17 Day Diet



  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    So much bad information in this diet. You cannot lose weight with anything but a calorie deficit. I don't care how lean a protein is, if you eat too much of it, you will gain weight. Fat doesn't make you fat, calories do. The high weight losses people are reporting are water losses due to the highly restricted sodium intake required by the diet. There is nothing wrong with the foods recommended, but restricting to certain food types is unnecessary for most people. Fad diets that emphasize substantial weight losses in short time periods encourage undereating. You're "allowed" to eat as much lean protein as you want, but most people on a diet like this will severely restrict themselves to try and see results quickly. Exercise is good, but the 17 minutes has no basis. What kind of exercise? What intensity? If I walk for seventeen minutes, and then eat 3500 calories of protein, it doesn't balance out. You're better off taking the slow, methodical approach. Watch your calorie counts, hit your macros, make sure you eat at a deficit, but not so low as to damage your body. It's not nearly as sexy or flashy as a diet promising the sky in only two and a half weeks, but it is safe, effective and proven.
  • thatonegirlwiththestuff
    thatonegirlwiththestuff Posts: 1,171 Member
    (raises hand) right here! I did this diet last year and lost 15lbs in 2.5 weeks. It is really easy to follow. I started it again Monday to lose another 5 or so lbs since I've hit a plateau, but it really does work well. Go read all the reviews on amazon.
  • ashleybr1980
    ashleybr1980 Posts: 70 Member
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    So much bad information in this diet. You cannot lose weight with anything but a calorie deficit. I don't care how lean a protein is, if you eat too much of it, you will gain weight. Fat doesn't make you fat, calories do. The high weight losses people are reporting are water losses due to the highly restricted sodium intake required by the diet. There is nothing wrong with the foods recommended, but restricting to certain food types is unnecessary for most people. Fad diets that emphasize substantial weight losses in short time periods encourage undereating. You're "allowed" to eat as much lean protein as you want, but most people on a diet like this will severely restrict themselves to try and see results quickly. Exercise is good, but the 17 minutes has no basis. What kind of exercise? What intensity? If I walk for seventeen minutes, and then eat 3500 calories of protein, it doesn't balance out. You're better off taking the slow, methodical approach. Watch your calorie counts, hit your macros, make sure you eat at a deficit, but not so low as to damage your body. It's not nearly as sexy or flashy as a diet promising the sky in only two and a half weeks, but it is safe, effective and proven.


    This is not a fad diet it is a way to change your eating habits to a more healthy way. I personally have lost 25lbs using this method and have kept it off and feel great, sleep better and have way more energy.

    People need to read more before posting info like this. For instance the high weight loss is not water I have kept the 25lbs off...the exercise is a personal choice. A person knows what they can and can't do based on how they feel. As well this is not just for 17days it is 4 cycles of 17 days. With the last being maitenance. I was never hungry, always had energy and that is why Dr Phil recommends it.
  • xjmcx
    xjmcx Posts: 27
    I've never heard if it... But I've tried high protein diets before, and I did lose some weight on them but felt horrible doing it! Super tired, and it got to the stage where I couldn't stand the sight of meat or eggs! It just made me wanna hurl! I guess my body just didn't like it...
  • stacyshan
    stacyshan Posts: 16 Member
    (raises hand) right here! I did this diet last year and lost 15lbs in 2.5 weeks. It is really easy to follow. I started it again Monday to lose another 5 or so lbs since I've hit a plateau, but it really does work well. Go read all the reviews on amazon.

    I had the same great results, found it super easy, taught me to eat healthy food & exercise, I always felt good & a pound a day fell off for 15 days straight. I'm a big fan of this Drs healthy eating lifestyle suggestions.
  • Beach4me5
    Beach4me5 Posts: 21
    This is how I started my road to weight loss and I would do it again. My doctor suggested it. I did the first and second 17 days. By then I was off all the sugar, carbs and fats and had no cravings. I had lost 7 pounds and was feeling great! I was no longer a slave to the sugar! But....I knew myself personally would struggle with staying on this diet.

    That was when I came here and started counting calories. I am still losing weight. But the 17dd gave me the immediate success and structure that I needed to sustain what I believe to be lifelong weight loss.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    I love the 17 day diet. It got me moving in the right direction. Definitely read the book. I got it first from the library before buying my own copy. It is super easy to follow.
  • rowanwood
    rowanwood Posts: 510 Member
    There are at least two reports in this thread of people getting ill from this "diet". As far as anecdotal evidence goes, it doesn't sound good.

    Why not just, I don't know, eat at a deficit of calories and not bother with jumping through the hoops of fire?
  • allisonrinkel
    allisonrinkel Posts: 224 Member
    I tried it on the advise of a Nurse friend of mine who had great success with it. I'm going to try it again soon, because I liked it, and it worked, and I wasn't always hungry, AND you eat really healthy food while on it. Seems pretty good to me!! And having it recommended by a nurse helps too ;)
  • Chigirlhere
    Chigirlhere Posts: 5 Member
    Today is my first day on this diet.... my co-worker lost about 50lbs on this diet and his family is apparently kicking butt on it too! Time to do this :-)

    Question, I need my latte in the morning. I make it at home, dropping the sugar out but what about the milk? I am not clear whether or not I can use 1% milk in the accelerate cycle or whether I should sub with soy milk or similar. Does anyone know? I will continue my research but if anyone here knows :-)

    Wish me luck
  • icandoit63
    icandoit63 Posts: 621 Member
    Hi I am day 3 of the 17 day diet. I have to say I find this very easy to follow. I have decided though that I will have my one cup of coffee just like I always do. Then I am drinking the green tea with lunch and dinner. I do make it iced tea sometimes too. Just for the change. I did these cycles last year and it had got me in a healthier way of eating. I gained about 6lbs over the last 6 months and decided to concentrate on it again and have a goal of loosing 15lbs. It really works and I think the cycles keep you focused and give you something to look forward to. Good luck and keep in touch.
  • icandoit63
    icandoit63 Posts: 621 Member
    Day 5.......starting to feel like I am eating the same thing everyday....any recipes that people can suggest??
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Day 5.......starting to feel like I am eating the same thing everyday....any recipes that people can suggest??

    Not sure what you are eating but yes the first 17 days you have to be creative.

    Try the turkey taco salad in the recipe section of the book.
    Grilled chicken with Salsa and greek yogurt
    Sprinkle different spices on your protein.
    Try a chicken ceasar Salad but don't use creamy dressing make it with 1tbsp of olive oil with crushed garlic in it.
    BBQ Salmon
    Try smoothies
    Wrap meats in lettuce leaves for the "sandwich" effect
    Use different greens in your salad
  • Chigirlhere
    Chigirlhere Posts: 5 Member
    I agree the first cycle is boring as hell. By the way I do the same, I still have my latte in the morning, I can't give up the milk, I did however drop the sugar.
    I am on day 7, the first 3 days I dropped 6 lbs and now for the past 4 days nothing... I probably need to work out more...

    The next 5 days will suck I have a birthday and 3 day customer meetings where eating healthy will be a challenge I am sure.... I might have to extent my first cycle depending on how the next 5 days go... :-(
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    Day 5.......starting to feel like I am eating the same thing everyday....any recipes that people can suggest??

    do you have the cookbook? I got a copy from my library and it helps to keep you from being bored.
  • icandoit63
    icandoit63 Posts: 621 Member
    I have the challenge of not really eating meat, only fish. I have started to eat a little chicken or turkey every once in a while so might add that once a week. I do love the lettuce wrap idea. Today I bought a bunch of different veggies and some celery. For some reason celery is always a good snack item for me but love it with hummus lol. I lost 2 lbs in the first 5 days. Very happy about that.
    Thanks for the suggestions!!!
  • icandoit63
    icandoit63 Posts: 621 Member
    Day 6 feeling inspired ...belly feeling flatter and lost 1 lb....... goal is 5 more lbs by the end of cycle one.
  • icandoit63
    icandoit63 Posts: 621 Member
    Day 7 concert going girl did very good!!! no alcohol, one diet soda....packed my own tuna veggies,and yogurt and fruit. Not tailgaiting food haha but it worked ...pretty proud of myself...
    Day 8...need to drink my water today and start to focus on the exercise part of this...
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    Considering what the word "fad" really means, yeah, this is a fad diet.

    There's no shame in taking a little advice from the book to incorporate into your new lifestyle, but the loss is not from the food you're eating...it's the lack of food, or caloric deficit.

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