don't change" (and then, the same people starts thread on MFP saying "my boyfriend isn't supportive! He doesn't want me to lose weight. Boohoo! ")

    ^^ Love this, btw. Sounds like my Ex-wife. Only, replace all "boohoo"'s with "You're an *kitten*."
  • Dunkirk
    Dunkirk Posts: 465 Member
    I just kinda am like...can't you be "pretty" "attractive" WHATEVER...and still be overweight, why does it have to be one or the other?

    I am with you. I don't think weight defines beauty, but sadly that's what our culture dictates.


    In some cultures, being overweight is gorgeous.
  • hararayne
    hararayne Posts: 261 Member
    People who are offended by comments like "you're prettier now" or "you're pretty but you'll be prettier if you go to the gym" needs to get over themselves. Your love ones/friends are trying to be nice, but apparently they can never win.
    They offend you if they say that.
    They offend you if they don't say anything (boohoo, why does anybody care about my weight loss?)
    They offend you if they say "you'll be prettier if you lose a few pounds" (boohoo, why does he wants me to lose weight? He thinks I'm fat and not pretty enough?)
    They offend you if they say "you're pretty like you are, don't change" (and then, the same people starts thread on MFP saying "my boyfriend isn't supportive! He doesn't want me to lose weight. Boohoo! ")

    Exactly. I think sometimes us girls just want to take offense! I've been overweight my whole lifeand describe MYSELF as "pretty, but could stand to lose a few lbs". And I've said such things to people before too. ON HERE! No offense was meant! It's a compliment I would want to get!

    Seriously, I don't think there is a single person who loses weight "strictly" for health. Especially not women. We lose weight to become MORE BEAUTIFUL (and get healthier). So why take offense at someone noticing that you met your goal?

    Try this:
    Person: You were pretty before but you look even prettier now! Great job with the weightloss!
    You: Thank you kindly! I worked hard to get here!
  • It would be hard for me not to respond to a comment like that with something really snarky! (And by the way, who asked them for their opinion?) For me personally, this rates right up there with "Wow, you look good for your age!". Uhh, so basically you're saying I'm old??? People are just ignorant - don't let it get to you!
  • xDawnsgrace
    xDawnsgrace Posts: 436
    the only thing i don't like, is "You look much prettier now" as if weight=beauty.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    the only thing i don't like, is "You look much prettier now" as if weight=beauty.

    Weight often does affect the perception of beauty in many people's eyes.
  • fitnotfat12
    fitnotfat12 Posts: 7 Member
    I've gotten those comments but more after I've expressed a desire to be thinner! I had one guy tell me, that I might not be thin, but I had a special something that made men take a second look! I take comments like that with a grain of salt, most people are trying to be kind and I appreciate that! I know that I'd look better thinner if only for the one reason that I'd feel better and be healthier! So I don't really have a hard time with people complimenting and encouraging me in their own way! Now if it was said in a snide comment or with mean intent that's different!!
  • 324toOnederland
    324toOnederland Posts: 7 Member
    I was once told a few years ago by a woman at work that I would be a knockout if I lost some weight and she would introduce me to her son. I told her that I already had a man and even if I didn't I wouldnt go out with him. Then another time when I was at the dermatologist the doctor told me that i had a pretty face and that next time i came in he wanted to see me lose weight. I just kind of left my mouth open in disbelief I mean this is supost to be a professional . It wasn't like he was a regular doctor. Needless to say there was not a next time. I did not go back.
  • chanel1twenty
    chanel1twenty Posts: 161 Member
    the only thing i don't like, is "You look much prettier now" as if weight=beauty.

    I've never been told any of these things, but I definitely agree with this.

    Lol, what?? Wait...how is "you're pretty but you'd be prettier if you went to the gym" NOT offensive?? That's horribly offensive and most definitely not your friends/loved ones being nice.

    Any phrase beginning with "you're pretty, but" is offensive. It's like starting a comment with "no offense, but-"...you know something offensive is coming.

    I definitely agree that most women can be overly sensitive, especially about weight, but I mean *kitten*, American culture made them that way.

    I'm pretty sure the proper response to "you're pretty but you'd be prettier if you went to them gym" is "I'll go to the gym to get prettier for you if you jump off a cliff to be less of an a**h*** for me (punch in face)"
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    the only thing i don't like, is "You look much prettier now" as if weight=beauty.
    Pretty is a comment on the physical so yes weight is part of it as is skin completion, hair, and height. This is also a subjective observation, what is pretty from one observer to another is personal and different.
  • olyabe
    olyabe Posts: 36
    I realize this is an unpopular opinion, but I think most of you here are twisting what was meant to be a compliment (and possibly motivation) into an insult because of your own insecurities. "You are pretty now, but once you lose a few pounds you will be smokin'!!" is a good thing in my eyes. Much better than "You are pretty now, so do not bother losing weight because it will not improve you in the least." is a slap in the face.

    It is your unhappiness with yourself that is making you take it in a negative light, because you believe in your heart that it is true.

    Exactly. It's a freaking compliment, and it is based on reality for the majority of people out there, especially the person making the compliment.

    For most people the same person at 25 BMI looks prettier than the same person at 35 BMI. I sure prefer the way my husband looks at 20% BF over when he was at 25%. I'll love him if he gained 50 lb instead just the same. His worth has nothing to do with his fat %, but given the choice, I like to feel the abs!

    Demanding that people act as if 'fat' is as pretty as 'normal' or 'skinny (not anorexic skinny.. reasonably skinny)' is like demanding that people stop considering asymmetrical features less attractive than symmetrical. We humans just generally consider symmetrical faces prettier. Congrats if yours is symmetrical, regrets if not!

    Or like demanding that people consider skin discoloration pretty... "This foundation makes your skin look so pretty and glowing!" - well, what she really said is that the foundation is great on me, because I got a bunch of age spots all over the place. I take it as a compliment on well selected and well applied make-up. I know I got spots, I'm glad someone complimented me on my effort... and yes, I will continue to not wear any make-up 90% of the time because I like myself with those age spots just fine, and they reflect the outdoor choices I made with my passions for hiking, sailing and kayaking. But I don't expect anyone to pretend for my vanity that adult skin with sun damage is just as pretty as ivory fair skin that I had half life ago!

    It is all about the insecurities of a person receiving the compliment. Just get over it and enjoy the fact that it's much easier to solve for excess fat than for lack of symmetry, deformities or other generally 'unattractive' features. You are already halfway to the conventional 'pretty', which actually should not be important at all.

    What's important is that you are much closer to healthy. Congratulations! :)
  • londonboyben
    londonboyben Posts: 314 Member
    to be honest if someone said i was handsome but could do with losing some weight, i'd take the compliment and agree with the insult, i am here because I KNOW i need to lose the weight,

    now, if i was slightly "chubby" and only had to lose a few lbs, maybe i would take offense, but to be honest i know i need to lose it so someone stating the obvious to me is not an insult,

    and no weight does not always equal beauty in some peoples eyes, but in most it surely does,
    there is a reason advertising use skinnier girls, for both men and women's products, because the overwhelming perception is that weight does equal beauty,

    think if you really took offense, its more down to your own self confidence and how you feel about yourself rather than the fact that what the person is saying is untrue,
    look at the success board, its full of your much prettier\handsome comments now you've lost weight, no one takes offense to that,
  • angserino
    angserino Posts: 59
    Never had anyone to do that. If they told me I was pretty, that was it. However, my son told me that I was beautiful but a little too fat. LOL Others in the room started to scold him for saying that, I stopped them. It was okay because he was right!
  • MissSharon2013
    MissSharon2013 Posts: 536 Member
    Yeah...I get the, "You've got such a gorgeous face..." I want to slap them because you know what they mean. My ninja kickin butt super powers want to come out and pinch their heads off! I'm ok now. Really!
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    When I was in high school, my Dad once said, "you'd have more boyfriends if you would loose a few pounds." To which I responded, "I'd have more boyfriends if I wasn't valedictorian of my class."
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    No one has ever been brave enough to tell me that. They know I'd hurt them.