40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • redhotbeads
    redhotbeads Posts: 62 Member
    Just found this thread and thought I'd say hi ... I'm 47... need to lose about 20 more lbs ... I've started MFP plenty of times, but this is the first time I've been consistent with it. I started following TDEE -20% rather than MFPs recommendation and so far I have to say it's working. I like to go to the gym 2-3x a week to lift weights (which I like MUCH MORE than cardio) and do walking as well. So I just wanted to say HI!! Nice to find some folks over 40 here. :)
  • mickeyksu
    mickeyksu Posts: 16 Member
    Hey I'm new to this whole 40 thing. Been there since June 1. We are definitely the cool kids!! It is insanely harder to lose at 40 than it has ever been. However, my mindset is totally different. It is more about losing smart and being healthy. It is less about looking hot. Bring it, 40!

    Heather (feel free to add me)
  • Winston1717
    Winston1717 Posts: 184
    Hi..soon to be 49 lost 50 on my final 12-15. Yes got to work harder to lose fat and gain muscle... but consistancy is the key. I find a great combination is both high intensity weight training and cardio. This works for me! Feel free to add! Good luck to all on this thread!
  • newbeg1ning
    newbeg1ning Posts: 77 Member
    I'm here, just really busy.

    Took a much needed rest this weekend (sort of) after completing the BAD KARMA WOD http://mountainrivercrossfit.com/4th-bad-karma/ on Friday at 5:30 am, ran for 3 miles on Sunday but that's pretty much it. Counting the days till this Whole30 craziness ends, Sunday June 30th can't come fast enough!

    This week is going to be tough and I foresee a very exhausted cool kid by Friday evening. Going to the gym at 5:30 am every day this week because after work I'm volunteering my time to Vacation Bible School so I'm not getting home until 9 pm.

    Today was a strength day (love them!), took me about 50 min to complete my WOD - 5x5 overhead squats, back squats, dead lifts and a mile run to finish. Ibuprofen is of course on my menu for dinner tonight.

    sdereski - WELCOME Back!

    Everyone else have a good afternoon!
  • newbeg1ning
    newbeg1ning Posts: 77 Member
    YOUR LAPTOP CAUGHT FIRE?????????????????????


    It really did! No good at all! The battery overheated and started shooting flames out the back of the laptop. Very scary to say the least! Haven't heard yet if I will be able to retrieve any of my stuff yet or not. We'll see...

    It was a Jake day today and it has been very warm and humid here this week so I went out and walked early this morning (6:15) 'cause I know I will not want to do it later.

    KellySue - WTH? I heard the other day some kid died from smoke inhalation after he fell asleep with his laptop on the bed and it overheated.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    Kelly Sue - good for you for getting your work-out in BEFORE the day gets too hot! That's a SMART strategy!

    sdereski - that fishing picture looks AWESOME! I hope you get some much needed "down-time" this summer - it sounds like you will.

    newbeg1ning - I totally admire your dedication to fitness - getting up THAT early and getting it DONE! How AWESOME!

    "Hi" - to all the newbies here...
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    Hi Beeps,

    Love the way you keep up on here don't know how you do it! I have a hard enough time with the small list of friends I have! You rock!

    Hello to all and now a good night! lol

    I made it thru my fast today but then kinda ruined it with a wine cooler while I watched a wonder woman episode with my in-laws who are visiting. Couldn't say no to cheers with my mom in law. (shrugs) Killed my sugar but the rest is ok and I feel so energized. Weird I would think that I would be tired.

    To anyone who does not know me please read my blog to see more about me before you judge the fasting thing.

    Keep up the great work everyone! TTFN

  • LarryDUk
    LarryDUk Posts: 279 Member
    Hello all. I'll be 42 in August and I think this age has kinda made me have a good look at myself. I have had a couple slimish years in my adult life, but have been mostly over weight. I started my life style change in Feb as I stopped drinking, May starting walking and counting calories and June, stopped smoking. I have also joined a gym and I am using my smoking money on a personal trainer. I have already lost around 20 pounds, 1.5 stones or 8KG. It could be more as I didn't weigh when I started. I walk like a man possessed averaging around 18 miles a day. This seems to be working rather well as I am 'thinner' that I normally would be at 13.5 stone, 189 pounds. My goal weight is around 172, but that could change to what I weigh now depending on how I get on in the gym. I feel amazing already and can't wait to get the proper gym work started.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    princessofred - I'm an intermittent feeder, so I "get" the fasting stuff! Stopping at one drink is pretty decent - I wouldn't sweat that!

    LarryDUk - sounds like you are doing the right stuff by improving your health/fitness in manageable chunks. Congrats on the "no drinking"! Congrats on the "no smoking" Congrats on the "weight loss"! I'm also glad to read you have a personal trainer - make sure they are putting you through your paces lifting heavy weights - that will make sure the weight you are losing is FAT loss (and not muscle loss).

    Today, I lift!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hi All!

    Today is a rest day for me so taking it easy on the calories. Nothing else really going on today. (Ahhh...just the way I like it!)

    Have a great day all!
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    Good day to all! woo hoo Larry! Congrats that is a lot of accomplishments! Keep it up!

    I have lots to do today... my exercise, laundry, yard work yada yada yada! lol Then tomorrow I make my run to the dairy to get milk!

    Take care everyone and have a lovely day! ; )

  • seepersaud
    seepersaud Posts: 5,759 Member
    Hi, everyone. New to the 40+ club. I've been kicking things up a notch in the last couple of weeks. After watching seemingly everyone and their brother running in 5Ks, 10Ks, half-marathons, etc., I said to myself, "I could be doing those things, so why don't I?" Now, I train for triathlons and I'm having an absolute blast. Would love to make some new friends here. Have a great day!
  • tomwatso
    tomwatso Posts: 1,304 Member
    44/m here.

    Present at 201 lbs. Would love to see the 180s to the 190s again.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all,

    LarryDUK - fantastic work on getting healthy and losing weight. You've made some major changes in your life that are not always easy. Good on you!

    princessofred - I too get the fasting thing..and it does energize you!

    Well, I headed out for a run yesterday. Was feeling sore after my weight lifting the day before, but did get into a good groove. However, my g/f wasn't feeling it so we ended up walking most of it. :grumble: She was feeling winded - probably because she had not eaten anything - but she won't admit that (that she didn't eat) Yes, I do believe she has a problem.

    Welcome to more cool kids! :happy:
  • Hi there,

    Would love to join this group!:heart:
    I'm 45 and looking to get myself in shape and toned well before I hit the "50" milestone. Had a baby at 42 and have struggled to get the remaining 15 pounds off. My hubs surprised me with a fitbit flex the other day and I'm determined to hit my 10.000 steps per day, lift weights and watch my calorie intake. My first day, yesterday was a test to see how active I am for a normal day and I logged 9000 steps. I was surprised. So, I connected my fitbit with mfp and now I'm here.

    I have a question. I'm confused about calories. Many trainers, chris powell for example, say to multiply your weight by 12 to figure out your calorie intake if you want to lose weight, so that would be like 1900 calories for me. But, when I inputted my info to MFP it only allowed me 1300 calories, which seems really low. Is there anyway to change that set calories by mfp?
    Looking forward to chatting with you.
    Thank you,

    CW ~ 160
    H ~ 5' 6.5"
    GW ~ 145
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    Welcome to the newcomers!

    Got my lifting in-and-done - my hamstrings are SHREDDED! And, I stepped on the scale. Literally, I am losing 0.1 pounds per WEEK. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Good news is - by next year at this time, I'll be down 5 lbs. Bad news is - I wanted that 5 lbs off by end-of-May, 2013. Oooooppppsss!!
  • solarpower03
    solarpower03 Posts: 12,161 Member
    Seeking early bird entry!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    I think we'll accept that you fit in here, solarpower, as all of our members have abs quite similar to those you are sporting in your avatar!

  • solarpower03
    solarpower03 Posts: 12,161 Member
    On a UD2 cut/recomposition that ends soon!
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    LOL at Beeps. Yes we all have abs like you solarpower. (looking down, I know they are there some where... :wink: ) Though I think some of us are still a work in progress! I have a hernia I am working on getting rid of thru exercise. It has gotten smaller so keeping fingers crossed that I won't have to have surgery!

    I hope you all had a good day and got everything done you needed to do!

    I am off and running early tomorrow so I wish you all a good night and lovely morning!

    Cheers :drinker:
