


  • RelativeChaos00
    RelativeChaos00 Posts: 33 Member
    I think quite a few people have missed the point the OP was trying to make. Are we trying to make being unhealthy more glamorous and acceptable rather than going the harder route and trying to make healthier choices for ourselves? In short, yes. I do not in any way care what another man or woman chooses to wear, that is entirely up to them, but I do care when our society tries to tell them that they shouldn't change anything about their lifestyle no matter how quickly it's killing them because they're normal and wonderful the way they are. While they quite likely are wonderful no matter what, being healthier will not change that, it will just make them wonderful for a longer and healthier lifespan.
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    Cute suits and I'd wear them now, as a 125lb person-very reminiscent of the 50's pin up styles :) Cheesy name but whatever, it's a marketing gimmick to drum up publicity and it's worked brilliantly.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I think quite a few people have missed the point the OP was trying to make. Are we trying to make being unhealthy more glamorous and acceptable rather than going the harder route and trying to make healthier choices for ourselves? In short, yes. I do not in any way care what another man or woman chooses to wear, that is entirely up to them, but I do care when our society tries to tell them that they shouldn't change anything about their lifestyle no matter how quickly it's killing them because they're normal and wonderful the way they are. While they quite likely are wonderful no matter what, being healthier will not change that, it will just make them wonderful for a longer and healthier lifespan.

    I think the point about it being none of anyone's effin business what anyone, other than yourself, decides to do with their life was also missed.

    People know being fat is unhealthy.
  • ncl1313
    ncl1313 Posts: 237 Member
    I think quite a few people have missed the point the OP was trying to make. Are we trying to make being unhealthy more glamorous and acceptable rather than going the harder route and trying to make healthier choices for ourselves? In short, yes. I do not in any way care what another man or woman chooses to wear, that is entirely up to them, but I do care when our society tries to tell them that they shouldn't change anything about their lifestyle no matter how quickly it's killing them because they're normal and wonderful the way they are. While they quite likely are wonderful no matter what, being healthier will not change that, it will just make them wonderful for a longer and healthier lifespan.

    No, we all got the point. She (and you apparently) think that clothing manufacturers producing clothing that is flattering and attractive on larger body types is just feeding into the problem that being fat is okay. It has nothing to do with the fact that people of all sizes deserve to have clothing that is attractive and flattering. We should all have to wear burlap sacks and flower print mumus along with our wideload stickers on our *kitten* so we can more appropriately be publicly shamed by society. It was crystal clear. Hate to tell you, but "fat" is far from being acceptable by a majority of society. The "fat acceptance movement" is more about being comfortable and confident no matter your size and not letting close-minded, hurtful people dictate how you should feel about yourself. Low self-esteem and constant derision doesn't help anyone.
  • allisonrinkel
    allisonrinkel Posts: 224 Member
    I was in Cancun recently, rocking my sensible, supportive one-piece swim suits. I felt pretty good about how I looked. I saw a few people in suits that I wouldn't have left my room wearing. On the one hand, I have to kind of admire the confidence, but on the other hand - they looked pretty bad with rolls hanging out all over the place (men as well as women).

    I can't say that what is right for me is right for everyone, though.
    I see so many people wearing clothing that is too tight, too short, too small, etc all the time. I see it on large people, I see it on small people. Proper fitting clothing is sometimes a challenge for people, I know, I have been there too!
    I think that people just need to learn a little modesty and try wearing items that flatter your shape, whatever it may be.
    In regards to whomever things that Obesity is a disease, I see where you're coming from, but I disagree. To me, Obesity is a problem that a lot of people deal with, but many times they have a lack of nutritional education or whatever that keeps them from dealing with it. I think that overeating and under exercising is a huge problem in society, but it is something that in the majority of cases can be reversed or prevented. I think obesity causes a lot of other subsequent diseases, but is not a disease in itself.
    Having been an obese person, it's really scary wearing a swimsuit in public. I think that if there are girls/ladies who would like to wear one of these cute high waist-ed 2 pieces, and are confident enough to do so, then I really have no problem with it, as long as it's at the beach or pool, and not inside Wal Mart or the grocery store or anywhere else where one would not normally show up half naked.
  • pikanchi
    pikanchi Posts: 72 Member
    I think quite a few people have missed the point the OP was trying to make. Are we trying to make being unhealthy more glamorous and acceptable rather than going the harder route and trying to make healthier choices for ourselves? In short, yes. I do not in any way care what another man or woman chooses to wear, that is entirely up to them, but I do care when our society tries to tell them that they shouldn't change anything about their lifestyle no matter how quickly it's killing them because they're normal and wonderful the way they are. While they quite likely are wonderful no matter what, being healthier will not change that, it will just make them wonderful for a longer and healthier lifespan.

    Not the point OP made. They propose policing what individuals wear unless they're at an acceptable weight.

    Tell me: for what reason should an overweight individual hate not only their figure, but what they're wearing as well? From appearance alone, there is no way of knowing what changes one is making to their eating habits or their lifestyle. Is there any proof that having access to attractive clothes will further an unhealthy lifestyle? Unless someone has lived in a hole for the past few decades, they are not going to be unaware that being unfit is unhealthy, not are they going to be unaware that being overweight is considered unattractive. What has not been proven to further a long lasting healthy lifestyle (as far as I'm aware) is body shaming and hate, and that was the basis of the original post: the idea that an overweight woman should live in shame until they're "acceptable" for public viewing.

    I'd be ashamed of promoting that point of view, to be quite frank.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Yeah, and why stop at bikinis? we shouldn't make plus sized clothes at all! If you're fat you should have to walk around naked until you can fit into regular sized clothes. *eyeroll*

    this made me chuckle. can you imagine the traffic accidents.

    i actually think those swimsuits are quite cute, they just look like pretty bra and pants. I too was expecting to see stringy things. I also think its rude to call them fatkinis. all these unnecessary labels we have.
  • kenzietate
    kenzietate Posts: 399 Member
    Agree 100%!

    People should begin to grasp the fact that obesity is a HEALTH problem, not a simple matter of looks and start treating it as what it is: A DISEASE that must be tackled and dealt with by everyone.

    I totally disagree with calling obesity a disease! At most it can be a symptom of a disease. Certain conditions and diseases and even medications might CAUSE you to gain weight. Calling obesity a disease is, to me, discounting the severity of actual diseases that can be life threatening and more. I have PCOS (a hormone imbalance that causes fat storage when eating what would normally be considered a healthy diet) and this has caused weight gain for me due to lack of knowledge of the proper diet. Up until I found out about the correct diet to follow I feel as if the weight gain was not my fault as it was due to a condition and lack of proper medical information. However, the fact that I still have that weight even though I know the correct way to eat (I am now actively working to lose it) is my fault. And that is what obesity is without an underlying cause. It is the fault of the person who is overweight (or the parents if it is a child). People make choices and it is their choice to be healthy or not. But don't demean the term 'disease' when it is entirely the fault of the person choosing to be unhealthy. By calling it a disease we are taking away this fault so people don't feel bad about themselves. I feel like this is a mistake and is adding to the "be happy with yourself even if you are killing yourself with food" mentality.
  • Snikkee
    Snikkee Posts: 295 Member
    some people are just have such inner issues that they have to judge others by their appearance and assume by a general "size range" that people are overweight and then have to make immature comments about it.


    Stop judging others and society and start caring more about yourself. You will get a hell of a lot farther in life then worrying about others.
  • Snikkee
    Snikkee Posts: 295 Member
    I think quite a few people have missed the point the OP was trying to make. Are we trying to make being unhealthy more glamorous and acceptable rather than going the harder route and trying to make healthier choices for ourselves? In short, yes. I do not in any way care what another man or woman chooses to wear, that is entirely up to them, but I do care when our society tries to tell them that they shouldn't change anything about their lifestyle no matter how quickly it's killing them because they're normal and wonderful the way they are. While they quite likely are wonderful no matter what, being healthier will not change that, it will just make them wonderful for a longer and healthier lifespan.

    Not the point OP made. They propose policing what individuals wear unless they're at an acceptable weight.

    Tell me: for what reason should an overweight individual hate not only their figure, but what they're wearing as well? From appearance alone, there is no way of knowing what changes one is making to their eating habits or their lifestyle. Is there any proof that having access to attractive clothes will further an unhealthy lifestyle? Unless someone has lived in a hole for the past few decades, they are not going to be unaware that being unfit is unhealthy, not are they going to be unaware that being overweight is considered unattractive. What has not been proven to further a long lasting healthy lifestyle (as far as I'm aware) is body shaming and hate, and that was the basis of the original post: the idea that an overweight woman should live in shame until they're "acceptable" for public viewing.

    I'd be ashamed of promoting that point of view, to be quite frank.

    YES!! thank you! point well made and well said!!!!
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I think quite a few people have missed the point the OP was trying to make. Are we trying to make being unhealthy more glamorous and acceptable rather than going the harder route and trying to make healthier choices for ourselves? In short, yes. I do not in any way care what another man or woman chooses to wear, that is entirely up to them, but I do care when our society tries to tell them that they shouldn't change anything about their lifestyle no matter how quickly it's killing them because they're normal and wonderful the way they are. While they quite likely are wonderful no matter what, being healthier will not change that, it will just make them wonderful for a longer and healthier lifespan.

    So if a person is overweight but losing weight they aren't entitled to flattering clothing because may be somehow, some way, cute clothing tells some overweight people to stay that way? So people losing weight should wear ugly crap so some other people don't somehow get the wrong idea and think that being fat is glamorous, wonderful, and not generally unhealthy?

    Alright then. Logic checks out.
  • StheK
    StheK Posts: 443 Member
    I was in Cancun recently, rocking my sensible, supportive one-piece swim suits. I felt pretty good about how I looked. I saw a few people in suits that I wouldn't have left my room wearing. On the one hand, I have to kind of admire the confidence, but on the other hand - they looked pretty bad with rolls hanging out all over the place (men as well as women).

    I can't say that what is right for me is right for everyone, though.
    I see so many people wearing clothing that is too tight, too short, too small, etc all the time. I see it on large people, I see it on small people. Proper fitting clothing is sometimes a challenge for people, I know, I have been there too!
    I think that people just need to learn a little modesty and try wearing items that flatter your shape, whatever it may be.
    In regards to whomever things that Obesity is a disease, I see where you're coming from, but I disagree. To me, Obesity is a problem that a lot of people deal with, but many times they have a lack of nutritional education or whatever that keeps them from dealing with it. I think that overeating and under exercising is a huge problem in society, but it is something that in the majority of cases can be reversed or prevented. I think obesity causes a lot of other subsequent diseases, but is not a disease in itself.
    Having been an obese person, it's really scary wearing a swimsuit in public. I think that if there are girls/ladies who would like to wear one of these cute high waist-ed 2 pieces, and are confident enough to do so, then I really have no problem with it, as long as it's at the beach or pool, and not inside Wal Mart or the grocery store or anywhere else where one would not normally show up half naked.

    "Learn a little modesty"? What does that even mean? What amount of modesty would make you happy, and why do you think anyone should care that you don't think they're modest enough?
  • StheK
    StheK Posts: 443 Member
    Women need to stop oppressing other women. Period.

    I think you're beautiful no matter what you wear. Except ignorance, that's really ugly.

    Yes :)
  • gabiinacio
    gabiinacio Posts: 124 Member
    Nothing to do with swimwear, but I feel the same way regarding clothing. For example the new leggins, with the holes all over them. I've seen women 300lbs plus, sqeeze into a pair of them. Unfortuantly there leg fat hangs out of each hole. Its unflattering for there body type. (The reference above is regarding one of my neighbors who wears everything that is way too small for her. I understand her desire to be hip, I as well wish I could pull off that look. But Maybe whenever i'm healthier)
  • onedayatatime12
    onedayatatime12 Posts: 577 Member
    1) That's NOT fat at all.
    2) OK the name? They need to freaken take that out. RUDE and unnecessary. Some people actually have metabolic disorders, etc. that prevent them from losing weight easily. Insensitive people. Also I think advertising to some extent does have an effect on people's decisions to lose weight/maintain their current weight but the human willpower is stronger, imo.
    3) Hm, if you are confident enough to wear it, rock it! Confidence is key I think. So what if I have a tummy? I can still wear a bikini, and I think I should be allowed to! But the problem here is with ME. I don't feel comfortable enough with myself to, so I won't.

    Not mean. You're being honest, and it may be taken either way. I agree that weight is just a number, and overall fitness is what matters. There should be certain goals we all should be able to reach, and maintain a level of fitness which enables us to accomplish these goals. Like walking short distances. Or taking the stairs without feeling too tired.
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    Never heard of fatkinis but definitely loving them. I'm a size 10 but have a high bf% and lots of belly from my 5 lovely children so these suits look ideal for me!

    Edit: Oh and the pants would do a great job of hiding my stretchmarks which on my short torso are 3/4 of the way up to my boobs. Fantastic!
  • zillah73
    zillah73 Posts: 505 Member
    I think people should wear whatever they are comfortable in regardless of their size, shape or weight. It isn't my place to judge and has absolutely nothing to do with me what anyone wears. Furthermore, I think that people – perhaps women especially – get enough fat shaming and have enough trouble shopping for clothing and swimsuits they find flattering and that make them feel beautiful. If someone feels beautiful and confident in a fatkini, wear the fatkini sister-friend!
  • jessizona80
    jessizona80 Posts: 108 Member
    I don't concern myself with what other people wear. If a 500lb lady wants to rock a string bikini then that's neat. If affects my life zero percent. Me getting all judgy about her isn't going to change anything.

    Can I acknowledge that her lifestyle is unhealthy? Hell yeah. Would I wear that? Hell no. But it's her life, her decisions.

    I totally agree with this.
  • Kettle_Belle14
    Kettle_Belle14 Posts: 246 Member
    I just have to say, those last 2 girls look much better in those bathing suits than I do in my bikini...they sure have a flatter stomach than I do!
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Obesity as a disease.

    Ok, I can see where this can offend the senses, however, I think it was determined to be deemed a disease so that the insurance companies would cover the cost of addressing the problem.

    Do I believe it's a disease?
    Complicated question....I'm still mulling it over.

    Do I believe obesity is due to ignorance or denial?
    Another complicated question....magic 8 ball says: that depends, ask again later.

    The point is, why paint a complex issue with such a broad stroke as to completely disallow any group of individuals the right to simply be without judging?

    It's really weird to hear someone say that they wish a group of people would just have the good sense to go hide somewhere until they either smartened up or looked more pleasant.