Could not believe what my sister did...



  • Christie0428
    Christie0428 Posts: 221 Member
    that is really rude of her! I am sorry she's not supportive! She may be jealous of your success.
    She's mean oh well. Would start mentioning other trigger foods then. Like sauerkraut, okra, cabbage, and other things she probably hates as well, she how much of the stuff she buys.

    This is funny and a good idea, but you if you do this, why not benefit from it and tell her some healthy option you like is you trigger food so she will supply you with avocados or salmon.... see what you can get from it at least!

    I also like the suggestion to scoop out a ton of it and throw it out or to bury the jar in teh back of the cabinet... or both. Although if she is trying to sabotage you she will think she is succedding and just buy more.

    Another evil thought I had ( and I haven't read all 12 pages so someone else may have already suggested this) is to out in a ton of mega hot sauce and stir it up... if she hates PB anyway she'll never know adn you won't be tempted to eat it :devil:

    seriously though as other have said, it is her jar, if you can be the more mature one and regard it as off limits because it belongs to her then all the better.

    GOod luck! Hopefully you can move out soon (not sure how old you are)
  • furniem
    furniem Posts: 145 Member
    Put it in the far back top corner of the cupboard and take the label off of it. Ignore that it is there.
  • Tara1090
    Tara1090 Posts: 199 Member
    She probably did it on purpose, but why let it bother you. This is a lifestyle change and you will encounter this again in the future, I am sure. Whether it be at school, work, family function. Its all about self control. Part of changing your lifestyle or dieting is regaining control and part of that is learning restraint.
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    We were having hamburgers the other night and we always buy the lean beef and I found that I can put a burger on a wheat slider roll for only 100 calories and it feels like a real hamburger (as opposed to bunless). Anyway, my husband thought I would really like the premade hamburgers with bacon and cheese in them! REALLY? I WOULD LIKE THOSE? UGH!!!!! Needless to say I did not eat one....
  • PamGeirng
    PamGeirng Posts: 165 Member
    I went on a diet with a friend some years back and she fell off the band wagon and I kept going. I lost 50 pounds. She worked for Baskin Robbins Ice Cream and she bought me the big 5 gallon tub that they scoop out of, of my favorite kind of ice cream. I didn't eat one bite of it. I let my husband and kids and friends all eat it. Sabotagers ugg!
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    I really just need to get this off of my chest...

    About a week ago, I realized how much of a trigger food peanut butter is for me. I can't eat it in moderation, and it was causing me to eat wayyy more than I should have been. So, knowing that I'm the only one in my household who even likes peanut butter, I decided it was my choice whether or not it would be kept in the house.

    So I told my sister about how I was going to give it up, and she agreed. She even mentioned that it was gross that I ate it by the spoonful, and proceeded to state that she "HATES peanut butter".

    And here's what troubles me....approximately 4 days of being peanut butter free, I opened a cabinet to find a brand spanking new jar of it. When I questioned everyone why there was peanut butter in the house, my sister told me that "I don't control what everyone else eats" and that she really likes peanut butter and "I can't take it away".

    I can't believe she would intentionally stock the house with my ONE and ONLY trigger food. I mean...really? She's never been supportive of my lifestyle, and it just feels like she really wants me to fail:frown:

    She is not asking you to eat it. This is your test and she is right, you should not be controlling what others eat. I have two Costco jars of cashew nuts in my cupboard that by bought by my SO. I am fully aware of the implications of eating more than my daily allowance, so I allow myself 17 pieces, sometimes 34 and that it for the day. Tomorrow is another day when I will be eating cashews again. This is call taking control of the situation, and not allowing the situation to control you.
  • RychelleD
    RychelleD Posts: 103 Member
    Donate it to a food bank. :) Than smile and tell her when she asks where it went.
  • sixisCHANGEDjk
    If she isn't going to eat it and you don't want to eat it, throw it away (or donate it as previously mentioned). Maybe she'll quit wasting her money pestering you.
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    Just don't eat it.

    IMO, the whole concept of "trigger foods" is annoyingly high maintenance.

    Thank your sister for helping you build your willpower - it will serve you well in the future. :drinker:
  • ShesReady2Live
    That stinks. Some people I think, feel threatened when you try to improve yourself or change bad habits for good ones so they do things like this or say off the cuff remarks. I'm only a month into my journey and I can't believe some of the things people say to me or offer to me. They have no clue. Just be strong and stay focused on your goal. I shared a cooking idea with a very close friend of mine just because I thought it was something yummy and a good way to get potassium. I take a russet potato, cut it in wedges and bake it in the oven. Better than having fries right? Well this person snappily says to me, eat a sweet potato it's better for you. Had to cut that convo short. You gotta pick your battles I guess right, lol.
  • Ralphone
    Ralphone Posts: 1,844 Member
    take the jar with you and don t eat it just to piss her off
  • jerseygirlmaggie
    jerseygirlmaggie Posts: 165 Member
    I think it will thoroughly annoy her when you do not touch the jar. If my sister ever did that to me, I would intentionally not eat just to piss her off.
  • Fredderfy
    Fredderfy Posts: 30 Member
    That's a bit mean and stupid. What I would do is empty the jar but leave enough to smother the glass so that it looks like PB is in there and then either fill it up with water (so that the weight is still there if she moves it) or something else.

    Or hide it in the back of the cupboard.
  • tjl2329
    tjl2329 Posts: 169 Member
    It sucks. My husband eats junk and fadt food. He even sends me to get it. Yes hes a jerk sometimes. We all are. Eat pb2. Thats what i do. 40 cal per 2 tbs. Dont be hard on your sister. Just deal with it. She is insensitive but right.
  • PhattiPhat
    PhattiPhat Posts: 349 Member
    Haha, pick it up with her watching, lick your finger, and just get yourself a raw fingerful right out of the jar, slobber and everything. Then put it back.

    Start making her unsolicited peanut butter sandwiches.

    Buy her peanut butter milkshakes. Everything peanut butter for her forever.

    Every time you cook, turn to her and say, "I hope you like peanut butter!" Even if there's no peanut butter in it.

    Meanwhile, develop your iron will. Tempting foods will tempt, but you can overcome if you work hard at it, and then your sister can't sabotage ANYTHING (whether intentionally or not)


  • Hi_Im_Jess
    Hi_Im_Jess Posts: 347 Member
    Maybe she's just a *****.. don't fight with her.. don't give into the peanut buttery goodness.. stick to your goals and don't let her think she's gotten the best of you. Even though it pisses you off, don't let her see that. Pretend its not even there. When she sees that her negativity isnt affecting you, it will annoy her more than you fighting with her.
  • Maggie_Pie1
    Maggie_Pie1 Posts: 322 Member
    Her sister bought the damn peanut butter out of principle... hoping to agitate her sister and instigate an argument. Whatever purpose she had for doing this doesn't really matter... what matters is that if the OP does do anything with the damn peanut butter and allows the argument to ensue, then she is showing her sister that her lack of will power is a weakness that can be manipulated to her advantage any time she likes.

    Exactly - she bought the PB to agitate her and instigate an argument. She's bullying her. I don't think standing up to her sister shows a lack of will power or weakness. To me, it's weaker to let her sister do something mean-spirited like that just to make it hard for her and not stand up for herself. She can give the PB to a shelter without a word, and if her sister asks where it went, she can say "It's gone, it's been eaten". Not technically a lie since it will have been eaten (in the shelter), but she can hardly argue about it. I grew up with 5 sisters, and two of them are exactly the kind that would do something like this. I know very well the sister rivalry dynamic, and from my experience, standing up for yourself is better than just keeping quiet and letting her get to you.
  • bugginmary
    bugginmary Posts: 44 Member
    If it is still sealed, donate it to the needy. Find a local church or soup kitchen and they can use it to feed the less fortunate. :)
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    We were having hamburgers the other night and we always buy the lean beef and I found that I can put a burger on a wheat slider roll for only 100 calories and it feels like a real hamburger (as opposed to bunless). Anyway, my husband thought I would really like the premade hamburgers with bacon and cheese in them! REALLY? I WOULD LIKE THOSE? UGH!!!!! Needless to say I did not eat one....

    Can I have yours, then?
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Her sister bought the damn peanut butter out of principle... hoping to agitate her sister and instigate an argument. Whatever purpose she had for doing this doesn't really matter... what matters is that if the OP does do anything with the damn peanut butter and allows the argument to ensue, then she is showing her sister that her lack of will power is a weakness that can be manipulated to her advantage any time she likes.

    Exactly - she bought the PB to agitate her and instigate an argument. She's bullying her. I don't think standing up to her sister shows a lack of will power or weakness. To me, it's weaker to let her sister do something mean-spirited like that just to make it hard for her and not stand up for herself. She can give the PB to a shelter without a word, and if her sister asks where it went, she can say "It's gone, it's been eaten". Not technically a lie since it will have been eaten (in the shelter), but she can hardly argue about it. I grew up with 5 sisters, and two of them are exactly the kind that would do something like this. I know very well the sister rivalry dynamic, and from my experience, standing up for yourself is better than just keeping quiet and letting her get to you.

    You missed my point. Taking an action of any kind is exactly what the sister wants. If she ignores the peanut butter, then her sister will know that she can't get to her this way, and won't attempt it again.

    The best way to deal with a bully is to take away the power that they have over you. The only way this can be done is to not react at all.

    And besides, the practice of ignoring the peanut butter (and in essence, the sister's hateful actions) will help the OP learn moderation so that peanut butter will cease to be a "trigger" food.