


  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    There's a woman who vacations in Hawaii at the same time as my family and every year I see her in her little leopard print string bikini. I'm guessing she's somewhere around 5'6 and about 250-300 pounds. She's also almost 90 years old, legally blind, and has to use a walker to get around. Do I want to see her in a bikini? Not really. Does her wearing it cause me not to have a good time while I'm on vacation? Nope. Do I let what she's wearing affect me in any way? Not in the least. Honestly, I applaud her. I only *wish* that I had as much confidence as she does. Or maybe she just doesn't care what people think. Either way, to each his own.
  • ASaxe23
    ASaxe23 Posts: 163
    Can I just say as a size 10 an occasionally at 12 can I please stop having to call myself plus sized or a big girl? I know I've got extra on my tummy and thighs and arms but I am no obese and I hate going to the doctor and having them tell me I'm obese thanks much you can go to HELL!! I'm not obese so shove it. Not only that but I'm working on my issues

    No onto the subject. I think eh I don't love them but I get why they exist. I think that they are meant to enforce the idea that woman should love their bodies regardless and they should. If a woman is a 24 and then goes down to a 4 but she doesn't work on her mind she's always going to think she's fat.. Look at all your "skinny" friends who are sizes you'd kill to be and think of how often they call themselves fat! That's the issue so if a bigger girl is happy in her skin kudos to her and we should all hope to have that confidence cause really that's what this is all about! Should she lose weight ? Sure if she's unhealthy and it's affecting her health!
  • SafiyaBWG
    SafiyaBWG Posts: 119 Member
    these look so great ! I had never heard of them, but, if I had before going to florida, I would've bought one ! I could totally rock these high waist panties with my not flat stomach... (and yes my profile pic is me wearing a bikini, because I like it, and Im not ready to wear an ugly dress just because people can't stand seeing my fat out of it's fabric boundaries ! I just lost 28 lbs, people, I may not be a model, but I can AND I WILL celebrate my new body !)
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member


    These are what you're all offended over OP? These supportive and lovely two pieces that, lets keep it real, actually cover a fair amount? Would you prefer larger women wear ugly swim dresses or perhaps sacks? OR maybe they should just stay inside naked, since making cute clothes in plus sizes encourages them to stay large, clearly.

    Whatever. I think their cute.
    the link to the article isn't working for me, but based on these pictures I think these are cute.
    What we consider "acceptable or flattering clothing" is in the eye of the beholder.
    While I am still overweight and would never ever wear a bikini, that is my PERSONAL preference and opinion about my OWN body. I could care less what anybody else does - if a 600 lb woman wants to wear a bikini with 15 rolls sticking out of it, that's her choice. I don't think these Fatkinis or anything like them promotes obesity or says it is ok, whatsoever.

    The fact of life is that there are overweight people in this world - and I think it is perfectly acceptable for there to be swimsuits out there designed specifically for those people. Just because it may not be healthy to be overweight, doesn't mean that overweight people should be forced to wear burlap sacks to the beach. They should be entitled to wear some "cuter" options just like all of the thin people. Being plus size for so long, I had a really really hard time finding a swimsuit that even RESEMBLED anything cute, that fit me. 95% of them are ugly and designed for 65 year old women.

    Regardless of whether a 10 or a 12 is considered "plus size", these suits are cute.
  • mthr2
    mthr2 Posts: 158 Member
    I'd like a smaller fatkini. The cut is adorable!
  • fullofquirks
    fullofquirks Posts: 182 Member
    So I'm behind the curve on "Fatkini" trend, there's always been two piece options for larger women but these are so DAYYUM cute. Just searched on ebay, somebody gonna be rich, these things are making some ebay seller some bank.

    (I currently have 2 on my watch list :glasses: ).
  • mahanaibu
    mahanaibu Posts: 505 Member
    I don't concern myself with what other people wear. If a 500lb lady wants to rock a string bikini then that's neat. If affects my life zero percent. Me getting all judgy about her isn't going to change anything.

    Can I acknowledge that her lifestyle is unhealthy? Hell yeah. Would I wear that? Hell no. But it's her life, her decisions.

    Thank you. Yes, we want our peeps to be healthy--and to dress however they want. They deserve to have attractive clothes marketed to them as much as anyone else. happens to be a cute style that would look great on slender bodies as well.
  • IPAkiller
    IPAkiller Posts: 711 Member
    If a 500lb lady wants to rock a string bikini then that's neat.
    Some things just can't be unseen :)
  • cathomer
    cathomer Posts: 88
    No one has missed the point, creating swim suits for larger people to wear isn't glamorising anything, it's creating something where there is a need for it. The models look hot, because they're trying to sell the swimwear, not because they're trying to say "hey, fat is sexy"! not that the models are even fat! Would you rather they had them on women with no make up, looking really ****, just so people don't think "ooo maybe I'll get fat so I can look like that", I mean really, do people even think any more?
  • allisonrinkel
    allisonrinkel Posts: 224 Member
    I was in Cancun recently, rocking my sensible, supportive one-piece swim suits. I felt pretty good about how I looked. I saw a few people in suits that I wouldn't have left my room wearing. On the one hand, I have to kind of admire the confidence, but on the other hand - they looked pretty bad with rolls hanging out all over the place (men as well as women).

    I can't say that what is right for me is right for everyone, though.
    I see so many people wearing clothing that is too tight, too short, too small, etc all the time. I see it on large people, I see it on small people. Proper fitting clothing is sometimes a challenge for people, I know, I have been there too!
    I think that people just need to learn a little modesty and try wearing items that flatter your shape, whatever it may be.
    In regards to whomever things that Obesity is a disease, I see where you're coming from, but I disagree. To me, Obesity is a problem that a lot of people deal with, but many times they have a lack of nutritional education or whatever that keeps them from dealing with it. I think that overeating and under exercising is a huge problem in society, but it is something that in the majority of cases can be reversed or prevented. I think obesity causes a lot of other subsequent diseases, but is not a disease in itself.
    Having been an obese person, it's really scary wearing a swimsuit in public. I think that if there are girls/ladies who would like to wear one of these cute high waist-ed 2 pieces, and are confident enough to do so, then I really have no problem with it, as long as it's at the beach or pool, and not inside Wal Mart or the grocery store or anywhere else where one would not normally show up half naked.

    "Learn a little modesty"? What does that even mean? What amount of modesty would make you happy, and why do you think anyone should care that you don't think they're modest enough?
    I guess I should have stated, but when I say Modesty, i mean I'm tired of seeing tons of young girls who may be really thin, but wearing clothing with their butt cheeks hanging out. I have a part time retail job, and it just seems like there are so many people who dress in clothes that show waaaaaay too much skin regardless of their size. I didn't meant that in the way that you took it, sorry about that. I just feel that if fashion wasn't all about who can show the most skin, things might be a little nicer for all of us.
  • leannerae40
    leannerae40 Posts: 200 Member
    fatikinis are bikinis for fat people. that simple. if a woman is a size 24 and is still comfortable & confident wearing a bikini at the public pool, then more power to her. if you are overweight and NEVER would wear a bikini until you are a certain size, then that is your personal choice. my problem is when overweight women project their own insecurities with their bodies on OTHER overweight women. when women say..."i'm smaller than her and i wouldn't wear that!" or "i'm her size and i'd never wear that!". fat women shouldn't be relegated to wear certain kinds of swimwear in order to look "flattering" or cover up. if a fat woman wants to rock a bikini, i say you go girl!!

    Another great post from nak1a on this topic. And I'll just add one thought: it's psychologically unhealthy to put one's life on hold because you're "too fat" for anything in life! The idea that I won't live an active live, I'll just HIDE FROM LIFE until I lose weight, is all too common, and an idea that is hard to recognize and overcome in oneself (I'm frequently guilty of it!). So saying that there shouldn't be nice clothes for fat people "because it just encourages them" is THE WORST. And the idea that clothes specifically encouraging an ACTIVE LIFESTYLE -- swimwear -- is WORSE THAN THAT EVEN.

    Go home, body shamers -- you're drunk.

    ^ This! Too funny...and very true.
  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
    I don't concern myself with what other people wear. If a 500lb lady wants to rock a string bikini then that's neat. If affects my life zero percent. Me getting all judgy about her isn't going to change anything.

    Can I acknowledge that her lifestyle is unhealthy? Hell yeah. Would I wear that? Hell no. But it's her life, her decisions.


    Also want to add that there are many factors that go into why a person may be obese. To assume that someone is not motivated or lazy because they carry extra weight is b.s. I know beautiful women who have dieted and exercised for years only to continue to be overweight. They hate themselves for failing amd that makes me sad. You may not love your body or the way you look in a bikini, but what do you have against an overweight person loving their body? Does the fat make them unworthy of self-love? Being healthy starts first with loving yourself. I don't exercise or eat healthy because I hate myself. I do it out of love for the amazing creation my body is. I'm still overweight by society's standards but I can guarantee that I am healthier than most people I know. I can also kick most people's butt in the gym. Why should I allow your shame of your body make me ashamed of mine? I weigh 184 lbs and if I want to wear a bikini I have just as much right to as someone smaller. You have the right to not look if you don't want to.

    Agree on both counts. I have a friend who has a thyroid issue that went undetected for years. We don't know the underlying causes of their obesity, their struggle, etc. And who am I to judge if someone feels confident enough to wear it. It's the rest of society saying that it's not ok that forces women indoors. Here's an example, I was having a garage sale and a young mom appeared with her young daughter (probably 6 or 7 years old). The young daughter was asking if they could go to the swimming pool later. The mom, probably a size 8-10, told the daughter 'no, we can't go because I'm too fat to wear a swimming suit.' Granted, that mother has her own issues obviously to deal with, but don't you think part of it is because the collective 'we' say if you aren't a size 0, you aren't worthy of being in public much less a beach? And what message has she just given her daughter - that our worth is tied to our size?

    Don't get me wrong - obesity lends itself to all sorts of health issues and it's something I'm struggling with, but if a woman or man feels comfortable in their own skin (again, something I struggle with) shouldn't that be admired as opposed to being mocked or labeled 'inappropriate'?
  • MichelleBogart
    MichelleBogart Posts: 126 Member
    If someone has the self confidence to wear a bikni or whatever, have at it! Good for you.
    However, it's not good for me...I won't do it and I never will regardless of size.

    Yep, that was my point. I wore a 0 as an anorexic and I STILL didn't wear a bikini. LOL
  • rowanwood
    rowanwood Posts: 510 Member
    Why do people persist on shaming people into staying in the house under the covers because of their own insecurity? Someone please let me why?

    WHY OP? What does it hurt you what other people wear?
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    Many overweight people want to look good like fit people, so they dress like them, without bothering to do the exercise and dieting required to actually carry it off. That’s why you see bulging bellies, muffin tops, strained bikinis, and other unfortunate phenomena that result from cramming into clothing that is too small.

    Of course people have the right to wear whatever they wish, no matter how ridiculous they look. After all, people-watching at the beach and Walmart would be much less entertaining if everyone actually dressed within their limits!
    LINIA Posts: 1,138 Member
    MARISAOM--- from Venezuela

    You wrote " In my country, obesity is a public health issue. I guess I understand people who are happy being obese, but there is enough scientific proof that obesity is the main cause for multiple diseases (heart condition, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc)."

    ????I think that is what will happen here in the US, the AMA is such an important organization , it should open up funding so that Doctors can address the issue of "OBESITY" during an office visit or check-up. ????

    btw -- the FATKINI is long overdue and the young lady designer is just so beautiful, i'll bet no one even notices she is full- figured.

  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    In my country, obesity is a public health issue. I guess I understand people who are happy being obese, but there is enough scientific proof that obesity is the main cause for multiple diseases (heart condition, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc).

    Just NO.
    There are plenty of thin diabetics in this world, it has more to do with genetics than diet.
    Did you know that uncontrolled blood sugars cause heart disease and high blood pressure among other things?

    You cannot eat your way to diabetes. It's actually a symptom of lots of things. Ever hear of MODY? LADA? Type 1 Diabetes?....all autoimmune and likely manifests itself in folks of normal weight.

    Don't take my word for it....look it up.
    I did.

    It depends on again as mentioned in this thread factors.. I agree that eating your way to diabetes is not the only way to get it but I know that's how my grandmother became diabetic and mostly more likely to have susceptibility to it.

    Don't take my word for it...look it up.

    I'm not arguing with you.. therefore, there is nothing to look up. Just sayin' everyone is different. Not everyone gets diabetes the same way.

    Dear, I think you're confusing 'diabetes denial' with ACTUAL diabetes.
    How people choose to deal with THEIR chronic illness isn't for you to judge. A little compassion might be nice for someone who isn't as fortunate as you to enjoy good health. I hope you continue to enjoy good health, as having a family member with the VERY disease you think she brought on herself, puts you at higher risk to one day be in her shoes.

    Just sayin.

    I think the only thing I am confused by is why you persist on arguing with someone who agrees with the majority of your original post. I have good health because I take care of myself - I could sit on my butt and blame my race/genetics for being susceptible to certain diseases but I don't. There's no need to. I take care myself. That is the difference between myself and her - if you could ask her, she would tell you the same thing. We are both two very straight up ladies. But I appreciate you trying so hard to argue what life is like for us. We don't have time to argue about what life is like for someone we don't know. We don't care. :sad: :laugh:
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    In my country, obesity is a public health issue. I guess I understand people who are happy being obese, but there is enough scientific proof that obesity is the main cause for multiple diseases (heart condition, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc).

    Just NO.
    There are plenty of thin diabetics in this world, it has more to do with genetics than diet.
    Did you know that uncontrolled blood sugars cause heart disease and high blood pressure among other things?

    You cannot eat your way to diabetes. It's actually a symptom of lots of things. Ever hear of MODY? LADA? Type 1 Diabetes?....all autoimmune and likely manifests itself in folks of normal weight.

    Don't take my word for it....look it up.
    I did.

    It depends on again as mentioned in this thread factors.. I agree that eating your way to diabetes is not the only way to get it but I know that's how my grandmother became diabetic and mostly more likely to have susceptibility to it.

    Don't take my word for it...look it up.

    I'm not arguing with you.. therefore, there is nothing to look up. Just sayin' everyone is different. Not everyone gets diabetes the same way.

    Dear, I think you're confusing 'diabetes denial' with ACTUAL diabetes.
    How people choose to deal with THEIR chronic illness isn't for you to judge. A little compassion might be nice for someone who isn't as fortunate as you to enjoy good health. I hope you continue to enjoy good health, as having a family member with the VERY disease you think she brought on herself, puts you at higher risk to one day be in her shoes.

    Just sayin.

    I think the only thing I am confused by is why you persist on arguing with someone who agrees with the majority of your original post. I have good health because I take care of myself - I could sit on my butt and blame my race/genetics for being susceptible to certain diseases but I don't. There's no need to. I take care myself. That is the difference between myself and her - if you could ask her, she would tell you the same thing. We are both two very straight up ladies. But I appreciate you trying so hard to argue what life is like for us. We don't have time to argue about what life is like for someone we don't know. We don't care. :sad: :laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    you sure told ME :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    good luck on your journey.