worst dates ever



  • Perplexities
    Perplexities Posts: 612 Member
    Maybe the third date with a guy I met on OKC. I was a real jerk and was pretty much going on the dates for free food so I deserved it. We had a pretty decent dinner date except for when he mentioned how on my profile I had put that I enjoyed vanilla. On the profile it was a comment about vanilla and kinky sex and how I enjoy both. He told me that he thought it was really cool because he loved the flavor of vanilla too! He was not a smart cookie.

    Afterward we went to go out for drinks with a few of my friends. He kissed me (first time after 3 dates) and then promptly told me that he had a stronger connection with me than with any of his previous girlfriends. It was awkward and I had no idea how to respond. Then he got trashed. He was a decently cool person when he was sober but a complete weirdo when drunk. He just kept talking and talking about random boring things and slurring his speach. He had been visiting my college campus and needed a place to stay so I let him stay in my tiny dorm bed with our clothes on. I spent the entire night trying to keep a full arms length away from him on the tiny college dorm bed.

    A year and a half later he still calls me and texts me even though now we're living like 10 hours away from each other. Sometimes I respond. Sometimes I don't. He still calls. I probably should stop responding completely but every once in a while I feel really guilty and text back.

    It's always the dudes that I have no real attraction to and find lame that fall completely in love with me and the men I find hot and fascinating that are *kitten* and runs. Go figure.

    Alpha guys like a challenge and it's human nature to deem things that are easy to obtain as of lesser value even if they're clearly not. Play hard to get, it's funner and you'll have much better luck.
  • fatboy235
    fatboy235 Posts: 147 Member
    Went out with this woman to red lobster. We're at the bar and she asks me what her limit is for the meal. I just said don't break me, she gets crab legs, picks them up with her hands and squeezes both ends. Juice is literally coming out of both ends. When the leg finally cracks, crab goes flying to the other peoples table and lands in this lady's hair. After the meal we go back to her house to watch a movie. She gives me a tour of her house and shows me one of the bedrooms. Tells me her sister is a stripper and these are her outfits in the closet there. We go to watch the movie, she falls asleep on the couch with her feet on top of my lap. Needless to say I was GONE.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    I haven't read all of them yet... but I tell this story to my friends and they tend to think I'm the queen of stories, but in all actuality, this did happen...

    I met a guy online and in his online profile he was 6'-6'1, italian and worked out a lot. We skyped a couple of times and he lived in Hamilton I was living in East York (Canada, about an hour away from each other or so). He would tell me about his workouts at the gym and flex and show me his progress and I would congradualte him. Anyway... he wants to meet. I told him I was watching the hockey game that night (Stanley Cup playoffs Habs vs. Boston 7th game - wasn't missing it!) and he was welcome to join my roommate at the time and I.

    He drives up and meets me after work, I put on heals figuring I'd be fine, I'm 5'7, I'd have wiggle room. He gets there, waves, I tell him where to park. He comes out of the car and I *kitten* you not... he was MAYBE 5'5! He comes out with a bag of chocolate from the bulk barn and says "I know you like chocolate!" and carnations from a corner store. I was polite and said thank you. We had to go to the beer store to pick up beer for my roommate and I tried to stay as far away from him as I could - I know rude but SERIOUSLY?

    We get back to my building and go upstairs, my roommate, Sharon, introduced herself and he went to the washroom. She was like "Wthell Steph? I thought you said he was taller and not so weird!" He comes out, she offered him a beer and I had stretched out on the love seat so he couldn't fit. He sat on the couch with Sharon while she was talking to him, I was focused on the game and he was focused on me. He STARED at me for 4 F*cking hours! He got up to use the washroom about every 1/2 hour or 45 mins, doing God only knows!?! At one point, I got up to go get a drink of water and he had gotten back from the washroom and snuck on the love seat, I was so pissed off! The cat was on the couch with my roommate so I HAD to sit on the love seat with him. He didn't remotely pay attention to the game while I was screaming and acting like a total tard to get him to be disinterested and want to leave.

    When the game was FINALLY over, I walked him out to the elevator and gave him a pat on the back, he pulled me in andtried to kiss me and I pulled back and said "No thank you." He said "Well don't you like me?" I said, "We will talk later, I need to get to bed." Smiled and went back inside. My roommate was on the floor laughing and telling me how creepy he was and how he stared at me all night and was probably playing with himself in the bathroom because he couldn't keep his composure in front of me. I was completely disgusted :P

    He text me the next morning and I told him he wasn't my type. He freaked out and never spoke to me after that - Thank GOD! But, he was creeping my online pics for about another 3 months until I figured it out and blocked him.

    That is one of MANY bad dates!

    I'd creep your pictures, too, and stare a lot. You're stunning! But I'd do it stealthily, cuz I'm a closet creeper.
  • obeseandsassy
    I went on a date with a guy to a nice-ish (i.e., not Olive Garden-esque) Italian restaurant.

    He ordered chocolate milk, and he blew bubbles in it. Non-ironically.
  • pkbryant28
    pkbryant28 Posts: 146 Member
    Went to a Mardi Gras Ball (Something we do in the south for those of you who don't know) and had to get a date in 2 days...

    If you don't mind me asking where are you from? I also live in the South and attend many Mardi Gras Balls, I am in Mobile.
  • killin_me_softly
    Lol...I guess it's a good thing I didn't date much ha!
  • Jennisin1
    Jennisin1 Posts: 574 Member
    I went on a date a couple of weeks ago to an activity center. We were waiting in line for the zip line, and they guy spends the entire 20 minutes talking to the chick behind us. I almost asked her for her number for him. I should have just made my excuses and gone and had fun on my own.. sometimes I wish I had bigger ovaries.
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    I was on a ride at the fair with a guy who had recently become an ex and I wanted him back...my sister was below me on the same ride in a different cage with a guy SHE liked...and I proceeded to puke out the side of the ride...DIRECTLY on my sister's head. She was so mad at me she wouldn't speak to me for 2 months! Pretty romantic and um, yeah, I did NOT get the guy back after that. :embarassed:
  • runnermama81
    runnermama81 Posts: 388 Member
    My cousin and I went on a double date when we were about 16. the guys picked us up at her house out in the country and we went to a town about 30 miles away for our date. When they decided they were ready to go home, they said "well you're gonna have to call somebody to come get you cuz we're not drivin all the way out there again!!" Her dad who had to come get us was NOT impressed!
  • jennismagic
    jennismagic Posts: 243 Member
    Not my story, but it happened to a friend's sister. She met this guy at Starbucks, and after having a great conversation, he asked her to have breakfast with him later in the week. She agreed, and was so excited all week long. He picked her up at her place, and drove her to a hotel. He parked at the service entrance, got out, and told her to wait for him. He went up to the service entrance door, looked around, then went inside. A few minutes later, he reappeared, put something in the doorway to keep it from shutting, then walked back to the car and told her to get out. She was confused, but went along with it, thinking he may have made reservations at the hotel's restaurant. They went inside, walked down a long hallway until they came to a conference room where a continental breakfast was being served. You know the "free" breakfast hotel guests get for staying in the hotel. Instead of telling him he was a cheap loser, she ate breakfast, and then went to the movies with him. He left a dollar on the table as a tip.
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    I dated three winners in a row:

    Contestant One lived in a 16x16 foot shack that he had built himself, with no indoor plumbing, but a mirror on the ceiling. He could not drive because of DUIs and because he "shot his wife, but only winged her."

    Contestant Two was very nice, if controlling, at the end of the date he told me that he was not the ACTUAL Anti-Christ, but he was the John the Baptist of the Anti-Christ. Believe it or not, this was the second guy I had dated who had delusions of evil grandeur.

    Contestant Three was the guy that I met through a paper ad (back when they had those). He asked me before we met what size dress I wore and he constantly referred to himself in the third person. "Sven like to workout at the gym." "Sven has BIG muscles." "Sven likes his women small and helpless." He had a son and would talk about the two of them as "Sven and Little Sven work out every day at the gym". Even being Sveedish was not enough to make up for a third person talking-narcissistic trophy wife looking- steroid using body builder.
    THE_DOCTORSWIFE Posts: 91 Member
    Reading all these bad dates makes me feel bad. I was the CAUSE of a few bad date….

    For a while I wasn't into the Relationship thing and if I went on a 1st date, I viewed it as free food/drink/movie whatever.

    I can remember one time I was sitting at the bar and my date bought me a shot of tequila (which I hate) and as soon as I did the shot, it came right back up…onto the bar. Yep threw up on the bar. Guy still called me to go out again.

    Another time I got too drunk again and when he dropped me off at the end of the night I threw up on his shoes when he opened the car door to let me out. He also called me to go out again.

    On my last 1st date (with my now husband) I choked on my stake and had to literally pull it out of my throat in front of him. We still laugh about it to this day.
  • kellykw
    kellykw Posts: 184 Member
    I dated three winners in a row:

    Contestant One lived in a 16x16 foot shack that he had built himself, with no indoor plumbing, but a mirror on the ceiling. He could not drive because of DUIs and because he "shot his wife, but only winged her."

    Contestant Two was very nice, if controlling, at the end of the date he told me that he was not the ACTUAL Anti-Christ, but he was the John the Baptist of the Anti-Christ. Believe it or not, this was the second guy I had dated who had delusions of evil grandeur.

    Contestant Three was the guy that I met through a paper ad (back when they had those). He asked me before we met what size dress I wore and he constantly referred to himself in the third person. "Sven like to workout at the gym." "Sven has BIG muscles." "Sven likes his women small and helpless." He had a son and would talk about the two of them as "Sven and Little Sven work out every day at the gym". Even being Sveedish was not enough to make up for a third person talking-narcissistic trophy wife looking- steroid using body builder.

    I am trying to decide which one of those I would choose for the ultimate dream date. I can't figure it out. I do know that I am going to refer to myself as Sven as much as possible from now on.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    For those of you that have had so many bad dates, there is one common factor in all of them. :wink:
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    If I were a woman I would check the offender list of every man I was planning to go on a date with. I couldn't stomach knowing I was on a date with someone like 'that'.

    Agreed. Lesson learned. Though hopefully, they tell you the truth ahead of time. I am still not sure if the last guy I dated was even the same person as his profile picture!

    My friends say I should just get another cat instead of dating.
    THE_DOCTORSWIFE Posts: 91 Member
    My friends say I should just get another cat instead of dating.
    Yes. Yes you should!
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    For those of you that have had so many bad dates, there is one common factor in all of them. :wink:

    Yes. Men.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    For those of you that have had so many bad dates, there is one common factor in all of them. :wink:

    Yes. Men.

    Yeah, I suppose it is more reasonable to believe all men are awful instead of looking in the mirror.
  • Syriene
    Syriene Posts: 238
    I met this one guy and we had a great date and then he took me back to his place...to show me his doll collection. It was creepy as Hell. I ran away fast.

    I witnessed a creepy collection too. Broken glass. Yes...a shelf full of broken wine glasses, vases, etc. Any time something got knocked off a shelf and broken at his last job, he would sweep it up and take it home to add to his collection. He said that if there was something on the store shelves he really liked, he would knock it off and break it himself while no one was looking.
    That was only one of many red flags on that dude.
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    Door bell peen.