30 pounds by Christmas..Who's with me?!



  • Count me in!
  • what is the 30DS??

    It is the 30 day shred by jillian michaels. There a 3 levels that you can spend about 10 days per level on. The work outs are hardcore but are only about 25-30 mins long. It says you can lose up to 20lbs in 30 days. The DVD's are very inexpensive too = )

    Thanks! Hardcore - just what I need - it may kill me. my body hasn't had ANY exercise in WAAAY too long and I have a bad foot from a serious car accident a few years ago, but if it's inexpensive - I'll give it a shot... :)
  • what is the 30DS??

    It is the 30 day shred by jillian michaels. There a 3 levels that you can spend about 10 days per level on. The work outs are hardcore but are only about 25-30 mins long. It says you can lose up to 20lbs in 30 days. The DVD's are very inexpensive too = )

    Thanks! Hardcore - just what I need - it may kill me.:laugh: my body hasn't had ANY exercise in WAAAY too long and I have a bad foot from a serious car accident a few years ago, but if it's inexpensive - I'll give it a shot... :)
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    I would love to join you all! Sounds great! I usually like to weigh in on fridays as it gives me a good mood for the weekend (if the scale is down) and also the weekends is my weakest point so i'd reather weigh before that.
    So shall we all agree on one day to weigh in and if so which one?

    Regarding the questions about the 30ds. It is the 30 day shred. It is a exercise DvD by Jillian Micheals. I think in the US known from Biggest Loser. It is a circuit style exercise, It comes with 3 levels each are about 25min long. And you're supposed to do 10 days on each level or move on if you feel ready or the other way around if not quite ready to move done. I have done it but stopped as it is a want something a bit more upbeat. But it is still a good dvd and i think you can get good results with only exercising for a short while each day. I will definitely mix it in my routine,

    I am just ordering Turbo Jam as i read great stuff about it. Anyone else here planning to start that?

    All the best

  • sugar4becky
    sugar4becky Posts: 8 Member
    Count me in! I would love the extra motivation to give me a push to get there!
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    hey everyone!

    i'm totally in for this! 30lbs fits right into my mini goals and i would LOVE to be down a total of 40 (down 10 already!) by then!

    feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like! the more the merrier! :)
  • randilea
    randilea Posts: 140
    Count me in!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Wow!! What an amazing support group we have going!!

    Yes we can do this!!

    I'm so excited!!!

    Wednesday weigh in sounds great! Everyone agree?

    Forgive me if I can't respond quickly, I'm at work and can only respond in between clients (i'm a bank teller)..

    For those of you inquiring about the 30DS, i highly recommend you google " 30 day shred results", the real life pictures are phenomonal! Jillian literally makes you hate her by the end of 20 minutes, but like I mentioned earlier, the feeling of accomplishment felt so great and it also helped me to make wise decisions here at work because I'm like, I did not work that hard to ruin it with one bad food choice!!
  • lfenske
    lfenske Posts: 4
    I am definately in! I just joined today and 30 pounds by Christmas is my goal. I am so excited about all the support that I see on this site. Good luck everyone!
  • lfenske
    lfenske Posts: 4
    Wed weigh in works for me!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    Is the 30ds dvd the same as whats on demand? I dont know if its still available on demand but a few months ago I was looking at the fitness on demand and saw it. Im really not a dvd workout kinds person. Kinda makes me feel silly listening to a tv lol BUT Im hearing great things about it and If i remember right there is nothing extra I have to buy. Like weights or anything. Right now we can not afford anything "extra" so something on demand that doesnt involve weights or bands or anthing like that would be awsome.

    I tried once using milk jugs and filling them with water but it killed my carpo tunnel.
  • mommypennylane
    mommypennylane Posts: 67 Member
    I'm in.... my goal was 37 by New Years. (37 is my halfway point) I am already down almost 10 lbs but I know I can't keep what I am currently doing up so I'll need some inspiration and motivation. I am currently eating way too few calories and not exercising enough. I have a very busy schedule and I know everyone does but because of this I don't know yet, exactly when and how I'll fit in a lot of exercise. I did manage to walk 50 minutes today, it was two 25 minute walks around my campus... swift walking carrying a 15 lb bag. (I weighed it on my scale this morning, lol) I think a weigh in is a great idea. This morning I weighed 214.2 lbs. I can do my weigh in on any day that is best for the group.

    Good luck everyone.
  • I would love to do it. I need to lose more then 30 and think by christmas it is a very doable goal. I need help and motivation though:(
  • I'm in too! 30lbs is my goal so loosing it by Christmas would be GREAT! Looking forward to it!!
  • I'm with ya!! By birthday is January 16, and I want to be on my way to 40 lbs lost by then.
  • Would love to be a part of it! Thanks for posting! Looking forward to sharing support. :)
  • bpclark
    bpclark Posts: 13 Member
    i'm in, and wednesdays sounds fine to me!
  • 25daniow
    25daniow Posts: 121 Member
    I bet you never expected to get soooooo many responses to your post but that's what so great about this website.....SUPPORT and motivation from others:smile: I'm definitely in for this one! Who doesn't want new clothes for Christmas??? and this is a great incentive to look fabulous in them:) I officially started focusing and using this website mid July and I'm down 9 lbs. It is fabulous. I weigh in on Sundays so I'll post my weight then. Here's to a VERY HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON!!!!

    SW - 198
    CW - 189
    GW - 155
  • For those of you inquiring about the 30DS, i highly recommend you google " 30 day shred results", the real life pictures are phenomonal! Jillian literally makes you hate her by the end of 20 minutes, but like I mentioned earlier, the feeling of accomplishment felt so great and it also helped me to make wise decisions here at work because I'm like, I did not work that hard to ruin it with one bad food choice!!

    I honestly didn't like the 30DS - I do CrossFit and I've had some awesome results with it! I dropped a jean size within a month. CrossFit doesn't focus on building muscle like typical weight lifting, it's focused on forging elite fitness. I like the different exercises every day! I'm training to do Fight Gone Bad 5 right now (it benefits the Wounded Warrior Project, LIVESTRONG, and the CrossFit Foundation) and I can't wait!
  • what is the 30DS??

    Jillian Michaels 30 day shred exercise DVD...it works, I have started it several times!!! LOL but Christmas may just be the motivation I need to stick it out.....(I get bored!!!)
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